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WolfyOne 02-12-2013 05:51 PM

In My Heart

From a distance I will make her smile
As she sits and ponders me a while
In her heart she'll truly know
Part of what I want to show
Who knows what will ever be
One day at a time is all I can see
To see her smile right now is divine
A happy face is always a good sign
Be it friend or lover I will not mind
Coming into my life was a lovely find
Keeping her in my heart either way
It's where I know this lady will stay

WolfyOne 03-21-2013 07:01 PM

Footprint On My Heart

She left a footprint on my heart
Learned about love before we drifted apart
Some days I sit and think about her
You'd think by now she'd be a blur
Thankful for the lessons I learned
And all the memories forever burned
Pictures painted in my head
None of which I'll ever dread
The silly way she looked at me
Wanton behavior I could always see
I'm grateful for the time we shared
Knowing that each of us cared
Moving forward as we both grew
Not being in love is something we knew
Selflessly I walked away
So she could find the one who'd stay
Be in love and truly feel
More than what I could reveal
Those younger years my stepping stone
As I age how much I've grown
I wouldn't trade the hurt and pain
But I'd never do it over again

WolfyOne 04-09-2013 03:05 PM

This Lady

It started with a soft sensual kiss
Everything about this lady I miss
From those beautiful accentuated lips
To how she can really move her hips
The way she walks
And how she talks
The zealous she has for life
Instead of a world filed with strife
Her laughter stuck in my head
Those eyes which I have read
The words she wants to share
I know this lady does care
My confidence is high
I adore her soft throaty sigh
She feels me when I touch her
Every emotion inside her I stir
This lady touched my heart
It happened from the start
Entwined our souls did bond
Like someone waved a magic wand
As it started with a kiss
This lady I do miss

WolfyOne 04-10-2013 09:57 AM

Under Your Skin

Give me your heart, soul and mind
To me you're an exquisite find
I'm the diamond in the rough
Wanting to be not always tough
You're the beauty that can soothe this beast
With your sweet love being released
Never did I think, I'd meet my match
But darlin', you're quite the catch
We both know exactly where we stand
All these feelings were so unplanned
I was once wild and free
Now you're all I can see
You're not just ready to take that leap
My confidence says I'll slowly creep
Under your skin and inside your soul
Your heart I know I already stole
When you're ready I won't go away
Been a long time since I wanted to stay
I was the one full of fear
Let me make that perfectly clear
Settling down wasn't for me
I was one step ahead wanting to flee
You came along I could feel the change
Now I want to rearrange
But time will tell where this will go
So for now we'll just take it slow

WolfyOne 04-13-2013 06:06 PM

A throw back in time
I was going through some very old family photos one of my nieces had saved when my mom died and given to me. Amongst these photos was a few pieces of yellowed papers. I began to open these papers to read what was on them and happened across something I wrote 40 years ago. I actually dated this paper, something I don't do with any of the poems I write, but as a kid, I dated everything....so, I want to share what I wrote way back then. It shows me that I'm still very much this kind of person to this day.

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain
Or help a dieing person,
Heal ones wounds again
Some people get hurt and others don't,
So why not lend a hand
And if I help some person,
I shall not live in vain

This shows me how far I've come in 40 years with my written word since this was written in 1973

WolfyOne 04-14-2013 09:14 AM

Good Vibrations

I know her soul enough to trust
Giving her space is a must
Faith it will all work out
This I have no doubt
Love in abundance I share
Letting her know I care
Slowly I opened my heart
Good vibrations from the start
Within her I could feel
Emotions that were real
Touching her she drank it in
Made my head start to spin
That first kiss
Was total bliss
The way she looked at me
Was something I didn't foresee
Inside I know she is the one
To her I want to run
No one before her has touched me this way
With faith love and hope this lady will stay

WolfyOne 04-17-2013 04:31 PM

My Heart

Guarded my heart for years
Through all the fears and tears
No one could penetrate it
Not even a little bit
Suddenly it let you in
This time it would win
My guarded wall came crashing down
And I didn't drown
What does this really mean
My heart is finally clean
No more pain
Plenty to gain
A new attitude
I'm filled with gratitude
Trying to make sense
These feelings intense
I do know that I'm good
And my heart it understood
Long before I even knew
My heart always had a clue

WolfyOne 04-19-2013 03:04 PM

Home Sweet Home

I'd like to rush home to a smiling face
Followed up by a warm embrace
Leading to a sensuous kiss
Completed by nothing but total bliss
Daydreaming about what could be
May someday be reality for me
My heart is open for the right match
Wouldn't be hard to undo the latch
I don't hold riches but I hold love
To give of me beyond and above
I know someone must hold the key
To help unleash the animal in me
Always making sure your needs are met
There is nothing you will regret
Hot and heavy fast or slow
Excite me again from your afterglow
Lets do it again if you have the steam
I want to see you gleam
Two bodies dripping with sweat
Began when I felt you so damn wet
How intense two souls can be
When we want to be set free
Sweet release has come to crest
As I slowly lay my head on your breast
On my back pulling you to my chest
Knowing I've been truly blessed

WolfyOne 04-21-2013 08:52 PM


Change I must make
How many steps will it take
Hard lines I won't cross
May eventually lead to a loss

Change as I evolve into
The person I want to view
Mirror image starring back
Nothing do I lack

Change at a daily pace
For me it's not a race
Getting where I want to be
Even if I'm the only one that can see

Change as I continue to grow
Outwardly it must show
Making myself proud
As I shout it loud

Change everyone should make
Even if only a mistake
Growth can't happen by chance
Do it and you will advance

Change puts you in a happy place
Something we can all embrace
Love yourself enough to admit
Inside you you know you can commit

WolfyOne 04-26-2013 04:13 PM

The Dance

The dance that leads right to the heart
Oh how I like the way it does start
A simple hug a touch of the hand
Could make my knees buckle where I stand
A receptive kiss can drive me wild
Especially when I know you smiled
The dance continues to amaze
In so many wonderful ways
It doesn't stop if you say you'll be mine
For each and every day you will shine
I'll take you places you need to go
Not a day will go by my love won't show
The dance will always need a tweak
Inside your soul I'll have to peek
Fantasies we both can fill
It only takes trust and will
Reaching out to pull you in
As I see that little grin
Let this dance continue to grow
And the love let it flow
For I have truly met my match
I'm falling woman can you catch

WolfyOne 04-28-2013 12:36 PM

Today was an eye opener and tearjerker for me first thing this morning as my phone rang and I answered it at 6:30am.
It took a soothing voice and very special lady to clam me down enough to find some clarity in all I was feeling...and I thank her.

Soon I found myself thinking and writing as I often do.
My words started to come together quicker than I could write.
So, in Loving Memory of my sister/friend, I write this poem.

My Childhood Friend

The loss of a childhood friend
What a message this does send
Closeness once shared by two
Oh how that time flew
Adult years we moved along
Childhood remembered by an old song
The missing years we lost touch
Together again we didn't miss much
Memories I will always hold near
You of course I'll always hold dear
I'm not letting go in any way
Inside my heart you'll always stay
I know your pain has been set free
But you can still confide in me
Send me a sign about your new place
And all those waiting to embrace
The beautiful person I always knew
Along with the friendship always true

RIP Kathy as you will be remembered by many for all the hearts you've touched in your lifetime.

~baby~doll~ 05-15-2013 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by WolfyOne (Post 82768)

... All your wishes will come true
All your hopes to never be blue
Everything you want comes your way
Open your eyes to a brighter day

Excerpt last stanza. Oh this so speaks to me and where i am right now. Thanks

~baby~doll~ 05-15-2013 10:10 AM

By post 41 you have become a sweet addiction. You turn and twist all of my emotions and gently lull me into wondrous visions. Thanks

WolfyOne 05-15-2013 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by ~baby~doll~ (Post 799050)
By post 41 you have become a sweet addiction. You turn and twist all of my emotions and gently lull me into wondrous visions. Thanks

Thank you babydoll, I always welcome feedback
and for anyone that wants to leave me a message here about my poetry.
I'm glad you are enjoying them and taking a look into my heart & soul.

~baby~doll~ 05-15-2013 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by WolfyOne (Post 799093)
Thank you babydoll, I always welcome feedback
and for anyone that wants to leave me a message here about my poetry.
I'm glad you are enjoying them and taking a look into my heart & soul.

i am looking at your heart but seeing into your soul. thanks for being so open and revealing.

WolfyOne 05-16-2013 07:02 PM


I want your heart soul and mind
I'll keep looking until I find
The one willing to give it all
For that is when I will fall
I want a lover and best friend
Someone able to make it blend
This special lady that I seek
Must never be afraid to speak
Communication tops my list
It is something I must insist
I don't need fortune or even fame
You don't have to talk a good game
Show me what you have from inside out
That's how I'll know what you're about
Love me deep and love me strong
Let me know where I belong
Touch my core and we'll connect
All my love I will project
Faithfulness until the end
You'll never see me pretend
I am ready to take that leap
Also one you'll want to keep

WolfyOne 05-16-2013 07:09 PM

Friends Forever

I would have never left you
For I admire the view
Stupid was the one to leave
Betting he does often grieve
Thankful we became friends
To you my hand extends
Always available day or night
As I would never take flight
Wanting to know more
Someone I'll not ignore
How do I make you see
What it is you mean to me
Friends forever with a twist
Possibly it can exist
An understanding when we meet
Both of us can feel the heat
Neither of us will commit
Not even ready to admit
Whatever it is we share
We do it because we care
No words can say
What a body does convey
If friends are all we'll ever be
I'll still be here and never flee

WolfyOne 05-23-2013 04:55 PM

My Journey

Where shall I be and with who
For today my muse flew
Into the heart of someone new
Yet I don't feel blue
The Universe has my plan
From the moment my new journey began
When the time is right
The woman for me will be in sight
My eyes will see only her
My emotions will certainly stir
For now my journey is about me
And the place I need to be
Chosen family that understand
The ones that know me firsthand
See the struggles I've been through
And love me no matter the view
As my journey moves along
I'll continue to be strong
Until that day I find my place
I'm not going to run a race
Moving always at my own pace
Life itself I shall embrace

WolfyOne 05-26-2013 07:38 PM

The Message

Never had a chance
To get past a weekend glance
You'll never get to know
Parts of me I didn't show
Never will the passion flare
Nor will you ever feel my stare
Never will you know my true heart
Because you chose to depart
Never will I be kept down
Not for long did I frown
I always said you'd be my friend
Today that's the message I do send
Never again to feel my kiss
Something I know you will miss
Never will either of us clutch
To that last lingering touch
Never to look at you the same
No more fire no more flame
Never were my words pretend
From my heart all I penned
Never will I stay sad
Nor will I ever be a cad
I always said I'd be your friend
Today that's the message I do send

~baby~doll~ 06-02-2013 10:19 AM

"Written Words

Eloquently some say I write
There are times I do it for spite"

For whatever reason you create a certain magic around each word you select and bring about images of delicate and gentle beauty. Thank you for sharing such loveliness with all of us.

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