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-   -   Stem Cell/ Bone Marrow Donation (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1433)

SuperFemme 06-25-2010 04:31 PM

if i had pure marrow i would do it in a second.
but then, i am no stranger to bone marrow aspirations so it doesn't frighten me.

Blaze 06-25-2010 05:51 PM

Thank you Spirit Dancer for posting this thread. I went to work this morning. :| I talked with my CEO and she sent out a e-mail to everyone in our facility. I was so happy to see the response! We will be having a drive Tuesday. And at this very moment we have 64 people signed up to get there cheek swab, and yes, I had to explain to a few of our fellow employees that it's not the cheek that there originally thinking about :hamactor:
Finally our hospital has something to be excited about besides donating blood. Once again, what a wonderful Idea Spirit Dancer, now if I can get the other 39 associates to swab away!

Spirit Dancer 06-25-2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Blaze (Post 138619)
Thank you Spirit Dancer for posting this thread. I went to work this morning. :| I talked with my CEO and she sent out a e-mail to everyone in our facility. I was so happy to see the response! We will be having a drive Tuesday. And at this very moment we have 64 people signed up to get there cheek swab, and yes, I had to explain to a few of our fellow employees that it's not the cheek that there originally thinking about :hamactor:
Finally our hospital has something to be excited about besides donating blood. Once again, what a wonderful Idea Spirit Dancer, now if I can get the other 39 associates to swab away!

Thank you and your co workers, such a wonderful gift
you all are giving.
Wishing now there were more drives for Bone Marrow and Stem Cell
what a great idea you had.:clap:

Blaze 06-25-2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Dancer (Post 138631)
Thank you and your co workers, such a wonderful gift
you all are giving.
Wishing now there were more drives for Bone Marrow and Stem Cell
what a great idea you had.:clap:

On the contrary my dear. It was your posting that got me thinking that it would be a wonderful drive to do. We all give blood. It was now time to get my hospital co-workers to step it up and give more. So. It is you, that should get the applause and thanks!

friskyfemme 06-26-2010 10:36 AM

I had plannd to do this a couple of years after a news article published about a local guy needing a bone marrow transplant. However, during my procrastination, the young man died. I will never know if I could have been a match. Still wears on me. I didn't know there was a registry. Thanks for bringing this to my awareness. And stem cell donation!?
How does that work with live donors? Did I miss that?

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by friskyfemme (Post 138944)
I had plannd to do this a couple of years after a news article published about a local guy needing a bone marrow transplant. However, during my procrastination, the young man died. I will never know if I could have been a match. Still wears on me. I didn't know there was a registry. Thanks for bringing this to my awareness. And stem cell donation!?
How does that work with live donors? Did I miss that?

Live Donor Liver Transplantation
Sander Florman1 and Charles M. Miller2
1Tulane University School of Medicine, Tulane University Hospital and Clinic, New Orleans, LA,
and 2The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
Received January 10, 2005; accepted February 2, 2006.
With ever-increasing demand for liver replacement, supply of organs is the limiting factor and a significant number of patients
die while waiting. Live donor liver transplantation has emerged as an important option for many patients, particularly small
pediatric patients and those adults that are disadvantaged by the current deceased donor allocation system. Ideally there would
be no need to subject perfectly healthy people in the prime of their lives to a potentially life-threatening operation to procure
transplantable organs. Donor safety is imperative and cannot be compromised regardless of the implication for the intended
recipient. The evolution of split liver transplantation is the basis upon which live donor transplantation has become possible.
The live donor procedures are considerably more complex than whole organ decreased donor transplantation and there are
unique considerations involved in the assessment of any specific recipient and donor. Donor selection and evaluation have
become highly specialized. The critical issue of size matching is determined by both the actual size of the donor graft and the
recipient as well as the degree of recipient portal hypertension. The outcomes after live donor liver transplantation have been
at least comparable to those of deceased donor transplantation. Nevertheless, all efforts should be made to improve deceased
donor donation so as to minimize the need for live donors. Transplant physicians, particularly surgeons, must take
responsibility for regulating and overseeing these procedures. Liver Transpl 12:499-510, 2006. © 2006 AASLD.

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 10:49 AM

The demand for liver transplantation has continued to
increase in the last three decades and has far outpaced
the supply of organs from deceased donors. In the U.S.
alone, more than 90,000 people are on transplant waiting
lists, whereas the number of deceased liver donors
in recent years has remained stable at approximately
6,000.1 More than 18,000 patients are waiting
for livers. Allocation of these precious, life-saving organs
is currently dictated by patients’ scores on the
Model for End-stage Liver Disease, a disease-severity
index based solely on bilirubin, creatinine, and international
normalized ratio. The Model for End-stage
Liver Disease (or, in children, the Pediatric End-stage
Liver Disease model) allows prioritization of the sickest
patients.2,3 Still, death on the waiting list in 2004 was
greater than 10%.1
Faced with these statistics, physicians caring for
these patients have endeavored to perform transplants
with partial liver grafts from healthy, volunteer live donors.
An estimated 7,000 living donor liver transplants
have been performed worldwide.

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 10:52 AM

Organs from living donors offer many potential advantages
over organs from brain-dead donors. The most important
advantages of live donation are that it optimizes
the timing of transplantation and frees patients from the
waiting list. These factors have become especially helpful
for patients who are disadvantaged by the cadaver organ
allocation scheme, including patients with tumors, cholestatic
diseases, or blood type O, as well as those who are
retransplantation candidates.
Preservation time is minimal in live donor transplants,
so there is significantly less ischemic damage to
the liver. Live donors are by definition healthy, and
therefore the quality of the donated liver is much better.
Brain death results in many adverse pathophysiologic
effects that damage the liver. Perhaps most importantly,
live donor transplantation increases the global
pool of transplantable organs, allowing more people to
benefit from this potentially life-saving therapy.
There are, however, a number of disadvantages to live
donor transplantation which must be considered carefully.
The donor, a perfectly healthy volunteer, faces
unequivocal risks of morbidity and even mortality
which put the procedure at odds with the very basic
tenets of medicine and the oath that all physicians
pledge to keep: Primum non nocere – First, cause no
harm. The risk of death for donors of a left lateral segment
or a left lobe is estimated to be approximately
0.1%, whereas the risk for donors of a right lobe is
estimated to be approximately 0.4 to 0.5%.25

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 10:54 AM

Here is a link to the entire article
with graphs

friskyfemme 06-26-2010 11:02 AM

So 'live stem cell donor' is liver transplant? My sister has just been diagnosed with 'C'. She has started chemo therapy with a research drug (weekly injections and daily pill). If after six months the treatment looks as if it is working she will continue, otherwise, next year there is a new drug regiment being introduced, She will start on that one. If that doesn't show results in 6 months, then she will need the transplant. I was thinking I needed to wait to check for match on the liver. So I will go ahead and test for her match. Can one person do more that a one time 'live liver donation' after regrowing the liver?

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 11:08 AM

Link for Peripheral blood stem cell donation

One more important fact
Q: Who pays for the donation process?
A: Donors never pay for donating, and are never paid to donate.

All medical costs for the donation procedure are covered by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), which operates the Be The Match Registry, or by the patient's medical insurance, as are travel expenses and other non-medical costs. The only costs to the donor might be time taken off from work.

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by friskyfemme (Post 138959)
So 'live stem cell donor' is liver transplant? My sister has just been diagnosed with 'C'. She has started chemo therapy with a research drug (weekly injections and daily pill). If after six months the treatment looks as if it is working she will continue, otherwise, next year there is a new drug regiment being introduced, She will start on that one. If that doesn't show results in 6 months, then she will need the transplant. I was thinking I needed to wait to check for match on the liver. So I will go ahead and test for her match. Can one person do more that a one time 'live liver donation' after regrowing the liver?

The live donor part was for a partial liver transplant. Stem Cells are harvested the same way as a blood donation unless it is a bone marrow donation then it is a surgical procedure. I'm not sure if it would be wise to donate a partial liver more than once, I'll look into it, makes an interesting question. Will add your sister to the candle list if it is okay with you.

friskyfemme 06-26-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Dancer (Post 138955)
Here is a link to the entire article
with graphs

Well apparently, I am not an acceptable age group for liver donation.

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 11:16 AM

So we all know the facts from myth

Myths & Facts about Bone Marrow Donation
Learn the facts about bone marrow donation to help you make an informed decision about joining the Be The Match Registry®.

All bone marrow donations involve surgery.

The majority of donations do not involve surgery. Today, the patient's doctor most often requests a peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donation, which is non-surgical.

The second way of donating is marrow donation, which is a surgical procedure.

In each case, donors typically go home the same day they donate.

Donating is painful and involves a long recovery.

There can be uncomfortable but short-lived side effects of donating PBSC. Due to taking a drug called filgrastim for five days leading up to donation, PBSC donors may have headaches, joint or muscle aches, or fatigue. PBSC donors are typically back to their normal routine in one to two days.

Those donating marrow receive general or regional anesthesia, so they feel no pain during donation. Marrow donors can expect to feel some soreness in their lower back for one to two weeks afterward. Most marrow donors are back to their normal activities in two to seven days.

Donating is dangerous and weakens the donor.

Though no medical procedure is without risk, there are rarely any long-term side effects. Be The Match® carefully prescreens all donors to ensure they are healthy and the procedure is safe for them. We also provide support and information every step of the way.

Because only five percent or less of a donor's marrow is needed to save the patient's life, the donor's immune system stays strong and the cells replace themselves within four to six weeks.

In bone marrow donation, pieces of bone are removed from the donor.

No pieces of bone are taken during marrow donation. Only the liquid marrow found inside the pelvic bone is needed to save the patient's life.

SuperFemme 06-26-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Dancer (Post 138503)
W/we are keeping you in light and healing
and know there are those who can be tested to
donate partial liver to you.
Do you need people to be tested?? let's send out an SOS

Saw the Dr. and partial liver donations will not be an option.
He said that it will be an all or nothing situation but he doesn't
think I will be approved due to the leukemia.

So I asked if it was basically a race to the finish line.

He said yes, and I am fine with that.

Still, there are so many people who can be helped. I have probably been a tiny bit sanctimonious about the subject because it means so much to me me me. That is not fair and I did not intend to sound like people who do not want to donate are somehow bad or wrong. I'm so sorry if I came off like that.

What Cancer Cannot Do
Author: Unknown
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.

Spirit Dancer 06-26-2010 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 139088)
Saw the Dr. and partial liver donations will not be an option.
He said that it will be an all or nothing situation but he doesn't
think I will be approved due to the leukemia.

So I asked if it was basically a race to the finish line.

He said yes, and I am fine with that.

Still, there are so many people who can be helped. I have probably been a tiny bit sanctimonious about the subject because it means so much to me me me. That is not fair and I did not intend to sound like people who do not want to donate are somehow bad or wrong. I'm so sorry if I came off like that.

What Cancer Cannot Do
Author: Unknown
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.

You in no way came off like that, as a matter of fact it is about you and your fight to live.
Never feel that way okay.:) Sending healing light your way with woo (f)

WolfyOne 06-26-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 138496)
i think it's amazing that you started this thread.
lives will be saved.

now i just wish i could get a spare liver. :seeingstars:

I'd offer up any part of me that would save you........I loves you my friend :)

friskyfemme 06-29-2010 10:06 PM

Thank you please add my sister to the candlelist-Becky McGurn. She is mother of 4; GM of 4. She is a vibrant, loving and caring person.

Spirit Dancer 06-30-2010 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by friskyfemme (Post 141539)
Thank you please add my sister to the candlelist-Becky McGurn. She is mother of 4; GM of 4. She is a vibrant, loving and caring person.

Adding her to O/our list here and at home,
healing light to you all during this time. :vigil:

Spirit Dancer 06-30-2010 08:03 AM

This walk is for all blood cancers

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