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LeftWriteFemme 07-27-2010 04:39 AM

July 27


This week I have decided to be braver about where I invest my time, not all of it mind you but a portion of my diligent yet strangely unproductive time. I have to say I am realizing that I hide in pretty much every area of my life and that is no way to live and a really bad example to offer. The worst thing about hiding is it doesn't keep me safe; it just subjects me to different evils. It reminds me of that poor reporter who was imbedded in a tank and he died from not moving and his blood pooling and dehydration, so the tank kept him from getting his head shot off, but killed him in a different way, so in the end he wasn't safe and neither am I. I believe in prudence as a good policy, I do, but there is much that could make me stronger, happier, better, if I lift my head a bit and reach out my hand.

Defrost things which freeze you in place



Because I even wore out my welcome
at the Mad Hatters house,
I can sit on my hands at my sponsors table
And listen, listen, listen.

If I had been able to make a place for myself
with the looking glass folk
I could never let myself loose my eccentricities
And join in the fellowship.

Going down further than a rabbit hole
I lost my need to chase or scramble after bunnies
For time or card tricks.

No more illusions for me.
I am awake and shaded
by the tree of AA branching over me
Sisters I didn’t know take my hand.

LeftWriteFemme 07-28-2010 06:31 AM

July 28


I know how to put my hands together, but I am unable to clap. It’s not that my palms can’t locate each other; it’s that I cannot find the beat. I sing; lilting rhythms rolling from my tongue. I keep time and drum the tattoo of jingle dress dance songs, but when my hand comes against its mate something is off. Faltering nuance plays havoc with my exuberant desire. I want to join the crowd in syncopated applause, yet my brain drops out. Because the gap is too far to leap I must walk around to the other side and by then I’ve lost the moment, the world has moved on without me. I used to think I needed to run my routine a little faster, but now I realize I need to learn to leap the gap and trust the beat to find me.

Engender your actions with optimism



Just because I own pointy boots
Doesn’t mean I can corral the cows.
I have in my possession many things
Of subtle intent but they can’t transform me.

The wings from Halloween don’t make me an angel.
The Big Book on the shelf won’t sober me up.
Nothing holds the magic to change me.
I can only change with help.

Action, action and more action
Is the magicians slide of hand.
It slides my hand from glass to grace
I don’t need to pull a rabbit from my hat.

TenderKnight 07-28-2010 01:15 PM

Just wanted to share a little maricle with this thread..

Last night I was feeling REALLY crappy after work.. Angry, in physical pain, and just in a foul mood.. I started repeating the serenity prayer in my head and started feeling better.. Then as I was repeating it, I spot an old man shuffling toward me wrapped in a blanket.. Now, it's almost 1am at this point and kinda dead outside.. I pass him and nod and he stops and calls after me.

I stop and turn around, ask what he wants.. He asks me to call 911 for him because someone just beat him up. I call and stand with him while we wait.. I don't think he was beaten up physically, but he was very drunk and in a lot of pain.. His wife had just passed not too long ago.. I got him to a place where he could sit down and talked with him until the EMTs arrived..

On the rest of the walk home, I was just filled with awe and gratitude, even if i was in pain and tired.. But for the grace of God go I.. I am very grateful for my life and this Program. I'm also very grateful for my reconnection with my Higher Power.. Feeling very humble and grateful here.


LeftWriteFemme 07-29-2010 05:48 AM

July 29

The Regulator

Face to face the clock stares me down. I nearly dare the mismatched hands to beat me at my part. Their never-ending round-house drops me to the ground. My foot work is no equal for eternity. Fancy days and star lit nights distract me from the fight I’m losing, directing my thoughts to what I gain. If I turn with the hours dwelling in the moments the clock and I are friends, no more mad-dogging, no time to lose. Time is with me till the end, it is not the death of me; it’s the time of my life.

Smuggle your sweetness out from under your cynicism



There is a penny in the bathtub.
I wonder who stood in there with loose change
Possibly confused it for a wishing well the penny was tossed in.

The stories I could tell, the hopes that tantalize my mind
Elves and leprechauns, dreamers and optimists,
All trundle through my thinking.

When I don’t know the answers
At least now I can look for the best,
The sweetest thoughts.

I don’t run to the dark and threatening disasters
I have lost the lease to my personal black cloud
The one which used to follow wherever I went.

I can smile now
And think of pennies from Heaven
The first drop landed in my tub.

LeftWriteFemme 07-30-2010 05:46 AM

July 30

The Acts of Hope

I cover my head when I pray in hopes that G-d wants me sheltered. I attend meetings to keep alive the hope that sobriety is the end of isolation. I talk to the people in my network hoping I have something helpful to share. I sit down to the blank page with hopes that HP still chooses to collaborate with me. I pick up my paintbrush filled with hope that color is still my friend. I inhale air along with hope that each breath is worth the effort and I am worthy of this life.

Take your inventory but don’t sell your stock



The duck looks fine sitting on the edge,
The rubber face frozen in a permanent grin
The appearance is flawless.
As long as it is not called to duty
No one will ever know.

Stay still---don’t jump.
When dropped into the water
This creature born for the tub
Lays on its side, one eye looking at the ceiling
The other straight at the bottom.

Floating is occurring but something is oh so wrong.
As indelicate as it may seem
This duck needs a big squeeze
No kid gloves and tender touches.

This duck has sucked in old bathwater
And misused ideas
Only a big push in the right direction
Will get this rancid stuff out.

Though the duck will get bend out of shape
There is no reason it can’t bounce back
That’s the wonderful thing about rubber
It is flexible and resilient
Even if it doesn’t always volunteer.

LeftWriteFemme 07-31-2010 08:20 AM

July 31

Charmed by Snow

Warm weather snow falls in fat full flakes; I am living in a world of dreams and sweet peas. Sudden dustings sparkle and surprise leaving as quickly as they came; yet the world is kinder now. Beauty is an ambush of the heart. My breath alters, accelerates, speeding me to a smile, an illustration of joy. Crows walk the edge of the hedgerow, prattling on as they do; snow to their ankles and food on their minds. I drive over the mountains discovering myself as the recipient, the receiver of all this great gift, this life.

Trek to the edge of your comfort zone and map it out



Lime with envy I built a wall around.
Love and hate are enclosed, brick and stone.
Rigor of extremities, the discipline of ages falls so short.

I make no in-depth connections
I coat externals with glue
Stack reaction and let the bombs fly.

I mix and crush old habits and bad ideas, make a paste.
I am setting myself up again.
Abstinence becomes the pestle of bludgeoning and abasement.

I am hard and I am hollow
Wounded pride, I subjugate my soul
My life is reduced to a powder, I am mortified.

LeftWriteFemme 08-01-2010 06:24 AM

August 1


Some days I feel like a porcelain doll; hard head, hard hands, hard feet and everywhere else is soft, gormless. I feel useless and act out my feelings, stumbling through a day of pointless inactivity. I know that I belong on a shelf or propped upon the pillows of a bed, not fine enough for curio or collection, merely someone of marginal decorative value. I have gotten away from the meaning of me, the thrum of G-d’s intentions and am trapped in this world of elaboration; everything is embellished and nothing is real. It is time to put my foot down. To feel the earth solid and right; to catch my mind and take it out of its greasy spin from what is descent. I am not a China doll and it is time to walk away from these purloined thoughts.

Wear a white cotton cord around your waist



I know more than I understand.
I know more than I let on.
I know right from wrong
Left from right, uphill from down.

I know you have my best interest at heart
I know I often don’t.
I know it hurts when I fall
But holding on isn’t easy.

I know that wanting is not needing
And needing is not enough
I know old thinking breeds old action
But new thinking is often wild
And requires two minds for review.

I know to look three ways before crossing the street
Because trouble sometimes hits head on.
I know that if life is the question, yes is the answer

RockOn 08-01-2010 07:06 AM

Good morning, Sherrie!

I sure do like this line in your above post:
"I know old thinking breeds old action." This is so true.

I am chairing our Women's 6:00 AA meeting tonight. I am leaning towards the GRATITUDE topic, knowing full well it will draw many groans and sighs from the ladies attending ... (LOL!) ... but that is where my heart is today. And even when I have been the groaner (many times) - it always puts things into a good perspective for me because it reels me in and causes me to realize what is most important. Funny how that works.

Have a swell Sunday, my friend!
Hope things are well with you.

LeftWriteFemme 08-02-2010 04:28 AM

August 2

In Plain Sight

When there is a problem, I hide. As the good places diminish I end up standing behind a pole. The trouble with this is that something always sticks out. I try weight loss, I suck in my tummy, I try to blend with the scenery. Once spotted I act nonchalant; “I’m just hanging around with my skinny friend; nothing is the matter,” attempting to cover with a casual aside what is apparent to everyone but me. I would be better off parading naked than endeavoring this piteous disguise. I can’t fool the crowd and trying to makes a fool of me. What I have forgotten is that clarity and diligence removes the target from my back and makes me invisible to almost everyone. When I solve my problem I solve this problem too.

Permit anxiety to drip off you and flow away



I make sure to walk joy home,
Not because I doubt her ability to find it alone
Rather because it gives me extra time with her.

I used to fear joy.
That I would be intoxicated by her presents
And lose my well-hardened grasp on realism.

Now I see that without joy in my life there is no realism
That it was only cynicism
Masquerading in its place.

Joy is simple and unassuming,
I often confuse her with ecstasy and scoot away in shy terror
Joy is nice to have around she is not just a party animal.

Sometimes I invite her over for a cup of tea.
When we are done I take the winding path
To savor every step up to her door.

LeftWriteFemme 08-03-2010 07:35 AM

August 3

Big Name

My name has a foreign sound; my head turns when it is called. I recognize this as training not identity. I remember teaching the dog her name. I called it while petting and praising her, soon the name was hers. Now, I think of G-d. Did we call long and loud enough to trigger name recognition on a vast intangible? Is this how we tagged and labeled the unknowable; assigned it a place on a shelf; somewhere to be called up from? Does the noise sound as strange as the syllables of my name sound to me? Does it matter as long as we answer?

Check for low doorbells and high expectations



Paradise is created when I collect paradox and live with it.
Paradise is the set of acceptance and suspended disbelief.
If anything is possible accepting what comes is less heart wrenching.

If I arrest my misgivings
Gratification in the voluptuousness of now ---is velvet.
Vague consent is a Hell of incapacity.

Fighting fiercely for both sides
Keeps the heart pumping and the mind at bliss.
I must work to embrace contradiction and happiness
There is more than one path to take
And I must take that one.

Tommi 08-03-2010 09:22 AM

Sat. Meeting in Little Rock:AA, ALANON, NA and other 12 Steppers
Friend's of Bill, Lois Jimmy and other 12 Steppers.
8/21/ 2010-Sat.

Hosted by Tommi & LeftwriteFemme

RSVP to Tommi for Coffee and Peabody location

I revised the time, so it doesn't run into the other 9AM events.
LeftWriteFemme will post other LGBT meetings in Little Rock, AR.

LeftWriteFemme 08-04-2010 06:51 AM

August 4

Sleep Tight

Did you dream? Sleep the sleep of faultless souls? Or twist the sheets as in that Gilbert & Sullivan treatment? Are night time wrestlings an indication of decadent day- time activity? Or is it all simply a matter of happenstance? Possibly something I ate? Thought? Wished for? I think to myself I should not have gotten into that unmade bed, should have made it up; the bed and my mind, should have straighten out the crumpled mass of discarded dreams from yesterday and started fresh, but instead I climbed in with it all tumbled and tossed, lumpy and coarse, no smooth sailing in this tangled sea. What time I save by leveling the playing field and plumping the pillows. All is not lost, there is always tonight. Sweet dreams straight ahead.

Throw the ball even if you can’t pitch it



When it grows dark on one side of transparency
The other becomes reflective.
When addiction doesn’t hold a flame for me
I see the true face of its results.

Because I know now the destructive possibilities
I must print the picture and post it on the wall.
For one day may come when addiction appears
As a light for me and the mirror will be gone.

I need to keep clear the truth even when my eyes lie to me
And my sensibilities catch on fire.
The glass can be the boundary or the tumbler,
The glare of day can be harsh or bright.

Light is forever shifting
I cannot count on shadows for predictions.
I must know it when I see it, chant it to remember
And hold hands and never let go.

TenderKnight 08-04-2010 05:29 PM

I just want to say this.. Nothing can lift my heart or my spirits more then waiting in line for cake with a bunch of older Queens and hearing them bitch about how big they are cutting the slices and that they want some of the GOOD aka homemade cake.. I was kinda feeling off during the meeting but standing in line and hearing that just struck me as the greatest thing in the world.. mainly cause I could see that they are just as crazy as I am.. lmao.. I wanted the good cake too!!

Tommi 08-04-2010 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by TenderKnight (Post 168223)
I just want to say this.. Nothing can lift my heart or my spirits more then waiting in line for cake with a bunch of older Queens and hearing them bitch about how big they are cutting the slices and that they want some of the GOOD aka homemade cake.. I was kinda feeling off during the meeting but standing in line and hearing that just struck me as the greatest thing in the world.. mainly cause I could see that they are just as crazy as I am.. lmao.. I wanted the good cake too!!

SWEET..thanks for the post.:hangloose:

LeftWriteFemme 08-05-2010 06:46 AM

August 5

What are We Fighting For

Instead of competition for dominance we would benefit from cooperation for survival. The struggle to become the very best destroyers in the world very well might make us postmortem champions. Why is it that the lions don’t work to eradiate hyenas? They could, but they don’t. Why not, is the ever present question on my mind. I have no answer as to why we strive to conquer. A thousand platitudes come to mind, but nothing fast or tight, nothing that holds water. So, the question remains; why are we hell bent?

Welcome help


I must be my own tattletale.
I must give my sponsor bullets to shoot down my disease
Anything I nurture and protect will grow and take me over.

It is up to me to choose if I will feed my ailment or my health
My life will be consumed that is a guarantee,
All things feed into others.

The direction this meal takes is my daily decision.
The bull’s eye can be hit if I describe the target.
The ending will be happy if the story I tell is my own.

LeftWriteFemme 08-06-2010 06:49 AM

August 6

I didn’t mean to make you laugh

You think I’m witty, well, yes, I have always been like this, no one knew quite what to do with me as a small child, but I have grown into this acumen, or possibly grown out into it is closer to accurate. I was dark witted when I was young, I think of myself as less so now, optimism is a blessing I have gained through the years, it feels good and I keep it close. I need to be a blithe spirit to travel the road I do. Tears have their place, I know that for sure, but I rather not go around with a puss on all day and all night. Additionally it is so much about perspective; you see, the honey makes the peas taste funny but now they stick to my knife.

Assign colors to numbers



I am my own hope.
The spring of willingness flows within me
And makes everything possible.

I am my own dream.
Colors and sprinkles fly in my mind
And mix with a sprites laugh
And make me enchanted.

I am my own joy.
Filled with wonder and delight,
My quick turns and ready mind warm
My heart and pink my checks.

I am my own prize.
New and exciting everyday
That I am myself, I win.

LeftWriteFemme 08-07-2010 08:22 AM

August 7

I Beg

The embarrassment of need is a haunting guest who will not leave. I turn in a tight circle trying to find a way to detach this wart and move gracefully from the site of devastation, but it looms large and overshadows today’s possibilities and robs tomorrows gold. What I cannot do for myself, the magic I cannot yet perform, stands between me and contentment, stands there wearing your face; touching my mind with your fingertips. I pray that you are not the answer for I cannot depend on you, but I think of you and the little bell rings and I am hungry. Desire is a gift. Desiring you is the burden whose shadow I can’t escape. I close my eyes to the light you emit; I cannot close my heart. All that’s left is pleading; please come home and fill me or leave and lock the door and let me grieve in peace.

Treat your health like your job, treat your health like your investment, treat your health like your life; it is



Marble topped dressers, dry sinks and wardrobes,
Stand in the auctioneer’s warehouse
Showing loving use and obvious value.

The hungry consumers peruse the merchandise
Looking for the perfect pieces
To fit their need.

Old men eating ice cream sandwiches pick their way through
The rows of tidbits laid out on the lawn,
Bargains to fill odd spaces and little desires.

So like out meeting places, people trying to refurnish their lives.
The cost to arrive may have been high
But once in the market is more than fair.

We reclaim relics and we use them as road signs and warnings.
There is always someone around to carry large truths home
And no one has to go away empty handed.

We bid on our own survival by buying someone else a break.
Time passes easily as the one at the podium
Recounts the rock bottom prices.

LeftWriteFemme 08-08-2010 07:21 AM

August 8

Stand Hear

The spins and pirouettes I have preformed in an attempt to avoid facing the music, were impressive but futile and ultimately delayed the beauty possible for me in this life. When I stop my running and turn on my heel there is a world of harmony waiting to take me for a turn out on the dance floor. Melody is not what I was expecting. I was so sure I would be drummed out of my life, not trumpeted in. My surety set in motion much of my convoluted activity and caused me great distress. It is high time I listen with eyes open and my reactions leashed; allowing the tune to introduce me to life and lead me to my bliss.

Let bad habits run away from home; pack their bags when you can



Don’t be stupid.
Don’t be crazy.
Don’t be anything out of the ordinary.

Don’t be angry.
Don’t be hateful.
Just don’t be that way.

Don’t be sad.
Don’t be mopy
Smile fore the camera and pretend for everyone.

I often wondered why I felt like dyeing
And it took me years to understand why,
Don’t be, equals = Death.

Don’t feel.
Don’t cry.
Don’t love
Life is about action, presence and content.
You’re wrong if you break the rules
And dead if you keep them.

So please don’t be Them.
Look back when you have to
But step out of the grave.

LeftWriteFemme 08-09-2010 04:46 AM

August 9

Pick up Your Hammer and Saw

The task infers the tool. I know this, yet I resist clearly mapping my insanity. I look into the well of my despair then quickly I look away, I fear informing G-d what I need lest the need be filled. I need to believe that a power will heal me, but if I am provided with the force of life, I shrink from the prospect. This too, must be added to the list of my emotional woes and mental shortages. This too, will be healed. I look at my problems and then realize, that like the moon, who pulls the water from dry shore to dry shore, solutions are installed in heaven and earth if I know what the problem is.

Experiment, start living a dream


Closer than comfort is willingness.
Comfort is at the skin
But willingness is under it.

I can live without comfort
But not without willingness
Both are unseen but felt deeply.

Willingness drives to the destination
And comfort settles me in once there.
Comfort is a gift like warmth,
Willingness is a gift like breath.

I have been tempted to let go of willingness
To hold onto comfort.
True willingness brings true comfort
Never the other way around.

No matter where I have to go
Willingness will take me there,
I hope comfort will follow.

Soft*Silver 08-09-2010 10:13 AM

Next Sunday, I am going to give my first lead since my relapse nov 13 2008.

How grateful I am...

LeftWriteFemme 08-09-2010 01:29 PM

Hey Friends of Bill, Jimmy, Lois and so on who are going to the Reunion,

I spoke to the GSR of the gay meeting in Little Rock and she explained to me that the only gay meetings are Friday and Sunday evenings. We had hoped that there were day time meetings that we could visit while in town, but alas this will not work out. So I purpose that folks PM me and let me know when they would like to meet. Tommi and I are morning people and 7:45 AM Friday morning has been suggested, but if there is a time that would be better please let me know.

Thanks very much,


LeftWriteFemme 08-10-2010 07:34 AM

August 10

Michal Rovner

I have numbered all the blocks in my ancestral walls. This has enabled me to recreate them stone by stone everywhere I go. It all fits to create the tomb I now have to learn to leave. I must change the equation and reorder the numbers allowing these rocks to be recycled and find a wonderful useful life as a stairway out of this pit of despair. What was once an edifice to lives unlived is now able to facilitate elevation, a restoration of a level playing field. It was not wrong for me to catalog the stones and there was no way for me to leave them behind, but nothing matches the satisfaction of using them to build a life, except for the ability to live in it.

Take a look at yourself from a distance


I was seduced away from my duties
As an alcoholic by the promise of sobriety,
Allegiance to my disease was sidelined.

Alluring stability and beguiling integrity
Curried favor with my desperate heart,
Pulling me from the arranged marriage of addiction.

How could I cling to the corpse of dependence
When sanity shimmered just out of reach,
Then not out of reach but within my grasp.

I couldn’t resist the golden flicker of life.
I had been bound to death
Unable to see an alternative.

My loyalty to loss and grief slipped from me
And I limped into the daylight,
Like the widow of the night.

I have been lured to my senses
By a love like no other,
The love of life.

Tommi 08-10-2010 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by LeftWriteFemme (Post 171352)
Hey Friends of Bill, Jimmy, Lois and so on who are going to the Reunion,

I spoke to the GSR of the gay meeting in Little Rock and she explained to me that the only gay meetings are Friday and Sunday evenings. We had hoped that there were day time meetings that we could visit while in town, but alas this will not work out. So I purpose that folks PM me and let me know when they would like to meet. Tommi and I are morning people and 7:45 AM Friday morning has been suggested, but if there is a time that would be better please let me know.

Thanks very much,


So, looks like we don't have many early risers in the crowd. Maybe some will want to just meet and do the infamous AA Coffee style meeting somewhere in the lobby/lounge, and chat. A meeting is were two or more gather, so, see ya'll in Little Rock..8 days away for U/s.

So Easy Does It, and get lots of rest and avoid screaming H.A.L.T. too loud. If the sights and sounds get overwhelming, grab one of us.


LeftWriteFemme 08-11-2010 08:27 AM

August 11

Hoover’s Fault

When happiness is hard work I have to learn to look for the lie. There must be a lie for happiness flows unrestrained when not dammed. What was built too far up river for me to see, dries out my once liquid existence; leaving me to flounder in the shallows. I can’t allow myself to flop in the muck of waters muddied with deceit. I will permit myself to look for clear bright prospects from melting glaciers and accustom myself to the invigoration of a life lived under a loving watchful eye.

Keep water near by



I can tell you stories to make your hair curl.
Death defying fifth steps,
Speaking commitments with microphoned podiums,
Sponsees with killer squirrels trapped in the house.

The courage and sheer determination
Needed to face plague, after crisis, after pestilence
And yet sober mind and willing heart these travails
Are surmounted and we live on.

Tears turn to laughter with rescue and remedy
How strong we feel as the cape is passed
When one time panic prone sponsees
Become the model of calm and stable sponsors.

Hoards of relatives at holidays,
Interaction with bankers, police officers
And all manner of people in shiny shoes
Are handled with grace and boundaries.

Porch loving skunks, children becoming teenagers,
Are faced with humor and wit.
Things which in years gone by would have sent us screaming
To the phone are now casual asides during after meeting discussion.

Life does keep spinning on
But we learn how to stand still.

TenderKnight 08-11-2010 01:35 PM

Hey all!

Just an FYI, San Diego's Feeling Good confrence is coming up. http://www.feelinggood.org

It's held during Labor Day weekend and is a huge confrence with a lot of GLBT focus. I'll be volunteering and if anyone else volunteers, there is a wave for the confrence fee. I believe that for every 4 hours of volunteer work you get the rest of the day free.

There are lots of things planned including speakers and work shops. I am looking forward to it! If anyone wants to come by and say hello or hang out, that would be pretty cool too.

Hope that everyone that is going to Little Rock has an AWESOME time and I hope that the AA meeting gets put together ok, I know that those kind of things kinda happen as they should anyway :)

On a personal note, I am considering going into a residentialprogram here in San Diego.. The more I pray about it and share about it the better it feels and I will take whatever the next indicated step is for me.. Now, it's heading to Point Loma for a TB test.. lol

Love and Light to everyone on this thread and around the rooms.

-Tony, who has 20 days as of today.. A fucking maricle.. lol

Tommi 08-11-2010 11:56 PM

Miracles Happen. i'm one of them

-Tony, who has 20 days as of today.. A fucking maricle.. lol[/QUOTE]


LeftWriteFemme 08-12-2010 07:27 AM

August 12

Seen on the Street

Sometimes graffiti improves a place, other times it degrades it. I now wonder; is this defined by the breaking or breaching of public norms? Or is it built from the intent of the artist/perpetrator? Possibly the pedestrian traffic or the light of day determine the difference between art and recalcitrance. What if all these factors flashing like a neon kaleidoscope facilitated what this all really means? What if it all signifies nothing other than yet another way for me to entertain my brain while avoiding work? I guess I better get back to the spray cans, I have a wall to cover.

Open your mind to unusual collaboration


The dream sobriety I envision,
The fantasy recovery I mentally construct,
Blows out to sea as so much mist
In the face of actual life.

Setting out sports teams, which don’t exist
Is playful and entertaining.
Trying to rebuild the principals of the program
Is a delusion I can drink over.

Finessing my network and pretending I can put together a team
On a basis of specialized talents instead of ground level willingness
Is like designing a plane without regard to physics
Playing only to esthetics.

Anytime I am redesigning
I must realize I am no longer participating
If I keep my head in the game
I can stay away from statistics and stop planning outcomes.

LeftWriteFemme 08-13-2010 07:45 AM

August 13

Phillips Head

What’s stuck in makes the thing. What sticks out is all that’s seen. I can tell so much from what is left out, yet there is much I will never know, can never tell. The twist, the give, the opening to variation is known, but never acknowledged. Somehow indecent if spoken or thought of too loudly, insinuation is ignored and society allows us to focus on what is held after or due to this act. We have built the whole world on what we can screw together, but we will merely hallow this, never embrace the fact until it falls apart. Then we exclaim over the rawness of how it caused us to be turned around, the risk and wrongness, ignoring just how much good can come from just a simple screw.

Acknowledge rain clouds as puddles on lay-away



The manicurist at the meeting sits and does her nails.
The discussion goes on around her as she files away.
Cell phones go off for people
Who can’t put their lives on hold for their sobriety.

The knitter knits.
And the dissenters dissent.
The chatting chickens and grumbling grouse
All these populate the meeting.

It has taken the first half of the hour
To take everyone else’s inventory.
I have the remaining thirty to take my own.

Tommi 08-13-2010 08:02 AM

23 Years One Day At A Time

23 YEARS LeftWriteFemme

LeftWriteFemme 08-13-2010 08:33 AM

Thank you, Daddy! I am so very grateful to be sober. This has been a great year for me and I am so looking forward to the year coming up. Thank you for being sober with me and thank you even more for leading the way!

all my love,

the girl


Originally Posted by Tommi (Post 174136)

Bootsandheels 08-13-2010 10:01 AM

Grateful member...
Hi All,
I'm new and I have 9 yrs and 5 mos. sober by the grace of my HP and the program! Nice to meet you all and thanks for starting this thread. I managed to stay sober through a breakup this year with an ex who went back out with the same amount of time and is still out...This is a killer disease.
So grateful to still be here...



LeftWriteFemme 08-13-2010 10:08 AM

Welcome and congratulations!!!!!


Originally Posted by Bootsandheels (Post 174209)
Hi All,
I'm new and I have 9 yrs and 5 mos. sober by the grace of my HP and the program! Nice to meet you all and thanks for starting this thread. I managed to stay sober through a breakup this year with an ex who went back out with the same amount of time and is still out...This is a killer disease.
So grateful to still be here...



Greyson 08-13-2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bootsandheels (Post 174209)
Hi All,
I'm new and I have 9 yrs and 5 mos. sober by the grace of my HP and the program! Nice to meet you all and thanks for starting this thread. I managed to stay sober through a breakup this year with an ex who went back out with the same amount of time and is still out...This is a killer disease.
So grateful to still be here...



Again, welcome to the Planet and congrats on your progress in recovery. Yes, I know sometimes as my years of sobriety roll by, I can forget just how devestating addiction to alcohol and/or drugs can be.

LeftWriteFemme 08-14-2010 08:28 AM

August 14

Participant Observer

Underneath it all I am more than naked; I am hidden by exposure. My body can never be as nude as life with you in my thoughts. My mind is a polygraph you wander through. I have determined this is more than safe and unlock the closets. You are not my warden looking for contraband, nor the janitor looking for trash, you are here, you are my friend having a better look around simply to know me better and to love me well. Your unfamiliar stride is exciting, I show off the places I long for you to see and stand aside from the rest, it is all yours to look through. I do not resist. You are my peaceful guardian; I am your willing charge.

Sit with impatience and sooth it



Sobriety is the Santa Clause that brings delightful gifts
Which make me smile.
Recovery is the Gene
Which comes from staying out of bottles.
The Jin makes treasure possible
But doesn’t bring it to the door.

The ads and billboards of illusion built a world of booze
But no hope for a real life.
I have learned to turn from all the lies of picking up
And live in the possibilities which open
Only when I put down the drink and the thinking.

I don’t need to pin up stockings
Or rub lamps, just take direction
And make willingness my campaign.

LeftWriteFemme 08-15-2010 07:35 AM

August 15

The Dark Fantastic

When the tornado touches down worry ends; the anticipation is over and thought stops. Tragedy is funny that way. In the aftermath I find out what mattered and what didn’t; whether I have helped or injured myself trying to plan for the worst. I fail to realize there are cloud filled days when nothing happens and days when trouble comes from out of the blue. What matters ultimately is if I was happy yesterday all the way into today until the thunder struck. Greed is not: living for today; greed is my attempt at gathering the future while dragging the past.

Compel your brilliance to shine



The falling leaves slap my hand
As I ride the road a fifty mile per
My arm dangling.

Exposed they stand stark,
Stripped naked to the soul.
The growth of this years yearnings on the fringe.

I can follow this lead
Remove pretence not clothing
Stand before all who have an interest in seeing me.

Unashamed of my wants and the things I reach for
I can cast off the uniform of evolution
And enjoy a long winter of truth.

LeftWriteFemme 08-16-2010 07:46 AM

August 16

Single Serving Sterling

When the menu of life feels vast I must focus on my teaspoon; a simple tool that fits well in my hand, whose use I well understand. The possibilities conceived when I ponder the intangibles conspire to suck me down the rabbit-hole where all that’s left to me is a drug. When I come back to stir my tea and lick the spoon clean the world revolves around me and without need of my completed unified theory. Need looms, loss stacks, salvation keeps a steady distance, my only hope is to drink my tea, I shan’t even sharpen my spoon; I can and need to stay out of my fear built prison and off the streets of hell. My task is at hand and the size of the scoop is a reminder to take all of life in small doses.

Treat hope as a living thing; feed its hunger, quench its thirst



Gravity is always in effect
But invoke the laws of lift
And you can make a stone fly.

I have no gills
But strap on a tank and rebreather
And I can share space with the sharks.

Given enough willingness and step work
I can walk through the world sober
Though every cell of my body is alcoholic.

The laws of nature are fluid
When I flow with them I can keep my goals.
Instant gratification is often my stumbling block.

Gaining access to my far-flung desires
Is not impossible
But it is also not immediate.

LeftWriteFemme 08-17-2010 03:58 AM

August 17

Go where it’s warm

The intangible rightness of cohesion is difficult to explain. What is it that makes a group congregating into a congregation? What makes a rag tag tousle into a home group? It is the thing I yearn for, but dare not chase. I know this too makes a grub into a butterfly, yet private transformation seems necessary, where the change of masses is gratuitous. A thousand geese fly overhead; arrows of individual miracles, pointing the way to the meaning of it all.

Score your rhythm so you can reflect the music of your soul



What about the dreamer?
What about her, responds my sponsor.
You ask me about her like I was the one
Who pushed her off the cliff.

Are you saying I pushed her,
I questioned my sponsor.
Yes, that is just what I am saying.
Do you need me to sing it?

You wanted the dreamer to fly off,
To safety and happiness
And wanted her to take you with her.
In an attempt to grab hold of her ankles
And propel her to heaven
You threw her off the precipice.

Now she is broken and bleeding
Far from your sight
Your dreamer is damaged
And you ask about her?

Do you want to know what you did
And how to remedy it
Or were you looking to duck responsibility?


TenderKnight 08-17-2010 03:55 PM

OK, first off, welcome to the folks that are new to the thread and Congrats to you, LeftWriteFemme on your milestone :)

Now, I need to share this because I could use some advice.. I went to meet with the intake person for the treatment program that I'm wanting to get into. It is a LGBT focused rehab and a residential program. I was told that I would probably have to be housed with the females.. Even though I am trans and have been on hormones for over a year now. She asked if I had had surgury and I said no.. This seemed to emply for her that it was natural that I'd be in with the girls.

I know transwomen that have been through the residential program and were not forced to be with the men. I guess I am the first FTM that they have had to deal with. On learning this I am now really stressed out and pretty depressed. The thought of being housed and treated as a woman after all these years of fighting to be seen and treated as a man in the recovery community, it is making me sick. I am going to talk with my sponcer about it and I am looking into getting an advocate, but jesus, this is a blow for me right now.

Not to mention the 2 to 3 month waiting list for women.. The one for men is shorter.. That part just fucking pisses me off to no end. All that aside, I know that I need treatment. I know that my sobriety means life and death for me, literally. My job means nothing, my apartment means nothing.. I am willing and ready to drop it all in order to get the help that I need.. But I can't help but feel that I have just been descriminated against and it hurts deeply.

As I said, I am talking about this with my support system here in real time, I am going to meetings and not using, but fuck.. It's friggin hard for me right now.. I just feel pretty hopeless in a lot of ways. Blah.. This too shall pass and I am taking it minute by minute right now.. Looking and getting lots of AA hugs, but I still feel like my ass is about to fall off and I feel lost.

*sighs* Venting here.. Will be ok, going to see about staying with my sponcer tonight, being alone right now isn't looking too good..

Love and Light,

LeftWriteFemme 08-18-2010 06:25 AM

August 18

Blind Man’s Bluff

Turning your head to see doesn’t help when you have a blind eye. All the rotation in the world won’t restore your sight. Addressing life problems with a solution involving spin is counter productive and sometimes counter clockwise to boot. If I find I just can’t see, then maybe it’s time to listen better and compensate for my shortcoming through some other action. Turning away doesn’t help and walking away is worse. When I am blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other stepping up to the plate may not be an option, but I still need to find a way to stay in the game.

Molt bad ideas


My public privacy is protected
By my smile not my scowl.
Maintaining boundaries as I travel
The common areas of life
Is more readily accomplished
By a pleasant demeanor than a dark stare.

I have used negative attitude
And found myself outside of my own protection.
The buoyancy of my manner keeps surface tension
A natural and acceptable reality.
Hooded behavior drags every interaction
Into suspicion.

When I make part of my business
To put others at ease
It is easier for me to persevere
My business as my own.

LeftWriteFemme 08-19-2010 08:32 AM

August 19

Endlessly Moving Maps

I try to survive by memorizing the chaos. I do well up to five layers deep and then lose it, as the details become too great. I am staking my life on my ability to track the patterns in a storm while at the same time treading water. I think this skill kept life and breathe in me for many years, but now I fear I’ll drown in this roiling mass. I must touch down my tender toes and learn to walk this twisting path and keep a pace with this spinning world. Everything moves and I am overwhelmed. I have forgotten my flesh and blood nature; have mistaken myself for a stone, one which dare not roll, one which has no part in this endlessly moving map.

Be honest with your toes



Satisfaction is like a marble in my pocket.
Formed when correctness was still red hot
And my sponsor rolled my mind until I was whole.

I sigh and square my shoulders
I know I am up to any task.
I am skilled with my tools and know well the talents
Of my intimates and helpmates.

I am not invincible but I am capable.
I value who and what I am today.
I sleep the sleep of a person
Not a hostage or captor, I am me.

I have a marble in my pocket
And it reminds me of the world.
I have a world within me
Knowing how to live with that
Is a great satisfaction.

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