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homoe 01-12-2020 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1260229)
Ohhhhh! Is that what we used to call a trick?

Being from the Midwest I NEVER heard 'trick' in regards to a woman!

It was simply called a one night stand, regardless if a suitcase was involved or not..:giggle:

JDeere 05-04-2020 06:44 PM

A trick is a whole nother term to some of us, depending on where you're from!


~ocean 05-04-2020 08:43 PM

playing a game of tag w/ my grandson ~ we spent 2 hrs. trying to out smart each other ~ he won . lol

A. Spectre 05-05-2020 07:30 AM

How have you met the people you've been involved with romantically or sexually?

The old fashioned way of course, 10 shots of whiskey at a bar!

I keed, I keed. My blushing bride and I met on an internet dating site. If I would not have expanded my geographical parameters by 50 miles, we would never have met.

Stone-Butch 05-05-2020 11:57 AM

Met people
I met most people through friends and at the club. Good dance music, good drinks and nice folks.

~ocean 05-05-2020 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by ~ocean (Post 1267229)
playing a game of tag w/ my grandson ~ we spent 2 hrs. trying to out smart each other ~ he won . lol

THIS POST WAS SUPPOSE TO BE IN "WHAT MADE YOU SMILE TODAY " oooppssssssssss:blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

~ocean 05-05-2020 06:09 PM

I met my ex at a bar playing darts till they took my darts away cause I was hitting the ceiling ,walls, a few tables. hy bought me a drink , after that.

nhplowboi 05-06-2020 07:17 AM

Sports, friends and bars before the internet. When the internet showed up it was mainly by chat where I thought I could get an idea of the person's being. Sadly, I found out that was not always true but I hung in there and found my Bevi and 10 years later the rest is history.

MaddieRobbie 09-08-2020 09:47 PM

I've met people just about anyway you can these days - online, at a wedding, at work, at parties, through friends of friends, at the bar, at an event, etc...

I never judge how anyone met their partners - not this gal - but I find I look back more fondly at the spontaneous meetings. Two people in the same space at the same time, and if we hadn't connected, would have just gone on with whatever it was that we were doing.

You know...silly rom com stuff (haha).

homoe 09-09-2020 08:27 AM

spontaneous meetings.....
I like to reflect on spontaneous meetings too.

The fact both of us ended up at the same place at the same time always intrigues me.

Serendipity/ Synchronicity perhaps?

Vincent 09-09-2020 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by MaddieRobbie (Post 1274544)
I've met people just about anyway you can these days - online, at a wedding, at work, at parties, through friends of friends, at the bar, at an event, etc...

I never judge how anyone met their partners - not this gal - but I find I look back more fondly at the spontaneous meetings. Two people in the same space at the same time, and if we hadn't connected, would have just gone on with whatever it was that we were doing.

You know...silly rom com stuff (haha).

My best R'ship I met at the gym,then I noticed she was the new tenant who moved in upstairs from me,at that time the B wans not in LGBT,so I got a lot of shit from friends.

But it was great and a breath of fresh air

I liked that it just happened,and was totally organic

MaddieRobbie 09-11-2020 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Vincent (Post 1274569)
My best R'ship I met at the gym,then I noticed she was the new tenant who moved in upstairs from me,at that time the B wans not in LGBT,so I got a lot of shit from friends.

But it was great and a breath of fresh air

I liked that it just happened,and was totally organic

These are the encounters and relationships I always seem to drift back to - the organic, unplanned collision of two people in the same space physically and emotionally...and shit just happens.

I did wine service at a private charity dinner in Vancouver a year ago and just swooned over this strapping, dashing chef. One long look and a few words about the wines and I was running back to the restroom to check my lip gloss, fluff my hair, and give the girls one last adjustment into the right position.

The evening went long and we connected occasionally in the kitchen over some business (or some made up business). When it was all over, I pulled out a bottle of leftover champagne and brought it back to the kitchen to share...and no one was there. Oh well...but it turned out they were all smoking behind the house so I brought the bottle outside. No one had glasses so we opened it up and passed it around. The hot chef handed it to me and while I was drinking some of the bubbles spilled down my chin. The chef took their hand and wiped the drizzle from my chin...and into her mouth. Then, she said it tasted better that way.

That kicked off a year-long, bi-coastal, "international" (haha) relationship that in the end only lacked substance, not fire. I think the distance actually gave it more time to burn, since we weren't seeing each other too often and our differences weren't much of a challenge (I wasn't around for drama with her ex or crowding time with her teenage daughter). It was just...fun. Occasionally we'd drift into a "what if" scenario, but it was never anything serious. Seemed to me that would break our rules - what we had was always better when it was for fun, so why poke a hole in the balloon?

We still connect, mostly by email. If I ever get back to Vancouver, I might say hi...

Vincent 09-11-2020 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by MaddieRobbie (Post 1274691)
These are the encounters and relationships I always seem to drift back to - the organic, unplanned collision of two people in the same space physically and emotionally...and shit just happens.

I did wine service at a private charity dinner in Vancouver a year ago and just swooned over this strapping, dashing chef. One long look and a few words about the wines and I was running back to the restroom to check my lip gloss, fluff my hair, and give the girls one last adjustment into the right position.

The evening went long and we connected occasionally in the kitchen over some business (or some made up business). When it was all over, I pulled out a bottle of leftover champagne and brought it back to the kitchen to share...and no one was there. Oh well...but it turned out they were all smoking behind the house so I brought the bottle outside. No one had glasses so we opened it up and passed it around. The hot chef handed it to me and while I was drinking some of the bubbles spilled down my chin. The chef took their hand and wiped the drizzle from my chin...and into her mouth. Then, she said it tasted better that way.

That kicked off a year-long, bi-coastal, "international" (haha) relationship that in the end only lacked substance, not fire. I think the distance actually gave it more time to burn, since we weren't seeing each other too often and our differences weren't much of a challenge (I wasn't around for drama with her ex or crowding time with her teenage daughter). It was just...fun. Occasionally we'd drift into a "what if" scenario, but it was never anything serious. Seemed to me that would break our rules - what we had was always better when it was for fun, so why poke a hole in the balloon?

We still connect, mostly by email. If I ever get back to Vancouver, I might say hi...

I must say for me,I had no idea she was interested at all

I told my friend,the woman upstairs,keeps coming down here a lot...........DAHHHHHH

I had just got out of a 14 yr, one night stand,LOL"why is it young people wanna be in r'ships,LOL

I guess coz we knew each other from the gym,that we actually enjoyed hangin out and had heaps in common.only problem was the whole heterosexual bi sexual thing.My dyke friends didn't cope,her straight friends didn't cope,it was the 90's

Anyway,it was the healthiest R'ship ive ever been in.

the rest honestly,was just lust and should have been move on.
But hindsight has 20/20
maybe age,but now i'm more reflective,and have zero interest in r'ships,lust i would be fine,as we discussed in the other thread.
And I love long distance,I love having my space,and you have yours. And lets just shag LOL.
Sounds like thats what you had,great your still in touch.

I only just worked this out,I kinda like lust,not r'ships,not that ive had many.

except her,I make the joke."me n Jenny were like peas n carrots":)
But time moves on.

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