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-   -   What's on your agenda today? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5570)

Gemme 01-03-2019 11:41 AM

Today's going to be pretty quiet overall.

I slept late, had a lovely breakfast, played with the babies, solved a problem at work and watched a couple shows in the ole DVR already.

Next, I have a couple bank errands to run and I'm toying with running to B&N as they have 75% off holiday stuff. I don't want to deal with the traffic but I'm considering it. I'm also going to call and schedule a chiro appointment and an appointment with my favorite Geek tech as my printer is giving me problems again. It may be time to call it a day as I've had it for many, many years. The scanner still works but I can't print anything, so that's a problem.


After I get home, I'll do a couple loads of laundry and some house chores and start to get back into reorganizing this place. Maybe some TV to relax at the end of the day and I'm going to really try to get a full night's sleep.

JustLovelyJenn 01-05-2019 11:54 AM

I have a drag show today... its the one year aniversary of my stepdown as Ms. Gay Olympia... SO... the agenda looks something like this....

Fix coin top
Pick up and drop off current Ms. Gay Oly at her hotel
Finish choreograhy and practice for number
Put on face
Get dressed and read
Go home

... and then... Ma'am promised to take the whip to me... :smileywhip:

homoe 01-14-2019 12:40 PM

Shop for a couple new dress shirts, stop at the bank & post office, hit Albertson's and Starbucks!

Kenna 01-14-2019 02:33 PM


homoe 02-24-2019 09:16 AM

Today I will pour over the packs of pictures I picked up yesterday from Costco. I had duplicates made so I'll get a bundle together of some that I think my Chicago cohort might enjoy and get them ready to mail out Monday. I also have a couple of thank you notes I need to write out. I'd picked up a few items for my grandniece, who loves Chicago almost as much as I do, so hopefully I'll find a box to fit them and get that ready to mail out as well.

Not sure if I'll watch the Oscars live or just tape them and fast forward thru later.........:movieguy:

JDeere 02-24-2019 09:40 AM

Chat with the honey bun

Get ready for the week! Job stuff which means resume print out again

Maybe get lunch out somewhere!

FireSignFemme 02-24-2019 01:13 PM

Finish up vision boards
Do dishes
Make out shopping list
Catch up on a little reading

homoe 02-25-2019 11:43 AM


A trip to the post office, stop at the bank, pickup a few items I forgot to get Saturday at the grocery store.

clay 02-25-2019 12:58 PM

Dexa Scan...done....good for 2 more years now...:)


Hopey out to sit in sun...done...

Chatting later.......I love to talk to people! Luckily I am so very blessed with some really great friends...old & new!!

easygoingfemme 02-26-2019 07:34 AM

Work, and there's a jam packed day scheduled which will get more jammed up as the everyday stuff pops up between the cracks.

If I get out of work on time I'll scoot out to a board meeting that is optional for me but it's one I'd like to attend if I can get out of work in time to run home and take care of the animals and then scoot back out in rush hour traffic.... hmmm.

If I don't go to the board meeting I will come home, have a good workout, make some dinner, and maybe do something with my hair.

homoe 02-28-2019 08:37 AM

check online airfare rates, mail out a couple cards, go to the post office for stamps, start a new book, and nibble on a few pieces of See's......:eatinghersheybar:

kittygrrl 03-01-2019 01:36 PM

s/b savage

Kenna 03-03-2019 08:18 PM

Lots of chores for the next 5 days....to include hanging drywall, and several days of cleaning, pulling nails, drying, sanding and running vintage beadboard through a table saw to fix the broken tongue and grove parts that got busted when the previous owner did demo.
This is all depending on if the rain stops!

homoe 03-04-2019 09:25 AM

It's payday today so..........
I've got places to go and people to see......bank, post office, grocery store, walmart, etc etc but first before any of that, a stop to meet up with our company for breakfast.....:eating:

FireSignFemme 03-04-2019 10:23 AM

Pay bills
Pick up a few sale items at Fiesta Foods
Hit Walmart - stock up on cleaning essentials
Tackle stack of dishes
Return library books
Run a load of laundry, probably bedding

Gemme 03-14-2019 07:59 AM

On my agenda: eat breakfast, get ready for the world and venture out into it, run some errands, pick up a few groceries, window shop a couple places, go back and forth on a big ticket item I want to purchase, lunch with the fur babies, clean the kitchen counter off, fight with the bathroom curtain rings and cut them off if I have to (need to switch liners and wash the curtain but they won't open), do a load of linens, tidy up in general and continue to work on organizational stuff in between playing with Loki and Gracie because every time I'm on the floor with papers surrounding me, they think it's playtime. :blink:

clay 03-14-2019 08:23 AM

I will do some things around the apartment to tidy up. I have some laundry to do but will do that over the weekend sometime..it isn't much!

When Hope decides to get out of bed...lazy butted thing...lol...take her out, feed her, then putz around more online.

This afternoon/evening some of my closest friends are treating me to Golden Corral. Look out fish, here I come & a baked tater.

Sunday my new BFF is coming down for a few hours before she goes to a party at her parents' house near me. She is so cool & has some interesting stories about life to share. I like hanging out with her! She has 2 CD players, that hold 300 CD's, has a keyboard attachment with it (But I can not play it) & some other attachments she is gifting me with 1 of them. I can load all my CD's & get rid of the shelf unit they are in now...:)

Have a wonderful day everyone!

GeorgiaMa'am 03-14-2019 08:29 AM

Attend a meeting where I will do my best to stay awake, buy an airline ticket, compile some notes, return three phone calls, buy groceries, take a nap, practice some Zentangle, play with the puppy and the kitty.

RebelDyke 03-14-2019 09:22 AM

Pete keeps crying for me to come back to bed, but today...I do have to get some adulting done.

I have been work avoidant the past few days trying to catch up on sleep missed thru the semester.

candy_coated_bitch 03-14-2019 10:28 AM

Art, Etsy, some light chores. Oh, the dreaded social media. Gotta get my word out there!

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