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MrSunshine 11-08-2012 12:33 PM

This ranks pretty high on my creep factor list.

When I was little I used to put lady bugs in my naval and hang on to them for a while before letting them go. My little brother
loved that I did that. He didn't have a navel, the cord was cut to short so they just stitched it shut. It looked like he had a smile there.

Many years later in the middle of October up in northern Michigan he lay on life support.
When they shut off all the machines I left the hospital and went to my moms house. I lived in Chicago at the time and was going to stay for a day or so. When I opened the door the whole ceiling was covered in lady bugs, swarms of them. Normally you wouldn't see even one in northern Michigan mid October. That wasn't as creepy as what would happen in the days to follow.

I didn't go to the funeral, I couldn't deal. I went back to Chicago to this huge house I was sitting for the winter. I was watching their doberman too. This dog was so mean it attacked me every time I came in the door. After I got back that all changed. The dog would sit in the middle of the living room looking up at nothing then start whining and go hide under some piece of furniture. Or it would bark at the corner or ceiling. Chairs would rock on their own. Then one night while I was getting ready to fall alseep someone sat down on the edge of my bed next to my mid section. It was a lot of weight, it made the mattress sink down and pulled me in that direction. I was alone in the house. For a minute I was so paralized I couldn't move. My heart was racing and almost beating out of my chest. I was so freaked out but finally reached over and turned on the light. Nothing there.

I live in a house now where a lady overdosed and died. I turn off a light it's back on when I return. I close a door it's open when I return. I've heard someone whisper really close to my ear in the middle of the night. Twice now I've been shoved in my sleep. Not like to hurt me but to jolt me awake. It works.

I don't care for the supernatural. I don't want to see dead people. These things creep me out more than anything else I can come up with in my mind.

Rockinonahigh 11-08-2012 02:03 PM

Some years after my grand ma passed away I was driveing down greenwood rd,wich is about a half mile from the cemetary she is buried in,as I turned on to the main road I saw a group of elederly women dresed in a old fashion way of the 30'or 40's.One of them looked so familure I couldnt take my eyes of her
as I drove past I got a good lokk at them the woman I thought was familur was my grand ma and with her were her friend that had also passed.She smiled and waved and pointed me out to her friends wich all waved back with big happy smiles.This was buisey road I couldnt pull over or stop so I went on till I could do so,I never did find them any where as much as I tryed too.THis area is mostly industral plus a fue resturants..no houses anywhere.This made a beleaver of me big time..I also have had this happen with other members of my family I was very close to.

pajama 11-08-2012 04:52 PM

At the childrens hospital I worked at, in the ICU, we had two rooms that were haunted. When ever the rooms were vacant, you could walk by some nights and the rocking chair would be rocking.

skeeter_01 11-08-2012 06:17 PM

this is a cool thread! i'll be back to post! :)


princessbelle 11-08-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by pajama (Post 695624)
At the childrens hospital I worked at, in the ICU, we had two rooms that were haunted. When ever the rooms were vacant, you could walk by some nights and the rocking chair would be rocking.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh this is so cool and i totally believe it 100%. I have had so many, many things happen that were really strange, in my nursing career.

When i first became a nurse, i worked nights in the hospital on a very hard (meaning lots of death) floor. One night, we were at the nurses station charting and another nurse, Marian, said she was going to make rounds and check on her patients in the front rooms 1-15 and asked if i wanted her to check on my rooms which were 15-30. Which was great. At night most patients slept so we would just poke our head in and check on them every 30 minutes or so. No visitors were allowed on the floor past 10.

When she came back she said almost all were asleep in bed. She went on to say that room number 23 was awake and standing up by the window. All at once i had a cold chill run up my spine and i froze. Room 23. Room 23. I said to Marian..."Couldn't be. It must have been another patient in his room" She said "No, it was him, All other patients are in their rooms in bed, i checked. It was a man with a long beard and dark hair." She was describing him to a T, well almost.....

As if in slow motion and holding each others hand, we both walked back down the hall to room 23.

There he was, long beard, dark hair laying in the bed.

Marian said "That is him, i saw him standing over there, just minutes ago". We walked to him and found that he had just passed away.

The thing was.....Room 23 was a paraplegic. Car wreck, over 20 years prior. I believe when he passed, he did so standing.

Gemme 11-08-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl563 (Post 695361)
I'd put my money on the fisher cat.....freakin' mean lil buggers....

*warning: this is all National Geographic-y and stuff*

I'm gonna go with the honey badger. The fisher cat hurt a poor, pretty fox. The badger ate freakin' cobras.

It makes me sad to watch the fox stumble around....don't think the poor baby made it.


I've tried to remember anything else that would fit in here but I just can't. I guess the living are creepier to me than the dead.


pajama 11-08-2012 09:46 PM

ummm Is it weird that I can tell when someone is going to die? Usually a couple of days before, I just "know". And not just people that are at death's door. I've known for my aunt, my Dad, two dogs, one hamster, and 3 babies at the hospital.

cinnamongrrl 11-09-2012 07:32 AM

Another memory from the triple decker house.....

My uncle was renovating the 1st and 3rd floors and we were living on the 2nd.....This took a while and we were the only ones in the house for months.

On MANY a night I would hear a baby crying upstairs. I told my mother ( I was a teenager at the time) and even though I could hear it she could not....
Upon redoing the plumbing upstairs, my uncle found an old baby spoon in the drain. He gave it to my mother for her spoon collection. I think she had a glimmer of believing me at that point....

The upstairs (attic) apartment seems to have been the central location for the haunting. After the house was finished, my aunt moved into the attic apartment. She was gone a lot so we would take care of her cat and water her plants etc. One more than one occasion, we heard someone walking up there when we knew she wasn't home....my mother and I would go up the front stairs together...she had a key...to go see who was in the house. Each time there was no one there. We even checked a little hidy hole that was behind the pantry. It went into the crawl space behind. We looked under beds in closets in the tub you name it! No one to be found. Finally, when it happened again, my mother and I went up the 2 separate stair cases at the same time. Same result...We also saw from outside lights that were on and when my mother went in to check the house the light was off and the house was empty.

starryeyes 11-09-2012 07:39 AM

I bought my home three years ago in a probate sale. The lady who owned it and passed away was the original owner from 1958 until 2008 (when she died). When I bought it, nothing was stated that she died in the house (I know if she did, they are legally responsible for telling me and nothing was disclosed so I am assuming she died elsewhere).

I have never had any issues in the house. I have had two roommates who never complained of anything, so I never have had any reason to believe that there as any activity in the house, lol.

I recently got a new roommate. She moved in on October 30, so it hasn't been that long. I came home really late one night, and she and her girlfriend were in the kitchen and the house reeked of sage *cough cough*. I figured they were smoking pot in the house and were trying to cover it up. I really don't care so I didn't ask what was going on.

The next day, we were talking and she asked me if I had ever experienced any "weirdness" in the house. I said, no.... Why? She the first day she moved in, she hung a light from the ceiling. When she came home, the light was shattered all over the floor, which was impossible since it as secured tightly. She also said that night the house reeked, they had done a "cleansing" because her motorcycle helmet had been kicked across the room.

So, I start freaking thinking wtf?? Why now? I never had any issues and this and going to start my paranoia about a freaking angry ghost in my house. Ugh. Maybe everything has an explanation behind it. I don't know how a motorcycle helmet gets kicked across the room, maybe she was high, who knows.

So last night we are all sitting watching TV and talking. We hear this really weird noise in the kitchen and a bang. We look, and there was a rug, which was securely resting on the wall and had been for several days with no issues, fell over and slammed on the floor. Huh? My roommate looks at me and says, "see!?"


starryeyes 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

Also, one more story...

My grandmother passed away June 30th of this year. When I got the call that she was sick, I was making plans to go up to see her (5 hour drive away). My family didn't tell me the extent of how sick she was, or I would have left days before. She was in hospice at home, so we knew she was going to die eventually but didn't expect it to happen so fast.

So, the night before I was going to leave, I was really struggling with the fact that I didn't leave that night. When I went to sleep, my grandmother came to me in a dream and told me something to the effect of "I will be ok" (I can't remember exactly, but I remember sitting with her and looking at her and feeling a sense of calm). That morning, I packed my stuff and as soon as I pulled out of my driveway, my cousin called me to tell me she passed.

I will never forget that, and I still get extremely emotional when I think about it. But, at the same time I feel lucky because I was able to "talk" with her before she died. It gave me some closure since I wasn't there with her.


Massive 11-09-2012 11:16 AM

One of my earliest memories of what's become 'normal life' to me now, was when I was possibly around 6 or 7, I had been taken for a picnic by my aunt and 'uncle', her boyfriend, it was up a valley near where I first lived as a child, a place called the Coquet Valley, ( http://www.visitalnwick.org.uk/photo...uet-valley.htm in case anyone wants to know where I mean) my family has been going there for years as we used to own a big old house up near there. My uncle had brought a friends red irish setter with him, while my aunt got the picnic ready, I was standing looking down the valley at my uncle and the dog playing on the second curve of an s bend, I was standing on the first, I happened to look down at the river right in front of me, there was this little boy in ragged clothes standing on a little tussock of grass that had washed downriver, I was about to say hello when my aunt called to me that the picnic was ready, I turned my head and called back saying I was coming back, when I turned back to the river to say bye to the little boy, he was gone. It could only have been seconds between turning away and turning back.
I can still picture him to this day, I strongly believe I experienced a time-slip that day, because neither my aunt or uncle saw him, but he most definitely saw me, I often wonder what he thought when he saw this girl in strange clothing all those years ago when he was alive!

Massive 11-09-2012 11:34 AM

Not sure how this will come across, but I'll tell it anyway!
To explain, firstly, I am empathic, so I 'feel' other peoples emotions, the other side to it is I also 'hear' what people are thinking, which isn't normally pleasant as a lot of the time, people don't think the nicest of things while they speak social niceties ... I'm also able to see and hear things most people aren't aware of, but in this instance, that's irrelevant.
One day I was travelling on the bus to go to the nearest town to me, I'm disabled so I sit on the seats near the front, the thing is I don't 'look' disabled, so I get a lot of glares etc. This day, I sat down in the disabled seat, after about half an hour (it's a two hour journey) this woman got on, for starters she was one of those people who just look like they have a chip on each shoulder, not being judgemental here okay, because she just had to go and sit beside me, the entire journey all I could 'hear' was her bitching and moaning inside her head, mostly about me, I was 'too young' to be sitting in the seat, I was 'not disabled', I was 'a stupid young man who was rude for sitting in the disabled seats' I was 'fucking ignorant for listening to music' when I had headphones in and it was barely loud enough for me to hear, this went on and on for almost the entire journey, it got to the stage where I just wanted to turn to her and say "look lady, I didn't ask you to sit next to me, for starters, I AM disabled, you're not, I AM female, I AM not the ignorant one here, you are for passing judgement on me, now shut the fuck up and stop thinking this shit about me!"
Of course, I didn't and couldn't, if I had I think she would've been both horrified I could hear her and ready to have me committed!

Girl_On_Fire 11-09-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Massive (Post 696191)
Not sure how this will come across, but I'll tell it anyway!
To explain, firstly, I am empathic, so I 'feel' other peoples emotions...

*smiles* Me too.

Girl_On_Fire 11-09-2012 04:40 PM

Okay, I've got another one:

I had a roommate once for about 9 months. She was an annoying young girl who liked to drink, smoke pot, and have lots of boyfriends over. She never cleaned and I ended up having to pick up after her a lot. The great thing was, she was hardly ever home most of the time. A couple of months before she left though, she basically tried to move one of her boyfriends in and I put my foot down. She responded by packing up and leaving while I was on vacation. She left the apartment in shambles after what I can only imagine was a pretty wild party.

A week or so later, I woke up to take a shower and get ready for work and put my big red robe on the white bathroom door before I got in the shower. I got out of the shower and the first thing I noticed was the lack of robe. I'm not the most observant person but I always do the same thing every morning and I know I put it on the hook on that door. Not there. I'm like WTF?

I go into my bedroom and see if laying out on my bed and I never do that. I'm thinking "Okay, I must have done it." I'm getting dressed and I hear footsteps in the now-empty bedroom she'd occupied. I froze. All I had on was a bra and panties but I was so pissed that one of her friends may be in that room, I just walked in there to confront them. Nobody there. I go back into my bedroom and swear I hear somebody leaving and going down the stairs.

I ended up getting the locks changed, keeping a can of pepper spray under my pillow at night, and saging the place to get the negative energy out because more strange things kept happening after that day. I remember doing the saging and feeling something 'pushing' back with its own energy when I tried saging the staircase toward the basement. It was really scary but I think I got most of the negative energy out because I didn't have anything major happen afterwards. I don't know what that girl left in my apartment but DAMN!

Massive 11-09-2012 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Girl_On_Fire (Post 696418)
Okay, I've got another one:

I had a roommate once for about 9 months. She was an annoying young girl who liked to drink, smoke pot, and have lots of boyfriends over. She never cleaned and I ended up having to pick up after her a lot. The great thing was, she was hardly ever home most of the time. A couple of months before she left though, she basically tried to move one of her boyfriends in and I put my foot down. She responded by packing up and leaving while I was on vacation. She left the apartment in shambles after what I can only imagine was a pretty wild party.

A week or so later, I woke up to take a shower and get ready for work and put my big red robe on the white bathroom door before I got in the shower. I got out of the shower and the first thing I noticed was the lack of robe. I'm not the most observant person but I always do the same thing every morning and I know I put it on the hook on that door. Not there. I'm like WTF?

I go into my bedroom and see if laying out on my bed and I never do that. I'm thinking "Okay, I must have done it." I'm getting dressed and I hear footsteps in the now-empty bedroom she'd occupied. I froze. All I had on was a bra and panties but I was so pissed that one of her friends may be in that room, I just walked in there to confront them. Nobody there. I go back into my bedroom and swear I hear somebody leaving and going down the stairs.

I ended up getting the locks changed, keeping a can of pepper spray under my pillow at night, and saging the place to get the negative energy out because more strange things kept happening after that day. I remember doing the saging and feeling something 'pushing' back with its own energy when I tried saging the staircase toward the basement. It was really scary but I think I got most of the negative energy out because I didn't have anything major happen afterwards. I don't know what that girl left in my apartment but DAMN!

I'm really glad you got rid of that, sounds like that girl was dragging along far more negativity than was good for her or anyone around her.
Nobody needs people like that in their lives, especially not you!

cinnamongrrl 11-09-2012 06:13 PM

I was driving along a back road one day...I was all alone....and suddenly out of the corner of my eye...I saw a girl sitting in my passenger seat... I was really taken aback...she was so definitely THERE and I couldn't remember having a passenger! She was just looking out the window and seemed to be enjoying the ride...never even looked at me once...she was young, short brown hair...modern (late 90s) dress...
when I turned my head to really look at her she was gone....and a few miles down the road there was a white cross on the side of the road where 4 teenagers had died in an alcohol related accident. My sister was in their class at school so I did ask her if the girl resembled either of the two who had passed in the accident....but it doesn't seem she was either of them.....

cinnamongrrl 11-09-2012 06:21 PM

for my friend Massive...

I too am empathetic....I have had it proven to me time and again. Both times my best friend went into labor I knew it and felt it to some degree....

and I've walked in my mother's house before and felt where she hurt....her back...once I knew she had strep before she said a word....I felt it so strongly...

being in healthcare it;s come in handy.... when I worked for the dept of mental retardation I had a non verbal client who had taken a fall. Every time I went near her I felt pain in my nose...I told the nurses I thought she had broken her nose but there was no sign of it....no swelling bleeding nothing. They couldn't give her anything for pain without a drs order of course....
so a dr came to our building one day and I said 'OH you must be here for so and so....' and he wasn't...but he said well whats going on with so and so and I made up some story about her touching her face and seeming to be in pain...etc...He ordered xrays that day and her nose was broken after all. Nothing much could be done about it....but she at least got
something for the pain....still kills me to think she went days like that....(f)

Massive 11-09-2012 06:28 PM

Thank you cinn, I know exactly where you're coming from, I always know when I'm going to get bad news, I keep getting my Mums answer phone because she's trying to call me at the same time, when I was working security I never ended up where there was trouble, I always found myself just happening to walk a different route, by the time I got to where something had happened, the people were gone. I think in a way we're luckier than those who don't have this, it's like an intuition that we're aware of, you know?

cinnamongrrl 11-09-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Massive (Post 696500)
Thank you cinn, I know exactly where you're coming from, I always know when I'm going to get bad news, I keep getting my Mums answer phone because she's trying to call me at the same time, when I was working security I never ended up where there was trouble, I always found myself just happening to walk a different route, by the time I got to where something had happened, the people were gone. I think in a way we're luckier than those who don't have this, it's like an intuition that we're aware of, you know?

I DO know....twice while I have been driving I have had premonitions of animals going out into the road in front of me...once a dog....and I slammed on my brakes as soon as I had the vision and sure enough seconds later the dog ran out....another time I was driving...too fast as usual...lol and this voice in my head said CLEAR AS DAY....if you don't slow down you will be very sad....SO I slowed down of course....and as i was coming around a curve there was a mama partridge and her brood crossing the road...I surely would;ve hit them had I NOT slowed down....

theres numerous other things....dreams that came to pass...still happens on occasion...but i told god once that i either wanted the door opened fully or closed completely. I SO hate not knowing which dreams to listen to...I never felt I had control over it...now I get it less often....it's there when I need it thats all that matters....its a family gift/curse....lol and it did tell me what days i would be in labor on....so i planned for it...lol

Massive 11-09-2012 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl563 (Post 696515)
I DO know....twice while I have been driving I have had premonitions of animals going out into the road in front of me...once a dog....and I slammed on my brakes as soon as I had the vision and sure enough seconds later the dog ran out....another time I was driving...too fast as usual...lol and this voice in my head said CLEAR AS DAY....if you don't slow down you will be very sad....SO I slowed down of course....and as i was coming around a curve there was a mama partridge and her brood crossing the road...I surely would;ve hit them had I NOT slowed down....

theres numerous other things....dreams that came to pass...still happens on occasion...but i told god once that i either wanted the door opened fully or closed completely. I SO hate not knowing which dreams to listen to...I never felt I had control over it...now I get it less often....it's there when I need it thats all that matters....its a family gift/curse....lol and it did tell me what days i would be in labor on....so i planned for it...lol

I've never ever been able to block it completely, ever, although I've really wanted to at times, I now have to resort to wearing headphones and listening to music whenever I go out in public by myself, and even then I get my family making sarcastic comments about the silly things I do when I'm out lol

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