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Rockinonahigh 05-08-2010 09:25 AM

Grrrrr..I dont like flying anyway and for anyone to require me to stand and be scaned for inspection like a side of beef is invasive as all hell,if I wanted them to see my naked body I would be streaking in the airport.I mean after all befor long we may well be serched even worse than now.The last time I flew I walked thrue a metal detector,had a wand passed over me then ask ..or told should I say..that I would heave to be checked by a female guard cause my drivers licence and my apperence didnt match as much as it should..Yeah I was soft packin and shure didnt look as much like me as my dl says I should..but there was no doubt it was the same preson as on my Id.They confiscated my gear, and all things that may have anything to do with it.Thank goodness that one thing was all I had with me,everything else was at home.They also took my cane at the gate ( my knee was messed up at the time) but gave it back when I departed the plane at destanation.Had to get help if I had to go to the bathroom or use the seats for support walking.I know we need to be safe from terroist but they r going to far.

theoddz 05-08-2010 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Nat (Post 101311)

Okay, I'm going to put something in here, related to the points that are brought out in this video.

As many of you may or may not know, I am a Union Rep for my local AFGE (American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO). This labor union represents about 600,000 employees of the United States federal government, including the TSA. There's one big problem, however, and everyone on the inside of the AFGE knows this. The TSA is the most sloppily run, workplace-abusive agency in the federal gov't.

It seems that when the Dept. of Homeland Security was created in the post 9/11 days by the Bush administration (which was VERY unfriendly towards unions, and particularly the AFGE), that administration started, right off, with trying to exclude this group of federal employees from having any bargaining rights whatsoever. They put many regulations for that agency in place that subjected them to workplace abuses with no recourse, all in the name of "national security".

What has resulted is, in the wake of this action, a federal agency where the work force is, by and large, affected with low morale, lack of training, and a vindictive management style that systemically fails to provide good training and effective leadership. That's why this particular federal agency has made such a mess of things like this, I feel.

The union does so much more than just represent individual employees who have workplace problems/issues with their supervisors. We have our noses in almost every issue that concerns the training, safety and effectiveness of the federal work place. We make sure that people are given adequate training and the tools to do their jobs and do them well. We ensure that management doesn't cut corners when it comes to providing the best and most cost effective service to the American citizen and taxpayer through our support of the employee. We give employees the voice they need in making the government work. The government and it's agencies are, after all, people who serve people. Nothing more, nothing less.

What this all comes down to, really, is a serious lack of training and support in the TSA. The TSA has some critical problems. The problems you're reading about in this thread are really just the tip of the iceberg and what eventually rolls down on the "consumer" from a hierarchy of misuse and abuse. Right now, the AFGE is working, on many fronts, towards bringing the TSA under our umbrella so we can help to improve the way the American citizen is served by this agency. Every week, I get email updates on our progress, and it is hopeful. Just like the Obama Administration, the AFGE is having to try to repair the 8 years of Bush fuckery, and it takes time.

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Toughy 05-08-2010 11:00 AM

Absolutely not....period...full stop...the large majority of so-called airport security, in the US, is absolute bullshit and doesn't do anything to prevent anything........

I would much rather we did what Israel does for airport security.......they have the safest airport and airline in the world......over 30 years with no and I mean no incidents.

here is a link:

ps..........I voted 'other' in the poll

Kobi 05-08-2010 11:13 AM

I'm thinking it would just be easier have all luggage shipped UPS - and cheaper too, and once everyone is on the plane......just pipe in some nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and fly the friendly skies!

On a positive note....an airport cavity search is cheaper than a dentist. :huhlaugh:

Unndunn 05-09-2010 12:52 AM

just to clarify for research purposes, I checked the wrong answer. I meant to check the third option (a necessary evil) but instead checked the first one. Phew, I feel better having cleared that up. I don't want to mess up any polls. :)

Tommi 05-09-2010 07:47 AM

Sunshine on a rainy day, and smiles

Originally Posted by Nat (Post 101262)
Okay, the TSA's site states, "It is important to note that this technology is always optional to passengers." So that's somewhat of a comfort.

Andrew, what I'm beginning to think is that this is exactly what adults act like. This behavior comes standard on lots of models.

As someone who flies about every 4-6 weeks, I would not mind, as it will make traveling much faster. I will never see the person behind that monitor, and could care less because it's their job, and what fun can that be all day!!!I came from the medical field where modesty is respected in various ways.

The UVA and UVB radiation from a jog in the sun is greater than any primary beam or backscatter you could ever receive from a scanner, and both are good for you.Discounting the radiation you know you get at 30,000 feet.

The scanners are the best technology out there. Invasive as it may seem, I understand the need, and will not be opposed to being scanned, versus body patted. I too pack and am body patted and asked to step into the glass enclosure every time I fly.

My girl must schedule extra travel time, as she is body checked EVERY time she flies. Her luggage is opened and completely scanned. She submits her hands, and feet for swipes, When she walks long distances she wears an airbrace due to a nasty ankle injury many years ago.

So, she wears a removable brace, which they ask if she will remove. She always wears a skirt or dress, and has not been asked yet to remove it.:( . Is it also ethnic?. She is olive complected and dark,(Lebanese/Irish), and I believe profiled.

On one of our trips, I , fully "packed"made it through the gauntlet, Then waited for her. It was almost 45 minutes. I watched while they went over her body, Head to Toe again and again, then called other's over while she sat, nervously waiting.They took everything out of her carry on, and her computer bag. She stood, she sat, and stood again while she was forced to stand there in front of everyone coming through the scanners passing her by.

So, as we travel alot I would not mind, as it will make it much faster, and it can not see the color of anyone's skin.

Linus 05-09-2010 08:31 AM

As a trans person, and given the behaviour of TSA, I hate the whole idea. I've been to some of the busiest airports and they actually are pretty quick with passing people through (I travel enough to know). It's the jacked up fees that result in people bringing a ton of luggage with them onto the plane that slows this whole process down.

As for Israel's method of air travel security, I'm all for it --- if I can ascertain for a fact that discrimination won't be a factor in the decision to let someone fly or not. The reality is that the US remains and will always remain a very polarized nation in regards to the things that society and individuals like and dislike.

Boots13 05-09-2010 09:15 AM

zero confidence
I read somewhere that the scanner picture can be "cartoonized" yet still alert on potential weapons. But I still want to know how secure the cargo hold is. A cellphone can ignite a package, if you get my drift. Scary thought.

I still fly, but I really dont like to because it all is such a pain in the butt. I think flying is a "playing the odds" game anyway. The chances of mechanical failure or a crazy guy wanting to open the door is the bigger threat, and nobody, including TSA can screen those wildcard scenarios out.

Overall the TSA still gets a no confidence vote from me.

dixie 05-10-2010 11:26 AM

Great...yet another thing to keep me from wanting to fly. I've never flown before. I have an extreme phobia about heights. I went to the airport once, determined to get on a plane. I stood in front of the big glass windows and watched the planes take off and land...and passed straight out where I stood...lol My gf really wants me to try it, so that our travel choices won't be so limited. (Like this weekend, she hopped a plane to Boston then drove into Rhode Island for a family reunion while I'm still sitting here in NC.) But from all the horror stories people keep telling me, and now things like this...well, I just don't know if I will ever have the guts to try. :blues:

Dean Thoreau 05-10-2010 11:48 AM

.................question is,,,will they soon be used for something terribly kinky?
you know like that medical instrument known as a tens unit???

If it cant be used for something worthwhile,,then....blech....they need to invent something else....

JustJo 05-10-2010 12:27 PM

Ugh...what a choice.

I have no issues flying...rather like it in fact. I have zero confidence in the TSA regardless of the equipment they have to use...and certainly want to be safe when I fly.

However, if these are real images from the scanner then I am NOT comfortable with this. I'm femme...none of the complicating issues that many of our trans friends face, but still, for me....no. I'm not even comfortable wearing a two piece bathing suit at the beach. I'm certainly not comfortable with strangers at the airport seeing me naked. I don't care if it's their job, whether they make fun, are turned on, bored silly....whatever. No.

I will walk through the metal detector, they can use the wand, and if they feel the need I will accept a pat search from a female officer. See a pretty clear image of me naked? No.

Apocalipstic 05-12-2010 03:25 PM

I could care less for myself. I fly internationally often and if someone wants to laugh at what I look like naked, have at it.


I do know it freaks out my trans friends and agree with Tuffy that the Israeli's do way better than the US does in keeping people safe and maybe we should take some tips from them.

So I don't know really.

Medusa 05-12-2010 04:35 PM

Oh thank JEEBUS this thread isn't about what I thought it was!!!!

Yanno, I get the need for this type of scan but I will feel incredibly violated if I am ever in a situation to be scanned and might reconsider flying because of it.

I am mostly concerned too for young teenage girls being subjected to x-rays at the whims of pervy security agents or people who are exceptional (like having no legs or a birth defect) being scanned for curiosity or entertainment by these agents.

The MOST concerning thing to me? In this day and age of ever-increasing technology, I do NOT want to see scans of my personal body outline up on the internet on "HeadlessFatChicks.com", nor would I want to see scans of the men I love up on "LookieAtTheSmallPenis.com"

Again, I get the need for...something....but damn.

Nat 05-12-2010 05:56 PM

To me it's definitely the sense of violation that bothers me - rather than a fear of being laughed at. I feel that taking a photo of a person's naked body without their consent is akin to assault.

And just as Medusa mentioned teen girls being ogled, little children may also end up being ogled and having their pictures traded over the internet.

The age of consent varies from state to state, but at any age now, you have naked pictures taken by government officials?

And then the jokers at the TSA are making fun of each others' bits? Those sound like trustworthy folks. I'm sure people with that much discretion would never ever abuse their power or whip out their iphones to capture the most notable scans.

Thankfully at this point in time, it's not yet mandatory here in the US. Here, we can choose to be publicly groped if we feel squeamish about the xray. Or we can choose not to fly and our worlds can shrink significantly.

Ravenouss 05-13-2010 11:42 AM

Maybe it will make those lazy, inefficient, rude, unprepared, worthless airport screeners move a little fast by trying to get some cheap thrills...

I say fire them all and hire the Israeli to do airport security... (and certainly do not allow them to unionize or we are screwed!)

SuperFemme 05-13-2010 11:45 AM

I find it interesting that the Federal Gov't wants me to have less mammograms because of the radiation, yet that same Federal Gov't is fine with dosing me with radiation at the airport. Maybe they can give us copies of the backscatter to take to our MD for analysis?

SuperFemme 05-13-2010 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 104378)
Oh thank JEEBUS this thread isn't about what I thought it was!!!!

Yanno, I get the need for this type of scan but I will feel incredibly violated if I am ever in a situation to be scanned and might reconsider flying because of it.

I am mostly concerned too for young teenage girls being subjected to x-rays at the whims of pervy security agents or people who are exceptional (like having no legs or a birth defect) being scanned for curiosity or entertainment by these agents.

The MOST concerning thing to me? In this day and age of ever-increasing technology, I do NOT want to see scans of my personal body outline up on the internet on "HeadlessFatChicks.com", nor would I want to see scans of the men I love up on "LookieAtTheSmallPenis.com"

Again, I get the need for...something....but damn.

You know you made me go look don't you?

Medusa 05-13-2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 105056)
You know you made me go look don't you?


Of COURSE you did!

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