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Bootboi 11-07-2009 10:31 AM

  1. I was raised in Alaska and left when I was 21 yrs old for Minnesota.
  2. Im extremely organized and chaos disturbs me.
  3. I love Doris Day. Her music and her Movies.
  4. Im Latino
  5. At first presentation I come off as a gruff bear but Im really a teddy bear.

Random 11-07-2009 11:43 AM

1. I was raised military. It left me with a sense that nothing is perment.

2. I'm 43yrs old and I'm finaly growing into my skin.

3. The accomplishment that I am most proud of in my entire life is.... Raising a damn fine kid...

4. My friends, lovers, and ex's end up liking my kid more than they like me.. Grin... I don't mind at all..

5. I'm a skittish horse when it comes to commitment.. (I don't even like picking out the clothes that I'm going to wear the day before!) Yet, I've met someone who I'm not afraid to commit myself too.. I've tagged and bagged the perfect woman for me.. And I'm forcing her to marry me.. Even though we have had countless discussions about How we don't believe in marriage and contracts and how it has nothing to do with love or romance.

dixie 11-07-2009 11:47 AM

-Eventhough I can seem kinda cocky sometimes, I am actually painfully shy when meeting new people in person
-I'm a txting addict
-I have an extensive collection of partially used bingo daubers (just because I hate throwing them away..lol)
-I'm terrified of spiders but have no problem handling snakes
-I'm an extremely picky eater

Vlasta 11-07-2009 12:15 PM

1) I am extremely bitter with my own online community due to the slander , clicks and deceiving behavior by some .
2) I am giving one more try to re establish to be with my own .
3) I have back in my life my lost son which it's most important thing to me.
4)I tried to move back to Europe where I feel I am understood in my own cultural background , yet my son it's very American and I cannot leave without him .
5) I am single and I am planning to stay that way for a long time , maybe even forever .

WolfyOne 11-07-2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Vlasta (Post 1568)
1) I am extremely bitter with my own online community due to the slander , clicks and deceiving behavior by some .
2) I am giving one more try to re establish to be with my own .
3) I have back in my life my lost son which it's most important thing to me.
4)I tried to move back to Europe where I feel I am understood in my own cultural background , yet my son it's very American and I cannot leave without him .
5) I am single and I am planning to stay that way for a long time , maybe even forever .

(((((( Vlasta ))))))
Sorry to hear some of what you wrote. If you feel like bending an ear, I'm here for you. In fact if your cell number is still the same as when I lived in Vegas, I can call you. My number has never changed. I can truly feel all your pain.

Vlasta 11-08-2009 09:53 AM

Wolfy thank you so much for your kind words:) , I honestly appreciate your friendship for all this years . You were always nice to me without any agenda and you never cared if your friends like me or not . What was pissing me off most when people were sending me PM's , but in public they were acting like they didn't know me .

What really got me laughing and said enough when a member that knew me in person started spreading a rumors that I am actually male transgendered to female ( not that I have something against it ) , but how much more lies you need to spread for your own insecurity ? I simply do not need this in my life .

Anyway, it's in my past and I am happy that I find you here . I will PM you my land line since I am not sure if my number it's the same and we can hopefully reconnect again .

thanks again

hugs to ya

Jett 11-08-2009 10:34 AM

5 more..
(1.) Explanation points, I really shouldn't even use them b/c really I'm not at all easily excited... far from the excited energy they represent.

(2.) Overly animated, way hyper, and over the top excitable people make me... um... :eek:

(3.) I don't play computer games per say but you can find me in Second Life at times.

(4.) I get migraines, most are doable but always last several days, I'm just getting over one , yikes.

(5.) In 3 weeks I'm moving to a place that years back significant changes were set in motion for me, sort of a full circle thing.

Oh... BONUS: I've been riding motorcycles since I was seven, and am now looking for a vintage bike to rebuild. (to stock of course ;))

Words 11-08-2009 12:52 PM

1. I'm kind of OCD about making lists and hate chaos.

2. I dislike the colour yellow with a passion and won't have anything yellow in the house.

3. I hate using the phone and will only make a call if I absolutely have to.

4. When I'm really upset about something I stutter.

5. I love pretty things - lace, crystal, fine porcelain - but always wear basic black.


Blue 11-08-2009 03:25 PM

1. I really love animals. I drive my wife crazy stopping to meet any and every canine that crosses my path.

2. I love to read. No, I mean I really love to read and I use my library card.

3. I am a huge B flick fan. More camp, more corn, bad special effects...I love it.

4. I attended college 10 different times before finally getting my degree.

5. I abhor conflict.

Lynn 11-08-2009 04:36 PM

1. I have started a number of blogs, but I like the give and take of forums better. I'll never get my famous novel written, at this rate.

2. I have yet to really appreciate the allure of FB, except for getting in touch with the old friends that I *want* to get in touch with. Then there are the ones that I wish wouldn't find me.

3. As selfish as it is, I like my ex-husband better when he doesn't have a woman in his life. They all find it necessary to mother my children, which is just annoying and sometimes infuriating.

4. I don't like to watch football, but I love it when a game is on the TV, in the background. It feels like "home" and I get all warm and cozy.

5. I spend way too much time fantasizing about remodeling and fixing up my house--something I can't afford now, and probably won't be able to do for at least five years.

Bonus: I live with my partner Candace, our five cats, a dog, and my 17 year old daughter. Candy and I have been together for almost four and a half years and we're still having fun. :cool:

Jett 11-08-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Blue (Post 2056)
1. I really love animals. I drive my wife crazy stopping to meet any and every canine that crosses my path.

2. I love to read. No, I mean I really love to read and I use my library card.

3. I am a huge B flick fan. More camp, more corn, bad special effects...I love it.

4. I attended college 10 different times before finally getting my degree.

5. I abhor conflict.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txSej7BVG2w"]YouTube- The Monster Mash - B-Movies![/ame]

Beau 11-09-2009 06:07 PM

there's always a video
 It seems I might be a bit of a misanthrope, but knowing for sure would require asking someone else. I have chosen not to.
 Dancing and twirling my partner is as close to flying as I can get, especially since she adds such intense velocity. Even in our small hovel, we get airborne.
 I spend a lot of time banging out. I’m not sure what that means.
 Having an inordinate fondness for office supplies, particularly fine writing utensils, I find myself pissed off to recognize I mostly use a computer. It just doesn’t feel the same.
 When I awaken I have the most phenomenal view – like the first sunrise at the dawn of time – and I am reminded. I realize how lucky I am. Then, I lean over and kiss her.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7G2GRAgRw"]YouTube- Sunrise[/ame]

Beau :cool:

Bootboi 11-09-2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Metropolis (Post 1943)
(3.) I don't play computer games per say but you can find me in Second Life at times.

Hey Metro,

I am on Secondlife alot if you ever want to say Hey give me a shout. My avatar name there is Boot Janus.

evolveme 11-09-2009 07:52 PM

1. I'm terribly excited for the airing of Howard Zinn's The People Speak on December 13th on The History Channel.

2. I recently went for 2 months without checking my e-mail or going online.

3. I'm likely to do that again at any time.

4. I'm waiting rather anxiously to see if the president I so hopefully voted for is going to uphold a policy of peace. I am having terrible doubts.

5. I sneak into my child's halloween stash and take chocolate.

WolfyOne 11-09-2009 11:44 PM

1 I don't know what a nu nu is
2 I don't own a Hello Kitty Toaster
3 I dislike margarine and think butter is better on everything
4 I don't like orange marmalade
5 My favorite ethnic food is Mexican, the hotter the better

Thinker 11-10-2009 12:08 AM

1. I can eat the hell outta some Milk Duds!! :D
2. Washing pots/pans with food in them grosses me out.
3. Breakfast is my favorite meal.
4. Golf bores me.
5. I don't like reading fiction.

QueenofQueens 11-10-2009 01:33 AM

  1. I am always aware when someone is lying to me, even if they believe otherwise.:D
  2. I made the huge mistake of joining the cross country track team in 9th grade, largely due to the coach's flattery and my oblivion of my own lung capacity. The sound of a starter pistol made me jumpy for years afterward.:eek:
  3. My first musical collaboration was called "Beaver Kabob".:cool:
  4. I have developed a strong affection for Armenian cookies.:o
  5. I believe, for the first time in my forty years on this planet, that I truly know what it means to be loved by my beloved... :)

Turino 11-10-2009 01:47 AM

1. I hitchhiked across the country twice
2. I hopped a freight train from Phoenix ..thru Yuma to San Bernadino.
3. I have a difficult time living in the same home for more than 5 years.
4. I want a Viking funeral
5. I take most things personally except in my efforts as a salesperson

Mitmo01 11-10-2009 10:18 AM

1. I will love Hello Kitty unto the death, anything and all things to do with Hello Kitty make me squeal with absolute joy......and i dont care who knows it lol

2. Im a very adventurous eater, there is not much i will not eat or at least try, unless it has organ meats or pickles im there, now sweet pickel relish is ok with me but i do think pickles are inhernetly evil

3. I abhor hypocrites and believe that hypocrisy should be rooted out of human existence

4. I have a kitty named Diego who is a beautiful tuxedo, he is 4 1/2 and he has a rare heart condition called restrictive cardiac myeopathy. hes on meds but there is nothing else they can do, he is taking at urn for the worse i believe and i think that hes getting tired of living which makes me weep.

5. I love to blast my music loudly in my car and i dont care if its a cheesy song my head will be bobbing and that volume will be turned up lol

SelfMadeMan 11-16-2009 10:49 AM

ASPCA commercials upset me and I CANNOT watch one all the way through

I'm a born again agnostic

I eat a plate of food one thing at a time - no exceptions!

I am a music FREAK

Flying scares me

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