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Starbuck 09-08-2011 10:05 PM

What am I thankful for?
I'm thankful for plenty in my life, I just have to slow down to notice it.

My vision, to see the pretty flowers
Sense of taste, I love Mexican food
Sense of touch, I love to feel her soft hands on my skin
Sense of smell, oh can she cook!

I'm also thankful for:
Triple digit heat giving way to early fall like weather
A roof over my head
A soft bed to sleep on
Central heat and air
The love of my family, friends, and 4 furkids
My disability check that comes from Uncle Sam each month
My disability check that comes from Social Security each month
A wonderful church that I can't wait to go to each week
Jesus loves me unconditionally, "for there is now no condemnation"
My parents are still married and together
My brother and I are close
My son stood up to my dad for me
We have enough to eat
We've had a bit of rain recently
I don't have to pay for my prescription medications (thanks Uncle Sam)
I'm no longer suicidal
I no longer self harm
One of my best friends is done with her chemotherapy
That the Sheriff tag on my truck has gotten me out of at least 3 tickets :)
That my EGD or upper endoscopy showed that my irritated esophagus had healed on it's own and no ulcers were found in my stomach :)
Versed - the med they used to knock me out for the EGD, me likey!

paintedleofemme 09-08-2011 11:02 PM

Many thanks to..
I am thankful for...
1. My family, without them I am nothing
2. My girlfriend, who makes me feel alive and beautiful.
3. My awesome friends who posts and email me jobs in our area!
4. And last but not least, my dog,Pookie, who is always so happy too see me, no matter how long I have been gone that day and likes to give me her little kisses,even when I do not want them!

crashhere4eva 09-09-2011 08:53 AM

I am thankful for
I am thankful that I found out the truth before she broke my heart and dreams of having a wife and a family...

sara-bera 09-09-2011 09:31 AM

I am thankful...
... for beautiful dreams.
... for really delicious tea.
... that the sun is shining.
... for music that makes me smile.
... for kindness.

Glenn 09-09-2011 11:43 AM

All the mosquitoes being almost gone because Autumn is coming.

MzzBehaving 09-09-2011 11:55 AM

I am thankful for my health, new friends, and a greta life..

clay 09-09-2011 12:25 PM

I am thankful to be an American! I am thankful for the land of opportunities, freedoms, and privileges we have...THANKS to our BRAVE, Selfless Armed Forces all over the world! I am thankful that THESE colors (Our Red/White/Blue) do NOT run!
I am thankful that I am able to love a woman!
I am thankful I am healthy!
I am thankful to have Internet! and the Planet! lol

girl_dee 10-21-2011 04:25 AM

I am so thankful for this past year, and past lessons.

I am so thankful for my health which has never been better (knock wood)

BullDog 10-21-2011 11:21 AM

My sweetheart, who brings me so much love, laughter and happiness.

Stacy 10-21-2011 12:13 PM

Right at this moment I am thankful for...
My husband, children, furkids, home, health, job, friends, community, chosen heart family, laughter, hugs, kisses, and inner peace.

MissItalianDiva 10-21-2011 12:17 PM

The list could go on and on. I am thankful for everyone and everything in my life no matter how minor or major they are or may seem. Even the not so pleasant things I am thankful for since I know they are just another life lesson and they continually help transform me into a better human being.

Soft*Silver 10-21-2011 12:53 PM

my brand new espresso make I got from a freecycler

my brand new juicer I got from my niece

the wonderful warmth of my house and the comforting sound of the furnace kicking on

the lovely lace on all my windows

the friendly front porch I have created using fall flowers, Halloween signs and gorgeous ribbons

feeling content and safe, in knowing my life is getting stabilized financially

my submissive

my good health (knock on wood)

a cleaned out garage!

really good friends and family who love me and I them

beef jerky! LOL

Abigail Crabby 10-21-2011 01:00 PM

Jo Schmooze - JoBear - DaSchmooze MyJo
First meetings
Gentle kisses
Bear hugs

Making new friends
The Reunion
Medusa and Jack

The Wee One

Femme friends
Butch friends
FTM Friends
MTF Friends

People in General

My job
My car that's almost paid off
My health that is improving

SnackTime 10-21-2011 08:59 PM

I am thankful for...
Family (including chosen)


sylvie 10-21-2011 09:09 PM

thankful for blessings, loving with every bit of my heart, BEING loved with every bit of His heart, thankful for my handsome Daddy, Mr. Mtn, our time together, our future together, our lovely children & family, our furbabies G & J, thankful for acceptance, for good health, growing confidence and self esteem, a new love for the beautiful girl within me & mostly.... so thankful life, period.. & appreciating it ALL ♥

little_ms_sunshyne 10-21-2011 10:50 PM

I am thankful for friends that lend an ear to listen and care enough to be a voice of sanity! I love you amiga!

scootebaby 10-21-2011 11:28 PM

i am thankful that Jo let me borrow the blow up mattress so i can get off the couch...hopefully by midweek i will have a real bed and cant start sleeping in my room---altho there is no cable for tv in there!

i am thankful i have medication i can combine that will help me get a good nights sleep(hopefully)for the first time in weeks

i am thankful for Gardettos Specia Request roasted garlic rye chips--they are so damn good and much better than chocolate--well in the healthy way at least!

Mel C. 10-21-2011 11:53 PM

Thankful for my brother and his sons for watching Jr so Pookie and I could have date night 1.

Thankful for Parents Night Out at the afterschool care so Pookie and I could have date night 2

Pookie for going on both date nights (f):wine:

girl_dee 10-22-2011 04:43 AM

Clients lining up to see ME !!! Wow!

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