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-   -   What did you accomplish today? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2631)

JustJo 01-05-2011 07:58 PM

What did you accomplish today?
I'm one of those people who likes to get things done...I work from home, and multi-task all day.

I often stress myself out when I look at how many things remain on my various "to do" lists...so one of the things I do to make myself feel better sometimes is to make another list...a list of the things I have accomplished each day.

Some items are big, some are small...and some days the list is longer than others. Let's face it, some days just getting out of bed is an accomplishment. :)

Here's a place for you to do the same...and give yourself a pat on the back for all the things you did manage to get done. :thumbsup:

I'll start...today I accomplished:
  • made coffee for me and tea for the Rooster
  • made breakfast (scrambled eggs and toasted bagel) for both of us
  • packed Rooster's lunch
  • took Rooster to school
  • set the tide clock I got Scoote for our anniversary
  • packed her lunch and delivered it to her at work
  • went to Ace Hardware - returned the incorrect parts and got the right one to repair the broken sprinkler pipe
  • restocked TP in both bathrooms
  • made lunch (turkey, lettuce and tomato on wheat....yummy)
  • took Advil for my sore shoulder
  • cleaned the cat box
  • did laundry all day...4 loads washed and dried, 5 loads folded, hung and put away (there was one left in the dryer when I started...oops)
  • brought recycle bins and trash can up from the curb
  • unpacked Rooster's suitcase from his trip to NY
  • installed a new sprinkler head....yippee!
  • gave the lawn a good drink, then reset the sprinkler system's automatic schedule
  • sprayed RoundUp on the weeds in the gravel part of the driveway
  • picked up Rooster from school
  • made dinner
  • packed up the leftovers and put in fridge
  • loaded and started the dishwasher
  • wrote a letter I've needed to write, copied some paperwork to go with it
  • and in between all of that I did my regular job....posted on the Planet...cuddled kittys, etc.

StillettoDoll 01-05-2011 08:21 PM

Done Today!!!!
We got rid of that big ass boat, that has been in the back yard for years. WOOOHOOOO!

Restocked the store where I sell soap,.

Grocery store accomplished!

Today's workout done!

bigbutchmistie 01-05-2011 08:29 PM

I accomplished getting on everyones damned nerves today :) I have had a productive day LOL :)

Gemme 01-05-2011 08:46 PM

Today, I....

* got up, had a banana, and made the bed

* went to the gym for an amazing workout

* took a bunch of stuff to the recycling bin but gave the aluminum to the guy going through our dumpster...I figure it's going to the same place and, if he can make some buck off of it, it's a win win situation

* got some unexpected time to myself to chill (a high commodity for me)

* made myself lunch

* washed the bathroom mirror

* talked and texted with my boss

* showered

* had some cuddle time with Ebon

* ran some errands and brought pizzas home for dinner

* cooked pizzas and ate dinner with my honey

* watched the Biggest Loser season premiere

* found this girl

* playing on here

*....soon to be done....rewrite some notes from work and fall to sleep while reading my ginormous work manuals

dark_crystal 01-05-2011 08:49 PM

i taught Basic Computing to a class of twelve beginners...without breaking into a cold sweat all over my body! Thank you Ativan!

oh and then i got through supervisors meeting without calling anyone an idiot

Soft*Silver 01-05-2011 08:55 PM

groomed the old newfie...she sheds enough for a mini collie to be born!

washed, dried, folded and put away all the clothes

touched up my roots for the first time!

made white sauce spagetts for dinner

cleaned both bathrooms

redid my nail polish

scootebaby 01-05-2011 09:09 PM

got my son up for school
drove him to school
went back to bed for about an hr
got up headed to work
dated and put up the truck(100 items of different sizes and weight)
patty placed/downstacked 50 trays of dough
flipped all lexans(which seems too complicated to all my employees
ate sandwich my sweetie brought to me
hired a new driver
stayed calm--till my night shift leader got there
did not kill said shift leader
finished a 10.5 hr shift
drove home
ate and took meds
shared jello with my kitty

JustJo 01-06-2011 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by scootebaby (Post 260103)
dated and put up the truck(100 items of different sizes and weight)

Honey...you're dating a truck? :blink:


Wow...what a productive bunch we were yesterday!
Kudos to all of us! :cheer: :clap: :cheer:

katsarecool 01-06-2011 09:30 AM

Yesterday I grocery shopped for me and the furr babies for one month! Then came home popped a pain pill ate lunch and slept for eight hours.

This morning I washed dishes and clean all the counter tops with bleach.

That's it for today other than the routine stuff like eating, bathing, feeding the "kids".

scootebaby 01-06-2011 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 260347)
Honey...you're dating a truck? :blink:


Wow...what a productive bunch we were yesterday!
Kudos to all of us! :cheer: :clap: :cheer:

uhhh i can explain honey...really it means nothing!

JustJo 01-06-2011 07:32 PM

Today was more about the paying job than the home stuff....so I did a bunch of emailing and conference calls...and also:
  • made breakfast for Rooster & me (tea/coffee, bagels, strawberries)
  • made jello for Scoote (strawberry)
  • packed lunches for Rooster and Scoote
  • took Rooster to school
  • gave kittys tuna (cuz I forgot about "tuna Sunday"...oops)
  • made the bed, showered
  • doctor appointment (yep, it's viral...drink lots of fluids and rest)
  • mailed a letter
  • measured a 2 mile walking track in the neighborhood...so Shadow and I can get back in shape
  • reheated leftovers for dinner
  • cleaned the kitty box
  • loaded the dishwasher

No big projects accomplished today...but it's progress. :)

Soft*Silver 01-06-2011 07:37 PM

Put up three more small bird feeders in the back yard, where I can watch the birds feed from my back kitchen window.

got the rugs vaccumed and shampooed

ate three pieces of pizza..HA! That was an accomplishment! LOL

Jesse 01-06-2011 07:43 PM

Hmmm...my biggest accomplishment today was going all day so far and only smoking one cig. That's huge for me!

Gemme 01-06-2011 08:04 PM

I haven't killed anyone today yet, but Ebon's pushing it. :weightlifter:

Daktari 01-06-2011 08:10 PM

  • I managed to wake up...a triumph in itself, I want to sleep for a week.
  • I got to the library with the right books and ever'thin'
  • I managed to lock my new laptop into the university system
  • I think I finished my powerpoint presentation.
  • I think between me and the librarian we managed to get an image into my essay...oh joy!
  • I made food...well toast :blink:
  • I got in bed....deep joy!

Kenna 01-06-2011 08:27 PM

sorted through a well organized but full storage shed... box by box... THANK GOODNESS for a sunny day!
found every item I was looking for
Diploma *check*
few items for my new desk *check*
favorite kitchen utensils *check*
winter clothes *check*
ironing board *check*
and found some "thought was lost forever" items :cheesy: *grin* (damn, I love a good, well made corset under my professional business suits!)
REPACKED storage shed :thud:

Stopped by OfficeMax to fax Diploma (another step done in process to getting THAT call)

Miss Scarlett 01-06-2011 08:47 PM

December client billing is in the mail...some folks will not be happy.

SnackTime 01-06-2011 09:35 PM

Paid a few bills
Made some phone calls
Sent and replied to important emails
Made it to the store for dog food
Tuned acoustic and bass guitars

Medusa 01-06-2011 09:54 PM

  • Bought paint and room redo supplies
  • Cleaned kitchen for umpteenth time
  • Taped off living room to help Jack out with our remodel
  • Watched Jack paint freshly scraped ceiling (it looks AMAZING!)
  • Grilled a New York Strip steak and went country and had tator tots on the side
  • Made list of random things I need to get done before my vacation is over

StillettoDoll 01-07-2011 06:54 PM

After work....
donated 9 boxes of stuff bye bye
worked out
finished a load of laundry
groomed a friends 2 dogs

Daktari 01-07-2011 07:27 PM

  • Managed to get out of bed
  • Printed out full colour hand-outs for presentation on Monday
  • Met Big Gay Al for coffee for the first time since Christmas
  • Bought the gubbins for hot toddies to help with my cold
  • Started and finished bibliography for essay
  • Actually made more substantial food than toast

miss entycing 01-07-2011 07:40 PM

been purging my belongings the last couple days (12 hefty bags and several boxes later... of clothing, linens, purses, shoes, dishes etc)
my son and I will be taking all of it to the battered womens shelter tomorrow!
(cept the darling purse and few suprises for SD and the kiddo!)

I had accomplished the whole house by this evening- rid myself of clutter, and it's sparkling now!
(btw, have I mentioned how much I LOVE the Mr Clean Lavender/Vanilla?? Woot!!)

I accomplished an even head, and an even tone all day too-
the good girl that I am kept my toungue in check, and refrained from running my mouth,
even managed to keep all the heavy glass objects in my house from flying.

AND- I am not divorced yet, and Damon is still alive and kicking-
it was touch and go there some of the day tho, I'm tellin ya-

mission accomplished- at least for today.:praying:

JustJo 01-07-2011 07:41 PM

  • took the Prince to school
  • got breakfast for Rooster and I
  • packed lunches for Rooster and Scoote
  • took Rooster to school
  • worked my job job
  • fed outdoor kitty
  • changed indoor animals water
  • cleaned cat box
  • took Shadow for 2 mile walk (yay us!)
  • picked Rooster up from school
  • made dinner
  • baked brownies (I blame Ebon)
  • unloaded, reloaded and ran the dishwasher
  • flopped on couch, put feet up....Jo is off for the rest of the day :)

Gemme 01-07-2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 261255)
  • took the Prince to school
  • got breakfast for Rooster and I
  • packed lunches for Rooster and Scoote
  • took Rooster to school
  • worked my job job
  • fed outdoor kitty
  • changed indoor animals water
  • cleaned cat box
  • took Shadow for 2 mile walk (yay us!)
  • picked Rooster up from school
  • made dinner
  • baked brownies (I blame Ebon)
  • unloaded, reloaded and ran the dishwasher
  • flopped on couch, put feet up....Jo is off for the rest of the day :)

I usually do too. :blink:

Starbuck 01-07-2011 08:21 PM

What did I do today??
Let's see:
1: After getting out of bed I stripped the bed linen and put it into wash
2: Ate breakfast with milk that's 7 days past it's "better if used by" date
3: Took my morning meds
4: Vacuumed the living room, front foyer, down the hall, the kitchen and dining room
5: Mopped all that I just vacuumed, except the living room :p
6: Made lunch
7: Took my son to the doctor
8: Waited 45 minutes at the pharmacy then took my son to my brother's house
9: Went for coffee with a friend
10: Folded towels
11: Put bed linen into dry
12: Re-made bed
13: Worked on budget using Quicken 2011
14: Sat down to enjoy BFP

StillettoDoll 01-09-2011 05:14 AM

accomlished yesterday
Started separating all my business receipts for taxes, and got all filed!! ...woohooo :thumbsup:
Next I will have to start adding them up . hopefully today
good stuff to do on a rainy day

Gemme 01-09-2011 06:49 AM

I cleaned the apartment a bit yesterday after I came home, so now that I'm awake with almost 3 hours to go before the alarm goes off, anything is possible.

Sleep is my preference, though.

JustJo 01-09-2011 08:11 AM

Yesterday was shopping day...and not fun shopping either. We went to Lowes (air filters, pool shock...and 2 nice plants from the clearance rack....woot!) I also got paint chips to compare to our bedroom, because I really want to freshen it up but keep a very similar color. It's kind of creamsicle (remember those?) with white trim. :)

After that I did WalMart (insanity on a Saturday afternoon), while Scoote took Rooster to GameStop (gift card burning hole in pocket)...then late lunch at Cracker Barrel....then off to BJ's. The house is now stocked to the rafters again.

Other than that, just small stuff....shocked the pool, listed the shed on freecycle (yay...thank you sweetie :stillheart: ) and flaked out early.

Sparkle 01-09-2011 08:24 AM

194 points on a single scrabble move for the word "smarties" no less! :D

Nightshade 01-09-2011 12:55 PM

I got up. I made coffee. I'm drinking said coffee while strategizing (read; procrastinating and avoiding) how best to plan my meals for the week, shop for groceries, finish the laundry and make bread today.

citybutch 01-09-2011 01:02 PM

the dishes... (ha!)

but it IS only 11 AM... I actually slept in until 8 AM!! :shocking:

Nightshade 01-09-2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by citybutch (Post 262260)
the dishes... (ha!)

Show off. ;)

Blade 01-09-2011 01:23 PM

Got a barrier around little dog cage
shavings in dog houses
cleaned off porch...this could be in detail but isn't
helped sweet put a lean to against the porch for inside little dogs to potty under instead of out in the snow
picked up water hose so I don't have to hunt it in the snow tomorrow
put my beef in the crock pot
more to come when I accomplish it....

SnackTime 01-09-2011 06:42 PM

I got out of a WARM bed this morning
Finished laundry (including putting it away)
Cleaned the kitchen
A short nap (LOL)

Soon 01-09-2011 06:45 PM

--finished laundry (still haven't put away--is that NOT the worst part?!)

--cleaned kitchen

--worked out on NEW treadmill for forty minutes!

(avoided: marking/grading)

Canela 01-09-2011 06:50 PM

cool thread!
I got some:

Cleaning, done
Cooking, done
Laundry, done
Shipping items, done
Visiting with an ornery old butch who is sick at home with a cold, done
Getting ready for the week, almost done....

Pretty productive day today, all in all...

Blade 01-09-2011 06:56 PM

Fed dogs and cats
Let inside people out to run and play while I checked my oil and moved my truck out from under the trees
added mushrooms, corn and peas to my beef
filled total of 20 gallons of water into containers
got propane heater and stove out of building and cleaned them up
washed dishes
pulled up food for birds and squirrels to be put out in the morning after the snow falls tonight
roasted 3 pounds of raw peanuts for the squirrels
took out trash
took out recycle stuff

I think all I have left is wash my clothes and myself before bed.

StillettoDoll 01-09-2011 06:59 PM

Cleaned out 1 cabinet in the bathroom.
Picked up my car, that was in the shop getting fixed.
Worked out.
Put away my clothes that I washed yesterday

JustJo 01-09-2011 07:02 PM

Today was a relaxation day...so:
  • coffee for me, tea for Rooster
  • planted the bushes I got yesterday on the clearance rack
  • made taquitos for Rooster
  • went shopping for birthday gift...got gift plus orange towels, marked down Christmas decorations, etc.
  • dropped off birthday gift
  • headed to the beach with Scoote....walked for miles, found a few nice shells, made some Vitamin D :)
  • took a shower
  • supervised a little homework
  • made dinner

Nightshade 01-09-2011 07:04 PM

Folded and put away laundry.
Washed dishes.
Shopped for groceries.
Made chicken salad for sandwiches.
Made mac and cheese and homemade garlic mashed potatoes to go with various meats and veggies this week.
Browned chorizo for quick breakfasts.
Made my weekly loaf of bread.

Watched Soprano's DVD, mostly for the opening song but also because I'm a sick puppy.

Loved, laughed, kissed and remained open to one of the most important things in my entire life. Found a reserve of patience when I thought I had drained the very last drop.

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