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-   -   What's on your agenda today? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5570)

Soft*Silver 07-02-2022 07:42 AM

Getting together w friends and chainsawing down some trees in my back lot:woodchop:. Mind you, my personal saw is the new 4” that has recently been advertised lol. So I get to do the sumac saplings. But the messy mulberries and the dying walnut are also coming down thanks to friends. I am in debris pickup for them. Gonna be a hot messy day!

JDeere 07-02-2022 01:03 PM

Change of plans

relaxing today, then work on packing tomorrow, mom isnt able to come over today.

so basics of taking my pain meds, hopefully taking a nap and just trying not to worry about things and stress out.

Orema 07-23-2022 05:34 AM

– Exercise
– Package a batch of canna-butter I made
– Package a batch of body butter I made
– Give myself a pedi/mani
– Take another covid test to make sure these sniffles are only sniffles
– Start thinking of what to sell in my city's annual garage sale next month

Bθsame* 07-23-2022 06:17 AM

visit with my Mom. Take her some good food.

wash my bed linens.

pre-pack stuff for lunches next week

meet with my friend for a Wine Walk. Sample wine and appetizers and chat it up! (I haven't done anything for myself. My doc told me don't forget about me.)

Reach *BANNED* 07-24-2022 07:41 AM

Today I am going to try to put My new bed together. I should be able to do it - but it sure would go a lot quicker if I had another set of hands to hold the pieces and whatnot.

Then I will do some general house cleaning.

I also plan to purchase a couple of free standing shelving units for My garage so that I can sort and organize My seasonal (Fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas) decos, camping gear, and LEGO builds.

I also still have a couple of boxes of storage containers, tupperware, gladware, etc. that needs to be put away in the kitchen - that will get done.

I need to get My stereo connected. I have it set up where I want it in the livingroom but I have not hooked up the components to each other yet or the speakers to the receiver.

I also got a second litter box that needs to be set up so that My cats do not have to go to the bathroom in the same spot. The vet suggested this as a way to help Bear with the issue he has been showing. We shall see how it goes.

I need to lay out the indoor/outdoor carpet on my patio outside and then water My flowers. Even though we got some rain here yesterday it surely was not enough to keep those flowers wet for any length of time.

---I am sure I will run across more to do - but I am thinking this list right here will keep Me out of trouble for awhile. (laughing).

JDeere 07-25-2022 12:54 AM

Since it's now Monday, I will sleep as much as possible, my body isn't used to my new work schedule yet.

Reach *BANNED* 07-30-2022 09:02 AM

I finally put a new battery in My truck yesterday so that is going to help Me accomplish My first item which is to take all the broken down cardboard from My move over to My landlord's shop where he has a huge recycling dumpster that all of his renters use (along with a huge garbage dumpster).

Get a few groceries.

Hang some more pictures around My place.

Sweep and swiffer.

Wash and vacuum My car and truck.

Do some paperwork stuff - like making folders for documents I need to print and then file away.

Keep organizing the garage. I am currently working on doing an inventory of My camping gear as well as My LEGO builds.

Set up an appointment to have one of My vehicles inspected the beginning of next week.

Water My flowers that are around My back patio.

Clean My grill.

This all will likely get spread over today and tomorrow - however, it will get done. That being said - off I go to get started on it all.

Soft*Silver 07-30-2022 01:06 PM

Nothing. Everything has to come to a standstill for five days because I have Covid

easygoingfemme 08-01-2022 05:01 AM

Coffee with Daddy- check
Walk dogs- check
Shower and dress for work- check
Go to work and survive the experience.
  • Drink lots of water
  • Stay organized
  • Do good things for those in need.

Come home
Cool down shower
The rest depends on what I've got left in me.

Orema 08-02-2022 03:14 AM

– Exercise (maybe, maybe not)
– Make sure I have a few masks when I go out today
– Go to City Hall to vote
– Stop by post office
– Stop by dispensary for voting-day deals
– Send a group text to remind family to vote (hard getting them to vote during the mid-terms, let alone the mid-term primaries)
– Do or get the mani/pedi I didn’t get to the other day
– Make an appt for a mammogram

JDeere 08-02-2022 06:37 AM

Go shopping
then try to relax before work tonight

Orema 08-20-2022 07:37 AM

Do a couple household chores.

Return tools to tool boxes. (Yesterday I installed two towel holders and you'd think I renovated the bathroom with all the tools I pulled out. I got it done and it looks good, but I'll have to spend some time getting everything back in its place.)

Invite Lu for coffee to find out about the board meeting.

Place a decal on the wall. Maybe.

Measure the sheer curtains that need hemming in the bedroom. Maybe.


Start boxing a care package to send to the D.

Count my lucky stars.

Reach *BANNED* 08-20-2022 11:32 AM


Wash car (possibly the truck too)



Post office run

Get the final lines hooked up for My stereo system

Sweep/swiffer/dishes/litter boxes/garbage/dust/vacuum

Do some organizing in My office

it is only 1:30 in the afternoon and I have most of this accomplished as I was up around 7am and got right to it. If some of it rolls over into tomorrow- I am fine with that.

bright_arrow 08-21-2022 03:01 PM

Shampoo the stairs
Toss in some laundry
Run to stores

Was up at 7am and already cooked/prepped lunch for the week and boiled egg for salads/deviled eggs

Orema 08-22-2022 05:06 AM

Work on converting a crew neck t-shirt to a V-neck t-shirt.

Those curtains are still waiting to be hemmed, but this project is more interesting.

kittygrrl 08-23-2022 06:44 PM

watching fire flieshttps://i.cbc.ca/1.4773047.159432687...80/firefly.jpg from a friend's deck

FireSignFemme 08-23-2022 08:06 PM

Today it was waking up and getting out of the house earlier than I cared to in hopes of beating the crowds at Costco.

After Costco it was updating the pantry inventory/supply list.

Next a little housework – Cleaned tub, did some laundry, took care of floors.

Made up Costco run care packages for sons and their families to surprise them with on family dinner night tomorrow.

Still to come – Monte gets a manicure. Research printers/ink. Make flan, from a box mix. Not sure how that's going to work or if it will. Spa day – face mask, foot peel, hair mask. Buy some silverware, or maybe not. I've been wanting this set for a while and if it seems spendy now it will be way out of my price range after it's retired. The clock is ticking.

Orema 08-27-2022 06:41 AM

– Exercise
– Marinate chicken for dinner tonight
– Send a card or two to some friends
– Pat some sunshine on my face
– Remind the girls (nieces) to make appts for mammograms
– Laundry
– Do my nails between loads
– Open the hydroponics growing system to see what's what
– Filing and minor organization

Won't check off everything today but will by the end of the weekend.

Best-laid plans and all that jazz comes to mind.

Reach *BANNED* 09-01-2022 06:29 AM

Organize all of the syllabuses for My upcoming classes. (we are in preview week- so while we cannot post in our discussions for submit homework until the 6th - we can actually get a jumpstart on it all and have it ready for submission before the first day)

Likely start some of the aforementioned homework.

Go to an appointment with My computer guy to upgrade one of My laptops.

Go to the grocery.

Wash My car. (possibly My truck too).

Schedule an oil change appt. for My car.

nina03 09-01-2022 11:00 AM

I've already been to physical therapy. The rest of my day will involve clearing my work calendar. I have nine cases that need review and work, and I am going to get them done today. I'm taking the next 5 days off, completely, not even checking work email, and I want to finish everything that's currently on my to-do list first. Normally, I check work email every day, including weekends, holidays, sick days, and any other days off. I've even checked work emails while waiting to go into surgery. I need to work on better balance in my work life, so finishing these items and taking this time completely away from my job is my first step to that.

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