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BullDog 10-06-2020 10:17 PM

Biden gave a great speech in Gettysburg today. Many are calling it the best speech of his campaign so far. Strong powerful closing argument.

dark_crystal 10-13-2020 04:57 PM

Updates from Houston: a story in 3 acts
Texas adds nearly 300,000 more voters in two-week period

Texas Republican Party sues Harris County over drive-thru voting

Harris County breaks record for the first day of early voting with hours to go before polls close


dark_crystal 10-13-2020 05:01 PM

In the 2016 presidential election, Harris county registered record high of 68,000 first-day early-voters. Today we reached 68,000 between 7:00 am and 2:00 pm, with five more hours to go.


BullDog 10-13-2020 09:56 PM

Great job Houston, Harris County, and the great state of Texas.

I voted by mail. I mailed my ballot in on Friday and it was received by my county clerk today! I felt confident that the mail would be reliable here and that I had plenty of time. In-person voting is happening in the basement of our county courthouse and that building has horrible circulation. So I decided to vote by mail, but I do love seeing all the in-person voting. It's awesome. Either way, it's all good.

I am very excited by all the early voting. We just need our peeps to follow through and the Blue Wave will happen.

Orema 10-14-2020 06:25 AM

‘Simpsons’ Lists 50 Reasons Why Re-Electing Trump Is Terrifying
‘Simpsons’ Lists 50 Reasons Why Re-Electing Trump Is Terrifying in Exclusive ‘Treehouse of Horror’ Clip

There’s nothing scarier than the 2020 election, which makes it the perfect opener for this year’s edition of “The Simpsons” Halloween-themed “Treehouse of Horror.”

Variety has an exclusive first look at the 31st installment, which opens on Election Day 2020. Marge calls Homer to remind him to vote, and he gets to the polling station just in time — where he seems decided in just about every position (including Amazon Alexa for Governor) except for the presidential race.

That’s when a flummoxed Lisa can’t believe that, after everything that has happened these past four years, her father is still undecided. (To be fair, when asked to remember what’s happened since 2016, Homer can only picture one headline: “Faye Dunaway gives Oscar to wrong movie and is never seen again.”)

A helpful scroll then lists just a fraction of some of the things that Donald Trump has done that makes him unfit for president. (And the list misses plenty, such as the millions of dollars his businesses have charged the Secret Service, or the 280 days of golf that has cost taxpayers an estimated $141 million.)

Here is that list:
  • Made it okay to shoot hibernating bears
  • Put children in cages
  • Called Mexicans rapists
  • Imitated disabled reporter
  • Looks lousy in a tennis outfit
  • Can’t get wife to hold hand
  • Called third world countries ****holes
  • Called Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple’
  • Said Jewish people who vote Democrat are disloyal
  • Showed top secret documents at Mar-A-Lago restaurant
  • Called white supremacists ‘fine people’
  • Leaked classified information to Russian ambassador
  • Asked the president of Ukraine to investigate the Bidens
  • Called for China to investigate the Bidens
  • Walked into the dressing room at Miss Teen USA pageant
  • Pressed the Australian prime minister to help Barr investigate Mueller
  • Talked about grabbing *****
  • Lied about the size of his inauguration
  • Refused to release tax returns
  • Gutted the E.P.A.
  • Confiscated and destroyed interpreter’s notes after meeting with Putin
  • Tweeted classified photo of Iran missile site
  • Called Baltimore a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess’
  • Described Meryl Streep as ‘over-rated’
  • Leaked information to the press about the 2017 Manchester arena bombing
  • Did not attend any White House correspondents’ dinner
  • Said Megyn Kelly had ‘blood coming out of her whatever’
  • Called Carly Fiorina ‘horseface’
  • Ruined impeachment
  • Brought Ivanka to the G7 summit
  • Corrupted Congress
  • Appointed and didn’t fire Betsy DeVos
  • Put Jared in charge of Mideast
  • Served McDonald’s to Clemson football team
  • Destroyed democracy
  • Lost Hong Kong
  • Threatened Marie Yovanovitch
  • Pulled the U.S. out of climate agreement
  • Allowed bounties on soldiers
  • Invaded Portland
  • Withdrew from W.H.O.
  • Bragged about knowing the date
  • Commuted sentences
  • Said to swallow bleach
  • Person, woman, man, camera, TV
  • Destroyed post office
  • Paid $750 in taxes
  • Wants third term
  • Wanted to be on Mount Rushmore
And we haven’t even said the worst one

Meanwhile, “Treehouse of Horror XXXI” also includes parodies of Pixar, “Toy Story,” “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” and Netflix’s “Russian Doll.” The 688th episode of “The Simpsons,” “Treehouse of Horror XXXI” airs on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.


Kelt 10-14-2020 06:13 PM

I am wondering if Biden‘s promise to repeal the 2017 tax law would include repealing the portion of it that altered the SALT tax situation that appeared to target several heavily democratic states.

Inquiring minds...

homoe 10-14-2020 06:26 PM

What I'm dying to know........
Is how did the Trump Town Hall event hosted by Savanna Guthrie, scheduled to air against Biden's Thursday night, come about? NBC call Trump or vice versa?

Orema 10-15-2020 04:37 AM

Credit...Illustration by Jim Datz; Photographs by Dem10/Getty Images and Jim Watson/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Taken from an article written by Susan Rice on This Year From Hell.

C0LLETTE 10-15-2020 10:13 AM


People tuning into the Biden town hall will likely do so to hear his ideas.
People tuning into the Trump town-hall will likely do so to see Trump blow himself up again.
Trump's ratings will be higher but if I were him I would not be bragging about that.
Counting "eyeballs" has nothing to do with counting hearts or votes.

Voyeurism doesn't mean you want to have sex. ( Should I have stopped before I typed that last bit? LOL)

BullDog 10-15-2020 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1276524)

People tuning into the Biden town hall will likely do so to hear his ideas.
People tuning into the Trump town-hall will likely do so to see Trump blow himself up again.
Trump's ratings will be higher but if I were him I would not be bragging about that.
Counting "eyeballs" has nothing to do with counting hearts or votes.

Voyeurism doesn't mean you want to have sex. ( Should I have stopped before I typed that last bit? LOL)

I agree. Trump's ratings will likely be higher because people want to see a trainwreck. If he doesn't treat people well who are asking questions in a townhall it will not go well for him.

The so-called "undecided" voters who might want to compare the 2 won't be able to make up their minds which one to watch so they won't tune into either. They will remain as clueless as ever.

I really am furious at NBC for airing Trump at the same time as Biden. I don't really watch NBC but they are the parent company of MSNBC which I do watch. NBC sucks!

Kätzchen 10-15-2020 11:13 AM

I hope more tv viewers watch Biden.

I am not watching T---p because he has ruined the lives of Americans and other citizens globally. I will not reward that deranged person with any of my time or attention.

<<<<<<~~ Biden-Harris ticket is the best choice, go Blue!

nhplowboi 10-15-2020 04:06 PM

I read an article today that said the decision by NBC to give Trump air time opposite of Biden has caused quite the ruckus and NBC is getting considerable backlash over this. We have to remember "The Apprentice" ran on NBC back in the day and brought in big ratings for them. I am sure Trump still has plenty of "friends" there with whom he colluded with to bring this about. As for us, we will be watching Biden tonight as we will not give Trump a viewer stat. We can watch all the stupid things Trump says later on CNN or MSNBC.

~ocean 10-15-2020 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by nhplowboi (Post 1276538)
I read an article today that said the decision by NBC to give Trump air time opposite of Biden has caused quite the ruckus and NBC is getting considerable backlash over this. We have to remember "The Apprentice" ran on NBC back in the day and brought in big ratings for them. I am sure Trump still has plenty of "friends" there with whom he colluded with to bring this about. As for us, we will be watching Biden tonight as we will not give Trump a viewer stat. We can watch all the stupid things Trump says later on CNN or MSNBC.

all trump does is insult never talks ABOUT WHAT HE CAN DO FOR THIS COUNTRY oops sry caps. I'm going to watch Biden as well. ~ bonsoir

homoe 10-16-2020 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1276486)
Is how did the Trump Town Hall event hosted by Savanna Guthrie, scheduled to air against Biden's Thursday night, come about? NBC call Trump or vice versa?

Well I'm still not sure how it call came about BUT what I am sure about, is how well it was choreographed & well coiffed!

IMHO, those stepping up to ask questions were not just picked at random, they were too well "put together" if you get my drift!

homoe 10-16-2020 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1276551)
Well I'm still not sure how it call came about BUT what I am sure about, is how well it was choreographed & well coiffed!

IMHO, those stepping up to ask questions were not just picked at random, they were too well "put together" if you get my drift!

Oh, I just read someone's post and YES it could of had to do with ratings, good observation...:hangloose:

C0LLETTE 10-16-2020 11:22 AM

Crazy Uncle vs Mr Rogers.

.. .frequent Fox News contributor, one Mercedes Schlapp, took to Twitter to pronounce on one half of the TV event: “@ABCPolitics town hall feels like I am watching an episode of Mister Rodgers Neighborhood.”

This was meant to be derisory, but just as Schlapp misspelled the TV icon’s name, she missed the point. People like Mister Rogers. They grew up with him, as they grew up with Joe Biden being around, and they like Mister Rogers' neighbourhood. It’s nice there.

Through one failure in Twitter sarcasm, this Fox News contributor inadvertently nailed down the entirely of the TV event. It was crazy uncle versus Mister Rogers. There are crazy uncles everywhere, Fox News teems with them, but there’s only one Mister Rogers.

Globe and Mail
October 16, 2020

homoe 10-16-2020 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 1276568)
Crazy Uncle vs Mr Rogers.

.. .frequent Fox News contributor, one Mercedes Schlapp, took to Twitter to pronounce on one half of the TV event: “@ABCPolitics town hall feels like I am watching an episode of Mister Rodgers Neighborhood.”

This was meant to be derisory, but just as Schlapp misspelled the TV icon’s name, she missed the point. People like Mister Rogers. They grew up with him, as they grew up with Joe Biden being around, and they like Mister Rogers' neighbourhood. It’s nice there.

Through one failure in Twitter sarcasm, this Fox News contributor inadvertently nailed down the entirely of the TV event. It was crazy uncle versus Mister Rogers. There are crazy uncles everywhere, Fox News teems with them, but there’s only one Mister Rogers.

Globe and Mail
October 16, 2020

Even Savannah tossed around the "crazy uncle" theme.......

Cin 10-19-2020 11:27 AM

It literally makes me sick to see that after all that has happened Trump still has plenty of supporters. I wonder what it would take for people to open their eyes. Also the Republicans despite they're abhorrent behavior and lack of interest in helping people effected by this pandemic seem to be holding their own in the senate races that are up for grabs. I really don't get it. This should be a slam dunk all around. Democrats should have the White House and control the Senate and the House in 2021. In a sane world they would. But I worry we are not living in a sane world at all. It's a Mad World - "Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow"


Kätzchen 10-19-2020 11:43 AM

Your post made me think of this song (mad world)

Originally Posted by Cin (Post 1276780)
It literally makes me sick to see that after all that has happened Trump still has plenty of supporters. I wonder what it would take for people to open their eyes. Also the Republicans despite they're abhorrent behavior and lack of interest in helping people effected by this pandemic seem to be holding their own in the senate races that are up for grabs. I really don't get it. This should be a slam dunk all around. Democrats should have the White House and control the Senate and the House in 2021. In a sane world they would. But I worry we are not living in a sane world at all. It's a Mad World - "Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow"


Cin 10-19-2020 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kätzchen (Post 1276781)
Your post made me think of this song (mad world)

That's good cause it was supposed to.:flowers:

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