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~ocean 10-29-2017 04:11 PM

That is what I meant in my post when I noted to fight back ~ tell people what happened or if your lucky what was suggested... maybe so many woman would not have been hurt.. It surprises me that woman would choose to be quiet when others can b e assaulted. maybe we should put salt peter in men's shaving cream LOL or castrate men who have sexually assaulted woman . ( making light of a sensitive subject ) most men don't shave w/ shaving cream.lol

CherylNYC 10-29-2017 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by ~ocean (Post 1177869)
excellent views kobi Thank You for bringing up the facts. I am very confused as well as concerned about the integrity of the woman who were assaulted. I believe they were subjected to Weinstein's criminal sexual behavior. the confusing part is why did woman give in to his sexual threats ?? I'm saddened that so many woman gave in and didn't fight back ! The woman who he drugged for his own personal demented pleasure sure is reason enough for punishment . I pray to God for peace in this world everyday. For those woman with regrets , I wish them forgiveness of themselves .Again, thanks for the post Kobi .

Rape and sexual assault are wounds in the most intimate place, and humiliating mind fcks, too. The very last thing most women want to do is expose themselves further in the aftermath of such an attack. Especially when the power balance favors their perpetrator so overwhelmingly as it did with Weinstein. Survivors are doubted, hounded and slut shamed. At least one of Trump's accusers endured credible threats on her life and was forced to leave the country. All that would be hard enough when a woman's psyche is at its strongest, but immediately post sexual assault, public shaming would feel exactly like a continuation of the rape. It doesn't confuse or surprise me a bit that women would take the hush money and concentrate on healing themselves. it would surprise and impress me if any of them had found the resources to "fight back" before this moment. Most of Weinstein's victims would have had no way to know that they were the 299th woman he raped, either. Had they come forward they would have done so thinking they were the only one. When all this plays out in the public eye with perfect strangers feeling empowered to pass judgement on your torment... Really, it's just plain unrealistic to expect a woman to go public the way she would if the same man had stolen her wallet, for instance. Anyone who grew from girlhood to womanhood in this culture would be well aware of the double standard and would know she was signing up to fight a very difficult battle. Probably alone. I'm not surprised that so many women needed the safety of numbers to come forward, but I am horrified at the sheer number of women who this criminal has raped. Especially since there are likely plenty more who haven't felt empowered to say "me too".

girl_dee 10-30-2017 04:18 AM

i haven’t gone back and read the posts because they are very triggering for me but i can tell you the sight of that fucker makes me want to vomit.

i am SO over women being subjected to this crap.

Thank you for the dialogue, we need to talk about it, even if it's hard to do so.

Orema 10-30-2017 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by tantalizingfemme (Post 1178071)
I have been thinking about this and I see another reason too. Men (besides Weinstein) in the entertainment industry coming out to say yes, this is true. I hate it but I do think it's getting more legs because of that. And that sucks.

I think this has made a difference, too, but I wonder if the men would have spoken up if Weinstein had vehemently denied the claims like Cosby, Ailes, and O'Reilly did. Maybe they would have spoken against him, but I'm not so sure.

C0LLETTE 10-30-2017 10:57 AM

Hello Kevin Spacey....you dumb horrid fuck

homoe 10-30-2017 11:48 AM

It must be so infuriating when a victim is told by the perpetrator they don't even remember committing the assault! You can damn well bet every victim remembers!

tantalizingfemme 10-30-2017 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1178190)
Hello Kevin Spacey....you dumb horrid fuck

My personal fave was him making sure to say he was drunk because that makes him less responsible, right? Asshole.

Kobi 10-30-2017 06:23 PM

I see positives in growing numbers of women coming forward with their stories. Efforts have been made to downplay the prevalence of these behaviors. The growing numbers of stories begins to attest to the actual extent of the problem.

I am pleased that women are sharing more details as to what they have experienced. Tho difficult to read, the details have huge potential positive benefits to other women. To know you are not alone with this experience can be a relief. To be able give a name to what you experienced is huge. To be able to give it a name and understand what happened in a different way, may help with all the complex feelings that occur, especially things like guilt, embarrassment, self blame, shame.

As for Kevin Spacey....I can understand why there are so many different and negative reactions to his response. I saw something positive in it. He didnt do the knee jerk, outright denial. He doesnt remember the incident, chalked it up to alcohol but he did accept responsibility albeit in a roundabout way.

I was more concerned about Spacey being 26 and Rapp being 14 at the time.

And, I am still scratching my head as to why Spacey, a well known bisexual, decided this was a good time to announce he was a gay man.

The network cancelled House of Cards in response to the allegations.

Mark Halperin, also kinda sorta admitted to the behavior tho he denied some of the details.

NBC cancelled his contact in response.

Some form of admission of the behavior is a positive step. Quick action by employers is a positive step. I just hope these things are being done for the right reasons.

JDeere 10-30-2017 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1178190)
Hello Kevin Spacey....you dumb horrid fuck

He even had the balls to come out as gay during this, can we say deflecting.

homoe 11-01-2017 09:02 AM

More Allegations surface........
Incidents regarding Spacey are also alleged to have taken place in the UK while the two-time Oscar winner was the artistic director at the Old Vic in London between 2004 and 2015. Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos, who acted in several plays at the theatre, claims Spacey "routinely preyed" on young male actors.He said he fended off two "unpleasant" advances from Spacey that "bordered on harassment," but that others were afraid to do so.

Claims by US filmmaker Tony Montana have surfaced as well.

JDeere 11-02-2017 08:39 PM

I have heard that Dustin Hoffman has been accused as well.

This just makes me sick, I am tired of hearing "that's just how it is in showbiz".

homoe 11-05-2017 05:28 AM

Actress Julianna Margulies has added her own frightening experiences with Harvey Weinstein and Steven Seagal to the cascade of allegations of sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment world.

homoe 11-05-2017 05:37 AM

Michael Oreskes, who led NPR’s news division and was formerly a high-ranking editor at The New York Times, resigned on Wednesday after being accused of sexually harassing women.

Jarl Mohn, NPR’s president and chief executive, said in a memo to employees that he had asked Mr. Oreskes to resign “because of inappropriate behavior.”

C0LLETTE 11-05-2017 07:15 AM

In a positive light:

Maybe once more of these vile assholes are shaken out of the trees there will be room for truly talented and qualified women to take a well earned place in positions of power and influence.

No question in my mind that the world will be a better place for it.

"The Women's Movement" seems to have faded from relevance and consciousness . Beyond "Abortion" what have we been doing of late? There needs to be a revived focus and energy...a universal, uniting rallying point.

Perhaps "SEXUAL EXPLOITATION" writ large, is a cause that almost all women, no matter who they voted for. can relate to. Courage and support in numbers needs to be given to women beyond just the surface of the world of the glitterati and the famous...into the factories, into the hotel industry, into all places where women work for minimal wages and live in fear of losing even those jobs.

"Bosses" everywhere need to feel the weight and power of a revitalized, organized "Women's Movement".

We need the heft of women like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan We had all that once before. We need to find them again and to find them NOW before we become just one more blip in the news cycle.

Carpe Diem.

ksrainbow 11-05-2017 03:37 PM

Made me take pause...

Kätzchen 11-05-2017 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by ksrainbow (Post 1179294)

Quoting the author:

"Harassment is harassment, no matter the identity of the perpetrator or the victim," -- Chanelle Tyson.

Tysons oped on sexualized harassment is timely because this type of harassment is not localized to males. Females are sometimes perpetrating this type of harassment too.

Thanks for posting the Advocate article, ksrainbow. :rrose:

homoe 11-06-2017 07:04 PM

Dustin Hoffman allegedly groped Meryl Streep during an audition in the ’70s
In the past week, two women have publicly accused Dustin Hoffman of sexual harassment, allegations which have renewed interest in Meryl Streep’s nearly-four-decade-old claim that her Kramer vs. Kramer co-star introduced himself by grabbing her breast. A Time article from 1979 — the year the film came out — in which Streep recalls auditioning for a play Hoffman was directing. “He came up to me and said, ‘I’m Dustin — burp — Hoffman,’ and he put his hand on my breast,” the actress told Time. “What an obnoxious pig, I thought.”

JDeere 11-06-2017 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1179525)
In the past week, two women have publicly accused Dustin Hoffman of sexual harassment, allegations which have renewed interest in Meryl Streep’s nearly-four-decade-old claim that her Kramer vs. Kramer co-star introduced himself by grabbing her breast. A Time article from 1979 — the year the film came out — in which Streep recalls auditioning for a play Hoffman was directing. “He came up to me and said, ‘I’m Dustin — burp — Hoffman,’ and he put his hand on my breast,” the actress told Time. “What an obnoxious pig, I thought.”

I think these men have more victims then what is portrayed. I'm anxious to see who else speaks up against these men.

Allison W 11-07-2017 02:38 AM

Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies
I originally tried to copypasta the article here but it's almost twice the forum's character limit, so I'll just link it. Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies: The film executive hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents, to track actresses and journalists.

Kobi 11-07-2017 10:48 AM

This is becoming an opportunity wasted.

What is being uncovered is a very well known, well tolerated, very deliberate patterns of behavior that is enabled on so many levels and allowed through a conspiracy of silence.

People, in general, seem more titillated about who is going to come forward with what allegations against whom. People, in general, seem less concerned about the behavior itself and how it is used. Is this really an issue that should turn into tabloid fodder?

It doesnt matter to me how many victims Weinsten had or who those victims were. Same with Spacey or Hoffman or Cosby or anyone else.

What matters to me, is that for every predator uncovered, there are hundreds or thousands that remain in place. They are protected by the same system that was willing to give up or sacrifice Weinstein and others while they continue to protect those who have yet to be exposed.

I see a lot of action going on to expel people from guilds and academies and to fire them. That is damage control behavior, not change behavior.

Change behavior is when Jada Pickett Smith reamed the academy for the "lack of diversity". Suddenly, the academy is going to redo the membership to ensure there was more visible diversity, they were nominating films for awards that were on no one's lists, and these films were winning. As I write this, I'm thinking these actions might have been more placating than change oriented. But, it was still a deliberate change.

I am disappointed by some of the actresses who have come forward but been oddly verbal about their experiences. Angelina Jolie is a well known activist and very verbal about the causes that are near and dear to her. Her statement was very subdued.

Meryl Streep can rip Trump a new one without blinking and eye. But, on this issue, the best she has is "Hoffman grabbed my boob once"?

There is an actors union which has been strangely silent. The media isnt even asking them to weigh in. Hello?

What organizations to help women have picked up the ball and tried to run with it? None. Not a single one.

Where is NOW? Where are all these new feminist groups? Do you really think #metoo and social media's waning outrage is changing anything or sprurring any in your face activitists who will not let this be swept back under the rug?

Women who work in or used to work in Congress are coming forward. The Woman's Caucus is nowhere to be found.

Where is the ACLU? Or, maybe women as a whole, comprising over half the population dont have civil rights?

What message is this lack of action and activism sending to predators, victims, potential victims, and society at large?

There is a well known and well documented pedophile ring operating in the entertainment field. It is getting some minor attention in the press for the moment. Hello? Where are the sexual victim police units? Where are all those organizations formed to protect children from sexual exploitation?

I was happy to see the article ks posted about the same types of behaviors occurring in lesbian/queer communities. I wish I could say I was surprised to learn the author didnt have a clue this happened in her own community. Maybe in a few years, when she has more experience, finds a voice, understands the many many ways in which this behavior is shown, experienced, and tolerated, she will write another article about how the community reacted to her when she spoke to the reality.

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