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Canela 06-26-2011 05:54 PM

Not as much as I'd have liked, but oh well...it's been awhile since I've had a lazy Sunday like this...all I know is that being pampered and catered to once in awhile is soooo nice...even if it is just once in awhile...:chocolate:

StillettoDoll 06-26-2011 06:06 PM

Slept late
Did my morning stretchies outside .
Went for a big breakfast.
Then to Walmart. (4th of july stuff)
Short Nap
Worked out .

Amber2010 06-26-2011 06:14 PM

Getting back
I was able to get home.... after a very very long week working a convention.. with no internet ...
Yay :)

deb_U_taunt 06-26-2011 09:00 PM

Our house is SPOTLESS :)

StillettoDoll 06-30-2011 04:16 AM

This was yesterdays accomplishments I was too tired to post it .:blink:

Worked out
Grocery shopped
Got lawn mowed
Groomed 5 dogs ( 3 new customers woohoo)
Grocery shopped again
Got car inspection and oil change
Cooked dinner
Went to bed @ 8

StillettoDoll 06-30-2011 04:18 AM

So far today..... 8 1/2 hours of sleep wooohooooo!

Sparkle 06-30-2011 10:32 AM

I don't know if I will ever get used to the "11th Hour" mentality around here - but damn am I happy that they do actually pull through in the 11th hour.

Hello Goal! Nice to see you!
And hello 20% growth rate in $'s raised.
And hello increased participation rate across the board.

(and a special "up your bum" to the ever-so-unsupportive-yet-simultaneously-demanding nay'saying leadership.)

Rockinonahigh 06-30-2011 02:45 PM

The first thing I did today when I finaly went out fot the day was go to Barns & Nobel to get a carb counter book so I can make shure I dont over do those nasty carbs.Then I went to the gym and did one heck of a long workout,I may need to back off on the rowing thingy cause it was messin with my bad left knee today.All in all I got a lot done in the weight room,they got this machine that u sit on,adjust the weights,cross ur arms over the padded bar then crunch over to work on total core muscels..I did 20with 30 pounds then went up to 40 ounds and did 10 then uped it to 50 pounds to do another 10.Not to mention all the other parts I really worked on...I will b sore tomorrow..but no pain no gain.

Andrew, Jr. 06-30-2011 03:06 PM

*X-Rays of My Hips & Chest
*Doctors Visit
*Lunch out with a good friend of mine

StillettoDoll 06-30-2011 07:49 PM

20 dogs!:dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog:
Good day

DoReMiFemme 06-30-2011 08:45 PM

Got a contract signed, sealed and delivered for a new account tonight. Feeling pretty awesome.

Tonight may call for some celebratory dancing.

JustJo 07-02-2011 11:13 AM

Saturday...only a bit after 1 p.m.
Too much...
  • made coffee for me, tea for Rooster
  • helped Rooster fill hole that the kitty dug under the fence
  • Since the kettle boiled, make jello for Scoote and ice tea for later
  • made breakfast for Rooster and I
  • finished loading and ran the dishwasher
  • put mats, bathroom rugs, etc. in the washer
  • vacuumed the whole house, including the couch and the A/C intake vents
  • adjusted pool chemicals, swept the sides and steps
  • now heading for a much needed shower and to lay down for a bit

Rockinonahigh 07-02-2011 01:55 PM

When i got down to one pair of sox and no undies I thought best do laundry today.
Been to the grosery store( mad house cause of the forth)
Fixed lunch of tuna salad.
Nothing more fpr the moment but im shure something will come up.

Wryly 07-02-2011 04:09 PM

Woke up before the alarm
showered & dressed in record time
fed dog & cat. But not myself!
Out the door and at the train without breaking the speed limit
Read on the train
At work early
Put in a good day at work
Went to the Village and walked around
went to an internet cafe

*hopefully I'll be able to head back to the Village before heading home*

JustJo 07-02-2011 04:09 PM

Didn't get to lay down after all...

Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 370294)
Too much...
  • made coffee for me, tea for Rooster
  • helped Rooster fill hole that the kitty dug under the fence
  • Since the kettle boiled, make jello for Scoote and ice tea for later
  • made breakfast for Rooster and I
  • finished loading and ran the dishwasher
  • put mats, bathroom rugs, etc. in the washer
  • vacuumed the whole house, including the couch and the A/C intake vents
  • adjusted pool chemicals, swept the sides and steps
  • now heading for a much needed shower and to lay down for a bit

Got the shower, but not the lay down....instead I
  • tried to hold still while Scoote tried to dig a splinter out of my foot
  • put away the snacks and such that Scoote brought home
  • team effort - changed the A/C intake filters, washed the grid covers
  • visited with her a little until she left for work
  • ate a nuked tortilla with cheese, dipped in salsa (which I dripped on my white shirt....sigh)
  • spot cleaned my white shirt
  • helped Rooster get the (freshly washed) fitted sheet back on his bed
  • took Rooster to get a hair cut (it looks nice)
  • went out to mow the lawn
  • mowed 20 minutes...exhausted, covered in sweat and only 1/3 done
  • went inside and rousted 2 indulged teenage boys out of the A/C and away from the computer
  • taught them both to use the mower
  • we each mowed a third of the lawn while the other 2 weeded
  • Rooster and I swept the driveway
  • and now I really NEED to lay down....after another shower...I'm dripping...and I also have to get these cactus spines out of my back (ouch)

StillettoDoll 07-03-2011 07:59 PM

Worked out
Came home and Blaze had the whole outside of the house decorated for the 4th
Cooked breakfast.
Did some home grooming
Went out for snowcones.
Then took nap.
Cooked dinner
Made chocolate chip cookies
One load of laundry.

Kinda like this....

Rockinonahigh 07-03-2011 08:08 PM

I dusted and swept up then moped the place out..nice.

StillettoDoll 07-04-2011 06:21 PM

Watered back yard first thing this morning
worked out
Started dinner I made a turkey for 4th of July
took a nap!
finished dinner
Did inventory on my soap situation
Made cupcakes

Softly 07-04-2011 07:47 PM

breaking a sweat about a million times this weekend and getting exercise! woo :D
but...I am actually looking forward to going back to work to relax :\

StillettoDoll 07-06-2011 08:07 PM

Worked out .
went to get something repaired on my car .
grocery shopped
worked alittle from home.
cut a huge watermelon.
helped with dinner.
took a nap.

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