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Girl_On_Fire 11-07-2012 08:12 PM

Okay, I've got another one. This happened when my cousin and I were children. We were playing in the front room by the fireplace. The fireplace wasn't lit and it was somewhere around mid-afternoon. Out of nowhere, this booming whooshing roar came from what sounded like the fireplace. We were both 8 and 6 respectively so it freaked us out. We screamed, got up, and ran into the den to tell my aunt what happened. She wasn't there. Scared to death, we ran all over the house screaming our heads off trying to find her mom.

Finally, we went back into the den. My aunt had been there the whole time and never heard us screaming (impossible). Now that I think back on that memory, I recall no sound. Nothing but our screaming and footsteps. No birds. No traffic outside. Nothing. It was this weird silence and I only noticed it was gone when we got back into the den and sound started again, like somebody had pulled earplugs out of my ears.

I think we slipped in and out of a time vortex. I have no idea what the roaring sound could have been but I'm sure it had something to do with the time slippage.


pajama 11-07-2012 08:35 PM

Again, years ago, different ex. We were having dinner at a really nice restaurant. There was a salad bowl between us. Clear glass. We're just talking when out of nowhere, straight down a white/clear orb slams into the middle of the salad and shatter the bowl and sends salad flying everywhere. There was no further sign of anything in the bowl, just shards of glass and salad. No ball, or lightbulb, or rock, or anything. We both saw the orb. I still don't know what the heck it was or why it was pissed at us. LOL

Gemme 11-07-2012 08:36 PM

Something happened TODAY that was kind of cool, actually.

It was nearing lunch time and I closed the gate after allowing one customer in. The customer came into the office and we talked for a minute and he paid. As he was leaving, I glanced out the window and saw a beach ball resting against the gate. I inquired if it was the customer's and he said no and that it had been rolling down the middle of the parking lot (my property is very long and narrow) while he was driving in.

I had customers on the property that run a thrift store and so I thought that it must be theirs. No one else but the two customers had come in or out for more than an hour. So, I went down to them and yelled at them to keep their balls to theirselves from now on (we're good like that) and we all laughed and then the customer tells me that the ball is not theirs.

I asked them if anyone had driven past them and she said no, but she had seen the ball rolling past them earlier and thought that someone's kid had dropped it.

There was no one at the back of the property. I had just checked it less than 15 minutes prior to this exchange. There are no homes near my property. I'm in the middle of a field that has one commercial business next door (but I never see/hear anyone), railroad tracks several hundred feet behind me and nothing to the other side. I'm surrounded by razor wire.

So, this blow up beach ball just materialized, apparently, since no one went in and no one went out and it did not belong to the two customers that did go in and out. There was no one on the camera surveillance and the ball rolls from around the side of a building that has a blind spot.


At first, I thought "Kewl!" and then I thought "I've got to post this!" and then I thought "F*ck!" cuz at that point it started to remind me of the movie IT and instead of balloons with blood, there was an air-filled beach ball.



Although, I still say it's kind of cool. As long as Tim Curry stays the Hell away.

Soft*Silver 11-07-2012 08:40 PM

omg..the first time I heard a fisher cat I was living on a 200 acre farm up in New England...and was all by myself that night. I read ALOT of serial killer books and had just found out there was a serial killer in that area who had not been caught. It sounded just like a woman being tortured out in the woods! When I was told about the fisher cat, I was SURE I was having my leg pulled but sure enough, they existed. The Fisher Cats remained scary as hell to me...but at least they were just weasels and not a serial killer.


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl563 (Post 692900)
i like this thread..and i will definitely be posting here when i have more time. i have some truly spooky stories....and btw...if the sounds weren't an owl, try listening to the mating call of a fishercat....it sounds just like a woman screaming...scary....otherwise i would say it had to be bigfoot...lol

LaneyDoll 11-07-2012 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 694315)
This stuff is so cool. I'm the person that always wanted something like this to happen to me, but the closest thing that has ever happened to me is that I have zoned out while driving.

I do not recommend that, kids!

It doesn't really happen anymore, but it would happen in FL all the time. I don't know if just knew the routes so well or what, but I'd be driving along and then BAM! I'm a minute from my destination and I have no memory of the past 10, 20, 40 minutes. None. It actually started to worry me quite a bit, because I didn't know what happened during that time and whether I was a good driver or if did some dangerous driving or fell asleep or if I hurt anyone or anything. That part of it was really scary....the not knowing.

Ironically, I can actually explain this. It is a form of self-hypnosis. One of my lifestyle mentors is trained in hypnosis and anytime he teaches a class, he used this as a point of reference that everyone can relate to. You are not asleep, but it can be dangerous so please be careful?


Gemme 11-07-2012 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by LaneyDoll (Post 695086)
Ironically, I can actually explain this. It is a form of self-hypnosis. One of my lifestyle mentors is trained in hypnosis and anytime he teaches a class, he used this as a point of reference that everyone can relate to. You are not asleep, but it can be dangerous so please be careful?


Well, that certainly seems more likely than sleep driving. It would happen when I was wide awake and when I snapped to, I wasn't groggy, so the sleep thing never quite sat right with me.

The problem is, when it does happen, I don't know until it's over and I have absolutely no recollection of anything that happened between point A and B.

I'll try to think careful thoughts when driving. :vigil:

RockOn 11-07-2012 09:39 PM

LOL! I just came back in here for the first time since I posted a funny story ... Several people sent me private comments thought it was funny too. Several of these comments to me were made by femmes.

I have no desire to continue any more dialog with anyone who may have ruffled feathers ... too time consuming - I mean all the back and forth.

Peace to all!

grenade 11-07-2012 10:51 PM

When I was about 21ish my best friend and I had went to a hole in the wall country bar to listen to the band. I knew the drummer and we got free beer. We got a table and were sipping on beer when this man walks up and asks if he can join us. He was dressed in an expensive suit, had the sparkling white smile, nice watch, shoes... my friend almost fell over herself. He sat down and I was immediately uneasy. It felt like every word coming out of his mouth was stinging my skin. He said he was in town on business and was staying at the such and such hotel. He kept making direct eye contact and trying to hold my gaze. It felt like he was trying to somehow hypnotize me. The bartender hollered last call and the waitresses were bussing the tables. He excused himself to the restroom which I had a direct view of and watched him go in. About ten minutes later we got up to leave as they were closing and he still had not came out. I was already creeped out by him, so I told the waitress he had went in and hadnt came out. I didnt want him attacking her or another waitress after they locked up. She sent a bouncer in and he came out and shook his head. I went in myself and there were no windows... there was no way out. I watched him go in and never come out....

dun, dun, duuuuuunnnn!

cinnamongrrl 11-07-2012 11:54 PM

When I was about 13, my uncle bought this big old triple decker by the Connecticut River. It needed lots of work and what not. I guess to start out I need to be at the beginning....
He was taking a bunch of us through the house, showing us the first 2 floors which were empty. We were on the 2nd floor going out the front door to see the attic apartment. When he opened the door I felt this HUGE gust of wind pass through it and around the group of us...my hair didn't move though...and no one else felt it. That was my sign....
After we moved in, we got the place fixed up: painted new carpet in the bedrooms etc. So within a few months, things started happening. First off, nearly every night I would feel "someone" sit down on the edge of my bed. At first I thought it was my hefty Maine coon cat....but soon realized...it wasn't him....lol Along with the feeling of the bed depressing right in that spot, I would hear this very regular breathing...coming from the corner closest to my bed. You should understand that I was raised not to fear the dead...we are Irish....lol So after a few times this became my normal nightly routine. The strange thing is, my mom would come in to say goodnight and I would tell her about the breathing and she could never hear it! (There was ONE TIME she did hear it coming from the rocking chair in her room....that was the only time)
Im thinking this will be a series of posts about this house because there were OODLES of experiences there...it was very interesting to say the least. We spent about 6 years living there....all good things.... :)

cinnamongrrl 11-08-2012 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Miss_Tia (Post 695075)
omg..the first time I heard a fisher cat I was living on a 200 acre farm up in New England...and was all by myself that night. I read ALOT of serial killer books and had just found out there was a serial killer in that area who had not been caught. It sounded just like a woman being tortured out in the woods! When I was told about the fisher cat, I was SURE I was having my leg pulled but sure enough, they existed. The Fisher Cats remained scary as hell to me...but at least they were just weasels and not a serial killer.

Fisher cats are down right skeery.... My daughter used to take riding lessons at a small farm that abutted the woods. The owner of the farm had to put in an extra electrical wire low to the ground because the fisher cats were attacking the horses...they have NO FEAR.... I have only seen them crossing streets at night, but my youngest daughter had a close call with one while we were geocaching one day. She had tired of looking for the cache and we were headed back to the car. I was looking in one last spot and she took our dog, Matty back to the car with her....when I got there she was in the car doors locked....lol When I got in she told me this strange animal had been by the stream when she went by and had growled at her.....she tried to describe it but it didn't look like anything she had seen. I showed her a picture of a fisher cat and she said that was what she saw. It's rare to see them close up....
And yes they sound JUST LIKE a woman screaming.... I was at my sister's house one night and we heard it and we thought we should call the cops! My brother in law has been a country boy his entire life and told us what it was....she lost 2 cats to the fisher cats while living there :( They are the only predator of porcupines as well.....

sharkchomp 11-08-2012 02:14 AM

With all this talk of fisher cats y'all piqued my curiosity and I googled them. Very 'interesting' sounds they make. I think I would have thought they were owls if I heard them at night.


Miss Scarlett 11-08-2012 05:27 AM

This is just too messed up ..got up this morning and everything was as normal as things can be for me...when walking past my bed I noticed the 4 charms I wear on a chain around my neck sitting in a little pile on my bed but nowhere near my pillow. Just sitting like I'd placed them there...no chain, just the charms - my Hamsa, Star of David, Rose Quartz point and Bronzite pendant. I looked everywhere for the chain, thinking it had broken and was in the bed or on the floor. Can't find it anywhere.

Put the charms on another chain and when I was in the kitchen making coffee the Bronzite hit the floor then the Star of David. Chain didn't break and the jump rings are completely closed.

No idea what's happening...Mercury? Mom or another spirit having a little fun with me this morning? Or just one of those totally weird, creepy and unexplainable things...Not taking any chances I've lit enough sage and incense to nearly set off the smoke detector. Yep, never a dull moment around here...lol

laruss 11-08-2012 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett (Post 695285)
This is just too messed up ..got up this morning and everything was as normal as things can be for me...when walking past my bed I noticed the 4 charms I wear on a chain around my neck sitting in a little pile on my bed but nowhere near my pillow. Just sitting like I'd placed them there...no chain, just the charms - my Hamsa, Star of David, Rose Quartz point and Bronzite pendant. I looked everywhere for the chain, thinking it had broken and was in the bed or on the floor. Can't find it anywhere.

Put the charms on another chain and when I was in the kitchen making coffee the Bronzite hit the floor then the Star of David. Chain didn't break and the jump rings are completely closed.

No idea what's happening...Mercury? Mom or another spirit having a little fun with me this morning? Or just one of those totally weird, creepy and unexplainable things...Not taking any chances I've lit enough sage and incense to nearly set off the smoke detector. Yep, never a dull moment around here...lol

It may be time to stop wearing them for a while. I had that happen with an amethyst pendent I used to wear all the time. It just started disappearing off my neck, no explanation how. Chain never broke, pendent wasn't broken. It was mentioned by my Shaman to cleanse it and stop wearing it. I couldn't wear or carry amethyst for about a year and then never had a problem with it again. I can't remember why she said it was a problem for me at the time.

cinnamongrrl 11-08-2012 06:25 AM

My mother had an odd thing happen at her current house once. She came home to find her underwear drawer wide open and her panties strewn around the bed in a semi-circle. Her perfume bottles had been obviously touched too. At the time, she had an enormous bull mastiff. He was an AMAZING watch dog. He wouldn't even let my brother...whom he knew well...come in through a window when he forgot his key....
The day this happened, the door was locked, there were no signs of anyone getting in through a window. She made a police report and they dusted the perfume bottles but they didnt find anything....

Gemme 11-08-2012 07:38 AM

Know those depictions of animal matches....like if a bull shark and a tiger fought, who would win?....kind of thing?

Now, I'm wondering what would best the other, a Fisher cat or a honey badger?


cinnamongrrl 11-08-2012 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 695351)
Know those depictions of animal matches....like if a bull shark and a tiger fought, who would win?....kind of thing?

Now, I'm wondering what would best the other, a Fisher cat or a honey badger?


I'd put my money on the fisher cat.....freakin' mean lil buggers....

Miss Scarlett 11-08-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by laruss (Post 695310)
It may be time to stop wearing them for a while. I had that happen with an amethyst pendent I used to wear all the time. It just started disappearing off my neck, no explanation how. Chain never broke, pendent wasn't broken. It was mentioned by my Shaman to cleanse it and stop wearing it. I couldn't wear or carry amethyst for about a year and then never had a problem with it again. I can't remember why she said it was a problem for me at the time.

Thanks laruss, I'm going to cleanse and recharge them when I get home tonight.

Oh, I found the chain, it was on the bathroom counter...wasn't there when I got up this morning but it was there when I was getting ready for work...Thinking I may have a "guest" right now because my cat has been acting really odd for the last few days...

NJFemmie 11-08-2012 08:45 AM

I've posted this story once before a while back, but I thought I'd share it again.

Back in the day, a few friends of mine and I decided to spend a night drinking and attempting to reach new heights of "consciousness".

I don't condone drinking and driving, but my best friend was a better driver under the influence than sober. Besides the fact we were young, stupid and didn't care to know better. She took the wheel and we proceeded to party on. Keep in mind, there were four of us.

We were driving around this area of Jersey City by the Colgate factory by the waterfront. At night, this place is dark, deserted and creepy in itself. This was the area where most people who wanted to get their party on would go pretty much undisturbed.

As we are driving around laughing and goofing off, we see three children - one taller boy and possibly two girls running from the factory's basement steps across the road and behind some other buildings. We ALL saw this at the same time. We drove around to look for them because it was really late at night and there was no reason why kids should be out that late - but we couldn't find them. As we drove back around the block, we all saw the shadows of these kids running from one side of the building across the street behind another. We drove around again, and found nothing. The interesting thing I remember about these kids was how they were dressed. It was not fashioned to recent times. The boy had on an old fashioned kind of hat and clothes that were reminiscent of earlier times. I started to feel as if we were witnessing ghosts that have been wandering this area for a very, very long time. What was even creepier was that we heard children's laughter. Faint, but identifiable.

We drove around and could not find these kids. It got to a point where we were so creeped out by this event, we were not about to get out of the car and further investigate. We eventually got the hell out of there and took our party elsewhere.

One might say that this could have been a suggestive hallucination, especially since we were under the influence. But .... it wasn't. We all saw this at the same time and even shouted out a "did you see that?" at basically the same time. It wasn't like one made a suggestion and the others followed. We talked about this for a long time afterwards.

I am a woman of logic and reason. But I am also a believer in the strange and unexplained. If I can't find any logical explanation to a given situation, I willingly concede - and this was one of those times.

Glenn 11-08-2012 11:28 AM

The morning of Saturday May 21, 1983, I was sitting on my front porch steps enjoying the Springtime. All I saw out were a group of little girls doing something way down at the end of the block. I have never seen them before, so, I thought they were just visiting someone who lived there. Suddenly these beautiful little girls came to where I was sitting, and without even a word spoken, started running around, picking flowers nearby, and silently giving them to me. Everytime they returned with more flowers, I softly smiled, and thanked them, but was wondering why they were doing this for me, and not saying anything. It was surreal. Then, I got "The Call", and my good father died in an ER, totally unexpectently, a couple of hours later. I left, and after I returned, I never saw those beautiful little girls at the end of the block again. I will always wonder how those little girls knew my father was going to die so suddenly, silently, giving me all those freshly picked flowers, for his funeral.

Electrocell 11-08-2012 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 695094)
Well, that certainly seems more likely than sleep driving. It would happen when I was wide awake and when I snapped to, I wasn't groggy, so the sleep thing never quite sat right with me.

The problem is, when it does happen, I don't know until it's over and I have absolutely no recollection of anything that happened between point A and B.

I'll try to think careful thoughts when driving. :vigil:

It's called road hypnosis and it can be dangerous as hell. Need to keep your eyes moving --look at your mirrors at the scenery anything for a quick glance--just so you are not just staring at the road constantly.

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