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Mr. Moon 04-26-2011 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 327503)
He's not seriously running. The publicity is good for his business. And he likes the attention.

I agree!!!!!!!!

Corkey 04-26-2011 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Moon (Post 327539)
I hope you're not saying that the current administration is at fault for all this.

It took 8 years of BUSHISM to make it this way, it will take YEARS to get out, but, changing regimes...meaning changing total focus on what you were doing, will send us back in to it. (thus the problem recently with shifting from this to that (a to z practically). I used to be every 4 years, a shift, now 8 but that's not enough for ANYONE to get us out of a mess dug by previous 8 years.....

Like a therapist (yes, I had on ya boobs! LOL), said to me years ago, "it took years to get you here, don't think it will take days or weeks to get you out"...
nuff said

As a matter of fact this administration is not solely at fault, BP disaster did however happen on Mr. Obama's watch and the handing out of permits to continue drilling are happening on his watch. The fault I find is his continued capitulation to move this country even further to the right than it already is. I may have voted for him, it doesn't mean I give him carte blanche to continue to hand the republicans every damn thing they want..like more damn tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of the population. I am holding him accountable. It doesn't make me the enemy.

Mr. Moon 04-26-2011 06:08 PM

It sure beat the alternative and he had the right idea.
I didn't think it would work...never did. I knew he'd be fought tooth and nail. I did NOT expect it to be fueled by hate and bigotry disguised as "being an american". But then AGAIN I am not surprised it happened.

This world is being divided. It's being torn apart. That's my belief.

2012 looks more and more like something I should have looked at more closely! LOL

tornado's, hurricanes, tsunami's, right/left, etc.....

But he did have a great IDEA....

No way I was voting for McCain and that asshat of a woman.
and back to the thread....Trump is the asshat woman's twin.

Corkey 04-26-2011 06:12 PM

If those two did run Obama would win in a landslide.
Alas Trump isn't running he is a diversion for the GOP.

AtLast 04-26-2011 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Moon (Post 327541)
I agree!!!!!!!!

People thought that about Jesse Ventura. (here in CA, there was Arnold). Although, that was a Govenorship race. I thought "W" was a joke early on. My guess is that Trump really is doing this for publicity (can't help himself)- but there are people out there that want him to run and that do have the mindset he is promoting and will vote for a candidate that aligns with his line of bull. Also, today, candidates are groomed & tuned by parties like never before.

When I look at the machinery that got Bush II in the GOP race as a serious candidate and the role Dick Cheny had as VP (and a list of far-right, wealthy crones), plus how people perceive the economy to be going I'd believe most anything could happen in 2012.

I hope you are right!

Soon 04-26-2011 08:25 PM

Banging head against wall as I watch A. Cooper interviewing and disputing lame ass Trump.

WILDCAT 04-26-2011 09:52 PM

... first, gotta see this "do" photo of "The Donald", (then go ahead and read the birther article - if you like). :rrose:


THEN, I got a little chuckle out of this:

What would the world look like with Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States? Let’s start with his inauguration speech:

My fellow citizens, wow, what a truly historic day. This is a day that will go down in history as one of the most historic days of all time. It really is a fantastic day for America and for people all around the civilized world. This is the dawn of a new era for America. It really is fantastic.

I would like to thank Barack Hussein Obama for his dedication and service to our country, no matter how misguided, ill informed and, perhaps, illegal his presidency has been. I still haven’t seen that birth certificate Barack, so, you’re fired! No wait, you’re deported!

[Applause. Crowd starts chanting "Donald, Donald"].

On a serious note, I believe that a story as fabulous as mine could only have happened in America. America made it possible for me to develop a multi-billion dollar empire and a hugely successful television series, The Apprentice. It is people like me that make America great.

For those of you not familiar with this revolutionary show, it can be seen on NBC Tuesday nights at 9 PM and is syndicated in 112 countries throughout the world. It really is a tremendously successful program that I’m very proud of, and it has contributed to the economic power of our great country. I want to take this opportunity to announce a historic 12th season of The Apprentice in which I will pit twenty four budding candidates against each other to see who will become my new Secretary of Defense. In an Apprentice first, the runner-up will appointed Head of the Federal Reserve. Your new first lady, Melania, and I will be snuggled up in the Lincoln Bedroom closely watching the results.

[Audience: We love you Donald.]

When it comes to foreign relations, America can rest assured. As you all know, I have extensive experience dealing with people from all over the world. I mean, come on, I own the Miss Universe franchise. Furthermore, I have an extensive track record when it comes to dealing with foreign leaders and dignitaries thanks to my super successful real estate empire. You all know I financially ”screwed” Gadhafi, and I promise to bring home the same types of lucrative deals for everyday Americans.

Back to America, this really is a fantastic country. Billions of people around the world look to America and me as a shining example of liberty, freedom and wealth generation potential. But we do have enemies, all those who want to destroy our way of life. What our enemies need to understand is that I’m a really smart guy, I live a really successful life, I have mansions all over the world, I have a beautiful wife and I am very wealthy. In other words “Don’t mess with The Donald.”

[Strong applause and chants of "Donald, Donald"].

Next, I would like to thank Vice President Bristol Palin. I’ve known Bristol since her phenomenal performance on “Dancing with the Stars.” I saw then, as I see now, that she is going to bring a lot of grace and fresh ideas to the job. She’s going to make a fantastic Vice President. Bristol comes from a real American family, and given how well she turned out, it is only natural that I would tap her mother, Sarah, to be my Secretary of Education. She’s a fantastic lady. She cares about America and American children.
[Polite applause.]

[Suddenly President Trump suffers a hair malfunction and is forced to the ground by secret service agents. The speech is suspended for 5 minutes while the President’s hair is realigned.]

On the economy I’m an alumnus of the Wharton School of Business where I did very, very well so America’s economy is in fantastic hands and will become really fabulous once more. I’ve always said that America should be run like a business, and in keeping with that statement I will be opening a chain of White House restaurants across the country with the very first one to open in Florida. At White House restaurants, not only will you be able to get a fantastic meal based on The Donald’s own diet, but you will also be able to get a range of phenomenal White House and Trump memorabilia. A series of my autographed photos will also be featured.In conclusion, America will once more be a great country and, with The Donald at the helm, the future looks bright once more. Together, let’s make this the decade of The Donald.

God bless you, God bless me and God bless America. Oh, wait, don’t forget to tune in and watch season 12 of The Apprentice, Tuesdays on NBC. It’s really going to be fabulous.


*I personally think he can only be a diversion tactic right now, although he is so full of himself - and enjoys being so hateful.


(But, look how many folks gots on board with PALIN. :blink:)

AtLast 04-27-2011 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 327591)
If those two did run Obama would win in a landslide.
Alas Trump isn't running he is a diversion for the GOP.

Could be- they don't seem to have anyone even close to a serious contender stepping up. So far, most "maybes" have declined to run. It's early.... but in
'08. there was a GOP field going at each other on a couple of big pseudo-debates at this juncture. Could have been because there was not an incumbent running, however.

Or maybe they are as internally divided as it seems struggling for a candidate to capture their base along with the Tea Party.

My older sister is a Republican (sorry, but she is) and she is disgusted (and offended) by Trump. I guess she is more of the kind of Republican I remember “back in the day” of Eisenhower, even Nixon or even Bush I- both viewed as “moderates“ really. Now they are viewed as liberals by the far-right!!!

Sometimes I think about what Obama’s memoirs will be like in terms of his real feelings about his candidacy and as president in terms of how he has been treated and perceived as an African American. There is always scrutiny, but so many things thrown his way have simply been because of race. Did anyone ask Dumb-Dumb Dubya to show his SAT and LSAT scores, college grades and transcripts? Pat Robertson tonight on Hardball put that out there! He also said Obama was just a product of Affirmative Action. Hummm… he doesn’t think that Bush had some help getting into Yale, however. This stuff makes me crazy when I think of the old boys network and “family” ties through generations of white, rich Ivy Leaguers.

AtLast 04-27-2011 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 328013)
Could be- they don't seem to have anyone even close to a serious contender stepping up. So far, most "maybes" have declined to run. It's early.... but in
'08. there was a GOP field going at each other on a couple of big pseudo-debates at this juncture. Could have been because there was not an incumbent running, however.

Or maybe they are as internally divided as it seems struggling for a candidate to capture their base along with the Tea Party.

My older sister is a Republican (sorry, but she is) and she is disgusted (and offended) by Trump. I guess she is more of the kind of Republican I remember “back in the day” of Eisenhower, even Nixon or even Bush I- both viewed as “moderates“ really. Now they are viewed as liberals by the far-right!!!

Sometimes I think about what Obama’s memoirs will be like in terms of his real feelings about his candidacy and as president in terms of how he has been treated and perceived as an African American. There is always scrutiny, but so many things thrown his way have simply been because of race. Did anyone ask Dumb-Dumb Dubya to show his SAT and LSAT scores, college grades and transcripts? Pat Robertson tonight on Hardball put that out there! He also said Obama was just a product of Affirmative Action. Hummm… he doesn’t think that Bush had some help getting into Yale, however. This stuff makes me crazy when I think of the old boys network and “family” ties through generations of white, rich Ivy Leaguers.

Whoops- Pat Buchanan ... Isshhhh...

AtLast 04-27-2011 12:21 PM

Related- now trump wants it authenticated!

White House releases Obama birth certificate
By Julia Pace

Associated Press

Posted: 04/27/2011 06:17:38 AM PDT
Updated: 04/27/2011 11:01:03 AM PDT

WASHINGTON -- Responding to critics' relentless claims, President Barack Obama on Wednesday produced a detailed Hawaii birth certificate in an extraordinary attempt to bury the issue of where he was born and confirm his legitimacy to hold office. He declared, "We do not have time for this kind of silliness."

By going on national TV from the White House, Obama portrayed himself as a voice of reason amid a loud, lingering debate on his birth status. Though his personal attention to the issue elevated it as never before, Obama said to Republican detractors and the media, it is time to move on to bigger issues.

Citing huge budget decisions in Washington, Obama said, "I am confident that the American people and America's political leaders can come together in a bipartisan way and solve these problems. We always have. But we're not going to be able to do it if we are distracted."

Obama spoke shortly after the White House released a copy of the long form of his birth certificate, which contains more extensive data than a version released earlier.

The certificate says Obama was born to an American mother and Kenyan father, in Hawaii, which makes him eligible to hold the office of president. Obama released a standard short form before he was elected in 2008 but requested copies of his original birth certificate from Hawaii officials this week in hopes of quieting the controversy.

Until Wednesday, the White House had insisted that the short form certificate was the appropriate legal document confirming Obama's birth and no further proof was needed.

But so-called "birthers" opposed to Obama have kept the issue alive. Potential Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recently began questioning why Obama hadn't ensured the long form was released.

From New Hampshire, Trump took credit for getting Obama to act. "He should have done it a long time ago. I am really honored to play such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue," Trump said.

Polls show large numbers of Republicans have continued to doubt Obama is a natural born citizen eligible to be president. Trump has seized on the issue as he weighs a GOP candidacy.

While Obama and White House officials avoided mentioning Trump by name, officials said they released the birth certificate partially because the issue had moved beyond fringe discussion, and Obama criticized a media culture that had not let the story go.

"This issue has been going on for two, two and a half years now. I think it started during the campaign," Obama said. "I have watched with bemusement, I've been puzzled at the degree at which this thing just kept on going."

"We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," the president said.

He did not take any questions and did not say why the document had not been released earlier.

Many Republican leaders have sought to distance themselves from the "birther" theory as a discredited notion not worthy of national public debate.

In a statement after Obama spoke, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called the issue a distraction -- and yet blamed Obama for playing campaign politics by addressing it.

"The president ought to spend his time getting serious about repairing our economy," Priebus said. "Unfortunately his campaign politics and talk about birth certificates is distracting him from our number one priority -- our economy."

The newly released certificate is signed by the delivery doctor, Obama's mother and the local registrar. His mother, then 18, signed her name (Stanley) Ann Dunham Obama.

The form says Barack Hussein Obama II was born at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, within the city limits of Honolulu.

There's no mention of religion. It says his father, Barack Hussein Obama, age 25, was African and born in Kenya and his mother was Caucasian and born in Wichita, Kan. Obama's mother and the doctor signed the certificate on Aug. 7 and 8.

Hawaii's registrar certified the new photocopy of the document provided to the White House on April 25, 2011.

The White House also released a letter from the president on April 22 requesting two certified copies of his original certificate of live birth. Also released was a letter from Loretta Fuddy, Hawaii's director of health, approving the request.

The president's personal counsel, Judith Corley, traveled to Hawaii to pick up the documents and carried them back to Washington on a plane. The documents arrived at the White House around 5 p.m. Tuesday.


Rockinonahigh 04-27-2011 03:33 PM

I while ago I watched a news report that the Donald was crowing about Obama finaly puting out th birth certifacate that he was puffed up lie a kinderguarden bully about how he had done what so many couldnt...He is such a jerk.

AtLast 04-27-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 328279)
I while ago I watched a news report that the Donald was crowing about Obama finaly puting out th birth certifacate that he was puffed up lie a kinderguarden bully about how he had done what so many couldnt...He is such a jerk.

His ego has no bounds. I bet he has dreams of a flashing neon sign above the White House that says "Trump Towers." I knew he would puff up with this.

girl_dee 04-27-2011 05:09 PM

He sure is getting a lot of attention for doing what? Nothing substantial.

Corkey 04-27-2011 06:19 PM

I tried contacting NBC...yea their remarks page is down, I wonder why..LOL Looser.

WILDCAT 04-29-2011 10:42 PM



Heart 04-30-2011 07:13 AM

What Trump really is -- is a white supremacist racist who might as well be wearing a KKK uniform and burning a cross on the White House lawn.

Goo 04-30-2011 08:24 AM

Donald Trump has no sense of what the middle/lower class is going through. If he was to ever walk a mile in a middle/lower class citizen's shoes, it would hopefully open his eyes tremendously, it would most likely take him off his pedestal that he hoisted himself on.
See how he likes living on a fixed income, no luxuries, or no expensive travel. See how he likes going to food pantries and having to work a 9-5 job. Then he would see what it's truly like to be struggling to make ends meet.
I would never in a million years vote for him, just seems idiotic to me for him to run in the first place. Every interview I've seen him in he's either attacking someone or just being a complete douche

Sorry, just had to share my personal opinion

...and now back to your regularly scheduled programming now in progress...

MsDemeanor 04-30-2011 01:41 PM

Where's the lively discussion about TPaw? RomneyCare, anyone? Whatever he is, it's working, as I don't see threads for all of the other 2012 GOP wanna-runs. From SarahP to DonaldT, the loudmouths get the attention. And if you don't think someone like him stands a chance in an election, you haven't been paying attention.

AtLast 04-30-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by MsDemeanor (Post 330419)
Where's the lively discussion about TPaw? RomneyCare, anyone? Whatever he is, it's working, as I don't see threads for all of the other 2012 GOP wanna-runs. From SarahP to DonaldT, the loudmouths get the attention. And if you don't think someone like him stands a chance in an election, you haven't been paying attention.

Good point. The group of GOP "serious" candidates are not even being talked about by the GOP!! That says something to me about the possibility of Trump or someone like him actually pulling off the GOP nomination. Or, making a pretty good run as an independent. Let's not forget that most people that have turned Independent were Republican and thought their party was not conservative enough!

I wonder about the eventual GOP VP candidate, too. I honestly think that someone like Trump could be elected president and it is really dumb to not pay attention to what is going on as 2012 possibles emerge.

Also, there are some very serious legislatuve attempts (again and always) to block voter registration drives in red and swing states. Most are obviously to stop POC and poor people from getting to vote.

With gas prices and the unemployment rate where it remains along with stats about how most people just don't see a recovery going on (it isn't for them), there is no way I would take Obama's re-election or the Dems taking back the House (or keeping a majority in the Senate) for granted. And most people do not get that a president cannot really do a thing to influence gas prices- they don't understand OPEC at all.

I know people I worked along side in 2008 at Obama phone banks that don't know if they want to put that effort in for him in 2012.

AtLast 04-30-2011 09:03 PM

Just watched some clips from the annual correspondents dinner- or "roast." The Donald didn't take the shots from Seth Meyers or Obama well. Obama showed a clip from The Lion King" as his "birth video." It was very funny- especially with the African background music.

I'm sure Trump will talk about how he was the brunt of a lot of the jokes- you know, because he is so important. Probably talk about what an important candidate he is- has Obama scared.

Obama was really cracking up- and he had some funny Biden joles himself.

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