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Hack 09-25-2013 09:13 PM

I work in politics, so all my "celebrities" are politicians:

Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, you see her on Meet the Press or MSNBC from time to time. I worked as her deputy press secretary, traveling press secretary and speechwriter in her first term as governor.

Bill Clinton
Al Gore
Barack Obama (when he was a US Senator)
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards (the cheating husband politician)
Mike Huckabee (the crazy right-wing guy...I met him at a health care event -- he actually supports universal health care -- and he and his daughter were very kind to me, actually)

I've also met a few famous media types, and the nicest one was Paula Zahn -- I met her at a Clinton-Gore campaign event during her CBS News days. And she's really short.

And, someone mentioned Ted Nugent. Ted and I have had "spirited discussions" in the media -- me as an agency spokesperson and him as, well, Ted the Hunter. He told one reporter, who is a friend of mine, that I am a "brainless bureaucrat." I wear it as a badge of honor.

Scots_On_The_Rocks 09-25-2013 09:59 PM

I spent many years working various jobs at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival in Hillsdale, NY. And one of my more fond memories was of meeting Sonia Rutstein of Disappear Fear. I was working as assistant performer liaison that year, and my job was to help arrange transit for the performers to and from hotels, the airport and the venue. A call came in that Sonia and her party would need a ride from the hotel to the venue. So bright and early me and the driver of the van set off for the hotel. We arrive to find the group standing outside with their gear looking like zombies due to lack of sleep. They loaded the gear and settled in the back of the van. Every one of them looked about to pass out. I piped up that we passed a Dunkin Donuts on the way in and could stop on the way back to get coffee if they would like. Sonia sat bolt upright and squealed, "OMG, Dunkin Donuts?!?!?! I fucking LOVE Dunkin Donuts coffee, please, please, please can we stop??". I replied that we definitely could and jokingly said, how could I deny a woman her Dunkin Donuts. She jumped up out of the seat, and totally snatched me in a hug, and kissed my cheek repeatedly and told me she absolutely LOVED me for it and could just about hump my leg. :thumbsup::freak:

SirLucian 09-25-2013 10:46 PM

when in the
USFS I met Neil Young in the Town Tavern had drinks, smoke and sang on stage with him

Girl_On_Fire 09-25-2013 10:59 PM

Okay, here are mine:

1999 - I was working at G. Fox before it became Macy's. James Van Der Beek (of "Dawson" fame, who is a Connecticut resident) wandered in looking for a tie to wear to his premiere. I said, "You look just like Dawson!" He said, "I am Dawson!" I started trembling like a ninny and ran to get my datebook. I asked him for his autograph. The only reason I ended up watching his show was because of that encounter.

2005 - Waiting in line for an entire day to meet Tori Amos. I was third in line. When I finally got to talk with her, I managed to babble incoherently about how she healed me through her music. She said, "It was you who did the healing" and she posed with me for a picture. I still have it in my purse. :)

2011 - I never realized Juliette Lewis was a singer until my then-partner told me. As a surprise for her birthday, I got tickets to see her performance in North Carolina (where we were living at the time). We sat third row and after the show, did a meet-and-greet. Trying to get Juliette's attention for my then-partner (who was painfully shy to meet her), I ended up confusing Juliette and having the most God-awful, hideous picture of myself ever taken (with Juliette but she looked fine lol!). My then-partner finally got her picture taken after we waited in line.

After that, a group of us went to the bar down the street to hang out and who should show up but Juliette and her crew. I talked to Juliette for a bit and got to know her bassist, Japanese solo artist, Shirley To. (She said she loved my hair and Shirley and I still talk on Facebook from time to time.) Meanwhile, at the end of the night, Juliette walked up to our table and gave my then-partner and I huge hugs goodbye. We were so drunk at the time neither of us believed it really happened until our friends confirmed it the next day. Amazing experience!

macele 09-26-2013 12:58 AM

years ago, ... a singer, tony king, once engaged to wynonna judd---was in a group that opened for somebody i can't remember. i had heard/read somewhere that they had broken the engagement off. he was signing autographs. standing in line, i noticed that he was wearing a beautiful-beautiful-really-sparkly-big0diamond ring. and i had to do it. i had to. for the sake of i got your back. i said, "what a beautiful ring! did wynonna buy that for you?" and i smiled. he looked at me rather nicely but with a bit of oh no you didn't! and he said, "no."

great thread! i've enjoyed reading.

The_Lady_Snow 09-26-2013 07:34 AM

So yesterday at the hotel bar I met Hulk Hogan, after that I introduced him to some friends!!!

JoSchmooze 09-26-2013 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by The_Lady_Snow (Post 848188)
So yesterday at the hotel bar I met Hulk Hogan, after that I introduced him to some friends!!!

Dang it!! I knew I was gonna miss something by
having to work this morning!

On my way to the airport in about 30 minutes......

Truly Scrumptious 09-26-2013 12:22 PM

A long long time ago, probably 1973ish, (totally dating myself here, which I would never actually do because I would drive myself crazy, but I digress . . .) I used to love hockey and (or more accurately) hockey players. My friends and I used to hang out at the arenas before the games, wait for the players, and get autographs.

One weekend, the Bruins were in town. A friend of a friend’s dad wrote the sports column for the local paper, and he told her which hotel the Bruins were staying at. So there we were on Sunday morning waiting for a glimpse of Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson.

Bobby Orr came out, (wearing a pink shirt, as I recall) cheerfully signed autographs, and got on the bus. We were hanging around waiting for Derek Sanderson, when this man started talking to me. He asked me who my favourite Bruins were, and I said Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson. He asked why, and I said they were cute (or something equally insipid). Then he asked what I thought of Phil Esposito. I said I had no idea who that was. He held out his hand and said, “Hi, I’m Phil Esposito”. He was very sweet, and gave me his autograph.

Oh, and Derek Sanderson? He eventually came out, wouldn’t talk to anyone, and got on the bus. Broke my little teenage heart.

~baby~doll~ 09-26-2013 12:46 PM

i recently met all of the Indy Car drivers at an event in Baltimore two nights before the race. It was a dinner for fans and Indy car supporters. i found Simona De Silvestro very interesting as well as Helio Castroneves. i was not sure i would have a good time as i am not really the fan. It turned out to be a fine evening.

o'queery 09-26-2013 01:27 PM

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest i had many run ins with "celebs"

In a diner in Port Townsend the tables were all full and i was alone at a booth.. In walks Chris Cornell AND Artis the Spoonman, who politely asked if they could sit with me...

i happily obliged.

<come together with your hands>

Luv 09-26-2013 02:26 PM

Love Tony I knew him from Church in Nashville

Elijah 09-26-2013 04:11 PM

When I was in Las Vegas checking in at Bally's (we had VIP check-in because of my step father) and I turned around, behind me in line was Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I just smiled and turned back around. BTW - he is quite short. Maria was beautiful and pregnant.

I was in the Casino with Andrew Dice Clay (No desire to meet him). We were both shooting craps, but he was at a different table. That same trip, my folks shot craps with Rodney Dangerfield at Caesars.

Many moons ago I went to collect my sister and her friend from a Jefferson Starship concert and they got wind that the band was going to be staying at the Hilton here in Lansing, so off we went to find them. So we snuck into the Playboy Club (yes, we had the last one in existence right here) and got Craig Chaquico's autograph (the guitar player) before they threw us all out. No luck finding Grace Slick which is the only reason I cared at all. On the way out we ran into one of their opening band's (Aldo Nova) members, but I couldn't tell you who, and chatted with him for a bit.

Of course as a Michigander, I also ran into Ted Nugent at a 7-11 (he was buying a slurpee - I was playing Ms. Pacman after school).

I never met him, but I flew in John Waters for our Pride March.

I have also met Mimi Gonzales (lesbian comedian), she dated a friend of mine, if anyone knows who she is.

Well that's all the name dropping I got for ya.


Sachita 09-26-2013 05:15 PM

I met David Bowie in an elevator. It was in the 90's. He looked stoned but then again so was I.

cinnamongrrl 09-26-2013 05:36 PM

I met "Weird" Al Yankovic when I was about 14 or 15. He did a concert at what is now Six Flags New England (but was then Riverside Park). It was a horrible rainy night and everyone left pretty quickly. My BFF was determined we would meet him, and the kindly security guard let us in so we could :) He's much sweeter and quieter than his persona...

I also met Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorff, a former WWF wrestler (when WWF still WAS WWF) Yes. I liked wrestling. A long long time ago. My step-father was a fan and I developed a taste for it...and football....luckily, only one of them stuck.. :)

RNguy 09-26-2013 06:29 PM

Vanna White I met in a hotel elevator when I was 10 . It was her , my brother and parents in the levator and my dad said " kids we are in the elevator with the wheel of futune letter turner ".
Thank God I was ten or I'd be embarrassed that my pops said that .
I looked at her and said " wow you're pretty , will you say hi to me on that show ".
I wonder if she did ? She was pretty though .

I sat by Anthony Munoz and Pete Rose at a Reds game and they signed my baseball hat . Too bad it wasn't a reds hat haha.

I met and got to spend 3 hours with one of my favorite coaches of all time Mr Lou Holtz when I was 16 . He gave me a tour of notre dame campus, took me to the locker room and let me smack the good luck play like a champion today sign and run out of the tunnel on the field !!!
He gave me a signed four Leif clover in a laminated peice . This was one of the greatest days of my life.

I got to eat dinner with Alabama and they are the nicest men I've ever met . Very sweet folks.
I met George Jones and his wife , Conway twitty ( he was a jerk to us ),

Lol I got to meet vanilla ice haha .

A friend of mine is the nephew of billy ray Cyrus drummer and so I met Cyrus who was pretty cool .

That's it :)

jac 09-26-2013 07:16 PM

I will continue reading more of your posts tomorrow but I wanna play and add mine before I fall asleep.

I will start with an early on celeb meet... I was 6yo and was a guest on the Bozo Big Top Show.. I managed to be called up for "three" different games that day. A rarity!! By the time my number was called for the third time Bozo said that we just had to be forever friends since I pretty much shared the day with him.

BTW I did lousy with my game play but I became friends with Bozo that day!! Does this count?? Huh?? :cheesy:

More to come later...

Scots_On_The_Rocks 09-27-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Truly Scrumptious (Post 848232)
A long long time ago, probably 1973ish, (totally dating myself here, which I would never actually do because I would drive myself crazy, but I digress . . .) I used to love hockey and (or more accurately) hockey players. My friends and I used to hang out at the arenas before the games, wait for the players, and get autographs.

One weekend, the Bruins were in town. A friend of a friend’s dad wrote the sports column for the local paper, and he told her which hotel the Bruins were staying at. So there we were on Sunday morning waiting for a glimpse of Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson.

Bobby Orr came out, (wearing a pink shirt, as I recall) cheerfully signed autographs, and got on the bus. We were hanging around waiting for Derek Sanderson, when this man started talking to me. He asked me who my favourite Bruins were, and I said Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson. He asked why, and I said they were cute (or something equally insipid). Then he asked what I thought of Phil Esposito. I said I had no idea who that was. He held out his hand and said, “Hi, I’m Phil Esposito”. He was very sweet, and gave me his autograph.

Oh, and Derek Sanderson? He eventually came out, wouldn’t talk to anyone, and got on the bus. Broke my little teenage heart.

OMFG! JEALOUS!!! Love me some Bruins especially Bobby Orr...and furthermore, would about mess myself to have met Tim Thomas when he wore the spoked B. Or Willie O'Ree...but sadly he was way before my time.

JoSchmooze 09-30-2013 03:32 PM

Well, this is totally dating myself and my career....

Drew blood from Mamie Eisenhower when she was at walter Reed
Crossmatched Richard Nixon's blood before one of his China trips - he
had phelbitis and always carried 4 units of blood wherever he went.
Drew blood on the Governor of Maryland after I got out of the Army....

MsBluem 09-30-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Words (Post 848007)
Not actually 'met' but seen around in the tiny Sussex town in which we live Tom Baker of Dr. Who fame, Paul McCartney, and Roger Daltrey, all of whom are locals (though I did meet McCartney on a train many, many moons ag0 when I was commuting every day to London). Most recently though, George Clooney whilst he was filming his latest movie (Monument Men), part of which was filmed in the town, and the actor Tom Conti who was in the shop next to ours shopping for - if my memory serves me correctly - an umbrella stand.

Unfortunately, the only real 'celebrities' I've actually met were all high ranking Palestinian and Israeli officials (Arafat, Peres, and Netanyahu, amongst others). Sounds exciting, but believe me, it wasn't.

I'm kind of jealous about Tom Baker. He was my very first Doctor. I remember being 10 or 11 and our local public television station would show classic Doctor Who episodes on the weekends and I'd stay up watching until my mom realized I was awake and sent me to bed!

I've met quite a few musicians in my concertgoing days. I also got the extreme pleasure of meeting John Barrowman (Torchwood/Doctor Who) at a comic book convention a couple years back.

Princess 09-30-2013 04:17 PM

I am a big nerd, so most of my celebrity run ins are from sci fi conventions!

My favorite was Amy Okuda and Robin Thorsen from a web series called The Guild. I was so excited I could hardly talk, but I got through it with a photo and a few autographs they were awesome!

At that same convention I met Billy Dee Williams, and the guy who played Anakin Skywalker (the kid version) also the guy who was Chewbacca.

My favorite was Felix Silla, he is the guy who played cousin it in the original Adams Family (the series). I didn't realize I was meeting him, I was dressed up in a costume ( a pink furry fox costume) and he was on his way to the bathroom. He was walking right beside me and I didnt notice (he is a little person) and I turned, and accidentally hit him in the head with my tail. I was so embarrassed! He was super cool about it though and it made me more mindful of where i'm swinin that tail ;)

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