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Jesse 03-08-2017 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by girl_dee (Post 1132183)
I am debating on whether on not I want to go on to Master Level.

I didn't feel any more woo when moving on to level 2.

I didn't feel anything at lvl 1, but during the lvl 2 ceremony I felt like the top of my head opened and light came pouring in. I probably sound crazy to others, but that's how it felt. Master level is mostly for teaching others.

Have you ever participated in a Reiki circle? They are awesome!

girl_dee 03-08-2017 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse (Post 1132186)
I didn't feel anything at lvl 1, but during the lvl 2 ceremony I felt like the top of my head opened and light came pouring in. I probably sound crazy to others, but that's how it felt. Master level is mostly for teaching others.

Have you ever participated in a Reiki circle? They are awesome!

Yes i got a Reiki circle going at the head injury unit where I used to work. It was awesome!

When i got attuned, level 1, i had my eyes closed but could feel and see my teacher as she passed over me, it was like a big wheel of color turning right over me. It was amazing!

RockOn 03-08-2017 09:26 PM

girl_dee, I must get a copy of your declutter book. I have too much stuff.Thanks for post! :)

WolfyOne 03-11-2017 10:23 AM

To me, declutter is the same as letting go. Freeing up things in your life that you've been hanging on to for too long. When I left Oklahoma, I gave away many things I was toting around for more than 5 years that I never unpacked. I had to ask myself why. When I finally was able to tell myself I no longer had a use for any of it, I let go. I lifted a heavy weight off of me. My brain said, freeing yourself of material things was a start because material things can be replaced, if truly needed. Closets with clothes I'd kept and no longer wore, gone. But decluttering wasn't just about letting go of material things. I released toxic people and chose a saner, quieter life. I've learned to live simple not extravagant.

As for using words I never ever put out to the universe, I have one and it has been with me since childhood. The word hate is one I have never used. I learned from my mom to replace it with dislike. She used to tell all her kids, hate is a strong word and although you may not like something or someone, you cannot say you absolutely hate. She said, what if you told someone you love that you hate them in anger and you go to sleep, wake up and find they died. She said, you will always know, in your heart, what your last words were to them.

girl_dee 03-11-2017 10:46 AM

One thing that i have done and has totally worked for me, is when I have a goal I am manifesting I change my passwords to match that goal. How many times a day do you type this in, and reinforce your message.

All last year I made my passwords


Well on January 1, 2017 I started my move and it all fell into place.

girl_dee 04-09-2017 07:30 AM

Latest events leaving you feeling heavy?
An Empath friend commented that the latest political events have left her having sensory overload.


Does anyone else feel *heavy* when these things happen?

My life has taken a shift this week and i feel SO secure and in my happy space, but outside of that space i feel angry, sad and helpless.

i was sitting at work and heard a train come by, and thought *hmmm i wonder what it sounds like when i missile strikes*

it's heavy, and is why i cannot watch the news.

Gayandgray 04-17-2017 08:16 AM

I would really like to know more about this Law of Attraction?

Gayandgray 04-23-2017 12:01 AM

So I guess I have been working the Law of Attraction here recently and didn't actually realize it?! I had decided to change my mindset toward my job and other aspects of my life, and I decided to start practicing gratitude every day.
Things starting looking up and all of a sudden, things weren't so bad after all! I had heard some about The Secret years ago but never got interested in it enough to learn more about it, and I didn't realize that The Law of Attraction and The Secret were the same thing.
Since nobody responded to my post I went ahead and googled about the LOA and I'm really feeling like this is something I can do on a daily basis. I have already had great results just by setting my intentions for the day as soon as I wake up, keeping positive even when it's really hard, etc. And I did some decluttering but girl_dee has given me some great ideas for even more from her posts.
I'm going to continue to read online more about this Woo woo Law of Attraction stuff and maybe look into vision boards on Pinterest, since I'm on Pinterest a lot.

girl_dee 04-23-2017 02:08 AM

Hi Gay&Gray!

i missed your post but maybe that was meant to be.

Have you seen the Secret? It's not the end all be all but it sure is a good one to watch if you are interested in LOA

the BEST way for me to manifest things that i want is to keep the negative people out of my life

girl_dee 04-23-2017 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 1129691)
YES! Pinterest as a modern digitized version of manifestation! I have several boards for "things I will make one day" or "my dream house" and even recipes I want to try.

I especially love being able to share boards with friends for collab efforts :)

for added effect when you do your vision boards, feel like you already have what you are manifesting.

like when i manifested this job in this building that i wanted, i visualized myself walking in, with my lunch bag, sitting at a desk and working. i saw me with my own parking spot and sitting outside to have lunch by the train tracks. i used all 5 senses to put me in that building.

What i visualized and felt is exactly what happens to me every day when i go to work in that exact building!

so act like it is already yours

Gayandgray 04-23-2017 07:06 AM

No, I never saw The Secret but I did see the books that were out in the bookstore. I'm really interested in this and it's really a strange coincidence because like I said in my post last night, I have never really read much about this stuff, yet I had this desire to totally change my mindset and start being more positive and telling myself everything would be okay. Well now it is!!!! This just blows my mind! Over six months ago I was burned out at my job as a cna, I was feeling like other things in my life were never going to straighten out, etc. Now, this staying positive thing has completely changed my outlook about my job! I feel good about my job now and look forward to going to work. I'm grateful that I was able to get my job back, even though I had to take a cut in pay. At first they said I wouldn't, but Corporate said I had to. That bothered me but I'm just so grateful to have my job back that I didn't care. Now I want to manifest myself moving up the ladder and getting a raise next year..... How exactly do I use my 5 senses girl_dee?

girl_dee 04-23-2017 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gayandgray (Post 1139912)
... How exactly do I use my 5 senses girl_dee?

Go deep.

I will use the job example again.

Sound- i imagined what it sounded like, that building is old and sounds carry. no acoustics and i knew it. i could hear people working and laughing. i knew the train that passes by would be loud when it came by.

Sight - obviously, what it looks like. i stared at the bricks, the foundation, looked up the history of how it was built. i took it all in . i kept that photo on my computer all weekend, made it the background on my phone

Touch... i drove to the building and touched it. i felt the rails and bricks .... i knew i would be in there one day!

Smell- i knew the building was remodeled inside so i imagined it smelled old but not bad. Not musty, just old. i imagined the coffee in the break room and lunches as people brought them in

Taste- i could taste my morning coffee at my desk, and my lunch on the patio tables outside. Things would taste REAL good knowing i had a good job in a place i wanted to be in.

Everything i imagined, came exactly true

gotoseagrl 04-23-2017 02:40 PM

Thank you for starting this wonderful thread. I have been reading and watching about this topic and others related for quite some time now. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it here yet, but I tried doing a focus wheel (a bunch of stuff written around a central statement) a few months back on one of the biggest most important things to me.

I have to get the hang of this sort of "charting" better, but I do keep a journal and several notebooks for myself where I can at least get things out on paper, which helps a lot since I am such a visual learner/thinker.

And yes, staying de-cluttered has become something vital to me. I keep a drawer where I put paper junk that can be shredded, so that at least if I don't get around to shredding, it has a place to go that is out of sight until I get to it and it gives me relief knowing that I don't have anything extra around that isn't being used or isn't worth keeping.

The key thing made me laugh lol. I always end up with keys to who knows who's house or gate or whatever, and if they aren't keys I use regularly, I totally forget where they came from and have to throw them out, risking that I might throw out one I actually need cause they all look so similar.


Originally Posted by girl_dee (Post 1130118)
Today i happen to notice a ton of keys on my keyring. I went through them and realized there are only two that I need. I threw out bunch of old ones I don't need anymore. Feels so much lighter in my bag!

I also cleared out some old business cards I have accumulated. Why am I hanging on this stuff?

Old text messages. One person I had over 2,000!!!! Thats crazy. Also went through my contacts and deleted a bunch I don't need. Feels so good!

Also old relationship *stuff *. I still had a few things that I was holding on to..like an old fortune cookie message i found. Time to toss it and open up some space.

girl_dee 04-24-2017 02:40 AM

right now i am dealing with some emotional triggers. while i am not proud of this fact it is what it is.

i am trying so hard to replace the fear and worries with gratitude immediately.

it sure helps

i do believe we attract more fear and worry when all we do is to be fearful and worry

its easier said than done

NavyButch 04-24-2017 04:34 AM

This is a great thread dee. I also believe in the Law of Attraction and manifestation. As my Granny says, "you bring about what you think about". And I totally agree with her.

I also believe that we can make ourselves sick when we stay in the negative or when we keep ourselves stressed out and all of that.

So, my example of manifestation is this. I was driving my car a couple of weeks ago and all of the sudden it started to skip. Almost like a chugging thing. I immediately went into "mantra mode". Instead of panicking, I started this mantra in my head "it is going to be ok gladys, you can do this" (yes, I named my car gladys haha). and I kept saying it for a good 2-3 minutes. What happened? The chugging stopped and it has not happened since.

Seems silly when I type it out. But, I firmly believe that doing that mantra worked. If anything at all it gave me a reprieve so that I can take my car in and have it checked out. I think the mantra helped from something immediately happening that day and leaving me stranded and having to call Triple-A.

Shystonefem 04-24-2017 05:57 AM

You can use visualization for almost anything.

I wanted to lose weight (a few years back). I visualized seeing myself the way I wanted to look. I have lost the weight. I was never a big eater, I eat like a bird but something changed inside of me that allowed me to lose weight.

As much as I know how to direct energy, sometimes life is tiring. I have, just recently, been focused enough to meditate but my surroundings are not optimal for any type of spiritual activities.

I am hoping to get back to using my Reiki skills again. I am an USUI Master Teacher and a Shamballa level 3.

I like the idea about the passwords, that is a great way to keep goals in the forefront.

girl_dee 04-24-2017 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Shystonefem (Post 1140107)
You can use visualization for almost anything.

I wanted to lose weight (a few years back). I visualized seeing myself the way I wanted to look. I have lost the weight. I was never a big eater, I eat like a bird but something changed inside of me that allowed me to lose weight.

As much as I know how to direct energy, sometimes life is tiring. I have, just recently, been focused enough to meditate but my surroundings are not optimal for any type of spiritual activities.

I am hoping to get back to using my Reiki skills again. I am an USUI Master Teacher and a Shamballa level 3.

I like the idea about the passwords, that is a great way to keep goals in the forefront.

i am Reiki 2.... i didn't feel any more attuned then when i was at level one. i love when it kicks on... mine kicks on when i am near and accident or a sick person.

when i took up energy work the other massage therapists would say *thats SO WOO WOO* .. like it was witch craft! Pfffft my clients loved Reiki!

gotoseagrl 04-24-2017 05:23 PM

I love listening to this lady speak and I love what she says about listening to your spirit and intuition.

girl_dee 04-24-2017 05:33 PM

OMG that was amazing! i love the part about departed ancestors and feeling things in your belly!

hahah the hokey pokey song. i love it!

Thank you for sharing :bunchflowers:

girl_dee 04-25-2017 03:45 AM

i woke up about 10 minutes after i fell asleep. i knew this could end up being hours of trying to go back to sleep.

i loaded a guided meditation youtube that really worked. Sometimes i stay awake through them...

there are many that you can use that are suggestive relating to what you are working on in your life.....

When i took up hypnotherapy i was amazed at what lay below the surface.

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