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Strappie 12-04-2010 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by popcorninthesofa (Post 241071)
Okey Dokey Artichokey, If the E cig works for you.. I'll invest. Do they sell em bourbon dipped?

haha Not bourbon as of yet.. but they do have flavored ones. Choc, Vanilla and Cherry.

Strappie 12-04-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Greyson (Post 241279)
Strappie, Best of Luck to you. My game plan for you is to keep you in my thoughts/prayers about your desire to live cigarette free. I too smoked for many years when I was younger. I think for me it was part of the "image thing." The problem with that was physical health risks and I could not live

in a bar 24/7 as a young person trying to find community, friends and women of course.

For me when I gave up drinking and drugs of any kind many years ago, I had to stop going to clubs where I did the bulk of my partying. It helped to create a entire new set of activities, and some new friends with common goals.

I would have to stop driving... lol :|

Back to the cigs, I don't know how it is in MN but out here on the left coast, marijuanna smoking seems to be more acceptable than cigs. Cigarette smokers are becoming less and less. I have not been a daily smoker in years but my thing was to have a ciggy when I go out to a club or some sort of fundraising event. I have not had a cig since the B-F Holiday Dance held at the beginning of this year. The last time I was out with a group of people just chatting and hanging out on a Friday night about 4 weeks ago, there were no cigs for me. I belive I am done.

Good for you Greyson!! I'm not and never will be a pot smoker.. so I wont' be replacing "smoking" with "toking"

I have some other ideas that might help you quit, if you are interested send me a pm or call. Again, Best of Luck Strappie.

Thank you Greyson... Would you post them here.. This thread was intended for EVERYONE trying.. and any advice given possibly could help someone else too!!

DapperButch 12-04-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 240734)
There were some great posts....somewhere....it escapes me now....about how folks felt when they quit smoking. I think it was Gayla who said that she didn't know who she was without ciggies. It brought on fear.

You've been smoking for a loooooong time. I would wager that it's a similar situation with you, subconsciously. You'll have to get to know yourself as a non-smoker and that is someone you don't know now.

I'm not a smoker. My mom and her two-fisted chain smoking ways fixed that. My honey smoked though. He quit this year and I'm so very proud of him. He'd tried before without success until he was ready to quit. Everything lined up for him. He set his mind to it and his body was ready (the ciggies actually began to make him nauseous) and he had emotional support (me!) lined up. Trifecta!

It's good that you are seeking support and I wish you the very best in quitting.

Yes, it was gayla. I don't know where I saw the post either, but I commented on it. She is so right about that...it is about loss and that whole "who am I as a non smoker? I like my smoker self!". It is a part of our identity. I felt lost without it (quit one year ago this month), but somehow the "blanks" filled in.

Chantix is what worked for me.


Some insurance companies will pay for it (mine didn't) and some States will pay for it. My state pays for it and it has nothing to do with income, you just have to be willing to let a nurse call you every week to check in and ask how you are doing.

My work paid for it (b/c I work at a medical institution, so they know the high cost of smoker's medical care!), and they made me pay the first month's worth (like $120 or something!), and then they paid for subsequent months.

As a side note, if you do this, some studies have shown that if you take it for 6 months (instead of the standard 3 months), you will have a better chance of staying free of smoking. I talked the nurse into it at my job and I really think it made a difference.

Good luck to all! Hang in there! And know it is worth it!

ETA: I also switched to hot tea in the morning instead of coffee and didn't drink beer for a month. Two things that go good with a cig.

Liam 12-04-2010 02:00 PM

Identifying the places and situations where you automatically light up, is a great place to begin your own plan. For instance, I used to smoke when I was driving—mindless chain smoking, until I reached my destination. I also used to smoke when I sat down at the computer, and when I was watching TV. Changing your habits around smoking can make it much easer to actually quit when you decide to stop smoking. I stopped smoking in the car six months before I quit, and a month before I stopped smoking I would have one smoke when I sat down at the computer or watched TV, and wouldn't have another for at least an hour. Breaking the emotional and habitual attachment to smoking, increases your chances of becoming a successful non-smoker.
I wish everyone the best of luck.

Strappie 12-04-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by DapperButch (Post 241321)
Yes, it was gayla. I don't know where I saw the post either, but I commented on it. She is so right about that...it is about loss and that whole "who am I as a non smoker? I like my smoker self!". It is a part of our identity. I felt lost without it (quit one year ago this month), but somehow the "blanks" filled in.

Chantix is what worked for me.


Some insurance companies will pay for it (mine didn't) and some States will pay for it. My state pays for it and it has nothing to do with income, you just have to be willing to let a nurse call you every week to check in and ask how you are doing.

My work paid for it (b/c I work at a medical institution, so they know the high cost of smoker's medical care!), and they made me pay the first month's worth (like $120 or something!), and then they paid for subsequent months.

As a side note, if you do this, some studies have shown that if you take it for 6 months (instead of the standard 3 months), you will have a better chance of staying free of smoking. I talked the nurse into it at my job and I really think it made a difference.

Good luck to all! Hang in there! And know it is worth it!

Awesome Dapper!

A lot of folks can't not a ford that method. Yes I know cigs cost that much too. But you have to go to the Doctor so that costs also it's just not the cost of the "pills."

I can a ford the pills and I have several friends that are in the medical field so I am able to get chantix.. However I am not one to take meds. never have been it's even hard for me to take something for a headache. I wanted to try something that would also give me something to do with my hands. Because that is "part" of the habit. So at this point in my journey, I want to try some other forms of quitting before I resort to a pill.

So happy for everyone that has use Chantix and it's worked! I hear it gives you amazing dreams! *smirk*

Strappie 12-04-2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Liam (Post 241326)
Identifying the places and situations where you automatically light up, is a great place to begin your own plan. For instance, I used to smoke when I was driving—mindless chain smoking, until I reached my destination. I also used to smoke when I sat down at the computer, and when I was watching TV. Changing your habits around smoking can make it much easer to actually quit when you decide to stop smoking. I stopped smoking in the car six months before I quit, and a month before I stopped smoking I would have one smoke when I sat down at the computer or watched TV, and wouldn't have another for at least an hour. Breaking the emotional and habitual attachment to smoking, increases your chances of becoming a successful non-smoker.
I wish everyone the best of luck.

Those are all great idea's!!!

For me.. I haven't smoked in my house for hmm 5 yrs or better and I live in Minnesota so that means standing outside freezing your arse off to smoke. That alone at this time of year has made me cut down. I smoke about 2- 5 cigs from the time I get home (5:30) till bed time which is around 11-12. So I would say that in it's self is cutting back. In the summer I'd be out there ever 20 min or so.

I do agree with you about changing habits.... It certainly HELPS!!

DapperButch 12-04-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 241327)
Awesome Dapper!

A lot of folks can't not a ford that method. Yes I know cigs cost that much too. But you have to go to the Doctor so that costs also it's just not the cost of the "pills."

I can a ford the pills and I have several friends that are in the medical field so I am able to get chantix.. However I am not one to take meds. never have been it's even hard for me to take something for a headache. I wanted to try something that would also give me something to do with my hands. Because that is "part" of the habit. So at this point in my journey, I want to try some other forms of quitting before I resort to a pill.

So happy for everyone that has use Chantix and it's worked! I hear it gives you amazing dreams! *smirk*

Yes, strappie, definitely it is to each their own when it comes to taking medications of any kind. And the cost is why I mentioned that some States pay for it. Here you only have a number you need to call and they will send you a paper in the mail you just give to your pharmacist and you get it for free!

Driving and smoking...yep, another tough one. Some have picked up one of those "fake cigs" ...it is just one long filter (can get it in a drug store) and held that while driving. I kept a toothpick in my mouth. My Dad did it by always having a Life Saver in his mouth (but, then started getting cavities! lol). You have to find out your own, best method.

Put the smokes in an area of the house where you are not sitting. Then you are forced to get up every time in order to have a cig, so it gives you time to think about it. If you smoke inside your home, only smoke outside and ask any roommates you have to do the same!

Dixie you are right that Holidays may not be a good time to quit/take that next step.

DapperButch 12-04-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 241332)
Those are all great idea's!!!

For me.. I haven't smoked in my house for hmm 5 yrs or better and I live in Minnesota so that means standing outside freezing your arse off to smoke. That alone at this time of year has made me cut down. I smoke about 2- 5 cigs from the time I get home (5:30) till bed time which is around 11-12. So I would say that in it's self is cutting back. In the summer I'd be out there ever 20 min or so.

I do agree with you about changing habits.... It certainly HELPS!!

So it looks like winter is a good time for you to quit! That is when I did it, too.

girl_dee 12-04-2010 04:49 PM

good going Strappie.. less of the real cigs are better than before..

and I will take a scarf please.. anything but pink ... <smirk >

Rockinonahigh 12-04-2010 05:44 PM

After a lifetime of smokeing and quiting twice for years,then being dumb enough to start again,eight months ago I finaly said, enough!I smelled like a burnng pile of rotten hay and never knew how bad it really was untill I left a jacket I wear a lot in the trunk of my car locked up for a good while.Man when I opened it trunck up I said PPPPUUUUUUUUUU what is that stink??I rubed under my nose with a fimger to scratch and my hand had the same smell..oh hell no I said.I near washed both the jacket and my hands raw so finaly I used lemon juice to rub on my hands,wich helped and the jacket went to the dry cleaners.THere were other factors like the cost,worrying did I put out the ciggy beore I left home or did I some how drop a hot ash on something and possably catch it on fire with my fur kids at home,this one worried me lots cause when I get in a rush to get gone to where ever I could easly leave a hot one in the ash tray.Then I ,after so many years just desides I wanted to be healther to live longer( hopefuly).Part of the plan is ..I changed my routine.where ever I bought smokes before I no longer go to..for any reason.Let everyone know I was actively quiting so please dont smoke in my house or around me ..no one is allowed to smoke in my car..ever...I took all the ash trays out of the car to put a stop to that.Plus I was simply ready to quit.Yes,ive fallen off the wagon a couple of times for a fue days in the early parts of quiting.Withdrwall sucks but I made it.Easy,heck no! But I can now take a deep breath with out caughing,my asthma is way better,I can sleep at night for the most part,my skin is cleaner looking and feels healthy.This is so worth it,join me in being healthy a lot wealther cause think of the bucks u can save from not buying ciggys..something like $5,000.00 a year for a two pack a day habbit that I was.

Rockinonahigh 12-04-2010 05:50 PM

P.S to my post.
Insted of ciggys I ate red hots,kept hot cinnimon suckers or candy or what ever kind u really like.Dont worry about gaining weight cause most candy comes in sugar free.Working out helps with the jittery feeling plus the endorpines feel great for the body and mind.

Strappie 12-06-2010 09:06 PM

I have to say I'm a bit shocked at this e-cigarette (ProSmoke) From Friday till this morning I had a full pack of cigs, normally I would of had about 2-3 packs because it's the weekend. I only had four cigarette's on Sunday and let me remind you, the Vikings were on and well I'm certain the way they have been playing I would of smoked at least a half a pack during the game. I'm not even sure why I even had the four I had. I think I was nervous that I would start to get my anxiety back.

This thing is really working!! I'm a bit shocked!

DapperButch 12-06-2010 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 242776)
I have to say I'm a bit shocked at this e-cigarette (ProSmoke) From Friday till this morning I had a full pack of cigs, normally I would of had about 2-3 packs because it's the weekend. I only had four cigarette's on Sunday and let me remind you, the Vikings were on and well I'm certain the way they have been playing I would of smoked at least a half a pack during the game. I'm not even sure why I even had the four I had. I think I was nervous that I would start to get my anxiety back.

This thing is really working!! I'm a bit shocked!

Great job! Keep it up!

girl_dee 12-07-2010 09:39 PM

Bump!! Updates please!

Spirit Dancer 12-07-2010 09:55 PM

Pretty Woman 12-09-2010 07:21 PM

Seriously. And I've been a complete non-smoker now for 4 months. Smoked more than a pack a day for about 20 years.
The urges come...and go...in a few seconds really. Breathing helps.
Good luck. I feel so much better already. My nasty morning smokers' cough went away in about 4 days.

Sachita 12-09-2010 07:24 PM

I got these disposable filters that are clear. They remove a lot of tar. When you see all that tar it makes you really think. Its sticky, black and gross! Its covering your lungs. ewwwwww

Sam 12-09-2010 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 240677)
It's time we start to HELP each other and KICK this NASTY habit!!

I've smoked since I was about 12 years old. Taking my first puff at around 10. I've been smoking daily since about 16. I've tried many things, the patch, that nasty gum, and even cold turkey. OMG I nearly killed myself. I've quit a few times for more than 2 yrs. But some how it rears it's ugly head and I pick it up again.

Today I received in the mail my ProSmoke e- cigarette's. I hope to at least cut out the "smoke" from my lungs and start cutting back with the e-cigarette's. Here in MN we can't smoke in the bars so this is an alternative to that too.

Right now I'm just looking to get use to these and not buy cigarettes any more. They come in different mg's. I started with the second highest 25mg. Then after I go threw what I have I may be able to cut down to a smaller dose.

What is your remedy??? Or Your Game plan?

i hope it works out for you and everyone else.

i stopped cold turkey 8 weeks ago, so i could have top surgery.

i smoked since i was 12, 31 years. i quit once for 8 months with zyban, then again in 2007 before my son was born for 4 months.

i hate to say it, my graphs are healed and after confirmation tmo, i will probably start smoking again.

i didnt want to quit, but now nearly 9 weeks and 9 lbs later, i still feel that maybe i should stay smoke free.

i dunno, but good luck everyone!!!

Just_G 12-09-2010 07:43 PM

Good job Strappie!! Great thread!

I used to only smoke when I drank....then it became more and more often than that. So Sunday in the parking lot at the Chief's game, I had one cig left in the box and told myself I was not going to buy any more. When money is THIS tight, it is S-T-U-P-I-D to buy cigarettes! So, I have not smoked since after the game Sunday. Several times I have gotten in my truck to go up to 7-11....then I sit there and talk myself out of it. So far, so good.

This is not the best time of year for me, personally, to quit....this is a stressful time of year, but why wait? Why keep putting it off? The time is NOW!! I can do this!! WE can do this!!

I am very irritated today....is that a side effect of quitting? Like, I wanted to ring my dad's neck for whistling at work today! I wanted to play bumper carts at the grocery store when people wouldn't get out of my way. :blink:

Then I skipped down the freezer section and made the old folks smile....that cheered me up....AND, I realized that I was not winded like usual by the time I got to the end of the frozen veggies! :clap:

Strappie 12-09-2010 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Just_G (Post 244454)
Good job Strappie!! Great thread!

I used to only smoke when I drank....then it became more and more often than that. So Sunday in the parking lot at the Chief's game, I had one cig left in the box and told myself I was not going to buy any more. When money is THIS tight, it is S-T-U-P-I-D to buy cigarettes! So, I have not smoked since after the game Sunday. Several times I have gotten in my truck to go up to 7-11....then I sit there and talk myself out of it. So far, so good.

This is not the best time of year for me, personally, to quit....this is a stressful time of year, but why wait? Why keep putting it off? The time is NOW!! I can do this!! WE can do this!!

I am very irritated today....is that a side effect of quitting? Like, I wanted to ring my dad's neck for whistling at work today! I wanted to play bumper carts at the grocery store when people wouldn't get out of my way. :blink:

Then I skipped down the freezer section and made the old folks smile....that cheered me up....AND, I realized that I was not winded like usual by the time I got to the end of the frozen veggies! :clap:


That is AWESOME!!!

Yes one of the many side effects to quitting. You all think I have A.D.D. now.. you outta see me when I quit cold turkey, I bounce off the walls. I can't focus on anything. I told the owner of the company I work for.. If you don't see me writing it down, consider it "gone". Another words I can't even pay attention to the "Owner" haha.. I guess that isn't so funny. I haven't been one to have that "hand gesture" hand to mouth problem (well yet) you know sticking a cig in your mouth vs quitting and sticking food in your mouth instead. Thankfully I am too busy bouncing off the walls to eat, I tend to lose weight.

GOOD LUCK G... I say.... WE CAN!!!

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