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-   -   What did you accomplish today? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2631)

weatherboi 01-09-2011 07:09 PM

we watched many weird movies and ate leftovers!!!

Kenna 01-09-2011 09:12 PM

accomplished a bunch!!
shopping this morning for necessary items....
Battened down the hatches for all outside critters... enclosing or tarping their kennels, making "wind breaks" and putting down extra cedar shavings...
made a special outside potty area - protected by a lean-to - that will not require shoveling snow (THANK YOU Roomie!! I really appreciate your help with all this!)
prepped car so it's easier to shovel out after storm....
made a HUGE batch of made-from-scratch beef veggie stew and canned a few jars... (that took several hours for all the prep work!)
helped Roomie clean kitchen (he did most the dishes!)
Annoyed Roomie! ;)
and several other things that I can't think of right now....

Gemme 01-09-2011 10:11 PM

  • up at 6:13am
  • played online while listening to my MP3
  • had a banana
  • worked out
  • showered and got ready for work
  • worked
  • dinner out with Ebon
  • stopped off to pick him up a coffee
  • relaxed at home
  • tried playing a card game but our hearts weren't in it
  • had dessert
  • playing online now and watching old episodes of Eureka

katsarecool 01-09-2011 10:44 PM

I got ready for the winter storm which is now here. 4 inches and still snow is falling. 1/2 of ice/sleet expected to begin after midnight. 1/2 of ice can take out power lines so we could be in for a big headache. The interstates in and around Atlanta are parking lots as I type. I am not planning on going anywere except to sprinkle icemelt on the sidewalk. I have not seen this much snow here since 1993!

Kenna 01-09-2011 11:41 PM

I wanted to turn in for the night..... but my brain is still on overload....this isn't much of an accomplishment....but darn it, I finally FIGURED it out! LOL

first I started with fixing TV remote with my pocket knife, nail file, a little baking soda & vinegar (just 'cuz of corroded batteries)

Then I spent a half hour trying to figure out how to get Blade's MONSTER BEAST of a TV to recognize the DVD machine WAS attached and playing! Grrrrrr!! it would have helped if the last owner had saved the User Manual.
As the World goes round, this is a very small accomplishment, especially since we may be loosing power later..... but darn it, I wanted to watch Avatar and have some "down time" after a long day.

I've learned there is little I can't fix without my pocket knife and nail file!! :cheesy: Ask Blade how I fixed the wiring harness on the new dryer and the CAT5 for the internet and phone. Those were fun days and fun accomplishments.... 'cuz things ACTUALLY WORKED when I got done! Those were "HELL YEAH" moments!

Soft*Silver 01-10-2011 12:02 AM

    • all laundry done and put away
    • floors mopped or vaccumed
    • bathrooms cleaned
    • new member of family accepted

Rockinonahigh 01-10-2011 02:20 AM

Up at 9:30a.m. & let the fur kids out.
9:40 a.m. they came back in...at 29 drgrees it is to cold to be out long.
Them I fixed breakfst of french toast,bacon and sasuage with coffee for me and the kid.
Did laundry & put it away.
Watched TV a lot.
Took a nap with the fur kids.
Made gumbo for dinner.
Cleaned the kitchen,took a shower and went to bed,well atleast I went to bed sleep is a whole nuther matter...so far.

Rockinonahigh 01-10-2011 02:23 AM

P.S..Went to the daycare center and left lots of food for the three half grown kittens that hang out in the inclosed yard,made shure they had a warm dry place to sleep.

StillettoDoll 01-10-2011 05:29 AM

Just added up how many miles I did on the treadmill last week , I did 14 miles , not great but good for the first week of the year.
Keeping track of my progress

Blade 01-10-2011 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet (Post 262627)
I wanted to turn in for the night..... but my brain is still on overload....this isn't much of an accomplishment....but darn it, I finally FIGURED it out! LOL

first I started with fixing TV remote with my pocket knife, nail file, a little baking soda & vinegar (just 'cuz of corroded batteries)

Then I spent a half hour trying to figure out how to get Blade's MONSTER BEAST of a TV to recognize the DVD machine WAS attached and playing! Grrrrrr!! it would have helped if the last owner had saved the User Manual.
As the World goes round, this is a very small accomplishment, especially since we may be loosing power later..... but darn it, I wanted to watch Avatar and have some "down time" after a long day.

I've learned there is little I can't fix without my pocket knife and nail file!! :cheesy: Ask Blade how I fixed the wiring harness on the new dryer and the CAT5 for the internet and phone. Those were fun days and fun accomplishments.... 'cuz things ACTUALLY WORKED when I got done! Those were "HELL YEAH" moments!

Note to Sweet, ummm you never asked for the owners manual hon. But if you need it, it is in the drawers under the glass top coffee table.....jus sayin:superfunny:

Kenna 01-10-2011 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 262732)
Note to Sweet, ummm you never asked for the owners manual hon. But if you need it, it is in the drawers under the glass top coffee table.....jus sayin:superfunny:

How was I supposed to know that? Under that glass top is a Woody Woodpecker cup and bowl from your "boyhood", squirrel salt and pepper shakers, and cute, dainty Peach Luster Fireking milk and creamer cups that you brought home 'cuz you thought they look orange (PEACH Luster, honey bun, PEACH Luster)....and a lady like me doesn't go searching through your DRAWERS!! Plus, I can't help it that your older azz went to bed at "O-dark-30" and didn't tell me that your Momma saved the manual!

Affectionately Signed,
Don't mess with Sweet when she's running on 3 hours sleep and High Test coffee! :byebye:

Blade 01-10-2011 09:04 AM

excuse me Ma'am but O dark 30 was almost midnight and REALLY? REALLY????? You know my Mom keeps everything!


Originally Posted by Sweet (Post 262750)
How was I supposed to know that? Under that glass top is a Woody Woodpecker cup and bowl from your "boyhood", squirrel salt and pepper shakers, and cute, dainty Peach Luster Fireking milk and creamer cups that you brought home 'cuz you thought they look orange (PEACH Luster, honey bun, PEACH Luster)....and a lady like me doesn't go searching through your DRAWERS!! Plus, I can't help it that your older azz went to bed at "O-dark-30" and didn't tell me that your Momma saved the manual!

Affectionately Signed,
Don't mess with Sweet when she's running on 3 hours sleep and High Test coffee! :byebye:

Kenna 01-10-2011 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 262753)
excuse me Ma'am but O dark 30 was almost midnight and REALLY? REALLY????? You know my Mom keeps everything!

I wasn't gonna go there about your Momma....cuz I adore her. Yeah, she keeps everything, but can she find it when she wants it?
To keep with the spirit of the thread....
This morning I accomplished making YOUR breakfast 'cuz you were so nice to walk Tashi over to the "special spot" to pee where there's no snow.... then you let her RUN out and act like a WILD NUTT while her Momma Bear stood on the porch and tried to call her back.
Yep, I made your breakfast...and you go pickin' on me. I see how it is! :readfineprint: I may or may not see a dog house and cedar shavings in your future.

Kenna 01-10-2011 09:18 AM

I still don't go searching through YOUR drawers.

That's your Momma's job when she comes to visit just 'cuz she's gonna have a panic attack without her special Thanksgiving serving spoon. You should be thanking me, instead of pickin' on me, for SAVING you from mortal embarrassment the other day.

JustJo 01-10-2011 09:21 AM

I have accomplished the most important part of my day (and the one I was dreading)....the nurse came to the house, did all my health screenings ...and Scoote's too....including taking blood.

I did not pass out...although I came close!

And....I may be related to Blade's mama...cuz I have the manual for everything I own...and I also have special serving utensils for different holidays. :)

Blade 01-10-2011 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet (Post 262761)
I still don't go searching through YOUR drawers.

That's your Momma's job when she comes to visit just 'cuz she's gonna have a panic attack without her special Thanksgiving serving spoon. You should be thanking me, instead of pickin' on me, for SAVING you from mortal embarrassment the other day.

mmmmmmmmmmm:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown:

Kenna 01-10-2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 262764)
mmmmmmmmmmm:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown:

:cheesy: :cheesy:
I can hear Miss Scarlett now.....
*While she enjoys cookies and hot cocoa*....
"today, Sweet accomplished whooping Blade's butt"

:cheesy: :cheesy:

Miss Scarlett 01-10-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 262764)
mmmmmmmmmmm:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown:

Good Blade! Learn it, live it, let it be your guide...LOL

Sweet, I vote for doghouse without shavings for our little friend.

Sam 01-10-2011 10:15 AM

to read on how to wear one down, into believing.

lipstixgal 01-10-2011 10:25 AM

I'm about to accomplish doing laundry that is much needed!! and probably let the dog outside because he is crying again...sighs its always something

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