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cinnamongrrl 05-30-2016 05:16 AM

Twice now in school I have seen a spirit type light in the classroom we're in...once it was in a far corner and the other time it was on the ceiling at the furthest part of the room from me.

The building is brand new. I pushed it out of my head and said I imagined it. But then a girl who sits in that area showed me a tattoo she got for her best friend who passed. It was her one year Anniversary and she got the tattoo to commemorate. So maybe there is something to it.

Gayandgray 06-04-2016 11:44 PM

So this is the second time this has happened to me!! Tonight I was driving home from work around midnight, had just pulled off the highway and was cruising down a backroad. It's super dark so I always have my high beams on. There is a farm house that sits way back from the road and they have a long dirt lane to go down. At the end of that dirt lane, on the side of the road, there was a young guy wearing a red hoodie jacket with a red backpack/knapsack on the ground beside him. Well I drive past and he has his thumb stuck out like he's hitching a ride. But when I glanced in my rear view mirror after passing by, HE IS NOT THERE!!!!!! This happened about a month ago at the same time of night. Well tonight I said WTF and since there were no cars behind me, I slammed on my brakes, put it in reverse and backed up down the road to the dirt lane to see if he had walked back down to the farmhouse. Nope. He just disappeared! I'm wondering who the heck is this guy??? Where is he from??? And where the f*** did he go that fast??? Creeped me out!

cinnamongrrl 06-05-2016 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Gayandgray (Post 1069538)
So this is the second time this has happened to me!! Tonight I was driving home from work around midnight, had just pulled off the highway and was cruising down a backroad. It's super dark so I always have my high beams on. There is a farm house that sits way back from the road and they have a long dirt lane to go down. At the end of that dirt lane, on the side of the road, there was a young guy wearing a red hoodie jacket with a red backpack/knapsack on the ground beside him. Well I drive past and he has his thumb stuck out like he's hitching a ride. But when I glanced in my rear view mirror after passing by, HE IS NOT THERE!!!!!! This happened about a month ago at the same time of night. Well tonight I said WTF and since there were no cars behind me, I slammed on my brakes, put it in reverse and backed up down the road to the dirt lane to see if he had walked back down to the farmhouse. Nope. He just disappeared! I'm wondering who the heck is this guy??? Where is he from??? And where the f*** did he go that fast??? Creeped me out!

I would research accidents and deaths on that road. Maybe he was a person who saw misfortune there in the past. And if you see him again...maybe ttryCAREFULLY to stop and talk. Maybe the fact that you've seen him twice means he has something to tell you. Just a thought :)

storyspinner70 06-09-2016 04:44 PM

I live in the mountains of Virginia...Any area like mine so rich in history is going to be rich in creep, as well.

My sister died when she was 7. Her spleen ruptured. She died at home after a fall. We were just grateful it hadn't happened when she tripped the day before in her elementary school hall. I was 18 and in college. We shared a room when I was home but I always let her sleep with me. I'd been sleeping with her since she was five and moved into my room from the nursery. She missed me terribly when I went to college. My mother had dreams almost every night the month before she died that one of her children was going to die. It was a different one of us every time. The night my sister died, my mother dreamed my lost little brother (mother had a miscarriage between me and my brother, but didn't know if the baby was a boy or girl) walked my sister into Heaven. The day of the funeral we released baloons. Carla loved baloons. One that said "I love you" floated in front of me and stayed swaying right in front of my face for awhile before it went on its way. I had to leave.


I have always had "dreams that come true". Just random, day to day things, but every detail is right. I know what people are going to say and do and where they're going to be. There are plenty of explanations - it's not actually something you dreamed before but a slight break in the way your memory works and it just seems like it happened before, for example. But I don't know. I choose to believe. :) Also, I'm never wrong about people. It's arguable whether this is intuition or an extra sharp sensory perception or just my cynicism cutting through people's bullshit, but again, i'm gonna go with the fact I have an extra honed sense of people's souls. lol


There's a graveyard about an hour away with a tomb that will not stay closed. They've done everything to it and nothing works.


There's a graveyard about a half an hour away where the devil walks. I'd say it's a demon at best, but the number of people who have seen him prove there's at least something there.


My grandmother lived near Lake Shawnee Amusement park in WV. There are cold spots right on the deteriorated swing seats, native american chanting, voices and sounds, orbs in pictures, people have felt touches, the abandoned carnival rides have moved on their own, there is the apparition of a girl in pink who was killed on the rotating swing in the early 50s, there is also an apparition of a man on the ferris wheel at the 9 o'clock position. The current owner left his tractor on the property for awhile because the little girl seemed to like playing on the tractor.

An exerpt from a short article:

In October 2005, the park gained national attention due to the filming of ABC network's Scariest Places on Earth. During their time there, a psychic that was under contract by the network, refused to stay on the property due to the "spiritual energy being too strong." Also, film crew workers would not enter the filming location alone at night due to eerie feelings.

According to archaeologists, the area around Lake Shawnee was home to at least two separate Native American settlements before European settlers arrived. The Marshall and Concord Colleges joint dig in 1988 found that the Indian settlements were circular in arrangement and the Indians lived there for long periods of time. They think the settlement was abandoned several hundred years before the first white settlers arrived. They found 13 skeletons, mostly of young children. There may be as many as 3000 bodies of Native Americans buried on the property.


Less than a mile from my house is the Molly Tynes' House.

In July of 1863 1000 Union soldiers left WV headed to Wytheville to destroy the train tracks. This would have stopped supplies from reaching Lee's army and other Confederate troops throughout VA. Molly's father learned their plans when they stopped to camp near his farm. Molly rode out that night to tell everyone from Tazewell to Wytheville the Union army was coming - supposedly waving her bonnet and screaming the warning as she rode through the mountains.

The house passed through several hands through the years, and there were the usual deaths. UNTIL...A man living in the home tried to kill his mother in law - now i'm sure that's not that unusual, but he had no idea afterwards why he got the urge to take a hatchet to his MIL at that time. He had no reason to be angry, but was unreasonably so toward his whole family for a period of three days. Suddenly, the feeling just cleared away and he was no longer angry.

Ever since then, certain people have had the same reaction. Some people are fine. No problems. My cousin lived there for a couple years. I stayed with her in the house. She and her family had no issues and laughed the haunting off as usual ridiculousness. It creeped me out big time, but I wasn't angry and didn't see or hear anything. I just felt weird.

A regional ghost hunting society - Black Diamond Paranormal Society - investigated in like 2011 I think. They found hot spots, what looked like a firey hand reaching out of the fireplace, cold spots, orbs, and voices and sounds. One of the investigators began feeling ill and had to leave the house. He says he got just furious with everyone in his life for no reason - even when he went home he was still livid at everyone and every thing. It lasted for three days then disappeared.


There's a house about 20 minutes away that people swear the devil lives in. No one has ever stayed there longer than six months.


There's a house about 15 minutes away that the owner will welcome you into. You enter a certain room, and something will call you by name and either slap or push you. Every person that's gone into the room has had it happen.

There are literally a hundred more stories I could tell you but these are probably way too many anyway...lol Needless to say, I definitely believe. lmao

Ascot 06-16-2016 05:33 PM

This isn't creepy, but I do think it's an interesting and plausible notion. No doubt we've all had at least one deja vu experience. I certainly have. That odd feeling of re-experiencing something, of knowing what's coming next, etc. A few years ago a neurobiologist on NPR was talking about the phenomenon and believes that when we have that feeling, we are in fact having the experience a second time, it's just a millisecond after the first time we've had it. Usually, both hemispheres of our brain experience something at exactly the same moment, but this doctor posits that it is sometimes the case that there can be an infinitesimal lag, call it a delay in the corpus callosum, such that the information/experience hits each side of the brain separately, hence twice. We recognize that we're having it again, but don't realize that it was from a mere split second ago.

cinnamongrrl 09-10-2016 08:59 PM

I must have disrupted the spirit I suspected was in my house. I've been painting and it's been my past experience that spirits become active during renovations. Not entirely sure why but....

Today I was at the sink washing dishes and I saw something out of the corner go from the stove to the corner of the peninsula. I was right there so I turned and looked quickly but saw nothing. I was thinking what a freak I was but then saw my tea ( which was steeping there) and the tag thing for the tea bag was moving.

I also saw what looked like my cat going out the door but she was on the couch. And there's been strange noises in empty rooms...so....yes the dogs can sleep with me tonight. Lol

C0LLETTE 09-10-2016 10:35 PM

Being asked out by Johnny Fleischman in Grade 9.

homoe 09-11-2016 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1091735)
Being asked out by Johnny Fleischman in Grade 9.

That little two timing bastard....he asked me out as well COLLETTE!

Gayandgray 09-17-2016 07:16 PM

This happened the other night at work! I walked into a patient's room, bed A was empty because the lady went home and bed B was empty because the lady had been sent out 911 before my shift started. I went in to close the blinds and pull the curtains since it was dark outside. Well just as I got to the window, the door slammed shut and the whole room turned cold as ice. I said "what the hell????" and went and opened the door. Of course nobody was around. They say the nursing home I work at is haunted, and lots of people, staff, patients, family, has seen or heard things. So later the supervisor told me the patient who went out was admited to the hospital, and I went in the room to turn the light out. A coworker was standing in the doorway while I went in the room and turned off the light, and as we turned away from the room to go down the hall, we both heard someone in the room laughing. We looked at each other and said who was that?! My coworker went back in and put the lights on and I looked in the bathroom but nobody was there.

cinnamongrrl 09-17-2016 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Gayandgray (Post 1093773)
This happened the other night at work! I walked into a patient's room, bed A was empty because the lady went home and bed B was empty because the lady had been sent out 911 before my shift started. I went in to close the blinds and pull the curtains since it was dark outside. Well just as I got to the window, the door slammed shut and the whole room turned cold as ice. I said "what the hell????" and went and opened the door. Of course nobody was around. They say the nursing home I work at is haunted, and lots of people, staff, patients, family, has seen or heard things. So later the supervisor told me the patient who went out was admited to the hospital, and I went in the room to turn the light out. A coworker was standing in the doorway while I went in the room and turned off the light, and as we turned away from the room to go down the hall, we both heard someone in the room laughing. We looked at each other and said who was that?! My coworker went back in and put the lights on and I looked in the bathroom but nobody was there.

I'm really glad I don't work nights. I can only imagine how many spirits are in my facility. Its been around since the late 60s

girl_dee 05-24-2017 02:43 AM

One day when i was driving home from work, i saw an old friend of mine, "G"..

G was a bodybuilder in his younger days and even though he was now in his 50's and gray, he looked amazing, but his health was not so good.

i saw G jogging down my street, which was SO odd because he lived in a nearby town, and his hair was now brown, not gray, and he looked young and vibrant. When i passed him i looked at him with confusion, and he looked at me and smiled, like "hey, dee".....

i went home and told my partner about the craziness of seeing my old friend, jogging, and how bizarre it was to see him in our neighborhood.

Well not long after that , my phone rang, it was a call to tell me that G had passed away the night before of a heart attack.

i definitely saw G that day, a day after he passed away.

akiza 06-02-2017 09:58 AM

it happens sometimes that i hear voices calling me i would swear that it was people of my family but when i verify it's not them

girl_dee 01-08-2018 05:20 PM

lately weird things around my apartment. Lights and the tv being on that i know i’ve turned off..

Before she died my dog would insanely bark at the blank space in front of her...

Now i’ve just got this completely empty weird feeling in here..

Just creepy

Deborah* 01-10-2018 04:25 PM

Years ago, I would take an early morning walk on a path that is located at a golf course. I liked the nature setting, and the end of the path became a small bridge over a stream. At this last five minutes of the walk (where it becomes a small bridge), there were trees on both sides, it was secluded, and the golfers wouldn't be able to see this area of the path.

I walked there every day, at the same time...
One day, as I was walking, when I approached the secluded area of the path, a man in who looked to be in his 60's, with a potbelly all of a sudden I noticed came from nowhere and was walking next to me, at my pace.
He started a conversation with me and I mentioned to him that I wished the path didn't have all these leaves on it (it was covered almost completely by leaves).

The next day, I walked at a different hour, because I was spooked by his walking next to me the day before.
All the leaves had been removed except for one. (These were big leaves, about twice the length of a persons hand).
It felt too eerie and I chose to not walk there any more.

Years later, I was watching America's Most Wanted television show. I saw his photo shown and them saying he was a murderer, and asking for leads on if anyone had seen him.

I mentioned it to a friend who is a retired sheriff, and she said he had been casing me.. watching me as I walked there daily.


Esme nha Maire 01-10-2018 05:14 PM

I'd point out to folks that I am very much a science geek, and do not 'believe in ghosts' etc as such. I simply believe that odd things sometimes happen for which we do not (yet) have the explanation. Here's the standout ones that I've experienced..

Thirty-odd years ago, and a good friend of mine is staying over at my flat; he was shifting between friends homes staying with each for a week or two, as he didnt have a place of his own. It was his habit to go for a walk in the late evening just before going to bed, and he invited me to join him on his walk one evening.

We'd walked across the grass surounding the flats and over the main road into the next estate with the intent of walking once around a park there then returning home. As we got to a green with a little stream and a few bushes scattered about, we stopped momentarily, chatting. I was looking across the green at the houses on the far side, the scene lit by street lamps. There was no moonlight, and teh sky was clear. We both gasped - the light level had suddenly dropped and remained down for about three seconds, the grassy area before us now appearing to be in darkness, rather than being poorly lit by teh street lamps by the surrounding houses. The streetlamps had not dimmed or flickered or turned out.

Suddenly, it was just as it had been before, lit dimly by the streetlamps. Neither of us had a clue as to what caused the effect, but he'd seen it as clearly as I, and to this day I cannot think of an explanation for that one.

A few years later, and I was going for an interview in High Wycombe, a town I had never been to before. As I left the train station, thinking I could do with a cup of tea to steady my nerves before the interview, I suddenly KNEW that just beyond the hump-backed bridge ahead - and out of sight - of me was a cafe with a white painted frontage with blue trim. As I got to the top of teh bridge, there it was, I could see it some thirty metres ahead, exactly as I'd forseen it perhaps ten-fifteen seconds before.

Nearly forty years ago, and I was working in an office. I had a dream in which I saw the pot plant in our office stood on top of a filing cabinet and visible behind the plant was a window into a small room - that didn't exist in our office at the time. I even remarked on thsi dream to someone at the time. Some weeks later, it was decided to move the minicomputer from the room across the hallway into our office, and create a little room for it in the corner of our office. The upper half of the wall facing into our office was glazed. Our boss decided to move the filing cabinet as I was doing my job of data entry. "There!" she said, having completed the job, placing the pot plant on top of the cabinet, in front of the window into our new little computer room - my jaw dropped when I looked up and saw it.

I've had quite a few instances of a sense of deja vu, most of which are readily explained by the notion that Ascot pointed out above, that one part of our brain is catching up with something another part has registered, but those three incidents stand out as being ones which are harder to explain. With the High Wycombe one, it's possible that my brain simply took a guess at what a cafe in that area might look like and hit lucky, but if so, its prediction was startlingly accurate. Even th dream - could just have been random luck that I dreamt what I did and it then came to pass - or something very like it. But that suddenly dark then suddenly re-lit green, I'm still scratching my head over. Any ideas?

cathexis 01-10-2018 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Gayandgray (Post 1093773)
This happened the other night at work! I walked into a patient's room, bed A was empty because the lady went home and bed B was empty because the lady had been sent out 911 before my shift started. I went in to close the blinds and pull the curtains since it was dark outside. Well just as I got to the window, the door slammed shut and the whole room turned cold as ice. I said "what the hell????" and went and opened the door. Of course nobody was around. They say the nursing home I work at is haunted, and lots of people, staff, patients, family, has seen or heard things. So later the supervisor told me the patient who went out was admited to the hospital, and I went in the room to turn the light out. A coworker was standing in the doorway while I went in the room and turned off the light, and as we turned away from the room to go down the hall, we both heard someone in the room laughing. We looked at each other and said who was that?! My coworker went back in and put the lights on and I looked in the bathroom but nobody was there.

It initially didn't occur to me that posting this would be worthy of doing. Just was a known situation in the ICU in which I worked several years back, but saw this thread while bored and this similar post.

This was a very busy ICU with a continuous flow of patients in and out by various means (mainly transfer to lower level care or death). On several nights when having the rare empty bed, we would see a heart rhythm on the monitor. When first experiencing this, I checked the central desk monitor then went to the bedside monitor to check for malfunction. No cause for this was ever discovered. It would happen periodically and I mentioned it to other nurses who shared that they had seen it happen before. It didn't occur on the same monitor each time, and it was a different rate and rhythm each time. We just accepted it as fact that since we had many deaths in our unit, it was probably inhabited by several spirits and remnants. None of these potential spirits had done anything negative to the staff. The only thing I felt could have been attributed to an unseen force, was a calm that would come into a room often where we were having a code blue. It felt like something took away the acute adrenaline response in the staff allowing them to function more effectively.

Orema 02-14-2018 08:15 AM

Once I had a horrible argument with my ex husband. I was standing in the hallway crying really hard. Suddenly i heard a voice say, "everything will be all right." And I immediately knew it was my maternal grandmother speaking to me, though I never heard her voice because she died the week I was born.

I don't believe in ghosts nor angels, but I heard her voice that day when I was crying uncontrollably.

cinnamongrrl 04-27-2024 07:30 PM

I’d love to bump this thread for some new stories! I’ll post as well. It’s just hard writing lengthy things from my phone..

Kätzchen 06-07-2024 08:08 AM

Yesterday at work, a coworker threw a huge hissy (conniption) fit, over a simple mistake I made when I checked out a client. She knew it was simple to fix on the iPad/airPad, but she kept up with her very bad behavior. But it all backfired on her because the client waiting on me during her hissy fit?? They gave me a generous tip for being kind despite the mistreatment by my coworker.

Clients waiting for me, who observed this childish temper tantrum creepy stuff, gave me really thoughtful compliments and tips, and one client bought a lot of products from my recommendations I spoke about during their service request.

It just goes to show that if you take the high road, and not get ensnared in another person’s creepy behavioral choices, then you reap the positive consequences of a very unattractive situation.

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