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Leader 09-26-2010 02:16 PM

• I once got a concussion (playing rugby) so bad, that I “woke up” twenty minutes later not knowing where I was, who I was, or even knowing what my personality was like. I have to say that this was the scariest moment of my life.

• I still don’t have much memory from that day, only snippets that have no order to them. However, one snippet of memory was of me being half out of my body and being able to see myself on the field right after the hit, and knowing that if I got up and tried to continue playing that I would die. Apparently, I just got up and wandered the field for a bit. (no memory of that)

• I can chug a beer FAST. In my twenties, I would go out with my friends and they’d find the biggest, most macho guy in the bar and bet them $20 that they couldn’t beat me. One night, I made $120 bucks, and I never lost a race. I also knew when to quit, lol.

• When I was little, I’d sneak into my parents bathroom and put my Dad’s shaving cream on my face in the shape of a beard and mustache. Then I would pretend to shave it off. I thought I looked so much better with a (white foamy) mustache and goatee.

• Apparently I tried it with ice cream too.

Jude 09-26-2010 02:43 PM

Re Venus Aspergers Post.

Deeply touched at her sense of self.

Random 09-29-2010 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Blaze (Post 198280)
When I am missing home, I go to Youtube to listen to Hawaiin music and watch Hula dancers

We are currently trying to make a teleporter for Mitmo on her homesick days... That way she can flash over to a food truck for a plate lunch...

feels for you...

Tcountry 09-30-2010 12:26 AM

1.) My closest friends are the most important poeple in my life...the only way to understand is to become one
2.) I rarely answer calls/txt from Anyone if I am spending time with someone in person...it's a respect thing...but I always reply when that time is over
3.) I am for the most part a true Pisces...and more sensitive than the average bear...
4.) I am very good at learning the hard way...and have the scars to prove it :)
5.) My next lover will become my friend first...(harder than it sounds)...and hopefully will be my One and Only for the rest of my days

Venus007 10-02-2010 12:12 AM

The body music connection
1. I almost always tear up during movie previews, the loud swelling dramatic music does it to me every time. This embarrasses and irritates me. This especially embarrasses and irritates me when the music is to something stupid like a an animated movie about guinea pigs or some pedestrian cookie cutter action adventure preview.

2 I can feel music in my body, physically. Back in my wild youth I went to raves, I used to love going up to the the HUGE speakers and pressing against them with my heels, pelvis, spine, shoulder blades, elbows and head so that the bass would vibrate through my skeleton. It felt like I was getting a massage. Also, I feel organ music in the soles of my feet and my aorta.

3. For as much as I LOVE loud bass driven music to dance to and to wash through my body I cannot stand loud noises and loud places- it hurts me.
Fortunately I am mostly deaf in one ear and this saves me from being bothered more than I already am. I am grateful for the muting it provides.

4. I see pictures, shapes and colors when I hear music.

5. I have what can best be described as dancegasms. When my movement the music and my mind all come together into a sensual enthusiastic euphoria that makes me feel enlightened and captured utterly in the moment of sensual bliss.

Soft*Silver 10-02-2010 12:32 AM

I have an incredibly intense involuntary reaction to a mouth on my feet, specifically my toes.

I really hate circus peanuts but my mother loved them so I have a sacred memory bank related to them...and smile everytime I hear about Gemme and her cravings...

I miss being able to ride a back. With my health issues, I havent been able to ride a bike for years. However recently I saw a three wheel bike and think I might be able to handle it!

I want a simple every day pearl necklace. And yes, I would wear it every day.

I love slow dancing and next partner, I want to make sure we get a chance to go dancing often. I hate other forms of dancing but oh, can there be anything so simple yet so intimate publicly one couple can do?

Gemme 10-02-2010 03:10 PM

Ode to circus peanuts

Originally Posted by softness (Post 201464)
I have an incredibly intense involuntary reaction to a mouth on my feet, specifically my toes.

I really hate circus peanuts but my mother loved them so I have a sacred memory bank related to them...and smile everytime I hear about Gemme and her cravings...

I miss being able to ride a back. With my health issues, I havent been able to ride a bike for years. However recently I saw a three wheel bike and think I might be able to handle it!

I want a simple every day pearl necklace. And yes, I would wear it every day.

I love slow dancing and next partner, I want to make sure we get a chance to go dancing often. I hate other forms of dancing but oh, can there be anything so simple yet so intimate publicly one couple can do?


I do love the crack that is circus peanuts. :|

I'm craving them at this very minute, actually.


Four of them are 140 calories.

I eat a bag at a time. :|

If they made circus peanut cake, I'd be doomed.

waxnrope 10-02-2010 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 201691)

I do love the crack that is circus peanuts. :|

I'm craving them at this very minute, actually.


Four of them are 140 calories.

I eat a bag at a time. :|

If they made circus peanut cake, I'd be doomed.

OMG! That many calories in peanuts? Does this include the shells?:blink:

Blaze 10-02-2010 03:47 PM


Dont be mean to waxnrope Gemme! I had your lecture, don't make me post elephant pictures again, lmao

Blaze 10-02-2010 03:56 PM

I think my chihuahua is making me soft in my later years, I am getting a sense of fashion in the dog world...

I don't like hospitals very much, but seem to frequent them a lot lately...

I really am having second thoughts about my career, but I am getting to old to make a drastic change...

I used to blame my dyslexia on everything, now I am not ashamed to say I am just blind as a bat, and I hate wearing glasses cause I put them down somewhere and can't find them cause I can't see them...

If I got to start life all over again at any age I choose, It would still be about this age now. Life is so much more enjoyable in your half way mark.

Gemme 10-02-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by waxnrope (Post 201698)
OMG! That many calories in peanuts? Does this include the shells?:blink:

*glares at Blaze*

I am ALWAYS nice.


Circus peanuts are candy, wax.



Medusa 10-02-2010 04:49 PM

5 Things:

* I have a serious love of libraries. Almost a sick obsession. I like the way they smell. I like the way they make me feel. I like the used pages. Going to the library makes me supremely happy.

* I love cold eggrolls or cold pizza for breakfast!

* I think the "Wheels on the bus go round and round" song is CREEPY!

* I want some cheese.

* Fall is my favorite time of the year.

waxnrope 10-02-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 201760)
*glares at Blaze*

I am ALWAYS nice.


Circus peanuts are candy, wax.



but, I remember, as a child, a brand of peanuts by that name!
Oh Gemme, don't start on me :readfineprint:

lipstixgal 10-02-2010 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 201691)

I do love the crack that is circus peanuts. :|

I'm craving them at this very minute, actually.


Four of them are 140 calories.

I eat a bag at a time. :|

If they made circus peanut cake, I'd be doomed.

You seemed to like those circus peanuts huh??

Gemme 10-02-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 201764)
5 Things:

* I have a serious love of libraries. Almost a sick obsession. I like the way they smell. I like the way they make me feel. I like the used pages. Going to the library makes me supremely happy.

* I love cold eggrolls or cold pizza for breakfast!

* I think the "Wheels on the bus go round and round" song is CREEPY!

* I want some cheese.

* Fall is my favorite time of the year.

Organic and I want to know what makes "Wheels..." creepy. Of course, then we'll probably think it's creepy too.

For years when I was a child, we'd go out to Pizza Hut on Friday and I'd get Mountain Dew with my pizza. We'd take the leftover pizza and soda home and I'd have it cold on the floor while watching cartoons the next morning. A favorite memory!


Originally Posted by waxnrope (Post 201776)
but, I remember, as a child, a brand of peanuts by that name!
Oh Gemme, don't start on me :readfineprint:

Real peanuts? That's weird. Circus peanuts have been around, in this form, for decades. Brand usage infraction!

Start? :eyebat:

I haven't begun yet.


I'm gonna pick on you LOTS now!


Originally Posted by lipstixgal (Post 201786)
You seemed to like those circus peanuts huh??

I do. They are, to me, like crack. I literally and figuratively jones for them. Like I can taste them in my mouth but they're not there kind of jonesin' and that drives me wonky and then I drive everyone else around me wonky.

It's so much easier to just give in to them.

~Bo 10-02-2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 201790)

I do. They are, to me, like crack. I literally and figuratively jones for them. Like I can taste them in my mouth but they're not there kind of jonesin' and that drives me wonky and then I drive everyone else around me wonky.

It's so much easier to just give in to them.

Weirdo :glasses:

Tucker 10-02-2010 06:15 PM

He touched my hand, finally I understand.
1- I am currently quite obsessed with birds. Particularly doves.

2- I love tacky girlie things. Lke rings out of coin machines, flowers stuffed in bicycle baskets, and painting hearts on everything.

3- Hands are my favorite part of the human anatomy. I love drawing, painting and deconstructing hands.

4- I collect music boxes. The older and more fragile the better. I carry around a little music box made out of a matchstick box in my purse.

5- I am grossed out by bar soap. Do you know how many germs and the bacteria those things collect?

Gemme 10-02-2010 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by ~Bo (Post 201800)
Weirdo :glasses:

I'll own up to that.

~Bo 10-02-2010 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 201816)
I'll own up to that.



Jet 10-08-2010 10:26 PM

Favorite actors: Spencer Tracy, Kevin Spacey and Johnny Depp
My favorite color is Navy
I hate peas
I admire talent above anything else
I'm a loner

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