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chefhottie25 09-22-2010 03:45 PM

i believe in soulmates...however i don't believe that finding one means that you need to be in a love relationship with them. i have a friend who i consider to be one of my soulmates. we share an incredible friendship and love each other. we just don't share a physical attraction to each other. i do appreciate his good looks...but he is a straight guy. i have no desire to be with him in that way. i also think there are meant to be relationships throughout your life. someone that is meant to share that part of your life with you. if it lasts forever that is beautiful...but i don't think it has to last forever in order to qualify as a meant to be relationship. i hope that i expresses my thoughts clearly.

Tcountry 09-23-2010 12:36 AM


I've thought about this subject many times and I *think* that i feel that if my *soul*mate and I were to divorce, ( to believe this could not happen even in the best of relationships is not realistic to me) my soul would be damaged forever, that my very spirit would just curl up and die.. I just can't comprehend that. [QUOTE]

I totally understand...I do have a few things to say to the *soulmate* part though. I think we do get caught up in this equal oppisite spirit in a person Having to be our one true Romantic partner...and therefore confused with chemestry...
I think you said it best when you said "I just can't bring myself to allow my soul to be that vulnerable"...and that is the isue when we are just thinking about a partner...not allowing ourselves to open up our souls...& not fully trusting this person is going to love us(or us them for that matter) unconditionally forever...
I am 100% sure that an equal opposite soul of mine is my best friend...we have that unconditional aspect and have had it for 9yrs, even though romantically not partnered with each other, but when u can go months or even yrs without seeing each other but yet still be able to pick up the phone no matter the hour and talk like you just saw each other yesterday...that's something...
Sorry there is so much more to it...but I cannot find the right words to explain everything...but it does involve you being completly vulnerable, honest, and trusting of another soul...& know that no matter what...Nothing is going to come between that connection...so you don't have to worry about the damage or loss, cause there isn't any...

undone 04-22-2011 02:51 AM

long winded i know but hear goes ;)

Soul mates…..

Well in my own way yes. But in my own way. I have a soul mate she is my soul mate because she gets me knows all of my flaws and weaknesses and loves me still totally and completely even when I am a complete ass. She has been the friend in high school that I would have traded anything to switch her for my sister (if you had a little sister less than three years younger you know why) she is the one person who looked at me and said so what's you point when I came out. Never batted an eye or lost a step. I would defend her and her children with my life if it ever came down to it. She is the one person I can depend on or trust in this world no matter what happens. She is closer than any family I have ever known. I know it is the same for her.

A soul mate in a life partner? Maybe, some have found that kind of love I pray, I hope to someday. But in thought not feelings and emotions, I have to compare to history and my experience of course.
Marriage did not start out as a thing of love, it was a way for families to barter or combine for power wealth land title or just for survival purposes. Helping to run a farm and be able to have clean clothes or hot food on the table. She was there to comfort and his role was to provide. And then love came into it, a little more but of course parents had their say about whom would be acceptable, could she help build a strong family, keep a household running, be an asset to his character and reputation. Did he come from a good stock, will he tow the line, and again provide for her.
Then a little more heart and soul were permitted in to the choosing dating was becoming acceptable, and how they felt about each other began to take root and role in the choices, but even when a poor choice had been made they were not permitted to undo the vows once taken, when divorcé became more common and more acceptable then of course that leads to today. Where some marry many, many times or commit many times to various others or sometimes we do need a do over to learn what not to do and what does or does not work, and that second marriage or commitment is the on of a life time.

So in the end I do believe in soul mates but I don’t think they are always meant as spouses. I believe that our spouses and lovers come and go for reasons a time a season, and sometimes we just grow in different directions, and our needs change to something that the relationship can not fulfill as terribly sad as that is. I have experienced this twice in my stint on this planet so far, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet some one wonderful again that I can share with and grow with. I have learned how ever that forever well just is not a practical thought the way I believed it would be several times before. Ohh but wouldn't it be lovely to find some one who can help me to be a believer again :D

And hear come Mike Peter and Davey singing in my head :doh:

storyofmylife 05-01-2011 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by sweetbutch26 (Post 194330)
i'll know she is the right one when i see stars if she bops me


Tcountry 05-01-2011 06:01 AM

It is for sure possible for a soulmate to be a spouse tho.
Sunshine & I frequently tell each other "get out of my head"...but it is so much deeper than that.
When u can sense what the other is feeling...
When you call & it just so happens to be perfect timing...
When you are apart & it feels like part of you is missing...
When you hug for the first time & feel as tho that is exactly where you belong...

Yet I do understand.
I understand being absolutely skeptical....until you have it.
Cause then...there is not a doubt in your mind.

redrose 05-01-2011 06:10 AM

I do believe in soulmates,,, I believe we could only have just one in this lifetime...
She's the one who can see me crystal clear ...

storyofmylife 05-01-2011 06:25 AM

I enjoyed reading everyone's feedback!

For me.........

spending almost or a lifetime and in some case,sadly , till death do us part with unconditional devotions and to know that our love was a gift from God above.:candle:

Daktari 05-01-2011 06:33 AM

Yanno, I've felt I've had real special connections with a good handful of girls along the way...soulmate-ish stuff going on, that knowing what they're going to say, the freaky 'i was just gonna call you too' stuff. Then ya find way down the line that they weren't really what you thought.

However, I've found two fantastic women thus far in my 47yr life who I consider to be my soulmate, my true family. They will always be in my life, we will always care deeply about each other no matter where we end up. One I've had to let go of to see if she comes back - however she's not gone away yet!

I still share a house with the woman who I consider the great love of my life, I wasn't ready for her when I had her and lost her as a partner which was no bad thing really, we should never have been lovers. We're 'siblings', that's what we should have been from the start but I love her deeply and always will.

The soul-mate thang is pie in the sky, white picket fence thinking but there will always be those extra special people in our lives that will make us believe in abstract concepts and fairy dust.

Quintease 05-01-2011 06:55 AM

If soul mates exist, then mine is now :)

I'm not convinced however, were I to have met him 5/10/15 years ago, would he have been the right person then? 5 years ago I thought I'd met the love of my life. 10 years ago I didn't wish to settle down with anyone, I was too busy running and 15 years ago I would never have understood his gender struggles.

I believe that the right person comes at the right time, but are they your soul mate? If life waits for love, then maybe.

Guy 05-01-2011 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by sweetbutch26 (Post 194226)
I was wondering how many of you believe in soulmates. that there is that one special person for everyone out there. that there is someone everyone is MEANT to be with. i'm kind of on the fence. just wanted to get opinions from others please and ty :)

The way this question was asked reminds me of when I was little and my parents asking me If I believed in Santa

I knew if I said no, then I wouldn't get any presents, so I always said yes, that I did believe.

So yeah I believe in soulmates.

little_ms_sunshyne 05-01-2011 07:59 AM

I didnt use to believe in soulmates or fairytales. I didnt like how what I thought was "love" felt. When I first met T, something happened. We hadnt even met yet and there was this ridiculous connection. A connection that scared me. The day came when T stood outside my home and as I appoached all of a sudden the world felt as if it stopped! We were frozen! It was unlike anything I had experienced before. T, the skeptic, stood there silent for quite a bit. I tell hym all the time that hy looked at me as if though a Smurf was approaching lol Everything just seemed to fit into place. A true moment of Serendipity. Now, anytime hy has to leave I feel like a piece of me is missing. Anytime my day is at its worst, my phone rings and it is hym calling. Hy understands me like no one else does. WE ARE OPPOSITES! But what is opposite about one only seems to compliment the other even more.

It may not always be a lover that is your soulmate. Perhaps it is a best friend or a companion.

Perhaps, soulmates don't exist. But if they don't, I dont want to know. lol I take comfort in knowing that there is someone out there for everyone that brings them this type of happiness.

Glenn 05-01-2011 08:08 AM

I believe they do exist because I believe in reincarnation of the Soul. If you have unfinished business with someone whether for good or evil, they will return. By unfinished business I mean having strong emotions about them, or thinking about them for the rest of your life. I believe we will attract those who we have loved greatly, and/or done wrong to, or they you, and cannot forget. That is why closure and forgiveness are so important on a Soul level, so you do not attract the ones who have given you troubles over and over, repeating the scene until you pass the cosmic test of love, which is not revenge, bitterness, or hate, but rather peaceful unattachment and letting them go.

Ciaran 05-01-2011 03:44 PM

I don't believe in a soulmate in the sense of there being one "special person" for everyone out there - but I do believe that certain people will come into each of our lives for a reason and, similarly, that each of us will come into others' lives for a reason.

Why and for what reason? I don't think we usually know until much later, if at all.

Stud_puppy1991 05-26-2011 12:36 PM

i believe in it, I just have yet to find mine.

Jar 05-26-2011 01:10 PM

I don't believe in much of anything anymore for me personally, but I do believe there are soulmates for some people

LaneyDoll 05-26-2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 194228)

I do. However, I believe we can have more than one throughout life. Lovers do die and we might want to pursue a relationship after this.

I agree with this fully! The person I was with at 18 is NOT suited for me at 38.

I believe in soulmates. I believe that it is worth the time/effort to find yours and keep them. I know, I am a hopeless romantic but I refuse to believe that the great romance of my life was found at 18 and gone (as in no longer together) before I owned up to my true self.

I read this passage all the time and I find it to be reassuring. (I swear, I wish I has written this. It did, however, inspire the piece that I consider to be one of my best written works ever.)

"Some times I feel there is a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times, seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could probably hear the ocean. In the moon tonight, there's a circle around it-a sign of trouble not far behind. I had this dream of being whole-of not going to sleep each night wanting, but still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing, I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me. I want to be seen. I don't know. Maybe I have had my happiness. I want to believe it but, there is no one. Only that moon."

LipstickLola 05-26-2011 06:07 PM

I believe in soul mates, but I also believe you don't necessarily have to be romantically linked to that person.

Rox 03-02-2012 02:05 AM

Of course

Originally Posted by sweetbutch26 (Post 194226)
I was wondering how many of you believe in soulmates. that there is that one special person for everyone out there. that there is someone everyone is MEANT to be with. i'm kind of on the fence. just wanted to get opinions from others please and ty :)

Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace. I believe:sunglass:

Talon 04-09-2012 11:42 AM

No, I don't believe that is everyone's path on the planet...for some, yes..but not all.

~ocean 04-09-2012 12:22 PM

soulmate there is one in our lives ..a freind cane be a soulmate .. a lover as well. there r many levels of love, and we can love many times in a life time. if u wait for that one person to come along .. u r missing many oppertunitys to experience a lover .. who can become ur soulmate.. even if u never have a soulmate ..that doesnt mean u didnt love to ur fullest, or have been loved .. enjoy life ~ ocean :)

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