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Gemme 12-20-2009 01:30 AM

Cold and sinus medication (if it works)

The new Wonka gummy candies line

The world's funniest commercials



cara 12-20-2009 02:28 AM

1. The standing ovation Peet-e & Jane received while we performed Josh Groban's song, "[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2M0GQOgYGg"]YouTube- "Thankful"- Josh Groban Lyrics[/ame]". We decided to relate the song to Washington state's Referendum 71, which was approved by Washington voters in last November's elections. It's our "everything but marriage" act. Peet-e & Jane are founding members of our chorus and have been together 32 years. You can read a bit about their story in this news article. They are both in their 70's. During the song, they do a short speech about Ref. 71 and being thankful for it passing. It was SO COOL to see everyone clapping and cheering for them! :)

2. My new shoes, which helped make standing and singing for 2.5 hours a little more bearable.

3. Molly Cat. :cat:

4. BFP!

5. Knowing that in less than 24 hours, my concerts will be done until May. :thud:

Diva 12-20-2009 08:05 AM

~Mexican breakfast with CydKitty

~Makin' cookies

~Being able to see my kitchen counter again!

~LucyDawg's early~mornin' snuggle time (She's so rotten!)

~Spending holiday time with good friends!

NJFemmie 12-20-2009 09:14 AM

Hot showers

Hot chocolate with extra 'shmallows (I know I said that already, but it's never overrated)

Dry socks

Cat naps (cat included)

The feeling of accomplishment when looking at the driveway and seeing the majority of snow removed. (priceless)

weatherboi 12-20-2009 10:25 AM

Leaves with the color red
Frisky dogs
Sunny day
Homemade laundry detergent
Working out

hpychick 12-20-2009 10:29 AM

An awesome neighbor who not only shoveled all the walks, but cleaned off my car too!

A dog who likes to stay in bed as long as I do.

Bacon and eggs for lunch.

Friends who love me.

Learning the art of waiting.

Arwen 12-20-2009 10:43 AM

  1. African Chicken Stew
  2. Sunshine Cleaning
  3. Robin Williams
  4. White dog hair on my black pants
  5. New yarn

Gemme 12-21-2009 10:17 PM

I'm not there yet, but it's a goal...

A non-drippy nose.

A non-stuffed up nose.

Eyes that aren't swollen and red.

A chest that doesn't hurt from coughing fits.

Andrew, Jr. 12-22-2009 11:03 AM

1. Sharing my love with others - telling others that I love them
2. Giving to others
3. Acceptance of myself and others: enjoying the mysteries of life and not trying to figure everything out
4. Forgiving Everyone Everything
5. Others Forgiving Me
6. Revel in the Present

la_la 12-22-2009 05:09 PM

Five Or More Good Things
The privilege of existing
Sex Bomb Bath's with great books, lots of candles and good wine
Walking on the beach that is 100 yards from my front door
Decaf Latte's 10 yards from my front door
Being open to people
Having an awesome teenager

Locutus 12-22-2009 06:36 PM

1. Getting home safely.

2. Smell of a homecooked meal.

3. Friends and family.

4. Burberry.

5. A cozy bed to sleep in.

Gemme 12-22-2009 07:24 PM

Today is exclamation point day!

The holiday season!



Good friends and loves!

SuperFemme 12-22-2009 08:08 PM


The Lady Snow.



Me = Footstool.

Toofrufru 12-22-2009 09:00 PM

Cat Cubes

Butch Boots

Dog Snuggies

Forever Friends

Best Family

Blessed Belles

blackboot 12-22-2009 09:11 PM

the color of the sky at dusk
singing show tunes in the shower
worn-in 501's
holding her hand
a chocolate raspberry truffle

Arwen 12-23-2009 01:08 AM

  • Singing Cats
  • Bridges With Lights
  • Ignoring GPS
  • The Worst Version Of Felice Navidad EVAH
  • Friends

daisygrrl 12-23-2009 07:10 AM

* Dunkin' Donuts Vanilla-flavored coffee (one of my best friends recommended it--and he was right about the yummy factor)
* A beautiful (though chilly) day outside
* Plans for the evening with my Sweetie
* A major writing project coming together
* A large music library on my computer

RNguy 12-23-2009 07:23 AM

1. family
2. friends
3. health
4. financially stable
5. no-bake cookies----- Gosh I hope someone brings these into work soon


weatherboi 12-23-2009 08:33 AM

*Steel cut oats with almonds.
*A working heater.
*Vinegar...any kind really.
*My little croc cell phone holder...I dropped it down an old house lift yesterday and the damn thing bounced like 6 feet back up...no damage to my phone...I did however have to wedge myself in between the floors to get it...yuck!!
*Homemade granola seasoned with ginger...healthy snap!!

Softly 12-23-2009 08:42 AM

* my lover singing "you look wonderful tonight" to me while I fall asleep.
* my heated blanket keeping me cozy warm all night.
* iced coffee in the morning with my heater in the car on full blast.
* overall my health is amazing. thankful that things came into place and no more sicky.
* I become more and more comfortable with myself as I get older. I love it.

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