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Corkey 01-27-2010 07:32 PM

Just signed the petition, and gave MY opinion.

MsDemeanor 01-27-2010 07:50 PM

I hope that they drop the ad. I'd like to see the Saints kick Peyton Manning's ass, but we're not watching the game if that ad is going to air.

Toughy 01-27-2010 08:54 PM

but MsDemeanor...........

it's free speech for a price......it goes along with SCOTUS saying corporations have free speech........:cigar:

(and yes I want to see Peyton get his prima donna ass kicked too........I just wish he did not play for the Colts.....I have fond memories of Johnny Unitas and the old Baltimore Colts and Johnny was a way better QB)

apretty 01-27-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 40333)
I actually just read this section from FF's website...unbelievable.

it's just one more step in the obvious direction that will have FF promoting: women, with all of their hormones, can't be trusted/relied on/hold office/have a job/own their own property.

Dylan 01-27-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by apretty (Post 40530)
it's just one more step in the obvious direction that will have FF promoting: women, with all of their hormones, can't be trusted/relied on/hold office/have a job/own their own property.

Don't forget vote or fly an airplane

Servin' Up Beverages And Startin' The In-Flight Movie,

MsDemeanor 01-28-2010 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Toughy (Post 40409)
(and yes I want to see Peyton get his prima donna ass kicked too........I just wish he did not play for the Colts.....I have fond memories of Johnny Unitas and the old Baltimore Colts and Johnny was a way better QB)

Don't confuse the team in Indy with the real Colts, the Baltimore Colts.

Did you know that when Indy plays in Baltimore, they are never referred to as the "Colts"? The scoreboard reads "Indy".

Toughy 01-28-2010 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by MsDemeanor (Post 40572)
Don't confuse the team in Indy with the real Colts, the Baltimore Colts.

Did you know that when Indy plays in Baltimore, they are never referred to as the "Colts"? The scoreboard reads "Indy".

My Mother used to tease and ask if Johnny was a 'hockey player'...........Johnny was my idol as a QB.....I had his arm....

No...........I had never noticed cuz I can't even connect the Ravens with Baltimore.....I forget the Ravens even exist......laughin.........everytime I see 'the Colts' my brain says Baltimore...

(I'm really watching Women's Div I Bball.............early regionals are at Berkley....UCONN is 58 (57?) in a row and Stanford is #2.....march madness is coming)

Bob 01-28-2010 06:04 AM

Usually, when I want the opinion of a multiply-concussed, bible-thumping, former college football star, I go down to the local Jiffy-Lube.

DELSDAUGHTER 01-28-2010 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Toughy (Post 40595)
My Mother used to tease and ask if Johnny was a 'hockey player'...........Johnny was my idol as a QB.....I had his arm....

No...........I had never noticed cuz I can't even connect the Ravens with Baltimore.....I forget the Ravens even exist......laughin.........everytime I see 'the Colts' my brain says Baltimore...

(I'm really watching Women's Div I Bball.............early regionals are at Berkley....UCONN is 58 (57?) in a row and Stanford is #2.....march madness is coming)

ill root for the other team ...just because it is the colts....after what they did to baltimore.....lol

Queerasfck 01-28-2010 09:06 AM

Bump this up!

Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 40328)

Call on CBS to Drop Focus on the Family Super Bowl Ad

CBS cleared the way to subject nearly 100 million people to Focus on the Family’s extreme agenda by agreeing to air its new pro-life ad during the Super Bowl.

Focus on the Family has an unmistakable anti-choice, anti-birth-control, anti-sex-education, anti-gay agenda. If that wasn’t bad enough, its views on women are just plain insulting and dangerous. For example, its web site urges women facing an unintended pregnancy to seek “wise advice” because “the hormones and extreme emotions of pregnancy make reasonable decisions more difficult.”

We can’t just sit by while CBS lets Focus on the Family place a political ad during the Super Bowl, when millions of people are watching ads.

CBS still has time to change course if enough of us apply pressure. Urge CBS to drop Focus on the Family’s ad.

If you are unsure you want to sign the petition because it might take too long or be too complicated, it's not folks. It only takes about two minutes. BUMP IT UP!

Legendryder 01-28-2010 09:10 AM

Well, I just read that ole' Tim blew it with the Pro Scouts. He is what I always thought he was, a college football player. He does NOT have the skills to make it in the pro game, and never has. If you can't take a snap from center, you are not gonna get to the big show. The scouts did give a wonderful eye roll at his "talent" however.

Queerasfck 01-28-2010 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Legendryder (Post 40671)
Well, I just read that ole' Tim blew it with the Pro Scouts. He is what I always thought he was, a college football player. He does NOT have the skills to make it in the pro game, and never has. If you can't take a snap from center, you are not gonna get to the big show. The scouts did give a wonderful eye roll at his "talent" however.

If Teboe does make it into the NFL it will probably be as an h-back, fullback, or tight end. It's not usually a good sign when scouts and team player personal are telling you that you'll have to change positions to have a shot in the NFL. It can be done, but it's not easy.

Cyclopea 01-28-2010 04:41 PM

someone is pranking the shit out of fox news, lol
Updated January 28, 2010
Exclusive: CBS Considering Airing Gay Dating Site Ad During Super Bowl
By Hollie McKay - FOXNews.com

After days of deliberations on whether to run a controversial Super Bowl ad from gay dating site ManCrunch.com, CBS has not yet reached a decision.

The 30-second spot shows two men excitedly watching the game, before their hands brush as they both reach into a bowl of chips. Suddenly, the two begin making out, much to the shock of a guy sitting close by.

According to a rep for the dating site, which operates under the slogan “Where Many Many Many Men Come Out to Play,” the ad was submitted on Monday, January 18th. When the site followed up on the status of the ad on Friday, January 22nd, they were told by CBS that “the spot hadn’t been officially approved yet" by network standards, and that "all the Super Bowl spots were sold out.”

“ManCrunch requested the spot get reviewed anyway just in case another advertiser drops out and a spot becomes available, as often happens, and CBS agreed,” added the site’s rep.

ManCrunch officials said they believe CBS has no intention of airing a commercial for their gay dating service, "but do not want to officially ‘reject’ the spot out of fear there may be a backlash from gay advocacy groups.”

However, a representative from the network told Pop Tarts that advertising spots were still open, and was unsure where that comment originated.

“The ad is still under review, the process takes a little while,” a rep from CBS said. “We still have a lot of ads we have yet to review.”

ManCrunch’s submission is not the only controversial ad CBS has had to review this year. On Wednesday, the network announced that they had approved a pro-life commercial starring Florida quarterback Tim Tebow, funded by the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family, to air during the game.

“CBS’s recent decision to air an anti-choice advertisement during Super Bowl XLIV was outrageous,” a rep from advocacy group The Women’s Media Center said. “Even worse is the network’s about face from its own policy of rejecting controversial Super Bowl ads.

"The Women’s Media Center and organizations dedicated to reproductive rights, tolerance, and social justice, are urging the network to immediately cancel this ad.”

CBS is reportedly standing by their decision, and producers said they would consider accepting any other "responsibly produced" advocacy ads for broadcast.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MQWFiIrBLA"]YouTube- ManCrunch SuperBowl Commercial[/ame]

Dean Thoreau 01-28-2010 05:31 PM

I dont understand something, Focus on the Family, (which is also known for encouraging severe corporal punishment on children and dogs..to make them behave) is not the most in tune bunch of folks...super Bowl ads are usually well Hilarious,,memorable,,,talked about for a year...Exactly what is a second rate football player going to do in 30 seconds...Is he going to give birth?
It is the only thing that will make it talked about..except for all the ruckus being raised about it,,,now people will watch it....just to see what all the fuss is ...sometimes it is good to not react to the right...cause re-acting and making a fuss is what they want....and this is one of those times.

Linus 01-29-2010 03:10 PM

Well, CBS has officially banned the ManCrunch ad. Smacks of discrimination and the best way to address this is to take your money elsewhere and not watch the game on CBS.

I'm not surprised since CBS is a rather conservative, right-wing traditional marriage kind of place (they actually had the actress who plays Garcia on Criminal Minds not talk about her views on SSM -- kinda disappointing since she is gay and absolutely hot!).

Soon 01-30-2010 08:50 AM

from JoeMyGod:
Mrs. Tebow's Big Lie Of Omission

For weeks now, we've been inundated with Christianist propaganda about how Tim Tebow's mother made the Godly moral choice not to abort her son. Only now it turns out that the Tebows were living in the Philippines during her pregnancy. The Philippines, where abortion was and is illegal. Gloria Allred is on the case.

In her exclusive interview with RadarOnline.com Allred slams the ad and CBS's decision to air it, pointing out factual inconsistencies with Pam's story. One glaring one is the fact that the act of abortion is totally illegal in the majority Catholic country of the Philippines - under all circumstances including rape and incest, and even without a provision in the circumstance that the mother's life is in danger. The law has been in effect since 1930. Allred says she believes it an impossible scenario to believe that Philippino doctors would of ever suggested abortion as a viable option for Tebow in the first place. And when you learn that physicians and midwives who perform abortions in the Philippines face six years in prison, and may have their licenses suspended or revoked, and that women who receive abortions - no matter the reason - may be punished with imprisonment for two to six years, it's easy to see why.
Allred is threatening to sue CBS for false advertising, should the ad still run.

Corkey 01-30-2010 05:57 PM

ABC news just reported the ad will run, I hope Allred sues the pants off CBS.

WILDCAT 01-30-2010 08:22 PM

CBS reps on the phone today here:
A CBS survey networking team contacted me today via my home phone. Now, I am normally quite selective with whom I do these phone buggers with... but, in this instance I couldn't wait to voice my opinions.

The questions were so all over the place extreme in topic I had to question if she in fact truly represented CBS at one point. (I told her it sounded like a "moral majority" survery taking place. :superfunny:) She explained that it was for several areas of CBS news coverage - and that the survey results will be posted in Feb. sometime on their news.

But, it covered the government, (like which administration do you think has done the best job ever? WOULD our "founding fathers" approve of the way today's government is being run? What would I like to see be a primary focus at this time: employment, healthcare to global warming, etc... What about the campaign fundraising bill?)... to who would I "likely more easily forgive (?!) - Sen. Edwards, Tiger, and several other cheatin' heart folk choices...".

She questioned about the newly elected Mass. official having posed nude in the past, and "what if a woman had done that in the same position" - would she have had more difficulty with the media coverage of it and also being elected?

(Well, I guess so, 'cause I didn't even KNOW that about this guy!)

And what about "late night TV shows", and "reality shows" - better or worse than earlier days? Is it good to be helping disasters such as Haiti, when we have our own problems domestically? Should folks feel obligated to help? Should they "feel" obligated "morally" to help? Should we help all along - or only when a disaster happens - no matter what, or where? Does that depend on one's income?

Actually, the survey was kind of "rag mag-y" in parts of it. Some strange categories, showing me what people are "into" or what the networks are feeding the people - for higher ratings and more money. I had to laugh a few times... some of the questions were so stupid and ridiculous. (Sarcastic non-supportive humor, of course - against the various areas of "interest", not to the woman trying to do her job. She was pretty good handling me, actually.)

Anyway, I did interrupt her and asked if any commercial information for the Super Bowl was on this survey, and she didn't know "anything about it". So, I said, "got room for notes, comments/opinions there"? She DID. And I DID... "EXPRESS" my opinion on this crap - all of it. The religious right, the politics with the Republicans and networks, and so on. I went after Fox too. Have CBS and Fox gotten married and I missed it - or just lying in bed together?

Actually, I made comments throughout the whole survey - that I could hear her typing notes on.

It was strange, but I was glad to have such an easy opportunity to express my distaste with that network right now. (I still wonder if it was the G. Beck show calling though!)

So, on and on, it goes...


Linus 01-30-2010 08:49 PM

I do wish they would do more of these kinds of ads:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffrq6cUoE5A"]YouTube- Bob's House -- Pepsi's new Super Bowl Ad[/ame]

Toughy 01-30-2010 08:55 PM

So those who are boycotting the Super Bowl..........and I have decided I'm watching the game and taking a piss when that commercials airs. I will have to leave the room or I will throw something big and heavy at the TV

Are you going to boycott CBS entirely or is this about 'no issue/advocacy commercials during my damn SuperBowl game' or 'no anti-abortion commericials', but a liberal advocacy/issue commercial would be ok?

I"m just trying to figure out how not watching Peyton get his ass kicked up and down the field affects CBS. Why would CBS care if a few thousand folks don't watch the game. They already have the money in the bank.

I'm gonna boycott Bud because there will be no Clydesdale horse commercials.....oh wait.........I don't drink.........shit what am I gonna do to protest.....

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