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Bèsame* 05-12-2019 10:29 AM

I scheduled myself to work, so my Mothers at work can enjoy their day!

Lyte 05-12-2019 06:09 PM

Having an early soak cuz the boss is going on vaca so I've gotta be in the office 2.5 hours early ... all next week. Status = oy vay! :blink: :blink:

homoe 05-12-2019 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bèsame* (Post 1246206)
I scheduled myself to work, so my Mothers at work can enjoy their day!

What a thoughtful gesture.....

VintageFemme 05-13-2019 11:09 AM

Enjoying the last of my little mini holiday staycation just chillin in mi casa this morning after getting up at the crack of dawn to take sunrise wildflower pictures listening to old music visiting memories and places I haven't visited in awhile and watching an uninvited albeit welcome visitor (fluffy kitty) on my patio with a lovely cup of tea. Its good to be the queen.

Orema 07-26-2019 04:49 PM

Going through the movie and tv threads for suggestions on what to watch tonight.


RockOn 07-26-2019 08:18 PM

Going to drop in on Orema and help her select a psycho thriller for us to watch.

Esme nha Maire 07-27-2019 02:17 AM

Cooler (finally) and able to think again about stuff other than how to get cool and sillyness. Hey, ho, back to the studying... :-}

Bèsame* 07-28-2019 07:55 AM

Taking a leisurely drive thru the country, heading south to the seaside.🏖 Having lunch with a friend.

And...I get to take home some fresh caught fish🐟

Kätzchen 11-22-2019 11:50 PM

Weekend Woo-woo
It's going to snow, so I'm getting the studded tires put on tomorrow.

Other than that, it's R-n-R time (hanging out with a dear friend, maybe a drive to a fav destination for fun times).

Oh, and sleeping in late: I need some down time and lots of beauty sleep.

Kätzchen 12-01-2019 04:27 PM

Sunday afternoon into late Monday evening woo-woo
I've basically done nothing today, because yesterday I did a whole lot:

-- cleaned the house

-- hand-washed and dried the dishes and put them away

-- made salads to take to work for my lunch every day this week

Things yet to do:

-- trim my hair a skosh, then put some hair color gloss on and deep condition my curly locks

-- spend time in the bath tub, soaking in bubbles

-- give myself a facial with special face cleansers and creamy moisturizers

-- choose what I will wear tomorrow

-- fix a light supper; maybe have some cookies or small slice of cake

-- drink more water and carrot juice and herbal tea

Today I felt lucky to come across a traveling blog which gives you some good ideas on what to see or what you need to do when you go, places to stay, etc.

LINK to blog ~~>>>>>> The Traveling Geek <dot> Com.

Kätzchen 12-30-2019 10:55 PM

Paula Poundstone on NPR's News Quiz Show (WW, DTM!)
I am resting after a very long day at work, but I had a great day, mostly because the weather was reasonable, people were happy, and a long time friend was on campus today, plus I listened to some great episodes of....

NPR's Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!

OMG, did you know that this podcast has been around for about 30 years now? I laughed so hard, many times, today. LOLOL.

Now it's time for bed.



homoe 12-31-2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Orema (Post 1250021)
Going through the movie and tv threads for suggestions on what to watch tonight.


Next time just...:callme:

Bèsame* 12-31-2019 06:26 PM

currently at home for the rest of the year!

Sitting on the couch, cuddled up in a red and snowflake blanket, slippers and a bottle of Austi Spumante. I'm waiting for the New Year, there will be so many new possibilities ahead.

Kätzchen 03-22-2020 08:21 PM

I'm feel anxiety creeping in tonight about what might happen tomorrow (do I lose my job or will we get to keep forging ahead at work). But I spent time on the phone with my mom today and she's convinced that the covid 19 virus is an airborne disease (she's 80+ years old, 53 years of working as an RN in a variety of capacity). It was good to hear her voice, she told me the same too. I know I can only adapt and keep evolving and take each day as it comes, even if it's only moment by moment. I sure do hope I can sleep tonight...


Kätzchen 03-31-2020 08:27 PM

<<<<<<~~ I had a very busy day today: I deep cleaned my studio, moved a few things around, bought a new vacuum because my light duty vacuum just wasn't cleaning the carpets good enough, then vacuumed and mopped the wood floors with Murphy's Oil Soap. Then waited for my banking appt by phone, and got that done. Then I baked a little Sicilian pizza in my tiny, tiny oven. LOL, it was real good. I know I should not have pizza, but I will find ways to work off the big appetite I had today, during the rest of this week.

Right now, though, I'm seriously tired and I'm camped out in my biggo Momma's chair, just reading and reflecting on all the things that went down in the world today and thankful that so far, I am well and glad to be home (safe and sound).

Kätzchen 04-02-2020 10:48 AM

<<<<<~~ My day will get underway in a short bit.

I slept in, just made a veggie stir fry for breakfast, I'm sipping on breakfast tea that is herbal, and today I plan to continue working on deep cleaning my studio apt. What I mean by that is that it's almost one year now that I moved to my beautiful studio. I still have boxed contents from my prior, much larger, living quarters that I am going through and deciding if I keep it or toss it (to the donation box, nearby). I plan to wade through the last of all the unboxed contents today, then take a break and reflect on everything I plan to have accomplished today, just to make sure I've ticked off every item on my check-list before I turn my attention to other dire important matters (the two tests and studying for them, so I pass both tests with 80% or better score).

<<<<<<~~ Feeling steady, acting slowly, remaining focused. :hk28:

Kätzchen 04-03-2020 10:29 AM

<<<<<<<~~~ just read and listened to daily news updates and find myself more worried than ever, as if that could even be possible right now.

I was just saying "WTF" when I read that Kushner (that POS, just like everyone else in their family tree :| ) stands to benefit from that so-called straw company i read about on POLITICO.

Late last night I got the 'cheerful' email from my state's unemployment agency, telling me it will literally be weeks, if not months, before they can issue a check to provide life sustaining support, in the barest of ways. Worse, that biggo stimulus bill that people are supposed to get big one-time checks? Those won't roll until after late September, maybe even in October.

**** silent scream ****

It's unbelievable the horse-shit the current administration and their family and 'family' of 'friends' is getting away with. So UN-F ^ C K ing-beLIEvable. Upset does not even describe how I feel.

OMG, now to find something to cheer myself up (somehow). :(

Kätzchen 05-01-2020 10:23 PM

<<<<<~~ I had a very busy day, today. Is finally home, resting in my big ole mama chair, feet propped up, getting ready to binge on a bunch of British crime drama series episodes. Had some dinner a bit ago. Now to relax, and enjoy the rest of the evening.


Kätzchen 06-04-2020 09:26 PM

<<<<<~~~ I'm finally able to sit down and relax. I learned a new method to help me relax, something my therapist taught to me: Mindfulness meditation exercises and gazing at beautiful pillow clouds in the sky, was the medicine I needed tonight.


Kätzchen 07-20-2020 08:58 PM

Tonight I am appreciating life and feeling gratitude for all the positive experiences that have come my way.


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