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laruss 09-03-2012 08:22 PM

I love FaceBook. I have my personal page where I do not include people who are not friends or family. I do not include co-workers, as they do not need to know about my personal life. I decide who is on there and if they don't like the real me they won't be on there. I have reconnected with old friends, but it is especially nice for family and friends that live far away. Plus my local friends often communicate through it for get togethers. My one granddaughter has her own family page and my other daughter will post occasional pictures. So, yes I love it.

I also have 2 public community pages one called Wisdom Works, which is about creating inspiration and following your heart. And another one called Creative Forces, which is about exploring your creativity. I do my gratitude on these pages every day. I really enjoy connecting with people from all over the world in a positive way.

OS Butch 09-03-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by laruss (Post 646556)
I love FaceBook. I have my personal page where I do not include people who are not friends or family. I do not include co-workers, as they do not need to know about my personal life. I decide who is on there and if they don't like the real me they won't be on there. I have reconnected with old friends, but it is especially nice for family and friends that live far away. Plus my local friends often communicate through it for get togethers. My one granddaughter has her own family page and my other daughter will post occasional pictures. So, yes I love it.

I also have 2 public community pages one called Wisdom Works, which is about creating inspiration and following your heart. And another one called Creative Forces, which is about exploring your creativity. I do my gratitude on these pages every day. I really enjoy connecting with people from all over the world in a positive way.

I agree with you. The red sentence is the only thing I just don't get.... Why, oh why, if a person doesn't like me, do they continue to send me a friend request? If they are serious about mending fences, a private message would be a start!

G Snap! 09-03-2012 08:42 PM

Facebook is ok. I like it because it keeps me in the loop with friends I don't get to see that often, but I find myself spending more time on here lately. I try to post just positive stuff because I don't care for it when someone is always on facebook being whiney or complaining. I used to unfriend those, now I just unsubscribe so it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings.

I think some take facebook (or any other social website) too far and use it in place of actual face to face socializing. Typing something anonymously has a different impact than saying the same thing directly to someone's face.

Neither my mom or my dad use facebook. They were divorced and re-married when I was very young; both my stepmother and stepfather use facebook. It's kind of weird. Another reason why I try to keep my facebook "positive" as the step-parent updates the parent with what I post.

This year I wanted to try to make as many pet friends as possible, I think it's cute how a few, um, actively update their status. They never have anything bad to say. If your furbaby has their own facebook then please ask them to friend me.

AnnRkey 09-03-2012 09:12 PM

I like Facebook and recently twitter. Althought social media can be annoying when people put up or tweet about their personal drama. Otherwise I enjoy it!

aishah 09-03-2012 09:55 PM

i love facebook. i am part of a lot of support groups there where i stay connected with people i only see once or twice a year. to me it is just as valuable as socializing in person with folks that i am close to - both are really important. i also have an easier time keeping up with friends and family members who don't live close by, and otherwise i would probably lose relationships with them. i don't view facebook as "less than" other forms of socializing...i have deep, meaningful conversations with people via facebook and also over the phone and in real life.

i do sometimes get overwhelmed by the main facebook news feed and by news articles, political stuff, or other things that i'd really rather not spend as much attention on. (like, i try to make a point of not posting a lot of political things and election posts - i tend to post more about community projects and social justice stuff. but lately i've found myself engaging in the election postings which really is unnecessary for me.) there isn't much of a way to exclude those things from my attention though, other than to ignore them when they come up. i can also get a bit overwhelmed with trying to be there for everyone in my support groups who's struggling or spending too much time reading/responding, so i try to monitor how much time i spend on that. i'm an introvert, even online, so that can get to be draining if i don't moderate myself.

i can't stand twitter. i've used it from time to time personally and for work but i feel like if i am on it i have to be following it 24/7 to keep up with things and i don't have a smartphone or anything that i can use social media 24/7 on...not that i would even WANT to. if i just visit once a day i feel like i am really behind on twitter. so i don't use it much.

i've tried pinterest and other things but they don't really hold my interest. i tend to stick to facebook and message boards.

http://facebook.com/aishah.hils if anyone wants to add me. :)

WintergreenGem 09-03-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by OS Butch (Post 646149)
I love Facebook...I am one of those good morning kinda people that can annoy some people.

Depending on the day, I post a bunch, other days not so much. I don't find it intrusive as I am very particular who I friend, since my family is also on my page and I pretty much put lots of personal stuff on it, it is like my own personal blog.

There are maybe 6 people on there that I haven't actually met in real time. I keep it closed to friends only, not even the friends of friends. The only opening is anyone can send me a message.

I think FB is one of the reasons I am not on the Planet as much.

I am the same way for the most part. I have my facebook set to friends only. I have a lot of friends due to playing games. Plus I have a fairly large family all over the United States and friends in other countries. I am a very open person, except for sexual stuff and things like that. If I want to talk about that stuff and it's open for discussion I will talk about it here with the butch-femme family. I don't discuss that stufff much because I am a wee bit shy about it. I don't lie, so any question asked is answered honestly or not at all. There has not been very many people from butch-femme in which Graham and I have met in person. One day perhaps.
Sorry for rambling.

I am Leesa Graham on FaceBook if anyone is interested. I am only FaceBook daily.

WintergreenGem 09-03-2012 10:17 PM

I like to keep thing fun and upbeat. Sometimes I have to deal with sad stuff because that is a part of life. If it weren't for FaceBook I would not have any contact with my family, most of whom live in California and friends I left behind is Washington. I miss them all so very much. Now I left friends back in Ohio. FaceBook helps me to feel as if those people are close by.

AnnRkey 09-03-2012 10:43 PM

Ive never tried pintrest I see my friends use it a lot, along with four square? I have no clue what that is. And your right it does keep me in touch with family and friends. My girlfriend said she joined Facebook just to see what her kids were up too ! Which I thought was quite amusing, smh, technology can be amazing. But also restricting, I had to watch what I posted sometimes or make sure people don't check me in anywhere when I was at home "sick" from work! Lol !!! But hey, what can you do, it's 2012!

Sachita 09-04-2012 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Syr (Post 646231)
I am enjoying it. Don't often have time for real time socialization so this helps. It is about as social as this old hermit is comfortable with.
It's a more honest idea of a person than threads, forums etc.

This is so true. I actually will ask someone if they have facebook if I plan on dating them or investing any serious time. The main reason is I want to know that person better. Even if they don't hardly use it I can learn a lot about them and they can learn about me. I have nothing to hide (lol as you know since we are friends! lol) and they should not have anything to hide.

As for the rest- I allow most people to be my friend on request mainly because its also my business, HOWEVER I carefully filter my news feed and if someone brings too much drama or uses inappropriate behavior I remove them.

Sachita 09-04-2012 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by aishah (Post 646650)
i love facebook. i am part of a lot of support groups there where i stay connected with people i only see once or twice a year. to me it is just as valuable as socializing in person with folks that i am close to - both are really important. i also have an easier time keeping up with friends and family members who don't live close by, and otherwise i would probably lose relationships with them. i don't view facebook as "less than" other forms of socializing...i have deep, meaningful conversations with people via facebook and also over the phone and in real life.

i do sometimes get overwhelmed by the main facebook news feed and by news articles, political stuff, or other things that i'd really rather not spend as much attention on. (like, i try to make a point of not posting a lot of political things and election posts - i tend to post more about community projects and social justice stuff. but lately i've found myself engaging in the election postings which really is unnecessary for me.) there isn't much of a way to exclude those things from my attention though, other than to ignore them when they come up. i can also get a bit overwhelmed with trying to be there for everyone in my support groups who's struggling or spending too much time reading/responding, so i try to monitor how much time i spend on that. i'm an introvert, even online, so that can get to be draining if i don't moderate myself.

i can't stand twitter. i've used it from time to time personally and for work but i feel like if i am on it i have to be following it 24/7 to keep up with things and i don't have a smartphone or anything that i can use social media 24/7 on...not that i would even WANT to. if i just visit once a day i feel like i am really behind on twitter. so i don't use it much.

i've tried pinterest and other things but they don't really hold my interest. i tend to stick to facebook and message boards.

http://facebook.com/aishah.hils if anyone wants to add me. :)

I am supportive of many animal and farming groups/pages however I have to limit the number in my news feed. It can sure get depressing and ruin my day. It's not really a blind eye but choosing when. I get tired of seeing "Share if you care" or any bullying type of post stating that you must share or you're a selfish beast! I remove these people.

I have never been a big fan of twitter. I have Pinterest but never use it. Google Plus has far more and better features then FB but I just haven't managed to get dialed into it. I like the idea of video chat tho.

Sachita 09-04-2012 06:28 AM

Oh I do have a few groups. One is a farming group if anyone is interested in sustainable farming. I had an frugal organic group but it never really took off.

Breathless 09-04-2012 07:00 AM

I absolutely love my Facebook! Pretty much my entire family and every friend that I had from elementary school on up is on my Facebook. That being said I am still very cautious as to who I accept friendship requests from. My children, grandparents,parents everyone I know that I'm close to is on my Facebook. However I cannot stand drama or those people who feel the need to air their personal dirty laundry in a public forum. I have deleted my brother and wife for this reason. So in all honesty I would rather give someone my phone number till I get to know them, rather than give them access to the people I care about. It is a position of trust in my mind, and I don't easily let someone I barely know in.

dark_crystal 10-16-2017 05:29 AM

Seeing the way that bad actors have used social media advertising and virality to present biased information designed to divide us, i have grown less comfortable with allowing these platforms to sell my attention and information.

I am afraid to stop at least reading these platforms, though, since twitter may be the first place we hear about the next war

Below are some steps you can take to make your twitter account unprofitable. I spent Saturday afternoon implementing all of them
Delete your data

A lot of Twitter’s money comes from your data: selling information about you to advertisers, placing ads at you, and so forth. Instead of boycotting Twitter, hit them where it hurts, in the moneymaker. Here’s some tips for doing this.

Use an adblocker. They know you’re doing it. It hurts the advertisers’ feelings. Also, you should be using an adblocker anyway.
Turn off personalised ads. Hit “disable all” here. While they’re still collecting your information, they can’t use it, which pisses them off.
Edit your data. Twitter makes guesses at your age and gender for advertisers. You can change them here. My gender is “communist”, and I’m age 13-54.

Turn off location. Again, it’s data about you, don’t let them have it.

Delete your interests. Twitter likes guessing at your interests for all the marketing. There’s a list here, and you can delete all of them.

Block your “tailored audiences”. This dovetails with the personalised ad settings. You’ll find, here, that you’re a member of some personalised audiences. You can request the data. Do it. They’ll send you an email. Block every single account on it. Note: this may take a while- the bulk block feature seems to no longer work. If you’re really committed, do please manually block as many of those accounts as possible. And remember to block every advertiser you see!)

Make your content unprofitable. Twitter owns a pretty broad copyright licence on what you’re posting there. Drop a few f-bombs into your tweets. Append silly gifs to everything. Hate white men, hate Nazis, loudly and proudly. Tweet a lot about how shit Twitter’s policies are. If you have 280 characters, tweet in 140, and use the other 140 to append stuff about how appalling their policy is to every goddamn tweet.
On facebook, i removed my age, location, and gender and removed all of my "likes"

I changed all accounts to private.

My goal is to stop adding value with my identity and interactions

I will interact only with the personal posts of private individuals and click no paid content.

Neither will i any longer produce potentially profitable content.

All of my posts this weekend have been image-only, with any text embedded on top of the photo, and originated from Instagram, which-- being a vanity-only platform-- has not been politically subverted

When sharing news articles the plan is to post an unlinked screenshot and use the caption for keywords that can be highlight-searched to return the article via one's off-platform search engine. Once i set up an "alt" instagram (too many cousins on the other one)

These are my new social media hygiene practices.

homoe 10-16-2017 05:51 AM

I have no facebook, twitter, or snapchat accounts!

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