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Stone-Butch 05-04-2024 08:26 PM

Randomly Posting Stuff
It is nice to have lots of birds and squirrels and other wildlife around. BUT we got a notice of the lastest law in Ontario. NO feeding any wildlife unless it is little birds and the food must be protected from squirrels. I guess that means racoons too. Skunks can't climb so they are safe. I will be in a position to become a lawbreaker for the first time in my life except a speeding ticket or two. I refuse to stop feeding the fur babies for anyone. They are use to being fed so they look for it.

nhplowboi 05-07-2024 09:21 AM

Why do I think Donald is not napping today? LOL

Kätzchen 05-07-2024 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by nhplowboi (Post 1297064)
Why do I think Donald is not napping today? LOL

He’s probably wearing satin pajamas and thinking about x-rated/r-rated pictures while drinking coffee and getting his sharpie ready for use. ??? :|

nhplowboi 05-07-2024 10:51 AM

OK.......that made me laugh out loud!
He's such an idiot and I think Stormy may have swamped his boat!

Originally Posted by Kätzchen (Post 1297065)
He’s probably wearing satin pajamas and thinking about x-rated/r-rated pictures while drinking coffee and getting his sharpie ready for use. ??? :|

nhplowboi 05-14-2024 06:14 AM

I hope all those Republican sycophants traveling to NY to stand outside the courthouse and get some free TV time while supporting djt and vying for that Vice Presidential position, are doing it on their own dime. I think they should all read Rick Wilson's book "Everything Trump Touches Dies" and think long and hard about what they are doing and how it might affect the future of their political careers.

Kätzchen 05-14-2024 09:03 AM

Please save America: Vote Blue for Democracy

Originally Posted by nhplowboi (Post 1297140)
I hope all those Republican sycophants traveling to NY to stand outside the courthouse and get some free TV time while supporting djt and vying for that Vice Presidential position, are doing it on their own dime. I think they should all read Rick Wilson's book "Everything Trump Touches Dies" and think long and hard about what they are doing and how it might affect the future of their political careers.

I had no idea there was a book published about the T——p effect.

The saddest part of all is that that former president is still collecting from the impoverished American tax base (the collective ‘dime’).

And,,,, if everything that he touches dies (proverbially), then does this mean our country dies too???

I hope not. But it could very well happen due to those who enable and keep perpetuating into pertuity the same big lie they’ve been cultivating for years.

Thankfully, people who care about telling the truth and demonstrating what a good moral compass looks like have shown up to make sure they are not associated with T——p: Like, Geoff Duncan, Lt Gov of Georgia — right? Geoff is the polar opposite of T——p.

Where is Liz Cheney? I don’t agree with her Republican ideology either but you gotta give these particular Republicans kudos for standing up against the rising tide of crime within their own ranks of the GOP.

Same for Democrats who stand tall and don’t accept bribes.

We need to make sure both the HOUSE and the SENATE are occupied and controlled by Democrats. Hakeem Jeffries has been instrumental in leading democrats since the departure of former House Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi.

Thanks for your post today, nhplowboi. Appreciate your take on what is going on in our country.

A. Spectre 05-14-2024 09:51 AM

Mike Johnson
is a groupie for trump at the courthouse today. When your family is too busy running businesses to the ground, getting work done on their 'kidneys', murdering elephants and giraffe, you have to send in the 3 transactional pals you have.

Let us not forget Johnson was one of 147 Republicans who voted to overturn the election.

The movie Idiocracy anybody?

Kätzchen 05-21-2024 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by A. Spectre (Post 1297143)
is a groupie for trump at the courthouse today. When your family is too busy running businesses to the ground, getting work done on their 'kidneys', murdering elephants and giraffe, you have to send in the 3 transactional pals you have.

Let us not forget Johnson was one of 147 Republicans who voted to overturn the election.

The movie Idiocracy anybody?

Well, my friend, I can hardly believe that this tragic situation our country faces can be reduced to something as simple as idiocy. But I totally get the meaning of the movie reference.

I read an Op-Ed by a resident of Berlin over on CNN, this morning. People in Germany see the exact same thing that happened years ago when Hitler used his diabolical charisma to get others to do his bidding. They are scared sick that this will happen again. And they aren’t fooled by T——p’s rhetoric or his law breaking members of congress. Make no mistake: if people let this diabolical madman and his cronies near the levers of political power to overtake America, then big trouble will commence across the world in ways no one can escape.

Can you believe the chaos king’s choices in court this past 20 days???

Thank heavens for New Yorkers who represented courtside and demonstrated how this criminal case is not about lying about having sex with a pornstar. It’s about his insatiable ability to lie lie lie and lie lie lie so he can deny deny deny what we all know to be the unvarnished truth: it’s about Election Interference and destabilizing our country and democracy. It’s “for the people, by the people” ….

May the unvarnished truth prevail and may the entire American electorate show the world that there is no future that includes T——p. May he rest in jail for the rest of his life.

That’s how I feel about that individual. Once American society rejects the orange monster, we will all breathe a bit better. But it won’t be over until all the people in positions of power who fall behind him, in rank and file, are removed from their posts as well.

Orema 05-29-2024 04:51 AM

Fabulous Fashions from the Cannes Film Festival





nhplowboi 05-30-2024 03:46 PM

How appropriate djt is found guilty on May 30th, the true Memorial Day. Not only has the jury spoken, so have all the fallen heroes spoken, the ones you called suckers and losers and it was appropriately done so on their most sacred day. God bless America!

Kätzchen 06-02-2024 10:23 PM

Stone-Butch 06-03-2024 05:48 PM

Randomly Posting Stuff

Ivan Coyote on Femmes

Bèsame* 06-13-2024 04:39 PM

nhplowboi 06-15-2024 09:09 AM

Greenfield Pride today! I was thinking of hitting the parade but now I think I will just settle for the afternoon dance. I might be paraded out at my age but not danced out! Happy Pride everyone!

Stone-Butch 06-20-2024 10:27 PM

Randomly Posting Stuff
The Strawberry Moon will shine bright and low this Saturday June 22. Should see it Friday June 21 but not quite as bright. The native people saw this moon as a time to start picking strawberries as they would be at their ripe stage. They would say if you pick one, remove the stem and the strawberry had a heart shaped centre at the top then it would be good luck and a good happy year. It was a time for love and forgiveness. The Ojibwa, the Dakota and Lakota belived in this. (two of the Sioux nation). If you do not believe then just enjoy the taste of this wonderful fruit, a gift from mother nature.

Bèsame* 06-21-2024 03:14 PM

nhplowboi 06-22-2024 07:26 AM

I was watching MSNBC this morning and their guest was Dr. Kevin Roberts, the current President of the Heritage Foundation. What a smug and pompous man who is highly involved in the Project 2025 agenda. I was yelling at my TV before I knew it! I'm at a loss in understanding what is happening to our country. How in hell have these hate filled people found their way to the top of the Republican heap. Never mind I guess I just answered my own question.

Kätzchen 06-22-2024 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by nhplowboi (Post 1297548)
I was watching MSNBC this morning and their guest was Dr. Kevin Roberts, the current President of the Heritage Foundation. What a smug and pompous man who is highly involved in the Project 2025 agenda. I was yelling at my TV before I knew it! I'm at a loss in understanding what is happening to our country. How in hell have these hate filled people found their way to the top of the Republican heap. Never mind I guess I just answered my own question.

Smug and pompous is the GOP trademark, for sure.

Don’t know if other people know this or not, but Sinclair media is owned by right wing Republican forces. Propaganda machines: local newspapers, local tv stations, and interestingly any organizational entity chaired by Republican CEOs.

LINK: Sinclair media group wanted to out best Fox News hit with 48 million dollar FCC fine. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/06/b...-fine-fcc.html

Bèsame* 06-23-2024 12:05 PM

Olympic Fever

Bèsame* 06-25-2024 07:11 AM

With seemingly unstoppable momentum during the summer of 1967, on 18 May The Beatles signed a contract to represent the BBC, and Britain, on Our World, the world’s first live television satellite link-up to be seen by approximately 400 million people across five continents.

The Beatles’ appearance was announced four days later, on 22 May. John Lennon wrote the song ‘All You Need Is Love’ especially for the occasion, to the brief given by the BBC: it had to be simple so that viewers around the world would understand it.

"We were big enough to command an audience of that size, and it was for love. It was for love and bloody peace. It was a fabulous time. I even get excited now when I realise that’s what it was for: peace and love, people putting flowers in guns."
Ringo Starr

Our World took place on 25 June 1967. Between the announcement and the broadcast date, The Beatles recorded the rhythm track and some basic vocals.

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