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-   -   Is the customer really always right? What they said/what you wish could say... (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3991)

Hollylane 10-12-2011 10:12 AM

Is the customer really always right? What they said/what you wish could say...
This thread is meant to be a place where those of us who work with customers can blow off a little steam, have a good laugh, and say out loud the things we would love to say to our customers but can't because we need to stay employed...

For example:

This past Monday, my customer thought he had hung up the phone before he said to his friends...

"I wonder if she could feel me mind fucking her, 'cause her voice is HOT!"


Yesterday, during a conversation with my customer about the origins of his last name being rooted in South America, I mentioned that I am planning a trip there, and he said...

"Just don't get on the wrong bus, and end up in Cartagena!"


Something I wish I could have said to my difficult customer last week who felt that he was so deserving of all the finer treatment in life, while treating me like a piece of dung...

"Enjoy your trip to Mexico, don't bother coming back!"

Have fun posting about your good, bad, and ugly customer experiences!

One Rule:
Be kind to each other.

Gemme 10-12-2011 06:44 PM

Some of my customers are awesome and some of them are quite annoying and seem to feel entitled to more. No more how we 'work with them', they always want more. If I were to give them something for free, they would want more. Greedy little suckers!

There are some days that I just want to look them right in the eye when they complain about their bill and how much it is and when it's due and how come we can't help them out and ask them if they know how to read, because they signed a contract and everything they are bitching and moaning about is laid out in black and white on that piece of paper. It's true; you are very special, my lovely customer, just like everyone else.

nekohl 10-12-2011 07:45 PM

I think its interesting that people think I'm the one lying. I give my customers all of the info I have on a car, show them competative sets on other cars, show them accurate numbers on their trade etc. I'm honest in how I talk to them, but they project their preconceived notion of "scummy carsalesman" on me.

Meanwhile a customer will lie their faces off to me....
"Oh yep, I got me new tires on this car I want to trade in" when clearly the tires are bald or worse!

"Well, the OTHER dealership has the same car and they are $2000 less than you" meanwhile I can pull up any other dealer's inventory and prices and see that in fact Mr customer the other dealer does not have the same car for less.

"Nope, this car I'm trading in has never been in a wreck" when I can pull up their VIN and see wrecks, body work, salvaged titles etc!

And my favorite is the "yep I like this car, I just have to go get my husband/wife/mom/dad/kids off the bus/some other excuse to leave" then never come back or answer my messege when I call to see if you are still interested. If you don't like my car, my feelings won't be hurt! O
Why is it ok for customers to lie to me when I'm nothing but honest with them?

Thanks for the vent space :)

EnderD_503 10-12-2011 07:55 PM

In any job I've ever had where I have had to deal with costumers/clients...the costumer/client is rarely right, lol. Most of the time they come to you wanting answers, but when you give them one they don't want they carry on like you don't know what you're talking about. You're the "expert" until they don't like your answer. Either that or they completely refuse responsibility for their own idiocy the minute they step into whatever establishment you happen to be working in.

They act like assholes and expect you to take it. They try to scam you or play you and get "offended" when you call them out on it. In the case of clients they expect you to give your services entirely for free. They expect "good customer/client service" to mean that you become their slave/punching bag. I am regularly tempted to beat customers over the head with a 2x4.

Actually, my experience with customers/clients has made me really self-conscious when I step into any store or business. I try to go out of my way to show appreciation to those working there, just because being on the receiving end of an asshole customer always sucks.

Hollylane 10-12-2011 07:58 PM

"You CANNOT turn my power off, I have a dog!"

Gemme 10-12-2011 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Hollylane (Post 436480)
"You CANNOT turn my power off, I have a dog!"

Maybe it's a magic dog.

Peach 10-12-2011 10:18 PM

I have a customer, comes in every day at the same time, medium coffee with milk. 3 years now! His wife used to come in, but she had dementia, and was in a home, but he still came every day, on his way to visit her. Now and then, I give him is coffee on the house. He now brings me candy! Every now and then he gives me this giant bar of swiss milk chocolate. he is German, with a very thick accent and can be hard to understand
He told me a few days ago, his wife was close to death, how he had picked out a plot and headstone, and a box, because he couldnt think of the word casket. He came in two days ago and told me she had passed on, I came around the counter and hugged him, and he just hung on, told me how much he appreciated my kindness, and how good friends like me helped him compe. It about broke my heart.
Then I get some asshole bitch about how his damn bagel wasnt toasted enough. I wanted to slap him!

SecretAgentMa'am 10-12-2011 11:29 PM

I'm currently unemployed, but until last February I worked for a cell phone company that caters to AARP members. I have literally hundreds of stories.

At least 10 times a day:
Customer: You sold me a piece of shit phone! This thing is broken! I've only had it a month!
Me: I'm sorry to hear that, let's see if we can find the problem.
C: The problem is it's broken!
M: Okay, what exactly is going on with it?
C: It's broken!
M: I understand. I'm just trying to determine the exact problem.
C: The problem is that it doesn't work! Stop wasting my time and send me new phone!
M: I'll be happy to help, I just have to go through a few troubleshooting steps to see if we can find the problem first.
C: I told you it's broken, are you calling me a liar?
M: Not at all, this is just standard procedure. If you press and hold the power button, does anything happen? Beeping, flashing lights, any error message?
C: I already told you a hundred times that it's broken! It doesn't work! Are you stupid?
M: Please just press and hold the red button on the left side of the keypad.
C: Fine, but it won't work. I already told you it's broken. You're going to send me a new phone or I'm going to sue you!
*through the phone, I hear the cell phone's startup music as the phone powers on*
C: Bitch. *hangs up*

Seriously. Over and over again, all day long. I was never so happy to leave a job.

Hollylane 10-13-2011 11:16 PM

Customer: I misunderstood the notice due date, and you just turned my power off?

Me: The two notices we mailed, and the phone call that you answered all stated that we needed payment no later then 10/12/11. Right?

Customer: Yes, but I misunderstood the notice, just turn it back on!

Me: ...........

Quintease 12-26-2011 09:21 AM


tapu 12-26-2011 10:00 AM

As a customer, I have a way to end a dispute with a salesperson/clerk/CSrep. I say, Well, okay, I apologize gratuitously. Not once has anyone been offended. I'm waiting for the day when someone fast on their feet responds with something like, Okay, I flatulently accept your apology.

Miss July 12-26-2011 11:00 AM

Obviously I didn't know............
Customer: Do YOU know who I am?????
Me: Noooooooo Do YOU know who I am?
(insert polite smirk here)

My all time fav's when they ask me how come I didn't know something related to their trasactions................ I'm sorry My crystal ball is broken, let me get back to ya.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

If you can't give me the answer I WANT, get me the person who can.

AtLast 12-26-2011 02:25 PM

When working in a family business, I certainly had this drilled into me. Unless a customer was abusive, they were right, period.

To be honest, I think the level of courtesy and helpfulness in customer service has declined- mainly due to big box stores that sell on volume. The "good name & faith" of a business does not mean what it used to.

Hollylane 12-26-2011 02:47 PM

The problem in phone centers, is that the customers are often abusive because they are not standing in front of you.

AtLast 12-27-2011 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Hollylane (Post 492375)
The problem in phone centers, is that the customers are often abusive because they are not standing in front of you.

True. And online this is often true as well. Sometimes, I really think that our positive face to face communication skills are going to be a thing of the past. Automation of things not only has affected employment, but how we speak to one another. Sometimes I am sickened by how rude and sarcastic people have become- it is different than in the past in social situations to me.

A whole lot of entitlement going on when I think we are all "entitled" to courtesy and a willingness to communicate with each other in a way that leads to mutual understanding no matter if it about a product I bought and want to return or hearing out a loved one or friend.

Dominique 12-27-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by AtLast (Post 492865)
True. And online this is often true as well. Sometimes, I really think that our positive face to face communication skills are going to be a thing of the past. Automation of things not only has affected employment, but how we speak to one another. Sometimes I am sickened by how rude and sarcastic people have become- it is different than in the past in social situations to me.

A whole lot of entitlement going on when I think we are all "entitled" to courtesy and a willingness to communicate with each other in a way that leads to mutual understanding no matter if it about a product I bought and want to return or hearing out a loved one or friend.

I have something to say that fits exactly what Atlast has said. I am very involved my neighborhood. No need to elaborate on that any further. What is going on in Pittsburgh is a property reassesment. This feels unfair to many. It's been 9 years since the last reassesment. Now, just because the value of your home and or property may have been increased, this does not mean AUTOMATICALLY, your taxes increase. Today, at Lunch time, the Mayor, the Treasurer, and various members of the city tax Department
held a meeting in my neighborhood to help people understand. They also
layed out in a simple powerpoint illustration and handouts how to file tax appeals if you feel your assessment is out of line. People were angry. One person rippped up their assessment as some kind of protest:blink:. They wouldn't listen to any reasoning. I understand fear is a root cause. I raised my hand and when the microphone was passed to me, I spoke. I spoke about filing an appeal on the last assessment. (2002) I told the crowd I walked around the neighborhood, took photographs. Looked for properties that were similar in size, structure and date built. The internet was a new thing in 2002, so I went to the City County Bldg and looked up information on these properties I was going to take to my informal appeal. Some were comparable, some were not. In the end, I felt I was able to prove my tax assesment in 2002 was far too high. I was interrupted twice by some angry woman. I just kept giving her an evil look. I then talked about now, how all that information is on the internet, and how much easier the process is. It was far from hostile. This time some guy started to yell at me. When I am speaking publicly, I do a pretty good job with my filter but
he actually said *Listen Babe, I ain't got time for all that shit* Listen Babe?
:blink:So I threw away the filter. *No, you just came to fight. Part of the problem. Never interested in a solution*.

It gets old, and I'm pretty sick of rising above it. You can be ignorant back to them, and they don't even know it.

Rant over.

scootebaby 12-27-2011 01:45 PM

I have been doing what i do for over 16 yrs...i used to go with the whole "the customer is always right". Since moving where i am,working in the town i do,i have GREATLY amended that. Its about a 60/40 split. I have no problem dealing with a little "upsetness" when i or my staff am in the wrong HOWEVER i have learned to spot the little signs of when people are just trying to get something for nothing,and i will call bullshit. I have been given a lot of unofficial leeway on this because of the area we are in. Dont get me wrong i am still nice--til its time to not be nice-to the customer,but if they continue to be rude or threatening i do not tolerate it.

its a fine line to work,and im sure i dont always walk it perfectly,but i do NOT agree that they are always right in this day and time.

ps...the common line is..

customer: you are a bitch
me:yes i am,thank you

curlyredhead 12-27-2011 01:46 PM

In our company, the customer isn't always right and we will make sure they are aware of that! Not to be rude, but we have an entire clause on the back of our invoices. Secondly if I tell you that you can not return the material once it is cut I mean that! Also don't try to tell me I typed up the wrong material when I repeated to you 2 times what you are getting. I also had you check the invoice before you walked out the door. LOL

homoe 12-27-2011 03:14 PM

I haven't worked retail for the past 11 years! After 30 some years I burnt out. I know it takes a special person that can deal with the public day in and day out though, and it's not a job for just anyone.

Peach 12-27-2011 06:07 PM

customer--this soup is bad
me----whats wrong with it?
customer--its bad
me----is it cold?
customer--no, its bad, I dont like it. I have never liked mushroom soup
me----you dont LIKE mushroom soup, why did you order it?
customer--I wanted to see if I still didnt like it. I dont, I want my money back, and a different kind of soup
me----I'm sorry, if the only reason is you dont LIKE the soup, and never liked it, I cannot refund your money. there is nothing wrong with the soup. I am happy to give you a different kind, but I will have to charge you for it.
customer--thats stupid, you are stupid, your soup is stupid.
me----I'm sorry you feel that way.
me--(in my head) you stupid sonofabitch, if you never liked mushroom soup, dont order it, I'm not giving you free soup, buecause YOU are stupid!

on a daily basis, this happens in one way or another. Tim Hortons, gotta love it.

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