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JakeTulane 03-07-2010 07:33 AM

"It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake." - Frederick Douglass

JakeTulane 03-07-2010 07:34 AM

"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable." - Bruce Lee

JakeTulane 03-07-2010 07:35 AM

"We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine." - Dwight L. Moody

Spirit Dancer 03-07-2010 08:38 AM

Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.

Leo Buscaglia

Spirit Dancer 03-07-2010 08:45 AM

To know when to go away and when to come closer
is the key to any lasting relationship.

Doménico Cieri Estrada

Spirit Dancer 03-07-2010 08:46 AM

The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies,
but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen
the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.
Barbara De Angelis

Spirit Dancer 03-07-2010 08:48 AM

You must first have a good relationship with yourself before you can have a
good relationship with others. You have to feel worthwhile and acceptable in
your own eyes. The more independent you are, the better you'll be able
to connect and relate with others.

Gary Emery

weatherboi 03-07-2010 09:40 AM

Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Duchess 03-07-2010 12:22 PM

We are selfish when we are exclusively or predominantly concerned with the good for ourselves. We are altruistic when we are exclusively or predominantly concerned with the good of others.(f)

Mortimer Adler
American, Philosopher Quotes

Duchess 03-07-2010 12:26 PM

Friendship is held to be the severest test of character.(f)

Charles Eastman
Sioux, Author Quotes

Ms. Meander 03-07-2010 01:27 PM

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

~ Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whomever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ Rumi

UofMfan 03-07-2010 02:17 PM

Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres ~ Mom's favorite

Duchess 03-07-2010 02:40 PM

"The only time a mistake becomes a failure is when we look for someone to blame."(f)
– Bill Crawford

Diva 03-07-2010 11:40 PM

You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it.

~W. C. Fields

Diva 03-07-2010 11:43 PM

I don't like books which are full of name dropping.

~Daphne du Maurier

JakeTulane 03-08-2010 08:14 AM

"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” - Aaron Copland

JakeTulane 03-08-2010 08:16 AM

“If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” - Maxwell Maltz

JakeTulane 03-08-2010 08:18 AM

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” - Albert Einstein

Spirit Dancer 03-08-2010 08:43 AM

We need to find the "middle way" in our own lives. It is the art of
finding balance. Reflecting upon our lives, we soon discover what
serves us well--nurturing calmness, ease, and simplicity. We also
discover what it is that leads to entanglement, confusion, distress, and
anxiety. Wisdom is being able to discern the difference, then knowing
what we need to nurture and what we need to learn to let go.

Christina Feldman

Spirit Dancer 03-08-2010 08:43 AM

Weakness and strength are necessary for balance. No one or nothing is only
weak or only strong. But some of us overlook our weaknesses, and even
deny that we have them. That can be dangerous, because denying there is
a weakness is in itself a weakness. Likewise, accepting that we have
weaknesses becomes a strength. And by the same token, overestimating
strength is a weakness. You should not be blinded by your strengths.
The feeling of strength is not the same as having strength. Neither should
you ignore your weaknesses. Know them well, too.

Joseph M. Marshall III

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