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Hollylane 07-21-2012 10:10 AM

I'm not sure who got the "customer of the day" award yesterday...

This guy:

Hollylane: Thank you for verifying your information Bob. How can I help you?

Bob: You can help me by removing my name from this account with my bitch whore of a soon to be ex-wife!

Hollylane: (after long pause, while holding breath, and in an overly cheerful and high pitched voice. Also, I may have bounced on the balls of my feet with my extra enthusiasm) I can help you with that Bob!

or this gal:

Thank you for calling ___, may I please have the address or the account number that I can help you with?

Becky: OMG! I can't believe you people are charging me this much money for my light bill! OMG!!


What I would have like to have said to Becky....

OMG! I can't believe you use chat lingo when you are actually talking to a person about your "light bill"!! OMG!!


OMG!! If this were actually a bill for just your "lights", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Unless, it is time to reconsider whether the growing lights you are using are energy efficient? :) If we have to call it something other than the "electric bill", can we be a bit more realistic, and call it your "large appliance bill"? I'm just sayin'.....:|

Hollylane 07-21-2012 11:48 AM

Getting my gripe on, and blowing off a little steam...

Okay, I just want to put these things out here in the light of day...I have conversations like these on a daily basis, and I am flummoxed about how, or why they could actually take place multiple times in a day...

Hollylane: Thank you for calling ___, may I please have the address or the account number that I can help you with?

Customer: I don't know my address...It is at the _____Apartment complex on ____ street. I just need to give the manager an account number, can't you look it up by the cross street?


Hollylane: Thank you for calling ___, may I please have the address or the account number that I can help you with?

My name is Britteny, and I'm really pissed off at you people for charging me so much every month. I am never home. I never use any electricity. Never. My bill last month was $39, there is no way I used that much electricity. I live by myself. Can you see my payment of $26 from last month? How much did I average in 2010, I kicked my ex out back then, and my bill should be lower. I'm really pissed off. I can't pay you that much money every month. I need a payment arrangement.


Apparently, I am expected to have a directory in my head with every address in the Portland and Salem areas emblazoned upon my brain. WTF?

And I ask you, if you are calling customer service for assistance with your account, or to start electric service, or to report an outage, why wouldn't you be prepared with at least your address? It is not rocket science.

The Britteny customer, oh my days...Diving down the rabbit hole, drilling me with questions, complaining about a miniscule dollar amount, and I'm supposed to help you how? How can I help you when all I have is your name?

Let's go back to the beginning and start with that address or account number. Sheesh.

Power off for non-payment scenarios..

Hollylane: Thank you for calling ___, may I please have the address or the account number that I can help you with?

Customer: It's too dark in here for me to see my account number, you need to turn my fucking lights back on right now! I made a payment 2 months ago, I can't believe you people turned the lights off! I have babies, I have an elderly mother on oxygen, I have a fish tank, a reptile cage (etc, etc)...


Hollylane: Thank you for calling ___, may I please have the address or the account number that I can help you with?

Customer: I paid you your fucking money, your reconnection fees, and your deposit 15 minutes ago. Why are my lights not back on? I want them on right now. How long am I going to have to wait?

Hollylane: I'm sorry that happened today, we'll restore your power as quickly and safely as possible, but unfortunately, I'm unable to provide a time frame for your reconnection. We do work all of our orders before we leave for the day, so it will be sometime today.

Customer: You just turned them off 45 minutes ago, so just turn them back on NOW. I paid my bill. Turn them on NOW.


Comments on reconnection for non-payment scenarios...

Is it really necessary to have your lights on to provide me with your address? Why can't people hear me when I say "or"??

How come everyone suddenly has $300(average reconnection amount with 1/2 of a balance + 30 r/c and 1/3 of a deposit) within an hour if their power is interrupted? We inundate our customers with mailed notices and phone calls, work with them extensively to help them keep their electricity on (it is expensive for both our company and the customer to turn them off and back on), and all we ask for is a phone call to make a payment arrangement, and for them to make a payment at least every other month. The customers above do not call until their power is off.

Perhaps we should let them wait to have the power back on for as long as we had to wait for a payment, or even a bloody phone call...

There are legitimate customers who are truly struggling in today's economy, and they call us every month, talk with us about where they are at, how much they can pay, and are polite even while they are stressed about where the next loaf of bread is coming from. They rarely experience an interruption of service, because they call, and they follow through with their commitments.

As far as assigning guilt to your electric service customer service representative, about your mother, your brother, your fish, and your babies...

If this is such a concern for you, why did you wait to call me until the power was off? If it were my mother, and I was struggling, I would have been calling every day, I would do everything in my power to not have anything happen that could threaten the health or well being of anyone I love. I don't feel sorry for the person calling, I feel empathy for the people/animals that have to rely on someone so irresponsible, and with so little concern for their welfare.


Power off due to weather or equipment failure scenarios...

Hollylane: Thank you for calling ___, may I please have the address that you are reporting a power outage for?

Customer A: My mother is on oxygen, you need to turn my power back on right now. If she dies, I'm suing you people!

Customer B: The 80 mile hour wind knocked the power out, and I heard a big boom. The power has been out for 2 hours now, are you people going to credit my account?

Customer C: It is snowing hard, and my power has been out for 12 hours, and I just saw your guys sitting in their trucks eating and talking around noon, why the fuck aren't they working to get my power back on?

Customer D:
It is 40 degrees outside, I'm going to freeze to death, and my babies are going to die if you don't get the power back on right now!


Comments on power off due to weather or equipment failure scenarios...

Customer A
...I'm 99.99999% certain that if your mother is actually on an oxygen machine (or even in the same state for that matter), that the medical supply company has provided you with back up gigantic and travel size oxygen tanks...

Customer B...If your meter is not running, you don't have power, and we charge by kilowatt hour used, what exactly am I crediting your account for?

Customer C...My guys and gals have been working on restoring your power in freezing weather, through the night, sometimes not even able to spend holidays with their families, risking life and limb to repair electric lines and poles...I'm pretty fucking sure I don't feel bad about them stopping to have a sandwich in their trucks with the heat on. You should be ashamed of yourself, and appreciate that you have shelter.

Customer D...When your power has been restored, a quick search of the internet may lead you to this:dimbulb: . Prior to that, humans lived for millions of years without electricity. It was a little uncomfortable, yes, but they lived, and they didn't have a Walmart to go buy a blanket at. In more recent human history, they even survived in the deserts of Arizona at temperatures over 117 degrees, and survived in temperatures well below zero...all without electricity...40 degrees? Put on an extra sweater and an extra pair of socks, you'll live...I'm just sayin'....

And one last thing....

No one at the electric company can turn your power back on first because of your particular situation. If the power is off for one home in your area, it is off for all. You are not special, you have to wait while our guys and gals work their asses off, regardless of current weather situations, to restore your power, just like everyone else. You are not more important, and you are not the only person in the world.

End transmission. :CLICK:

ruffryder 09-13-2012 10:38 AM

At work last night..

One guy concerned with paying $20 for valet parking and mentioned that he shouldn't have to because he is spending $4,000 at the restaurant tomorrow night.

Me and co-worker after he left gruntled and finally forked over a $20. . "Sheesh, $20 for valet shouldn't be nothing compared to the dinner." :|

Another lady.. OMG $20 for valet?! Are you serious?! I have a room here and I have to pay for valet? To which I replied, "yes, ma'am. I can bill it to your room if you like. It's only complimentary if you are in a club level room." Her: "OMG. I don't want it billed to my room." Me: "Ok, then it's $20." Her: "I don't want to pay." LOL Finally she pays. Then she changes her mind and says, "Just bill it to the room." All the while she is trying to talk on the phone to someone while trying to figure out her bill. I finally have had it and in a nice stern voice say, "Ma'am, I can do whatever you like just let me know." *laughing*

ruffryder 11-28-2012 07:35 PM

at work overnight.. after I found a woman drunk stumbling.

Me: "Ma'am, can I be of assistance. Help you find where you are going."

Her: "You aren't gonna arrest me, are you?"

Me. "No ma'am. I'm going to assist you and help you get to where you are going. Do you have an ID on you?"

Her: "Where's my pants?"

Me: :blink:

Her later walking as I escort her: "I can't believe I'm walking without my pants. I so hate you."

Me: :blink:

After she gets to where she needs to be she says, "Can I get a hug?" As I walk away fast, I wave and say, "Bye ma'am. Have a good night. Enjoy your stay!"

DMW 11-29-2012 06:33 PM

Hell No the customer isn't always right...they are human...as i said to the pushy Dr..."get line like the rest of em."

And the big dude that thought i couldn't deal..."she didn't make the shoes"
Sorry bro...i have been up against bigger men than you on the streets of
chicago....hahahahaha...nice try :hangloose:

Hollylane 12-18-2012 11:24 PM

I had few intelligent conversations today...None of them were with customers...


"What do you need my address for? I just want to talk to you about my bill!"

"I don't care if you are not able to access a system to process my payment for me, you're still going to do it!"

"I paid $300 in July, how the fuck is my bill $700 now? Why is my power off, when I just paid $300 in July???" (this was one of two payments made in 2012:blink:)

"What do you mean $25 dollars is not enough to keep my power on? That is all I can pay until February!" (the past due balance is $350 and 90 days old)

Things I said to customers today in exasperation:

"I'm sorry that's frustrating to you Bob, but cursing and yelling at me to process your payment, when I am unable to do so, is really not making your day, or mine any more pleasant. What I can do to help you, is transfer you to the automated system, which actually can process your payment."

"I understand that it is cold outside, and that it is frustrating to be without power temporarily during inclimate weather. However, I am unable to give you a reason for the outage, or an eta on repairs when you are the first person reporting the outage."

"No Brittney, we generally aren't able to get a crew onsite within 5 minutes of an outage being reported. No, they are not able to call you when they get there, they are attempting to determine the cause of the outage, and restore service for all of the 1500 customers without power. I'm afraid calling you to let you know they have arrived, is not something I'm going to ask them to make time for."

"Candy, you asked me why your bill doubled, and I attempted to talk to you about some of the reasons that can happen during the colder months of the year. You said that I was lying and called me a rude name referring to the female anatomy, I'm pretty sure this call is non-productive for both of us. What was that? I'm a what? Happy Holidays!" :click:

"Excuse me? You're actually asking me to stop being so pleasant? I apologize, I am unable to grant that request, you see, I work in customer service."

"What? No, we can't turn it on immediately. It will be some time today, barring any major outages. Yep, that's right, we did turn it off 15 minutes ago, and we cannot restore it instantly. Yes, again, that is what I said, we cannot turn it back on immediately. Okay Rebecca, I'm pretty certain that leaving it on for 4 months without payment, mailing multiple notices, and calling you more than 10 times a month to warn you that it could happen is not the same as turning it off at the drop of a hat. Thankfully, you won't have to wait as long as we waited for payment to get the power restored." :|

Hollylane 01-18-2013 12:41 PM

Me: Is there anything else I can help you with today Jeremy?

Jeremy: Yes, there is Hollylane. Can you come over and make me breakfast?

Me: Um....no, but that was original Jeremy...

Hollylane 01-24-2013 11:41 PM

Here's a thought...If you haven't paid your bill in several months, broken every payment arrangement, have a bill that is over $300 in arrears, and are pending interruption of your service, and you're calling customer service to ask for another extension, it's probably a good idea to treat your CSR with some respect, instead using dripping sarcasm and nastiness, despite their every effort at remaining calm and cordial.

For most of us, it is easy to figure out that being nasty to someone, is really not a good way to ask them to do you a favor.

I'm just sayin'...

Also, CSRs are required to ask certain verification questions, to secure your personal information, to set up payment arrangements, and to make changes to your account. We don't do it to annoy you, and we don't do it to keep you on the phone (we have stats to meet. So, why would we do that?).

If you want off the phone sooner, all you have to do is realize, that we are required to do our jobs as we are trained, and cannot change that for you without reprimand, and we want to remain employed. If you keep talking about it, and complaining to the person helping you, your call to customer service just keeps getting longer.

Hollylane 01-29-2013 10:26 PM

Me: Thank you for calling ____Electric, my name is Hollylane. May I have the address that I can help you with?

Customer: 7895 NE 22nd PL

Me: Thank you. I heard 7895 NE 22nd PL, is that correct?

Customer: Yeah.

Me: I am unable to locate that in our system, do you have an account with us at that address?

Customer: No, I have service with ____ Gas & Electric.

Me (on mute "Oh for the love of..."): May I have the address that I can help you with?

Customer: Yeah. I'm callin' about my closed account with you people.


Me: Thank you for calling ____Electric, my name is Hollylane. May I have the address that I can help you with?

Customer: PO Box 449, Astoria, Oregon.

Me: May I have the address that you have service with us at?

Customer (exaggerated sigh): PO Box 449, Astoria, Oregon.

Me: May I have the address where we provide electric service to you?

Customer: Can you look it up by my name? My name is Mrs. Jones.

Me (on mute "are you fucking serious?"): What is your first name Mrs. Jones?

Customer: Why do you need that?

:| :| :|

Me: Thank you for calling ____Electric, my name is Hollylane. May I have the address that I can help you with?

Customer (mobile phone cutting in and out, crackling painfully): ________ Johnson Creek ___ Barbara ______ payment ______ HELLO???_____ Need ____ Don't _____

Me: Ma'am, I'm unable to hear you, can you move and find a clearer signal?

Customer: No ____ you listen ____ with it ____ HELLO???

Me: Ma'am, I am sorry, I am unable to hear you, please call us back at 503-XXX-XXXX, when you reach a better coverage area.

Customer: Don't ___ dare ____ up _____ HELLO???? ____ stupid bitch ____ hung ____ on me #$$@#@#$!!!!!


I ask you, does it really need to be this difficult? What is wrong with people?

Hollylane 01-29-2013 10:32 PM

Me: Is there anything else I can help you with today Mary?

Mary: Well yes, as a matter fact there is. I have some floors that need mopping. Why don't you come over and help this little old lady, and then we can have tea and sandwiches afterward! I just really enjoy talking with you Hollylane.

Me: Oh Mary, I would much rather come mop your floors and chat with you, than take the next 50 calls. That is the best offer I've had all day! Now, if only that paid the bills!

Hollylane 02-12-2013 11:16 PM

I wish I could send a psychic long-winded message to customers everywhere and ask them, for the love of Dog, to stop harassing customer service reps about company policies, or corporate level decisions.

I get it. You're frustrated, you waited on hold a long time, your bill is high, your power is off, you don't like sharing your social security number or even the last 4 digits of it, you think the big corporations are out to get the little guy (you're probably right, but I'm not going to chat with you about it on the recorded line of my employer)...etc.etc...

Speaking for CSRs...

I am not responsible for any of these complaints, whether they are valid or not, I did not personally do anything to you or your family, I didn't make the policies, I can't change the policies, I can't erase your charges...etc.

Write a letter to the corporate office, speak with the public utilities commission, your elected representatives, take the fucking survey I'm required to shove down your throat during every call...but for Dog's Sake, stop treating me like shit, when I am trying so hard to get to the root of the reason for your call, and get to that next customer, who is waiting too long on hold (the same thing you probably complained about), because you can't get down to business.

If you want help with your account, work with me. Try not to dive down the rabbit hole of chatter when you haven't supplied me with the address I asked you for, so that I can see what the hell you are even talking about. I understand you are busy, and can't stay on the phone for a long time, but if you give me 3 minutes of push back about me placing you on hold to resolve something for you, how is that helping the situation?

If you have a problem with giving out your personal information, address that with someone who has the ability to do something about those policies. I can't help you with your account, until you verify your account, and I'm not going to skip that part, risking my job, because you are having a fit about it. Why do we have to continue having this conversation?

Please realize, that we are given stats and goals that we are required to meet, to stay employed, because we have to pay the same bills you do. I am not independently wealthy simply because I am employed, so quit with the wisecracks, when I ask if there is anything else I can help you with, it is not as funny as you think, to say "you could pay my bill". I have bills too. Also, this is not a dating service, I don't have time or inclination to flirt with you. I am required to express, during each call, that I am helpful, friendly, empathetic, knowledgeable, efficient, and thorough. I also am required to use many phrases and words during each call. I am required to do all of this and make sure the reason you called is resolved, you don't feel the need to call back, make you feel good about both myself and the company I work for, and have an average handle time (total time of the call, plus any work that needs to be done to complete your request after the call) of 320 (apprx 5 min) seconds, to be an excellent employee, I have to do this in 280 seconds (apprx 4 min).

Keep in mind, that in corporate America, in order to keep the money in the shareholders' pockets, companies will continue to downsize, and expect the employees left behind, to pick up the work of their fallen comrades (usually with no additional pay incentive), and I am generally taking more calls than any human should be expected to in one day, because some jackass wants more money than one human could spend in a lifetime. Again, not my decision, nothing I can do about it, I am simply trying to remain employed.

I am not hear for your verbal abuse, I am here to help. Admittedly, there are some people in customer service jobs, that are burned out, detached from their customers and their struggles, are cold, jaded, and callused from years in the business, but keep in mind, we are not all the same, a lot of us genuinely are trying to make your situation better, in the best way or only way that we can, with the limited tools at our disposal.

Last, but certainly not least important...

When you call me, please give me your undivided attention. I shouldn't have to repeat my opening line (another requirement) 3 times, because the television, internet, friends, drive-through, toilet time, screaming children etc are distracting you. I am tired, I have to talk to 99 more people today, and you making me repeat myself multiple times during a call, because you are not paying attention, is just plain cruel.

End today's rant...:|

maryam 02-13-2013 12:38 AM

I used to work at an airline. One of the Big 6 Usian ones. While I was watching the weather last weekend, I felt badly for my friends who still work there. One night a few years ago, when there was BAD snow and we had cascading cancellations ahead of the storm (sometimes the hub system bites) we were ALL on mandatory overtime. I was on the 430 pm to 130 am shift, (normally the last shift of the day) but they held us over to work, especially international agents because we were recovering from the killer snowstorms in Europe. This was the that bad winter a few years ago where they got snow in England and Italy and all the spots in between...

So we're in our last hour of legality and we all get to go in late the next day, since it's now going on 7 am.... And we're rebooking as best we can, and explaining to people that even if we did have seats leaving today, the chances of those flights going out on schedule are kind of in the negative numbers. And people are bitchy and mad because of course the airlines control the weather! (Y'all did know that, right? Airlines totally control the weather!) I'm on call work time because I need a brain break and I hear one of my friends saying the following, through gritted teeth.

"Yes sir, I am certain we have no planes leaving this morning."

"Yes sir, I'm aware there's only 10 inches of snow out there, but you'll be flying into a blizzard. That's why we cancelled your flight."

"No sir, there are no planes leaving Hartford for the West Coast today."

"Sir, I'm pretty sure that if you DO walk over to the other side of the airport and look out the windows of the other terminal, you'll find that it IS snowing on that side of the airport too."

By now, the whole freaking bay is howling with laughter, because we've been dealing with this crap ALL night long and we'd gotten to the slap-happy and goofy stagee around 4 am. The poor man (and I did kinda feel bad for him yells "What the hell is so funny bitch! What are you laughing about?" so loud we can all hear it and then Lisa starts giggling so hard she can hardly talk. She's gasping out "I'm so -- sorry-- sir--- we've just -- been up all night" between giggles and we're all just dying from laughter. She says "oh no Sir-- it's really not -- giggle wheeze-- funny. --snerk--- I swear, I'm taking this very --giggle snort!-- seriously" By now we have a supervisor over to see why we're all dying here. The supe (who was awesome! Our night time supervisor was great!) just walked around and started turning off our phone boxes... She grabs Lisa's head set and says "Well sir, I understand you're unhappy about the weather. Sadly, we can't turn the snow off for you...." By this time, Lisa's lost the seats she was trying to get so he's stuck another three days in Hartford. She pulls the head set off because he's shouting again, and we hear him saying "I'll see you all in Hell Bitch!" and the supe puts the head set back on and says "well, Sir, I see you're having a bad day. Why don't you take some time to get settled down and call back.. Thanks for calling Awesome Airlines" and hangs up on him. It was so darn funny because we were only allowed to hang up on the obscene callers, and only after we'd asked them for a res.

Even though it was mandatory overtime, she sent us all out about 20 minutes before she was supposed to because we were so done. Even now, when a customer's getting snarky, there's still a running joke at that reservation center about "Well, let me just run over to the other side of the airport and check the weather for you."

Corkey 02-13-2013 01:38 AM

On the customer side of it.
Sometimes those little head sets are too far away from a CR's mouth that I can't hear what you* are saying much less agree to your asking me if I can be placed on hold. So if I say 3 times I can't hear you* please speak up, please do not be short with me. :)

GraffitiBoi 02-13-2013 05:30 AM

I work overnights as a night auditor/manager in a large well-known hotel in downtown Minneapolis. One night when we were at full occupancy (of course) the fire alarms went off. When this happens all the elevators shut down. If you're on the 31st floor it sucks to have to take the stairs. Of course the phones start ringing off the hook. I'm trying to assess the situation and inform certain staff members of what needs to be done. Needless to say, I'm busy. I have one person manning the phones and I have had to leave the front desk unmanned. I jump on and help answer the phones when I get a moment.

Standard questions of people calling down:
Guest: "There are alarms going off."
Me: "Yes ma'am. We are aware of the situation."
Guest: "Well, do I have to leave my room?"
Me: "Yes ma'am. We are evacuating the hotel until we can determine if there is an actual fire or not."
Guest: "Why don't you know if there is a fire? I need to sleep. I'm not leaving. Can't you turn the alarms off?"
Me: "I'm sorry ma'am I do not have access or authorization to turn the alarms off. The fire department has to do that. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but you do need to leave your room."
Guest: "But I have an early morning. I need sleep. Just turn them off."
Me: "Again, I am sorry ma'am but I am not able to do that. Please evacuate the building."
Guest: "Is everyone leaving? I'll have to wait forever for an elevator. I don't have time for this."
Me: "The elevators do not work during a fire emergency ma'am. You'll have to take the stairs." *cringing because I know it's coming - she's on the 31st floor.*
Guest: *yelling* "What do you mean I have to take the stairs??!! I'm the 31st f-ing floor! I am NOT walking down those stairs. Turn off the alarms NOW!"
Me: "Ma'am I explained to you already that I cannot turn the alarms off."
Guest: "What kind of customer service is this? I'm an Elite member! You need to do what I say. I want to talk to the manager."
Me: *looking at her reservation and seeing that her employer pays for her stays here* "I see that you are one of our elite members and we at the _______ Hotel thank your employer for utilizing us for their travel needs. I am the manager ma'am and I am sorry to say that I cannot turn the alarms off."
Guest: "I'm not leaving my room! This is the worst customer service I have ever experienced!"
Me: "My apologies ma'am that our fire emergency has disturbed your stay with us. I see the fire department is here and I must go meet with them. Have a good night." *click*

In the morning near the end of my shift a woman comes up to the desk to check out and is screaming for the manager. I go out to talk to her. It's her. She demanded that we pay for her entire stay (5 nights) and all of her incidentals (bar and restaurant charges) because we disturbed her sleep and refused to turn off the alarms when she explicitly told us to do so. I had a hard time not laughing at her. I told her we will not reimburse her any of the expenses for something that was not the hotel's fault and apologized to her for her restless night. She called me a bitch and a fag. I smiled at her and said "Thank you. I take that as a compliment." She then yelled some more and said she would never stay at our hotel again. I told her to have a nice day and a safe journey home.

The following Monday I'm working the front desk and guess who shows up to check in!? LOL She was trying hard to be polite to me. I put on my best smile and gave her a warm welcome back. She said she couldn't get any of the other hotels in the area to give her the corporate rate we give her. I told her "I know. ________ (company she works for) has a contract with us and not with any other hotel. If there is anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable, please don't hesitate to ask."

maryam 02-13-2013 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 747944)
On the customer side of it.
Sometimes those little head sets are too far away from a CR's mouth that I can't hear what you* are saying much less agree to your asking me if I can be placed on hold. So if I say 3 times I can't hear you* please speak up, please do not be short with me. :)

and that I understand! or sometimes it's the other way around, the mic is too close to the mouth so it gets muffled and you sound like the adults in a Charlie Brown movie.

weatherboi 04-21-2013 12:07 PM

We have been working for a chemist. Our technology is patented and trade secret protected. I did an estimate for him and got an uneasy feeling from him so I went out of my way to turn him off from using us. Trying to dodge a bullet type thing. He contacted me a few months later wanting to go ahead with service so I set it up and proceeded. /most of my clients are curious but this guy was full of questions that revolved around doubtful outcomes. The job was on it's third day and just when we thought it was almost over we discovered an issue he was not forth coming of. WE took an hour break from the job and regrouped by coming up with a plan to fix his issue free of charge. After putting out a fire that was due to his lack of being forth right, he decided to criticize results that hadn't even been delivered yet therefore no reason to criticize. The fourth day we completed the job with above par results and in a timely manner even though we ran into a little bit of a snafu...no harm no foul. When closing out the job the client was almost mad that his situation came out so well. Like he was mad that we cleared all his hurdles.

We learned the client is not always right...some of them really want to see us fail!!!

femm_cb 05-02-2013 01:15 PM

My clients
I deal with a lot of attorneys, with all due respect, I wonder how a few even managed to pass the bar? :confused:

psykftm 05-11-2013 12:25 PM

terms of 'affection'
I work at a gas station at the moment...
I really just can't stand the sweetie, honey stuff. I never understand how (typically male) customers come in, and despite how butch I look still find it so easy to drop something like a babydoll. Pisses me off its just damn, really?

One time this dude walks in and drops ten of them in one sentence. No one was in the store, so I decided to vent this time. I told him I didn't like to be called those types of things..he argued and said I shouldn't care because all his female co-workers see it as him being affectionate. Wtf. So when I said I didn't want his affection, he was all "well I was going to get gas but you can forget it". He didn't freakin leave though! He just kept talking about what it meant to him..he couldn't hear a damn thing I said about how it affected me. Eventually I told him to get out of my store. A year eroded me though, and now I only tend to fight on it with my regulars. One of them even started calling me sir when I explained, so that was a bit healing for me..that guy is cool as hell.

I just can't believe people sometimes...my truck driver would call me "mama" and "baby"...and so I explain that I have contemplated ftm, and that I really dislike those types of titles. I thought he totally understood. He's all "some people can be so disrespectful with that" and basically went on about how he didn't think there was anything wrong with ftm, alla that...then when he leaves he goes, "alright, see you next time princess". Not as a stab...he was seriously just that freakin stupid. I really just wish people didn't through those terms around without a second thought.

That's my rant, I hope I didn't offend anyone who appreciates those terms, and also didn't mean to imply that all butches hate those phrases.

Hollylane 05-17-2013 11:55 PM

And the customer of the week award goes to Christina...

5:06 pm 05/16/2013: After the standard greeting, and the address for the service is pried out of Christina, while she dove down more rabbit holes than I could have ever imagined....

Hollylane: Christina, I don't see that you have been authorized on Vance's account, so, unfortunately, I can't discuss the account information with you. However, I will tell you that we have sent for the reconnection at the pole, for electric service at this address.

We paid you good money a 1/2 an hour ago, why is my F*@##$@ing electricity still off????!!!??? I don't know why they did it at the pole anyway. The a**hole who turned it off told me there would not be any reconnection fees, you better not have charged a fee!!! I want my power on NOW!!! Did you charge me a fee???

Hollylane (after reviewing the notes, seeing the standard pole cut-in fee of $75, and noting that no payments had been received in the past 6 months): Christina, is the account holder available? I'd be happy to talk with you about any charges to the their account, if I can verify that I'm able to discuss Vance's account with you.

As to the reason for cutting the service out at the pole, according to the notes for this address, our service person was unable to access the meter, because you were blocking it with your body. Because this is a restoration at the pole, it requires a bucket truck to restore your power. The bucket truck crews are also working to resolve outages, and it could be up to 24 hours before the electricity at this address is restored. Had we cut out at the meter, it would have only been a few hours, at the most. Without discussing the account information, I can advise you that reconnection fees for service disconnected at the pole, are the same for all customers, and the amount would be $75. Had this been done at the meter, the fee would have only been $30.

Christina: WHAT??!!!??? He's a f**ing LIAR!!!! I didn't block nothing!!!!!! I want the power on by MIDNIGHT, with NO FEES, or I am filing a complaint!!!!

Hollylane: I'd be happy to provide you with the Public Utility Commission's telephone number, but I'm afraid they would need to speak with the customer of record.

Christina: I want to talk to your Supervisor right now you moron!

Hollylane: Christina, I can get someone on the line for you, but unfortunately, they would not be able to help you anymore than I can. You are not on the account, and we cannot provide you a time frame for reconnection, other than the 24 hour window, that the account holder was advised of at 3:15 pm today.

(I continued to explain the situation to Christina for another 10 minutes, while she continued to curse me out)

Hollylane: I'm afraid this conversation has become non-productive Christina, I am unable to assist you with your demands, and I am unwilling to continue with this call while you verbally abuse me. Please have Vance give us a call, if he has any further questions.

Christina: #@)(*%_)@#$($#_$_$@(*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3:00 pm 05/17/2013 (23.75 hours later): Service was restored. Notes on the account showed that she had continued verbally abusing our 24 hour outage reps throughout the night. I can't help but wonder if the bucket truck crew, saved this cut-in until only a few minutes remained in the 24 hour window, because of her behavior. If they did, I want to buy them a round.

homoe 08-09-2016 05:52 PM


Having worked in retail for over 30 years, I can so relate to these stories!

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