Butch Femme Planet

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LaneyDoll 09-20-2011 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 421238)
I wear Birkenstocks.
I have short hair.
I don't pluck dreamers eyebrows.
Though, every once in awhile, I see a stray toe hair and i PULL IT!

What am I?

Hmmm, you are a masochist if you are plucking hair from the toes.



LaneyDoll 09-20-2011 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Anya/Georgia (Post 411450)
I would like this thread to be for woman-identified lesbians that date/love/live/fuck; other woman-identified lesbians.

Do you have issues of concern involving our own lives (that do not relate to any other thread already on the planet) ?

Single? Difficulty finding a lesbian community with other lesbians?

A wonderful, supportive community of woman-identified lesbians?

Issues yes. Ones that do not relate to other threads here-probably not. But I have not had time to look through all the threads here - lol.

Single yes. And when I was actively looking, I was more likely to date women in Atlanta or Montgomery than here in Birmingham. For some reason, the women here must not have been looking as hard as I was.

Community yes. But my community comes from the BDSM lifestylers here who accept me for who I am and allow me the space/freedom to be myself. It is hard to say "Yes, there is a great community of women-identified lesbians in my town" since it seems that *most* of the non-straight women I meet identify as bisexual, pansexual or queer. The 20s crowd seems to really prefer the term "queer" and I have a handful of wonderful friends in the age range. For me to be as specific as "lesbian" is very hard.

Right now, I have a very good friend who identifies as a femme lesbian, another great friend who is queer and a best friend who is married and bisexual. So I guess that the rainbows that fill my world are very colorful ;)


Julie 09-20-2011 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by JAGG (Post 421265)
Why you are the kindest sweetest prettiest femme on the planet, but you already knew that. hahah Also I'd like to add , My your hair looks nice today.

Can you repeat that? (snort).
(not the hair part - we already established that).

ruthie14 09-20-2011 07:46 PM

I am loving this thread! I love a female identified butch! Love the butch/femme thing. Most of my friends are butch (but won't identify with the label), andro, Tweeners, butch ...very few femmes. You would think that would get me a lot of dates.. uhhh NO! A lot of attention, yes... dates... once they figure out I won't have sex outside of a relationship... gone...done.... an occational flirt maybe. My friends keep telling me to give up on the butch/femme thing. Ok, you give up on the lesbian thing and go straight and I'll think about it. lolol.. Really, I am who I am. I LOVE a butch... one that lets me love her back, even better!!!

Jagg.... you are very funny my dear. Here's a wink just for you! ;-) hiya handsome!

Ok, this femme is headed to bed.

Night all!
Ruthie :blueheels:

1QuirkyKiwi 09-25-2011 05:15 PM

I live in a semi-rural area and most lesbians are partnered, those that aren’t are too young for me or a little older than I’d comfortably like – I’m only 41, but, I’ve travelled and experienced many things in my life and want a woman who has also experienced life and the world – who can be my equal on an emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical level.

I also want a woman who can hold her own when my unyielding determination (read as stubborn) kicks in and I try to do too much only to end up in pain, in tears and on crutches. I’m NOT wanting a carer – that is the last thing I want (when I’m old, completely Ga-ga and sporting a pink rinse hair-do, then yes! More like I’d need a rubber room in a Psychiatric unit, lol!), yet, what I do seek is a woman who is able to allow me to remain independent as I am now, yet, when I need/ask for help, she is willing to do so and not feel put-upon.

I appreciate that me having a form of Spina Bifida and Alpha-Thalassaemia (treated with high doses of Folic Acid) isn’t what every woman wants to have in a partner, especially is they love hiking, and other sports. I am active with regular Yoga practice, swimming and walking – I can walk about 2 miles at a fairly steady pace……OK! I can’t do that everyday, but, I CAN still do it! (Unless of course it’s traipsing round shops for hours, then I’d rather watch paint dry! LOL!).

When I’m on my crutches, I’m slower doing my daily activities and have to be fairly strict in organising myself and plan ahead.

When I’m getting to know a woman, I’m open hearted and vulnerable - I do feel insecure and feel embarrassed about some of the challenges that come with Spina Bifida, yet, I’m comfortable confronting the necessary issues and not be dishonest about them to her…..Sometimes even the most confident, self assured, carefree spirit has moments of weaknesses.

*Anya* 09-25-2011 05:42 PM

To 1QuirkyKiwi: my sweet dear femme sister, thank you for your vulnerability and sharing. You really have no idea how many of us on the planet deal with being differently-abled every day (me, arthritis & thyroid cancer to name a couple)!

We all deal with our frailties and our strenghts in our own way and as we age, even if we were totally healthy at 40, it does not mean we still will be as the years go by.

I believe with all my heart (well ok I do get scared) that I will find love again in spite of my outer wrapper being a little tattered and torn, that just like the Velveteen Rabbitt, when I am loved, I will look like a shiny new one in her eyes.

femmepoet 09-25-2011 06:14 PM

I feel less alone now, after reading all of your posts. I'm in South Florida, and there seem to be so few butch women here. I'm 54, and would like to date within my own age group, but the butches my age, who are on the online dating sites, are looking for younger women. The few good butch women I know are partnered and happy. So . . . coast to coast, NYC or South Florida or CA, we're all having difficulty. Thankfully, good friends are everywhere, but it's hard to be without that special someone sometimes. Thanks to everyone for your comments. I'm glad I read them.

Inuus 09-25-2011 06:26 PM

That's one thing good about forums of any sorts. One can find like people to share experiences etc with and perhaps ease the feeling of being "the only one".

Although I don't micromanage (as I put it) my butchness. I do claim female identified Butch, and I do appreciate a femme who can understand and embrace that small facet.

1QuirkyKiwi 09-25-2011 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Anya/Georgia (Post 424888)
To 1QuirkyKiwi: my sweet dear femme sister, thank you for your vulnerability and sharing. You really have no idea how many of us on the planet deal with being differently-abled every day (me, arthritis & thyroid cancer to name a couple)!

We all deal with our frailties and our strenghts in our own way and as we age, even if we were totally healthy at 40, it does not mean we still will be as the years go by.

I believe with all my heart (well ok I do get scared) that I will find love again in spite of my outer wrapper being a little tattered and torn, that just like the Velveteen Rabbitt, when I am loved, I will look like a shiny new one in her eyes.


Thank you so much for you sweet words.

All too often we don’t see how others see us - we are usually much stronger than others think – that comes from our vulnerabilities and acceptance to say “We’re not perfect, yet, we are worthy of being loved, cherished and adored.”

We will find love again with ‘That One Special Woman for Us’, but, she/they will find us when she/they are ready as we will be, too.

I wish you every health and happiness.

Okiebug61 02-27-2012 07:53 PM

I just want to say that I love being a woman, I love being a light butch and I love loving Red who is simply a wonderful woman ID'd lesbian. It just rocks!

girl_dee 02-27-2012 08:37 PM

love this thread, love loving a Female identified butch woman!

eclectic_fox 09-23-2012 12:08 AM

love this thread too… and looking for that female identified butch woman

TruTexan 08-24-2013 03:45 PM

I'm just a lesbian that happens to be butch that accepts my being female and embraces that part of me. My masculinity is female not male.I live in a small town where there aren't any lesbians, butches, femmes or even gays. I miss the advantage of a larger city for community. I do the butch-femme dance with femmes only. I can't do a butch-butch relationship because I'm not into butches and I certainly don't wanna share my clothes and shoes. NO offense to those who do, but it's not for me.
Glad I found the site. Been reading lots of things here and finding out more than I knew about how people differently ID. Perplexing at times, but that's ok, to each their own.

CherylNYC 08-24-2013 03:49 PM

Welcome, Tru.

LexiLove 10-18-2013 04:42 PM

Woman Id'd lesbian here and in love with my butch woman Id'd lesbian.

cutiefemme 03-07-2015 06:43 PM

A lot of the butches I've dated identified as women, not all. I also used to have les/bi flatmates all the time (feminine) and we had lots of fun too.

Gayandgray 12-04-2021 03:55 AM


Stone-Butch 12-04-2021 03:13 PM

Women-identified Lesbians
I am proud to be female. I am also proud to be all butch.

"Any woman that tries for equality with men, lacks ambition"

(I can't remember who wrote it but I sure love it)

homoe 12-04-2021 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Stone-Butch (Post 1286540)
I am proud to be female. I am also proud to be all butch.

"Any woman that tries for equality with men, lacks ambition"

(I can't remember who wrote it but I sure love it)

Stone, I believe it was Timothy Leary "Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.“

Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/866523-...lack-ambition/

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