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Bad_boi 06-05-2013 10:17 PM

My cat snuck into my bed and fell asleep. I reached over to pet her and she reached out and dug her claw into my armpit as a sign of affection. OUCH.

Bèsame* 06-05-2013 10:51 PM

ouch is right! I'm sure you have cat marks at any given time, I know I do :)

Originally Posted by Bad_boi (Post 808310)
My cat snuck into my bed and fell asleep. I reached over to pet her and she reached out and dug her claw into my armpit as a sign of affection. OUCH.

Rockinonahigh 06-05-2013 11:09 PM

My girls have been on a roll to dirve me nuts today,mostly it's been little bit the wild child.She is a cross between a long haired jack russel (her mom) and a poodle +snowzer (her pop) to look at her she is 100% jr to the last hair on her over active body.She is about a year and a half old and has no signs of slowing down cause she is either on the run or looking for someting to get into or passed out asleep on the bed with her big sister Rowdy who is four now.Rowdy is half jack russed and poodle cross but takes after herg pop and looks like a black curly hired poodle Rowdy use to be near and active and still can have days like she was still a puppy.This evening after it got down to a reasonable temp outside we went out and played till all three of us coudnt move or catch a breath...they love to play ball either chaseing,playing soccor with me or crashing my hoops games by doing whatever they can to get hold of the ball,as long as they are happy makes me feel good plus keeps me grounded..I know my life is way better with them cause I spoil them in a good way they give back ten fold what I give to them.

Gemme 06-06-2013 04:18 AM

Amber scammed two plates of wet food out of us this morning.

Glenn 06-06-2013 08:25 AM

Folks; I am not pleased to report, that my furkids have been without their Friskies/Purina Party Mix Cat Treats (which is like cat crack) for two whole days today.They are very cranky, having hissy-fits, and stalking me. *Sigh.. I have to go to the dealer, and get them their *supply" now!*

Tommi 06-06-2013 09:08 AM

Funny how their names change
Ricki Racer is a year old now. Does a once feral cat ever give up gnawing? My friend says she looks and acts like she is part Turkish Van

My brand new tennis shoes were in the closet , I bought them Saturdat. Today, I found they have lost the hard tips that came on the ends of the laces.
This morning she wanted in the shower with me. She claws at the shower door, and Yeooowwwws, and soon as I open it she dashes in. The tub is a bit scary, but she climbs in as soon as it is empty.

My little one was named Bunny at first, because she was found on Easter. Then Mickey, as she house that mousehead design on her back. then she raced and still races and races and Mickey bacame Ricki Racer. and that one sticks.

Turkish Van Cat Personality

While you might be drawn to the Van for his fascination with water, you'll fall in love with the breed for his other qualities. 'Vans are energetic, agile, and intelligent. They are extremely healthy and, get along with people swimmingly,' notes one Van owner. You may need a few months of working out to keep up with them, however; Vans are famous for their 'action-packed' temperament. They are talkative, demanding of attention, and show great gusto at dinnertime. Breeders also say that Vans are known for their attachment to their human companions, and sometimes that makes transferring a Van from one household to another difficult. They tend to pick out one or two people in the household, usually the ones that deal with them initially, and bond with them forever

WingsOnFire 06-06-2013 10:31 AM

Miss Peppa wagged her tail and gave me kisses as I carried her to her crate and covered her up. She had fallen asleep in bed with me... and I was headed to work.. lol.. I love that dog

Bad_boi 06-06-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Uniqueswtfemm (Post 808319)
ouch is right! I'm sure you have cat marks at any given time, I know I do :)

Usually Amy is a good cat. She likes to knead and does not understand her claws hurt.

Chelsius 06-06-2013 06:21 PM

My dog was hyper as sh--itake mushrooms... I think he's on the crack, guys. :|

JAGG 06-06-2013 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bad_boi (Post 808310)
My cat snuck into my bed and fell asleep. I reached over to pet her and she reached out and dug her claw into my armpit as a sign of affection. OUCH.

And yet another good reason not to own a cat.:|

socialjustice_fsu 06-06-2013 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by JAGG (Post 808593)
And yet another good reason not to own a cat.:|

My Dear JAGG:

One does not own a cat.

The cat owns you.

Dominique 06-08-2013 07:36 AM

The two rescued kats have lived here 8 months now. I think they consider this home as I have clearly become the servant :blink:. Gurl Kat has not lost an ounce, and may have put on a pound or two.

I was in the kitchen making oatmeal waffels on the waffle iron, and she was at my feet in case some fell. I DO NOT FEED HER PEOPLE FOOD, but she's always looking for some. The combination smoke and steam the waffle iron emits set off the smoke detector and it scared the crap out of her. She ran as fast as she could to hide some place.

As I was moving about the kitchen, I noticed a little *something* on the floor near the entrance to the kitchen. Here it was a poop ball! The smoke detector apparently scared the *poop* out of Gurl Kat! LOL!

I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe you had to be here. I wonder if she'll pester for oatmeal waffles again???


Gemme 06-08-2013 11:26 AM

Paco is attention starved today (like most days) but today is especially so.

Every time I turn around...mew, mew...knead....rub, rub....head butt...accidental catching of the claws on the jersey like shorts as he stretches his full length...head butt....mew, mew....rub, rub.....scent, scent....knead....little green eyes screaming, "Aren't I adorable? Don't you love me? Don't you want to PETTTTTT me? Okay, that was a nice pet but how about another 3 hours of that?"


Hollylane 06-08-2013 11:07 PM

The entire family (including Mom) napped off and on most of the day, long and hard...and it was good.

I'm going fishing tomorrow, I really want to take my water dog, but I just don't think he'll let me fish. We're going to have to work on that, because I do love to have him with me out in the wilderness, and his adorable brother, Obi, just doesn't do cars or places that don't have comfy napping couches.

Hollylane 06-08-2013 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 809105)
Paco is attention starved today (like most days) but today is especially so.

Every time I turn around...mew, mew...knead....rub, rub....head butt...accidental catching of the claws on the jersey like shorts as he stretches his full length...head butt....mew, mew....rub, rub.....scent, scent....knead....little green eyes screaming, "Aren't I adorable? Don't you love me? Don't you want to PETTTTTT me? Okay, that was a nice pet but how about another 3 hours of that?"


For some reason, whenever I read about Paco, I want to rename one of my cats that...I think it is an adorable name! I would probably make up some kind of song about Paco the Taco or something doofy like that and sing it really loudly, off key, the way they all like it best...:)

Hollylane 06-09-2013 03:58 PM

Chessie chased his ball under my gigantic, five million pound bed, wedging himself in so tight that he couldn't get out, and only his big head was protruding.

In the rescue efforts, I tried using my usually herculean emergency reserve muscles, in my panic, I used the wrong ones, and now I have a pulled muscle in my back. Chessie is nonplussed and is currently shoving the ball into my lap and whining at an unusually high pitch (I might have been whining and crying along with him, but you'd have to ask Gaige for confirmation). Ouch, just fucking ouch!

Oh, and yes, after I couldn't get up immediately, while laying on my back, I was able to maneuver the mattresses up off of the frame (lifting the weight off of him), using my legs and feet...So, he is free!

Rockinonahigh 06-09-2013 05:54 PM

Earler this afternoon it got real quiet wich means I had best get looking to see what kind of mayhem the girls have gotten into,I found them curled up asleep on my bed wqith a fue toys they hauled up on the bed.They looked so comfy I desided to take a nap with them.When we all got up gess who was full of energy so we headed outside to play with all kinds of balls from regular tennis balls to giant tennis balls along with my basket ball and socor balls.I said I was not gpoing to workout today and just take a rest but seems like I got a diffrent kind of workout cause we all were winded along with hot and sweaty from the fun play time.

Gemme 06-09-2013 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Hollylane (Post 809298)

For some reason, whenever I read about Paco, I want to rename one of my cats that...I think it is an adorable name! I would probably make up some kind of song about Paco the Taco or something doofy like that and sing it really loudly, off key, the way they all like it best...:)

He would love a song about himself. Just make sure to include plenty of ear rubs and head scratches during the chorus.

alexri 06-09-2013 08:51 PM

Mr. Paco has an interesting life story. He was adopted from a shelter in MA. They found him on the side of the road. He had been hit by a car, and his face was smashed. They had to remove all the teeth on the right side of his face because they couldn't be saved. So when it looks at you it's kind of a weird sneer sometimes. Still bites like he's got all his teeth though, as he regularly demonstrates with love bites.

ahk 06-11-2013 04:27 PM

Bird: Squeak, kiss, squeak, chew, eat, bathe, sleep -- repeat
Fuzzy grey boy dog: Sleep, go outside, pant, sleep
Shaved black girl dog: look for food, sleep, snore, sleep, look for more food, give kisses and snuzzels.
Cute black girl kitty: sleep, sneeze, and sleep more.

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