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~ocean 08-17-2020 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by clementinefemme (Post 1273212)
This one is a bit intimate, but has anyone ever had a partner use sex as a manipulation tactic? I am easily... persuaded and previous partners have absolutely used that to get whatever they wanted out of me. So now I'm hyperaware of it in relationships.

lol is the sex good sex ? lol have fun then lol as long as you know !!! your smart ~ ty I needed a good laugh @ myself actually. I know exactly what you mean :)

clementinefemme 08-18-2020 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by ~ocean (Post 1273226)
lol is the sex good sex ? lol have fun then lol as long as you know !!! your smart ~ ty I needed a good laugh @ myself actually. I know exactly what you mean :)

I'm glad I gave you a good laugh! :) I also love your encouragement. Thank you for that. <3

But I don't necessarily mean in a good way... like someone deliberately using sex as a tool to manipulate you, you know what I mean?

Vincent 08-22-2020 03:36 PM

I wrote a letter to an ex from 25 yrs ago

the love of my life
I was dreaming of her all the time
The last time I saw her,her husband threw a major silent tantrum at the gym,it was awful,that was maybe 7 yrs ago.

I had had contact with her prior,to tell her I transitioned,I felt she should know,it was fine we talked for an hour.I cried for an hr after LOL

Anyway talking with my therapist,he thought,writing may be good,as long as it was positive.
And as I have been really sick,it was kinda like tying up loose ends.
I never included any intimate stuff,or reffered to it,nor left my contact details,mainly to make sure I was not manipulating her.

I wrote,how much her loving me changed me,how she taught me to read and now I love books and bookcases of them.
How she was so gentle and kind to me and switched on a light I never knew existed,and said good things about me,I had never heard.
And that I'm so happy and proud that she had reached the heights she had in her career,and that I know,it would not have happened with me,as I'm working class and at that time,I never really understood carrers,but I don't regret for one min having her in my life and she was the love of my life BUt I know I was not hers.

I did end 4 lines dedicated to the gym,and how he is threatened by me and how fucking fragile white heterosexual toxic men are.

I told her I don't need a response and also,that I knew she is not allowed contact with me,but left a link to my music.

I was in a band when I met her
She lived in the apartment above me and I had put a song on a cassette ,with a post it"play me".I left it at her door.LOL
I felt like a teenager,really corny syrupy.lol

the soundcloud my songs are on has had so many plays and it tells you where you are popular,she is in Sydney.So I'm popular in Sydney

I just needed to tell someone
And I will have no contact or ever see her,I know that.

I can write this here coz its kinda annonymous
And I feel fine and glad I wrote it,so our last contact was positive and he cannot destroy what we had,and therapy is healing my scars,from life,there are no scars from Jenny.
,but I do need a thearapy session.

Life is good

Greco 09-18-2021 10:34 PM

No fear here, it's all been said and done.

I will take nothing with me but the love received and the love I've given. Makes these next decades of my life grounded in the only thing in life that is important , love...really, not cliche...the LOVE, and yes for this I am grateful.


Gemme 09-19-2021 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by clementinefemme (Post 1273129)
I have a lotttt of relationship anxieties, particularly related to a previous abusive relationship. Looking back, I feel dumb for being so easily manipulated and controlled, but I still struggle to trust myself enough to trust others. What if my judgment is wrong again?

I wonder if that line of thought has to do with blaming myself for the abuse that took place, but I do still feel so stupid for not ending things earlier, especially when every single one of my family and friends expressed concern.

It's interesting that trusting oneself can be a huge issue, not only trusting others.

This. This. This. THIS.

Except no one that had suspicions came to me. I would have listened if they had.


Originally Posted by Stone-Butch (Post 1273195)
OMG Build A Bridge. Buddy you got a lot wrong there I hate to say. I myself profess to be old school and proud of it. I had a wonderful 22 yr relationship back in the day and we lived 100%-100%. My lady sure did not stay home and cook for any man or any butch LOL. We both looked after things needing to be done. (I am a pretty good cook eh). I do dishes. I do laundry (hate it). I walked the dogs. I grocery shop. All this and took time after my work day to bring home flowers to my woman. My other butch friends were about the same. Any butch who downed their ladies were given a good snarl. My old school woman was hard working, smart, funny, a damn good cook and she even let me vacuum once in a while.

I love hearing about relationships like this, Stone. I'm so glad that you had the opportunity to experience it and for such a big part of your life.


Originally Posted by clementinefemme (Post 1273210)
Oh wow, I really didn't mean to start drama with my comment lol. I actually prefer to date more old school myself, but with my being so young, it's not really possible. But old school to me maybe means something different, since I am from a different generation... I do feel that taking advantage of someone is taking advantage of them, period, regardless of roles/mores.

This whole topic of who foots the bill is interesting, though, because I was fully supporting my ex for the entire duration of our relationship. I didn't think much of it because I've always been self-sufficient, so it wasn't a huge burden to take on a dependent (although on a teacher's salary it wasn't exactly the ideal situation!). Anywho it made me think of how in the olden days femmes would typically be the breadwinners due to butches not often being able to work office jobs that necessitated gender conformity. (But in my case, the butch was just lazy lmao.)

Anyway, all in all, finances can be difficult to navigate relationship-wise and I figure open and honest communication at the get-go would resolve at least some issues - if the person isn't intentionally trying to take advantage, that is.

Sage advice.


Originally Posted by clementinefemme (Post 1273212)
This one is a bit intimate, but has anyone ever had a partner use sex as a manipulation tactic? I am easily... persuaded and previous partners have absolutely used that to get whatever they wanted out of me. So now I'm hyperaware of it in relationships.

In my younger days, I have been guilty of directing the energy to more primal avenues once in while in order to end an argument or to stave off one but I know what you mean and I've never done that. I have seen it done, though. The times that I know it's happened, it's usually the dominant person in the relationship doing it and it's...in my mind...just as bad as gaining 'consent' when someone is inebriated. It's hard to think critically when your hormones are raging like white rapids, you know? Definitely unfair tactics.

Stone-Butch 09-21-2021 12:20 PM

Relationship fears
I have had good and bad relationships in my life and my biggest is getting involved with someone who does not take the relationship seriously. I have been involved with a few hit and miss and it really sucks. I prefer to be single than to be involved with a hit and run woman. When I get involved I take it very seriously and endeavor to make my partner happy and content and to work together to make it work for a long time, not a good time.

JDeere 09-24-2021 02:14 PM

Constant abandonment fears!

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