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Gemme 01-15-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 34061)
Yes. Both the act leading to it (foreplay) and the actual act (intercourse) do burn calories. For an idea as to how much see here: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc

I know that it all burns calories. Just sitting, breathing does that. I was actually referring to the site Cara mentioned and whether sex is listed as one of the fitness options. I'm sorry; I should have been more clear. :)

Edited to note: I checked and sex comes in many forms at thedailyplate. :)

cara 01-15-2010 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 34235)
I know that it all burns calories. Just sitting, breathing does that. I was actually referring to the site Cara mentioned and whether sex is listed as one of the fitness options. I'm sorry; I should have been more clear. :)

Edited to note: I checked and sex comes in many forms at thedailyplate. :)

Gemme-Sorry for the late reply. It does, indeed! :)

cara 01-15-2010 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by purepisces (Post 34191)
I like the “You Are What You Eat” books by Gillian McKeith. You can also see the show by the same name on BBC America.

I :stillheart: that show!!! So sad I don't have cable any longer so I can't watch it. :( Didn't realize she had books. I must check those out when I next have some spare cashola. :2driedel:


Logicaly 01-15-2010 10:28 PM

So I am a little late coming to this thread, however I was having a very similar discussion with my girl right before the new year and I need to stop talking about it and just actually do it. That being said, here is what I would like to see me accomplish for myself this year....

Soda - Much like everyone else, I drink it, and a lot. All the sugar and caffeine, not good for me in the least bit. So by the end of the year I would like to have cut all soda from my drinking habits completely.

Water - As my girl will agree, and often remind me, I do not drink enough water, I try, its just, there is no flavor. I know all about the crystal light packets, and what I need to do, is stop being afraid to try new flavors, and just do it, to help increase my water intake.

Exercise/Weight - I need more of it. I have a job where I sit at my desk all day, and loathe getting up, because I won't lie, im lazy. I want to get myself on a schedule of working out, at least 5 out of the 7 days a week. I want to lose some weight as well, while I am not that over weight, I am slightly over weight. I need to lose about 30 to 40 lbs approximately and would like to accomplish this. Along with this, I want to tone up as well and start getting alot more muscle definition.

Money - At the age of 27, and for the first time in my life, I am at a point in my career where I can actually afford to spend a little, and oh do I spend. I want to manage my money better then I currently do. I need to learn to start saving, but still balance it with my feeling like I am rewarding myself for my hard work. I need to find and accomplish that fine balance. I also need to incorporate saving methods in to my day to day life, through the use of coupons, energy saving, etc.

Education - I want to continue it, in all the things that make me passionate. No more half assing it. I have this habit of starting to learn something, and then letting it dwindle out, but not this time. I need to stay focused and force myself to buckle down and actually learn the things I am wanting to learn because I know I will be a better person in the long run because of it.

Clearing Out the Riff Raff - I am a pack rat, I like to keep things that I shouldn't, and while I have been good so far with clearing things out, I need to continue with it. I need to sell off things that I have no use for, and will most likely never use.

Confidence/Negativity - I need to work on this. I have a really bad habit of putting myself down, not being confident with myself, and being overall negative about alot of things. I need to stop being negative, try and be more positive, and also try to be more confident about myself.

Follow Through - I need to follow through, in all aspects of my life, whether it be by creating to do lists to keep myself on track or something. I set alot of goals, alot of things I want to do, and I never follow through and complete them and leave them hanging, this needs to change.

See The Sun - There is a life outside of these walls and I need to experience it, ideally I would like to get out for a few hours at least one day every weekend, and enjoy nature in some way, shape or form.

So there we have it, my goals for the year, what I want to see myself accomplish, and hopefully by the end of the year I can look back on this post and say yes, I accomplished all these goals.

Gemme 01-16-2010 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by cara (Post 34511)
Gemme-Sorry for the late reply. It does, indeed! :)

No worries! I was musing out loud. :)


Originally Posted by Logicaly (Post 34522)
So I am a little late coming to this thread, however I was having a very similar discussion with my girl right before the new year and I need to stop talking about it and just actually do it. That being said, here is what I would like to see me accomplish for myself this year....

Soda - Much like everyone else, I drink it, and a lot. All the sugar and caffeine, not good for me in the least bit. So by the end of the year I would like to have cut all soda from my drinking habits completely.

Water - As my girl will agree, and often remind me, I do not drink enough water, I try, its just, there is no flavor. I know all about the crystal light packets, and what I need to do, is stop being afraid to try new flavors, and just do it, to help increase my water intake.

Exercise/Weight - I need more of it. I have a job where I sit at my desk all day, and loathe getting up, because I won't lie, im lazy. I want to get myself on a schedule of working out, at least 5 out of the 7 days a week. I want to lose some weight as well, while I am not that over weight, I am slightly over weight. I need to lose about 30 to 40 lbs approximately and would like to accomplish this. Along with this, I want to tone up as well and start getting alot more muscle definition.

Money - At the age of 27, and for the first time in my life, I am at a point in my career where I can actually afford to spend a little, and oh do I spend. I want to manage my money better then I currently do. I need to learn to start saving, but still balance it with my feeling like I am rewarding myself for my hard work. I need to find and accomplish that fine balance. I also need to incorporate saving methods in to my day to day life, through the use of coupons, energy saving, etc.

Education - I want to continue it, in all the things that make me passionate. No more half assing it. I have this habit of starting to learn something, and then letting it dwindle out, but not this time. I need to stay focused and force myself to buckle down and actually learn the things I am wanting to learn because I know I will be a better person in the long run because of it.

Clearing Out the Riff Raff - I am a pack rat, I like to keep things that I shouldn't, and while I have been good so far with clearing things out, I need to continue with it. I need to sell off things that I have no use for, and will most likely never use.

Confidence/Negativity - I need to work on this. I have a really bad habit of putting myself down, not being confident with myself, and being overall negative about alot of things. I need to stop being negative, try and be more positive, and also try to be more confident about myself.

Follow Through - I need to follow through, in all aspects of my life, whether it be by creating to do lists to keep myself on track or something. I set alot of goals, alot of things I want to do, and I never follow through and complete them and leave them hanging, this needs to change.

See The Sun - There is a life outside of these walls and I need to experience it, ideally I would like to get out for a few hours at least one day every weekend, and enjoy nature in some way, shape or form.

So there we have it, my goals for the year, what I want to see myself accomplish, and hopefully by the end of the year I can look back on this post and say yes, I accomplished all these goals.

It looks like you've put a good deal of thought into this. I know that when I think things through, I tend to follow through better. Good luck.

Linus 01-19-2010 05:07 PM

Well, I get to report in a bit today. So, I've been mostly good about my nutrition and am getting better. I've been monitoring my meals and had a checkup today. Blood pressure was awesome and had dropped from where it had been climbing over the summer. I've lost about 10lbs in the last 2.5 weeks. I started the Power 90 workout this week (today). This the precursor to the P90X set of DVDs (which are on their way to me as well). I could only do 20 mins of a 35 min workout (stretch, workout and cooldown). I'm pleased I got through most of it and know I have to continue working at it. The nice thing is that I can bring my DVDs with me (only 2-3) along with a resistance band or two when I travel and do these when I wake up first thing.

To help me further, I've started posting my "before" pictures as incentive (see my gallery for my album called Fighting Mah Flab). I have a bit of weight to go (started the year at 240 and want to lose at least 40 -- for now; I'll set a new goal once the 40lbs are dropped). I weighed in at 231 today. :cheesy:

purepisces 01-20-2010 11:55 AM

This www.thedailyplate.com site has been really eye opening for me. I have been really out of touch with what I’m eating! I can see why they say keeping a food journal is helpful. Being accountable for what I’m eating makes me stop and consider if I’m really hungry or if I’m bored/stressed/sad, etc. Even so, I’m far from perfect in the choices I make, but I’m definitely making better choices.

The thing that has been the most surprising to me is how much sugar is in fruit. Today I had an apple, blueberries and blackberries for breakfast and I’m already at 50% of my recommended sugar intake for the day!

I am still enjoying feeling more energetic since cutting meat out of my diet. I would say that I am eating fish, maybe, 4 times a week. My goal is to gradually keep reducing that until I’m completely vegetarian.

amiyesiam 01-20-2010 12:05 PM

Well in 2008 we both quit smoking
and at the beginning of 2009 we cut out most fast food. Some times we still get it but it is really rare. We decided we could cook at home what it was that we wanted to eat out. It has worked pretty well.
we haven't really discussed 2010 other than we both feel we need to move more and keep trying to eat more and more healthy.

I think that because we work well together and support each other that we are able to get things done in a safe and supportive enviorment.

and god only knows if you have ever tried to grow and change without support at home ya know how important this is

Sachita 01-20-2010 12:38 PM

I stopped smoking and for some reason started again. A few days ago I decided "thats it" I'm just doing it and I'm never going back.

I've been dizzy. Is this normal?

No patches sorry. No doctors.

maybe i have a little bug too. This smoking thing is hard. I've also cut way back on sugar and find this as hard as smoking.

amiyesiam 01-20-2010 12:43 PM

QUOTE=Sachita;36786]I stopped smoking and for some reason started again. A few days ago I decided "thats it" I'm just doing it and I'm never going back.

I've been dizzy. Is this normal?

No patches sorry. No doctors.

maybe i have a little bug too. This smoking thing is hard. I've also cut way back on sugar and find this as hard as smoking.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about the dizzy?

but I do agree sugar would be much much harder.[

Jess 02-14-2010 10:31 PM

Setting a quit date for smoking. I have quit a couple different times and always went back. This is the single most important part of my getting healthier. I have pretty serious resp issues and it will never get better unless I address this addiction with a firm "bud nipping". Past week or so has been very hard on me, the friggen weather didn't help.

Congrats to folks who have quit. It is a terribly hard thing to put behind. I hear so many stories of folks who get cranky as hell, for me I become very melancholic. Always on the verge of tears. Then a lil crankiness kicks in also.

I figure Christie will help me through the sadness, and forgive me the cranky episodes.. I know she always has my back.

Diva 02-14-2010 10:34 PM

I'm happy to report that I have now gone a month without caffeine. I didn't go cold turkey cuz the headaches are a total bitch.....but I have to say I feel SO much better not having that mid~morning crash when that stuff wears off!

Yea! :D

Medusa 02-14-2010 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 49929)
I'm happy to report that I have now gone a month without caffeine. I didn't go cold turkey cuz the headaches are a total bitch.....but I have to say I feel SO much better not having that mid~morning crash when that stuff wears off!

Yea! :D

This is AWESOME!

I am doing the same thing right now! Trying to cut out all caffeine and trying to keep from killing someone in the process.

I have gone from 6 - 8 full sugar Cokes a day down to none. Im drinking water, lots of unsweet tea, and my new favorite "cherry limeade" flavored drink mix. It's the Wal-Mart brand of Crysal Lite and it's AWESOME!

Nina 02-14-2010 11:14 PM

it is heartening
to read how and what people want to do, and are Doing to live healthy(er) lives...what we can do to show, and grow, our own self-love...we can often love others and yet we struggle to love ourselves...to rid ourselves of behaviors which cause us harm...each step we take should be applauded and valued...

thank you for sharing what you do...

Odarlin 02-14-2010 11:30 PM

Great idea!
Health goals.

  • flexibility:bdsmslave:
  • energy:toypony:
  • serenity:violin:
Solution: (Sayin' it outloud.) kinda
  • Yoga- 30 minutes a day.
Even if it keels me.:fastdraq:

I will start tonight.:pirate-steer:

Gentle Tiger 02-15-2010 12:00 AM

I don't have anything to post at the moment for personal goals. I just wanted to stop by and provide support. Stick with your goals. There's a reason why you made them. Remember the reasons for wanting to make the change(s).

YOU are important and so are your goals!

Diva 02-15-2010 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 49934)
This is AWESOME!

I am doing the same thing right now! Trying to cut out all caffeine and trying to keep from killing someone in the process.

I have gone from 6 - 8 full sugar Cokes a day down to none. Im drinking water, lots of unsweet tea, and my new favorite "cherry limeade" flavored drink mix. It's the Wal-Mart brand of Crysal Lite and it's AWESOME!

I'm also drinking much more water....I have a big ol' Brita 'box' in my frig as we speak and I have to fill it every day-day & a 1/2!! I ALso love the Wal~Mart brand of CL.....my fave is the Raspberry Ice....YUM!

(You know tea has hella caffiene, right?)

Medusa 02-15-2010 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 50014)
I'm also drinking much more water....I have a big ol' Brita 'box' in my frig as we speak and I have to fill it every day-day & a 1/2!! I ALso love the Wal~Mart brand of CL.....my fave is the Raspberry Ice....YUM!

(You know tea has hella caffiene, right?)

Oh yeah on the tea! I have been doing mostly herbal teas and leaving out the sugar or honey. I discovered a nice rose garden tea that is all herbs with a few rose petals. Its DIVINE and makes me feel all classy'n'shit when I drink it :)

I bought a box of the Wal-Mart brand Raspberry Ice and am going to dive into it tomorrow. So far I have to say that the cherry limeade is pretty good, the regular cherry is fair, the pink lemonade is good, the orange drink is ok but it tastes like Tang or something. Favorite is Fruit Punch! It tastes like the real deal....even JACK likes it!

Miss Scarlett 02-15-2010 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 49929)
I'm happy to report that I have now gone a month without caffeine. I didn't go cold turkey cuz the headaches are a total bitch.....but I have to say I feel SO much better not having that mid~morning crash when that stuff wears off!

Yea! :D

Bless your heart...no caffeine. They passed a law here in NC banning me from ever going caffeine free...LOL

Miss Scarlett 02-15-2010 05:23 AM

I am increasing my activities - exercise is such an ugly word!

In addition to my walking at least 5 times per week, I amusing the gym at my apartment complex and doing yoga for flexability.

To Shelia's delight (?) I am resuming belly dancing...:bellydancer:

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