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bkisbutchenuff 11-02-2012 04:05 AM

TGIF fellow educators! Another week behind us!

Have a great - restful and productive weekend!

Soon 11-02-2012 05:48 AM

(((Chancie))) Please take care of yourself.

I'll be going into work this weekend (bah) to try to get ALL my grading done and marks entered. It's going to be hell.

On the bright side, it IS Friday!

Have a great day everyone.

Martina 11-03-2012 11:16 AM

Saturday morning and not waking up to an alarm. There's nothing like it. Sunday is not as lovely because there is the spectre of grading and getting ready for the week. But Saturday morning . . . mmm.

Last week was tough. I had a big IEP and prepped for another that got cancelled. I had to wrangle with the new psych who is dealing with overdue tris that were dumped on us. I have two IEPs next week. Then there is the daily stuff. The nurse came by to see one of my students who has a baby (and to vision and hearing test someone else's student.) My student did not show up, so the nurse called her using my phone. Their convo was painful to hear. The nurse was not supportive. She just sounded like a white outsider prying into my student's business. I could hear the student hesitating to tell her stuff. The nurse had to ask five or six questions before the student fessed up that the baby daddy is in prison. Yuck. Plus the nurse was just generally rude to us during her visit.

We had a sub for one of the teachers in our suite who apparently is on the verboten list, but the teacher who called him didn't know. He is 82 and told the students all about his prostate. A staff person came over without making an appt to train me on CAHSEE administration, which I don't need, and my principal would not get off the phone, so both were talking at the same time. A school one of my students is being moved to wants me to test him before he goes. My principal says no. And so on.

This is the shit I hate. Just let me just teach.

Today it's Saturday, and my roommates are off at some trans weekend having a wonderful time. So I have quiet and peace and I woke up to no alarm.


txdoc 11-03-2012 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 690898)
Saturday morning and not waking up to an alarm. There's nothing like it. Sunday is not as lovely because there is the spectre of grading and getting ready for the week. But Saturday morning . . . mmm.

Last week was tough. I had a big IEP and prepped for another that got cancelled. I had to wrangle with the new psych who is dealing with overdue tris that were dumped on us. I have two IEPs next week. Then there is the daily stuff. The nurse came by to see one of my students who has a baby (and to vision and hearing test someone else's student.) My student did not show up, so the nurse called her using my phone. Their convo was painful to hear. The nurse was not supportive. She just sounded like a white outsider prying into my student's business. I could hear the student hesitating to tell her stuff. The nurse had to ask five or six questions before the student fessed up that the baby daddy is in prison. Yuck. Plus the nurse was just generally rude to us during her visit.

We had a sub for one of the teachers in our suite who apparently is on the verboten list, but the teacher who called him didn't know. He is 82 and told the students all about his prostate. A staff person came over without making an appt to train me on CAHSEE administration, which I don't need, and my principal would not get off the phone, so both were talking at the same time. A school one of my students is being moved to wants me to test him before he goes. My principal says no. And so on.

This is the shit I hate. Just let me just teach.

Today it's Saturday, and my roommates are off at some trans weekend having a wonderful time. So I have quiet and peace and I woke up to no alarm.


I too love Saturday mornings, although I'm working some volunteer stuff. Our year has been compounded in complexity because our management system went to a web based format. They promised it would be intuitive. In application it has been far from. Trying to keep up staff morale. My diagnosticians are struggling.

bkisbutchenuff 11-07-2012 04:55 AM

Good Morning!


What an awesome distraction tonight! Seeing my girls live (again) at the FOX!http://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/...omebanner1.jpg

lusciouskiwi 11-08-2012 03:55 AM

I finally got all my paperwork handed into today ... well, actually, there are a couple of things outstanding, but do I care? Go on, ask me how much I care! :raspberry: School finishes on Friday and I'm all done!!!


I'm so happy I could :weedsmoke: but I'll probably :wine: instead.

lusciouskiwi 11-08-2012 03:57 AM

I'm feeling a bit like this ...

bkisbutchenuff 11-12-2012 06:23 AM

Four more.....i/we can do this! Looking forward to a much needed break! Have a great - productive week fellow educators!

bkisbutchenuff 11-14-2012 05:04 AM

Wow ....yesterday - pretty close to being awesome....even with the testing schedule and 2 different meetings....I have to remind myself - we lost 9 weeks....we are where we would be in late Aug./early Sept.
6th Grade -Applying fingers...doing lots more than open strings....just moving slow with 60....some things I just can't overlook - whether I am with them next year or somewhere else...General Music Thugs - did well also...no posturing or power struggles...both 7th and 8th grade classes went through all their music...today - first after school rehearsal - I know its going to be a little rough, but at least we will all see what we need to do in a month...

I am thankful I have been given the gifts of tenacity, patience (paper thin this year) and preserverance...

I made an appointment with my counselor ... what I have this year is not going to change....how I deal with it MUST change. Unfortunately I can't get in until the first of Dec.

Happy Hump Day Educators!

Martina 11-14-2012 05:27 AM

I spent more than two hours helping a kid get services he needs. It's beyond the kind of case management I am supposed to do. It replaced teaching and caused me to miss a staff meeting. I am not supposed to be doing this. My principal knows this and is behind me. The kid is grateful. The outcome was a necessary first step. But I did not sign on for this.

I did not agree to take a job with half of my caseload being ED kids. I did not agree to case manage ED kids who are in crisis. I do not know HOW. Working with in-crisis kids who are not getting basic services is scary. They should not be getting ME to do this. They need professionals. It's not an ED program, except that it is.

It also takes me back to a job I had where one of my constant problems was seriously disturbed kids not getting services. None. In that job, I got no support (except from the equally desperate psych) from Special Ed or Administration. Here I have support from admin though SPED is so far doing little.

I am not sure. I like this job. But this is NOT what I am good at, and it makes my life chaotic. I missed my meeting.

This on a day when I woke up at 4:30am to write an IEP. I am grateful my admin is behind me. If she weren't, I would be beginning to worry about my new job.

lusciouskiwi 11-14-2012 08:21 AM

To help you get through your day ...

lusciouskiwi 11-14-2012 04:52 PM

If you want a laugh, read this ... the Minister of Education being questioned in parliament about primary schools in Christchurch (the city that was badly damaged by earthquakes)


The Gunning-Fog index is a commonly used algorithm to determine the readability of English writing. (Details on the wiki page here. See also the comments section.) I wrote a perl script that reads in Hansard transcripts from Question Time and looks for sentences that score an 18 on Gunning-Fog, which ranks as incomprehensible, and then replaced that sentence with the word AAARRGGGGGH! Here’s how Hekia Parata’s most recent oral question plays out....

bkisbutchenuff 11-15-2012 05:01 AM

Rehearsal went ok....would've been great had it been in Sept. I think the students were able to see/hear where we are and where we need to be by Dec. 13th.
Losing 9 weeks of instruction is painfully obvious...
2 more days of benchmark assessments and screwy schedules...
Come on Friday and Thanksgiving break!!!!

I hope everyone has a good day - hang in there!

bkisbutchenuff 11-16-2012 05:16 AM


Survived another week!

spritzerJ 11-16-2012 05:32 AM

I haven't talked about school in a while. I try not too. It is just too crazy to talk about. Not crazy like BK or Martina. The crazy of their own making. They choose to be crazy. Taking perfectly wonderful resources, professionals and great kids and making a crazy situation. :seeingstars:

It honestly is mind boggling how it happens. I've been trying to track down the assistant principal/sped leader and crazy woman extraordinaire. She requires that we update her on the "red zone" kids. Kids teachers are concerned about, receiving interventions and could possibly be referred. I work carefully with the teachers and intervention folks around the students as we are supposed to be and RTI school (ha! Well don't get me started on how we are not!).

So I am explaining who the kids are. And she interrupts to tell me this shouldn't be something I am doing. I shouldn't feel like I am taking on so much. WTF. It is required, in our handbook, and it isn't too much! She wants to know why I'm not talking about it with the team. WHAT team? There is no team. Or this mythical team she is talking about does not DO data discussions on individual kids. I started to have flashbacks to last year when she kept telling me to wait that the team would talk about it and never did.

Now she is going to call a meeting and fuck it all up. Sigh I had a handle on it. Teachers happy, kids being tracked and served. She is going to ruin it. I know it. She is crazy like that! Simply because if I do it right, then it shows it can be done. Then the expectation that others do the same and do their jobs will be clear. And clear expectations can't be had. If there are clear expectations and people succeed then how do you pick on people who aren't your favorites?

bkisbutchenuff 11-26-2012 05:06 AM

Well - here we go ... 4 weeks of doing what we can towards the holiday concert....then - when break comes - half way through the year!!!! :D
Hope all you educators have a great week!

Chancie 11-26-2012 05:10 AM

I have to teach new material upon which I have only the most tenuous hold.

I know, I know, if you never do anything new, you never do anything new.

Soon 11-26-2012 05:32 AM

I can't seem to bear doing any work over the weekend. They go by so fast, and I feel I need every minute to take care of myself. But, of course, Monday morning is here and now the panic sets in. I have a plan to go directly to Starbucks after first period and mark the papers I didn't do over the weekend. (I have second period as a prep period) Then, back to school for my third and fourth period classes.

I am worried about my arse dragging already and it's not even December. :blink:

Chancie, good luck with the new material--you'll be fine. This year I taught a novel and was mere pages ahead of the students at various points. Oops. It happens and you'll be great!

Have a great Monday fellow educators! :flowers:

bkisbutchenuff 12-01-2012 06:26 AM


Well.....14/15 weeks later, despite being verbally accosted by a parent, I finally had a good week! 5 Whole Days! :D

Chancie 12-01-2012 06:52 AM

I was sick and tired for so many weeks that I fell behind in just about every way.

My classroom was messy, I was behind on grading, and lots of bits and pieces were left undone. I did stay current with lesson plans.

I finally feel better, and I am finally caught up, or close to it.

My desk is clear, student work is organized, and I may finally get reimbursed for supplies I bought for the robotics and electronics courses.

I shouldn't be surprised at how much I depend on being well rested to do my job well. Excellent self care is key, obviously.

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