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Orema 04-10-2018 12:37 PM

88° (F) and it's just lovely outside.

candy_coated_bitch 04-10-2018 12:39 PM

Snow, snow, and more snow. Yes, I'm bitter.

Kätzchen 04-10-2018 01:32 PM

Yesterday was so gorgeous, beautifully warm (67 degrees, or so). Today it's another day of heavy rain showers with intermittent sunshine. I've slept with all the windows open for a few weeks now, because it's balmy at night.

Spring is finally here and the trees are in full bloom.

Gemme 04-10-2018 06:17 PM

It's been rainy and grey and dreary on and off all day but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the 50s. Yay!

JDeere 04-10-2018 07:52 PM

68 degrees here and clear for a change!

Bèsame* 04-10-2018 09:10 PM

Its a beautiful night. I'm enjoying my cute balcony and the gardenias. ( I'll probably gush about gardenias for a while. They were a great gift and I get to enjoy them)

cathexis 04-10-2018 09:31 PM

We has snow earlier today. It came down pretty good for awhile. Just added to what's on the ground now like a fresh coat of paint.

The snow and cold air is fine by me. I hope it never warms up. Stay overcast
and snowy even though most folks here are bitching about the snow and

Our temps are way below normal. Looks like we'll get snow all week, it was supposed to rain it's too chilly....yeah...yippee do dah!!!

Kobi 04-14-2018 03:18 PM

Was gorgeous today...50's, light wind, blue skies. Now the temp is dropping and the rain is moving in.

Tomorrow will be rainy with temps in the 30's. For the Boston Marathon on Monday it will be in the 50's with rain and wind - which is a wee bit better than snow and wind. :|

cathexis 04-15-2018 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Kobi (Post 1205920)

Was gorgeous today...50's, light wind, blue skies. Now the temp is dropping and the rain is moving in.

Tomorrow will be rainy with temps in the 30's. For the Boston Marathon on Monday it will be in the 50's with rain and wind - which is a wee bit better than snow and wind. :|

We're freezing up here........literally! Low 30s this AM, and we got a couple more inches of snow yesterday. Icy with high wind advisory today. Glad winter isn't ready to give up the ghost, but the slumlord has turned off the heat...................oven's pretty good. One of the few times it's fortunate to have a small apt.

Kätzchen 04-15-2018 11:49 AM

Lots of rain, today.
But better weather will come soon, I imagine.

Highs: mid-to-upper 50's.
Lows: we hover just above 47*.

Blade 04-15-2018 02:11 PM

Bathtub bound, got a little touchy there for a few minutes. Think it is just thunderstorming now. Wind has laid some.

nanners 04-15-2018 04:16 PM

So far 18th highest snowfall in Minnesota, make that Minne-SNOW-ta.... we've had 15.5 inches so fat this weekend, and it's still snowing like crazy.

I'm so flippin' over winter I could scream!

I have to go out tomorrow to get to work...because even if they closed churches and some stores today, I will be expected to be at work, on time.I feel anal glaucoma coming on (I can't see my ass going to work)!

Kätzchen 04-20-2018 08:32 AM

The next 5-day stretch will be amazing weather, for April. We will have abundant sunshine with temps soaring to nearly 80. Which is NOT typical for springtime weather....in our neck of the woods.

But I'll take it. I'll savor it. And I'll prepare for the killer heat index which will continue to soar throughout the end of spring and into summer.

I've found a way to not use heat in the winter or AC in the summer. Survival of the fittest, type thing. I give very little of my money to the power company. I'm sure I'm the anomaly to the regular money they collect in their coffers.

Here's to outwitting the power company :tease:

Highs: upper 70s to almost 80*.

Lows: upper 40s to mid-50s.

Kätzchen 04-29-2018 11:14 AM

We have pearly skies and intermittent rain showers and sometimes sunshine. We're also probably going to have a week of really nice balmy spring weather, in the coming days ahead....

Highs: lower 70s
Lows: upper 50s

cathexis 04-29-2018 04:56 PM

We are having snow showers in extreme Northern NY 5-10 miles from the Canadian border. We are North and West of
Burlington VT.

May have accumulation of 2-5 inches
All this 2 days from May.

This is great. I don't want Winter to leave. Summer is my
least enjoyed season. The more we can delay it up here, the better.


FireSignFemme 05-12-2018 06:10 PM

It's 82 degrees and holding here in Eastern Washington. This is as high as it's expected to get. At 6pm the temperature begins to drop until reaching a low of 53 around 6 tomorrow morning. From there temp begins to climb, but even then it isn't expected to hit over 75 degrees until noon. I left the windows open all last night. Monte bundled himself up in his favorite blanket way up high on top of the entertainment center till the sun came up then climbed in bed with me. It was a cold night but comfortable under blankets for the both of us, a bit chilly this morning - but so worth it. I was able to do with out AC or even fans until 4pm. This without window film up which always helps to keep the heat down a bit. I'm getting to bed in timely fashion tonight so I can be up tomorrow early and repeat.

Bèsame* 05-12-2018 09:29 PM

Ummm, hello...

Its 10:30, not even the middle of May and its 80. I'm sure it hit 91 today. And tomorrow, and the next day....

JDeere 05-13-2018 01:29 AM

It hit 91 earlier yesterday.

Right now its 75 but feels like 80.

Blade 05-13-2018 06:41 AM


Kätzchen 05-15-2018 11:47 AM

For the next few days we have our real weather, that's totally purrfect.... :hk28:

High :: 77*
Low :: upper 50s, lower 60s.

Pearly Skies weather :stillheart:

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