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-   -   How do you "come down" from a bad day? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2715)

Kenna 01-20-2011 09:22 PM

Sometimes.... on particularly hard days....
take a "drive" down Route 66; it's a great way to shed some serious tension.

Other days....
I love nature and finding a private peaceful place, like a wildlife refuge, to take a long hike with Willy Bear. And lots of cuddles with all the critters. I love their antics and they make me laugh even on the worst of days.

Focusing on some hobbies like my photography; working on my scripts for childrens books made from my favorite memories; planning a weekend camping trip or trip to the mountains (I love camping alone where I can find lots of peace and secluded nature)....or cooking an elaborate meal that feels REALLY good (nothing like comfort food!).

Late at night, when I can't go for a hike...I love watching documentaries with beautiful cinematography and stunning shots of beautiful places; SciFy movies (and other unusual movies) and MASH reruns. I have the whole collection of MASH and have watched every episode so many times that it's like reading an old favorite book.... it puts me right to sleep.

LeftWriteFemme 01-20-2011 09:45 PM

I talk on the phone or I play word games here on the planet!

kannon 01-20-2011 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by dixielady (Post 269180)
Good sex...even if it's solo :D

Ha....here's some nice background music. Some solo for ur solo:mohawk:

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km7aItGwz0I&sns=em"]YouTube - Flea bass solo with Chad[/nomedia]

Diva 01-20-2011 10:50 PM

I hold substitute teachers WAY UP...just like I do elementary teachers!!

After having taught for a good 25+ years, and did a little substitute work myself, I admire You!

First, if I had a planned absence, as their teacher, I would inform the kids I would be gone. I would ALso tell them that I expected a good report. More often than not, I got one. It was like the "wait til your FATHER gets home" thing for me. :) But they knew they would catch hell if I got a bad report from a sub.

AS a sub, I would always arrive early to get myself settled in. I would involve one or more kids ~ You can tell which ones are the hellions...and I would always ask them. Also....I would tell them ~ at the end of the day, if you wanna pop back in, I'll be listening to some music before I go home ~ kinda 'shuts down my day here'....if you wanna join me, that'd be great. If they wanted to do that, I'd write them a note so they could get back down at the end of the day. I had as many as 10 kids just sitting with me, listening to music, winding down together. Are you paid to do that. Nope. But did it make a difference? Yep. And that's a better paycheck, if you ask me.

Gemme 01-21-2011 01:18 AM

Currently, I have anywhere from a half hour to an hour commute each way, depending on when I'm hitting the roadways. I listen to the radio and, when feeling sassy, talk back to it and/or sing along with it. It does help some.

Playing online here, in the silly and game threads, makes for a good "zone out" time for me.

Time with friends can help.

Listening to my MP3 player and bopping about helps sometimes.

Sometimes, nothing but a big bowl of ice cream or popcorn and a movie will work.

There is not just "one" thing that works for me all of the time. Different situations warrant different approaches. I can leave work happy, exhilerated, sad, defeated, depressed, angry, frustrated and/or numb. Each emotion has a different 'cure'.

Rockinonahigh 01-21-2011 03:09 AM

I work in elder care but for the most part my cliants are really good to be around,BUT..,there are a fue who I just have to smile and take a deep dreath to deal with.Those who arent as nice to deal with are mostly men who are rude obnauchas(sp..its 2:00am k)and down right potty mouth.The days I do all I can but still have a bad day I crank the radio up to rattle the windows in my car...I play Jerry Lee Louis to the hilt and sing along ,then I end up at the pool hall.The first fue trables are called rack em and slam em...it dose help.Then I can settle down to some serious pool games wich takes all the stress away cause I can think of anything but the game when im playing.Next I go home and spend some really fun time with my fur kids who always make me feel better no mater what.A nice shower,dinner and im good.

katsarecool 01-21-2011 03:36 AM

When I worked a trip with nature on a long walk did the trick most days. A weekend trip to the mountains helped a lot too. And animals, petting them and telling them what was on my mind. And I would listen to NPR on the way home always took my mind off the stress of work.

Bella~Vita 01-21-2011 04:39 AM

I just kick some ass

sylvie 01-21-2011 06:18 AM

♫ music is most definitely my escape ♫

also, time with my children, time with friends, going for a brisk walk or exercise of any kind.. meditation is a must for me, and although i hate admitting it, food makes me feel better lol.. i'm an emotional eater, bigtime.. but i'm striving to find better avenues to deal with my stress haha...

reading , or some nice quiet time, to sit and think things through, focus on some positive things that boost me.. usually some deep conversations with friends will help get me to a better place..

oh and nothing like taking in nature, being outdoors, feeling & smelling the fresh air - watching the beauty all around you... being outdoors is something that always picks me up..

but, nothing beats turning my music up nice & loud and sylly dancing all over this place, singing it out like no one's watching!! *smiles*

cuddlyfemme 01-22-2011 08:38 AM

definately music! i also like spending time with my kitties and petting them

CrankyOldGuy 01-22-2011 08:48 AM

martini's and mafia wars

hpychick 05-03-2011 12:41 PM

I never thought...
that I would be posting in a thread like this....but here I am, posting, trying to find some light at the end of the tunnel, trying to get through today without breaking down and crying

when I wake up
when I get dressed
on my way to work
during my workday
on my way home
when I walk my dogs
when I'm talking to friends who are trying to help me get through this
when I'm talking to my kids, who try to console and comfort me
when I sit here staring blankly at the screen
when I try to eat
when I get my bath
when I get dressed for bed
as I fall asleep

I'm realizing, even though I'm the one who ended it, it's not easy at all. (Somehow, I've always thought it would be less painful.) It hurts like the dickens. It hurts more than I thought it would. Even knowing all that I know, all the reasons it won't work, all the reasons it could never work - it still hurts, and I still want him, and I still miss him every moment of everyday, every night when I could hear him snoring. I still miss the silly texts, and the corny jokes, and wake up phone calls over his breakfast, I miss him jetting into an office or a hallway, or outside for a quick smoke so he could call me just to tell me he was missing me and needed to hear my voice, to tell me how much he loved about me.

Walking away or running away, depending on how you look at it - it's harder than you think. Maybe soon, it will feel liberating. Maybe soon. But will it be soon enough?

How do I come down from a bad day? I just want to know how to get up.

Medusa 05-03-2011 12:48 PM

I have the luxury of going outside anytime I want here at work for a little fresh air and sunshine and I did just that as soon as I got here this morning and saw my inbox.
It's amazing what a few deep breaths can do.

I will also add that when I am driving home between work and home, I sometimes put my phone on silent and turn off the radio if I'm feeling a sensory overload that day so that I can have 10 minutes of "quiet time" before I get home and start my list of "to do's".

The_Lady_Snow 05-03-2011 01:03 PM


Quiet Time

A walk

A good ol fashion cry, hot shower, & soft wooby :baby:

Sparkle 05-03-2011 01:10 PM

A long hot shower.

A nice meal.

Quiet. (no telly. no internet. no phone.)

Retreat to bed with a good book and a cuppa tea.

A long walk with my dog, even when I don't feel like it; its good for both of us and that can be motivation enough.

Spending an evening with my best Femmes always lifts my spirits.

A mindless film or trashy tv show marathon.

Daydreaming online: cruising chi-chi villa rentals in Sicily, "planning" a 'round-the-world trip, looking at pretty shoes...

Linus 05-03-2011 01:33 PM

When the world is too much, I let K know. I turn off all my gadgets, get a cigar, a cheesy sci-fi novel, a good beer and sit outside watching the world go by with the puglets. On the rare extreme stress day, I grab my bike and just aimless bike around thinking of nothing.

I rarely have issues with stress these days because I've landed in a job that lets me do what I need when I want and that flexibility has done wonders for my stress. Compared to where I was 15 years ago where I worked 6-7 days a week, 12-16 hours a day at a small firm my life and work life is far more relaxing and easier to address.

Jesse 05-03-2011 01:38 PM

I hear a good flogging works wonders for stress management, but I suppose that's for another thread. :whip:

Diva 05-03-2011 01:48 PM

Painting takes me away.......

Also, gettin' my hands in the earth does it for me, too.

I agree with those who have said they turn off their 'gadgets'.........the best "songs" in the world are those the birds are singing right outside my window.

Novelafemme 05-03-2011 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 332308)
Painting takes me away.......

Also, gettin' my hands in the earth does it for me, too.

I agree with those who have said they turn off their 'gadgets'.........the best "songs" in the world are those the birds are singing right outside my window.

I couldn't agree more, Diva :) I'm not sure how everyone else defines a "bad day" and generally my days are not so much bad as they are hectic. Now that it's summer and my garden is in full bloom I love to come home, drop everything at the door, grab the hose, take some deep breaths and relax into the serenity of nature. Better than a glass of red wine!! Since it's summer and bikini weather I find walking on the treadmill to be extremely relaxing as well. For me, movement seems to work out the stresses of a busy day.

violaine 05-03-2011 02:07 PM

laughter is the best medicine!

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