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-   -   Talk about your exercise experience today (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6401)

nycfem 03-07-2013 08:14 PM

Talk about your exercise experience today
Title is self-explanatory. And it's fine for posts to be boring and about the whole experience, not just the exercise.

Here's my exercise experience today (1 hour):

After work I went to the gym. It was snowing and raining. I used an elliptical-like cardio machine called the Arc Trainer for 45 minutes. While on it, I watched a reality show called "LA Shrinks" (or something like that) about therapists' problems and their sessions with clients. It seems like an unethical show, and I had a hard time getting into it because I didn't find anyone on it very likable. After that I went to a mat and did stretching, yoga poses, and weight lifting for 15 minutes. During that I listened to a a really annoying, loud young female trainer and one of her older man-clients. They were spending most of the time talking about their personal lives. I was glad that she spoke loud and clearly because it gave me something to listen to, and they're conversation was so inappropriate (She was kind of giving him a paid "girlfriend experience" as they say) that it was like a reality show. It was a really nice time at the gym today.

JustBeingMe 03-07-2013 08:53 PM

My walking has not been able to do on my mom's treadmill. the motor on it won't run while I am on it, it keeps stopping. i think it's time to trash the thing because the motor is burned out. I don't live near any gyms nor could I afford a membership and it's just too freaking cold most days to go out and walk. I just do my stretching exercises for my back and legs to keep them moving and as pain free as I can get them til it's warm enough to go out and walk. My grandmother has a treadmill in her shed she doesn't use so I am going to ask her if I can use it when I visit her in June. I am limited on my ability to walk, I can barely handle 30 mins until the pain starts setting in. I have pushed myself for 45 mins walking and it really starts to hurt. I just have to keep pushing my pain level tolerance I guess. I have 3 bad discs in my back and permanent nerve damage in both legs to my toes starting at my lower back.
I am having trouble being motivated since the damn treadmill quit working right. I am not doing what I need to do walking wise right now. I know I am bad at being motivated, but being out in the cold damp weather is really painful for me, that's why i want it to warm up before I venture outdoors to walk. I have a route that I know is just over a mile and I plan on walking it when the weather is better.
I need the support here to be more motivated to do what I need to do to take better care of my strength in my muscles and walking helps me lose weight too.

Thanks for starting this thread, NY. I appreciate it. I am going to subscribe to it for support.

jac 03-07-2013 09:32 PM

I can see that this is going to be a rather inspiring thread. Starting tomorrow, I will play too!! :D

Keeping in mind I will be starting out slow and picking up thr pace as my legs begin to limber up more... Gotta work out those arthritis kinks for the spring/summer, right? ;)

JustBeingMe 03-07-2013 10:04 PM

I live in a tiny HEE HAW type town in Texas, no malls to walk in or anything. There is Nothing here to do whatsoever. I live here because I have to help my mom when she needs to go to the doctor, issues with her house needing repairs, etc. So I am limited on what resources I have available. The towns in the surrounding areas don't have anything either as far as being able to have resources. Thanks for the effort Jac and the reps.
I appreciate everything. I wish I did have other resources available or the ability to afford a membership somewhere. I am on a fixed disability income and it sucks big ones.
It's getting colder by the weekend and rain in the forecast, so no walking this weekend for sure. Another cold front is heading inward from the West coast via Canada etc. Spring certainly isn't here yet. I wish it were warmer.

Ginger 03-08-2013 06:32 AM

I joined a really cheap gym in December. I used to pay literally 12 times as much for Crunch in my neighborhood. It's huge, with splashy purple and yellow decor, very decent new equipment, but no free weights, classes, trainers, or any of the high-end stuff—none of which I ever used.

Anyway, on the way home from work I get off the train, walk a block to my new gym, then use seven stationary weight machines (four sets, ten reps each at each machine).

Sometimes I change in the bathroom at work as I'm leaving at 5, so I can move in and out of the gym even more quickly. I always feel like I'm in a hurry to get home, which is where I want to be, 24/7, but alas it is not possible.

After I leave the gym I get back on the train, go a few more stops, and I'm home. I have some frozen grapes and relax for a few minutes, then I do 15 minutes on my exercycle, a beautiful, museum-quality (I saw one just like it at the Smithsonian, LOL!), Schwinn from the sixties that really kicks my ass.

I do that three times a week. Not as much as I used to do, but that's the pattern I'm in now.

DapperButch 03-08-2013 06:37 AM

Just started to get back on the exercise horse last week. Eliptical and free weights in my house.

Hiking several miles in the woods each weekend with the dog is standard year round, so I don't really count that. :dog:

Daktari 03-08-2013 06:43 AM

Got outta bed, lifted a tea cup :tea:

There may be more exercise later ;)

I'm a cyclist. I can't bear exercising in a closed room. I use my bike as transport as well as for joy riding. Not much need for 'dedicated' exercise when you ride a bike daily.

Kätzchen 03-08-2013 09:22 PM

I walk pretty much every single day;
but what works for me, on a consistent basis,
is jumping (or dancing) on an indoor trampoline:

I feel tons better when I make time for that
in my daily routine (for about an hour); but it depends on if my
neighbors are home or not (I live above them).
When I'm doing my exercise routine on the trampoline
I usually have the music turned up pretty loud (bass).
Mostly, if I can work up a sweat, fairly soon into my routine,
I keep that pace for about another half hour or so.
I've heard that a person can burn up more calories, if you
push yourself to maintain a routine of exercise for a period
of time - once you pass the threshold of breaking into a sweat.

cinnamongrrl 03-08-2013 09:32 PM

Does shoveling count?? Cuz it sure feels like it should.... lol

Sun 03-08-2013 10:34 PM

I want to get back into a gym but this seasonal work gig is kicking my butt hard. It feels like I am working out all day long at work. Especially upper body work. However being right hand dominant I am getting too much work on my right side and need to even it out. So free weights have now been added to my at home routine that includes, Yoga, sit ups, pushups and swimming when it is not thunder lighting and hail. Like today. Each day I walk between 2-6 miles just because I like to walk.

I need a bike. Another great workout.

Nice idea for a thread :)

Thank you.

Yes Cinn, shoveling counts.

MarquisdeShey 03-08-2013 10:38 PM

powerhour....jab cross upper cut hook... my favorite words so far.... repeat

Rockinonahigh 03-08-2013 10:41 PM

I didn't do a lot today cause Iw en't to the dentiss this morning,but I di play some one on one basket ball this afternoon as wello as play ball with my fur kids.I really need to get back in the grove of some real workouts like I did before all this nasty cold weather hit and turned my arthritis into a burning hell fire to deal with...the hotter it is the better I am,comeon summer.I have a gym membership but dont go like I should,my bad i gess its just so boreing even tho I mix it up.

jac 03-09-2013 12:04 AM

Today pulling two shifts I really haven't had time to get started so to speak. I walked to and from work twice which equals outt to approx. one mile. If I really broke down all the up and down I do to answer the door I could say that I do a good 50 squats easily. there's really no sitting still at work.

I want to get a pedometer (?) I would be interested to see just how many steps I take in a day at the shelter.

Tomorrow, or rather, today and after I get some sleep, I want to begin my stretching regiment. Slow and steady wins the race.

Hollylane 03-09-2013 12:06 AM

Oh NOooooOOooo....A thread where I can hold myself accountable...AHHHhhHHHHhhhhh...You are such a meanie! ;)

Great thread idea!

Kobi 03-09-2013 03:51 AM

Today was my full workout day at the gym. This means 30 minutes on the treadmill where I try and occupy my mind with tv, or going over stuff I have to do, or just people watching.

Today, I got to watch someone on the eliptical, in spandex, wearing a thong, with bubble butt buns of steel. Unfortunately, today was one of those days where all the women were on the treadmills and all the men were on the elipticals. :confused:

Then it is 35-40 minutes using the nautilus machines. Most of them are to maintain core strength. Some are just for muscle definition. Some just feel good.

Then it was back on the treamill for an extra 15 minutes to just cool down.

And, for some comic relief, I did a little Mother Nature resistance training, i.e. fighting the gale force winds to get back to my car.

Gemme 03-09-2013 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by JustBeingMe (Post 763465)
My walking has not been able to do on my mom's treadmill. the motor on it won't run while I am on it, it keeps stopping. i think it's time to trash the thing because the motor is burned out. I don't live near any gyms nor could I afford a membership and it's just too freaking cold most days to go out and walk. I just do my stretching exercises for my back and legs to keep them moving and as pain free as I can get them til it's warm enough to go out and walk. My grandmother has a treadmill in her shed she doesn't use so I am going to ask her if I can use it when I visit her in June. I am limited on my ability to walk, I can barely handle 30 mins until the pain starts setting in. I have pushed myself for 45 mins walking and it really starts to hurt. I just have to keep pushing my pain level tolerance I guess. I have 3 bad discs in my back and permanent nerve damage in both legs to my toes starting at my lower back.
I am having trouble being motivated since the damn treadmill quit working right. I am not doing what I need to do walking wise right now. I know I am bad at being motivated, but being out in the cold damp weather is really painful for me, that's why i want it to warm up before I venture outdoors to walk. I have a route that I know is just over a mile and I plan on walking it when the weather is better.
I need the support here to be more motivated to do what I need to do to take better care of my strength in my muscles and walking helps me lose weight too.

Thanks for starting this thread, NY. I appreciate it. I am going to subscribe to it for support.

Just, walk around your home. Just design a path and walk it over and over until you've reached your pain point that says, "that's enough". That way, you will still get walking in, but you'll be in a warmer environment.

Where there is a will, there is a way.


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl563 (Post 764062)
Does shoveling count?? Cuz it sure feels like it should.... lol

Totally counts! It can burn, depending on weight and proportion, almost 300 calories per hour. :)


Originally Posted by jac (Post 764130)
Today pulling two shifts I really haven't had time to get started so to speak. I walked to and from work twice which equals outt to approx. one mile. If I really broke down all the up and down I do to answer the door I could say that I do a good 50 squats easily. there's really no sitting still at work.

I want to get a pedometer (?) I would be interested to see just how many steps I take in a day at the shelter.

Tomorrow, or rather, today and after I get some sleep, I want to begin my stretching regiment. Slow and steady wins the race.

I have a pedometer that my honey gave me and it's worked out well for a few days but yesterday, I think Mercury Retrograde was in full blast with it because I know I didn't get over 10,000 steps (the goal for most) in. I spent a lot of time in the office, so it should have just been about 4000-5000 steps. Hmmmm.

Now, for my exercise experience:

I'm not making the time to exercise outside of work, so my experiences involved picking up other people's litter and cleaning metal boxes and running back and forth doing this and that on the property.

Most days I don't mind it, but this weekend is going to have rain all weekend and everything will be muddy and mucky and I don't care for that. So, this weekend, in addition to my usual experiences cleaning up after others (complete with the usual internal grumbling about people being raised in barns and having no consideration for others whatsoever), I will most likely be mopping up muddy streaks on my light gray floors.

Grumbling will be optional, as always.

Island, I love PF! I've seen a few throwdowns when the Lunk Alarm goes off. When I was working out there, that was definitely an interesting experience to have while I was exercising.

MarquisdeShey 03-09-2013 07:51 AM

...coffee (x).... breakfast (x)...powerhour (in 45 min)

SuddenlyWestFemme 03-09-2013 09:36 AM

I tend to be a seasonal exerciser. I do Yoga in the park (3 days a week) from spring to early fall. I love outdoor yoga and there are so many free classes here in Seattle during the summer. In the winter, I have a lot of trouble getting motivated and it is the time I need it most (as double stuff Oreos call out to me louder in the winter.)

I did buy a groupon last month for "Beginning Pole Dance Lessons-a 6 week course." OMG... Can't believe I did that! But it is for everyday women and not for those trying to make a living at it. That would have been too intimidating!! exercising next to a bunch of sexy 20 year olds is NOT my idea of a good time.

I bought the groupon as I thought it might just be fun and an incentive to work out. Class begins on April 4th so I may not exercise much (besides walking my dog which I do everyday) until then. The class going on now was too full so i have to wait. But after the class ends... my free Yoga in the park will begin again. WooHoo!

Kelt 03-09-2013 12:00 PM

I do one basic thing every day. I go nordic walking in sand (no impact, I can't walk on hard surfaces so this is a must) for as long as I can, with stop offs to do basic streching/range of motion every 30-45 minutes.

There is the place where I stop off to refill my water bottle 3-4 times per walk, There are different heights of pilings, so I use them for modified bodyweight exercises every other day. If I just do 15 of each at each stop so I hardly even notice doing it and I get 45-60 reps of each done. I prefer that to actually 'working out'. I still get the basics in though.

I also very much prefer being active outdoors, the fresh air and sun do wonders for my mental health. Of course, having a moderate climate helps. Yep, very thankful for that.


P.S. Great thread idea!

JustBeingMe 03-09-2013 12:07 PM

Hmm, going to have to try what Gemmie suggested, walking around my apt. I need a pedometer to see how much I can walk in 30 mins.
Great idea for now, Gemme, thanks for the reminder I do have a place to walk indoors, lol. But I still can't wait til Spring and Summer are here. I prefer walking outdoors when it's warmer.

easygoingfemme 03-09-2013 07:45 PM

It's warming up finally! I got a good hike in with the dog. Was walking through snow on back trails but it was warm enough that we didn't mind too much.

Rowing machine for 30 minutes or so.

Taught a cooking class that had me running about for a couple of hours. Teaching 15 college kids how to make a whole foods lunch. That was fun busy with with a good meal to follow!

nycfem 03-10-2013 07:06 PM

I did a two hour workout at the gym today, and it was fucking fabulous! I love when I can sleep in on a Sunday and then go to the gym with all my focus and energy as opposed to work days where I might be tired or distracted and not have enough time to do a longer work-out.

First I went on the elliptical-like machine for an hour while I was able to flip between two really good shows. One was an episode of SNAPPED about a lesbian love triangle murder, and the other was a reunion hosted by Andy Cohen on Bravo of the Shahs of Sunset (a reality show I like).

Then I did an hour combo of lifting free weights, yoga, ab exercises, stretches, and the like. I never listen to anything during that because I need to focus and count. It's not like I can zone out, and I like the attention it all requires anyway. It feels good after my heart rate is up from the cardio. I feel like I'm in a state of meditative bliss.

I looked around for this one woman who is always at the gym, as in always. No matter when I show up she's there. She is always doing the stair master. Man, does she ever stay on that stair master for a long time. I muse on her a lot, like why the fuck is she at the gym so much. She is always alone and wearing black skin tight shorts and a black bra top. Her hair is shoulder-length bleach blonde, and she wears it with a pony tail coming out of a baseball cap. She's good at texting while working out intensely. That would kill me. She looks like she has no body fat and does not look anorexic. She looks very fit and muscular. I even wondered if there was a FTM trans element about her because of the traditionally boyish-body that she's created and a kind of boyish walk too. But she wears a little perfume and lipstick, so I've kind of quashed that theory. It's hard to tell how old she is, maybe in her thirties. We exchange the occasional smile. It makes me think of the Jill Sobule song "Lucy at the Gym."

Hollylane 03-11-2013 09:47 PM

Today at my desk:

Stretching exercises & 60 reps each (with 10 pnd dumbbell, on each arm) curls, and triceps (who cares that my co-workers where all googly eyed, and thought I was a weirdo :P).

During my last 20 minute break, I walked down that damn hill that our office sits on, and back up it, 3 times.

That is more than I did yesterday, and less than I'll do tomorrow!

Girl_On_Fire 03-11-2013 10:07 PM

Did my usual power walk. Twice around the block. :)

o222Good 03-11-2013 10:35 PM

Hour and fifteen minutes of exercise today.
3 sets of 12 reps 65lbs abs crunches
3 sets of 11 reps 55lbs bench press
3 sets of 12 reps 55lbs rows
3 sets of 20 reps 90lbs legs abduction
3 sets of 20 reps pyramid 90-100-110lbs legs adduction
3 sets of 15 reps 30lbs ez curl
3 sets of 20 reps 80lbs triceps dips
3 sets of 12 reps 30lbs overhead triceps cable extensions
1 set of 12 reps 40lbs triceps cable pushdown
1 set of 8 reps 40lbs ez curl
My present goal is getting most of the reps up to 15

ManOMan 03-12-2013 12:01 AM

Was slammed for work for 4.5 days in a row. Today was partially a recuperation day, but I also did a bunch of spring cleaning, so lots or trips to the trash/recycling cans and moving stuff around. It doesn't sound like much, but it caught up with me.

Tomorrow...back to the gym.

Gemme 03-12-2013 05:59 AM

Yesterday was a great day to get out and get moving! I let my employee work on some training in the office and I took the maintenance cart and toodled about the property. I cleaned several spaces and enjoyed the wind, except for in the really small space. The wind kept interferring and moving my pile around before I could get it swept up so I had to work extra hard to clean a smaller space. That feels wrong to me. Bigger space: more effort is how my brain computes it. But noooo....Mother Nature said otherwise.

All in all, it was still a good day and I took over 9000 steps during my working hours.

Daktari 03-12-2013 09:54 AM

Cycling to and from everywhere as usual.

KCBUTCH 03-12-2013 11:30 AM

I decided to walk to school today 2 miles up hill
It felt good :)

Sparkle 03-12-2013 06:55 PM

Back on the treadmill...

Last year I completed the Couch to 5k program, and then promptly got lazy after I achieved my goal. I'd go back intermittently but I could never reach my 30 minute/ 3 mile pace because I wasn't working consistently.

I started it again a few weeks ago. My main goal, right now, is to just keep going, just keep trying. And to be as consistent as possible.

I was dreading the run on deck for tonight: week 4, run 1 - a leap from 3 minute run intervals to 6 minute run intervals. It was HARD. Really Hard. 6 minutes can feel like an eternity on the treadmill. But I did it.

The most challenging part for me, actually the two most challenging parts for me are:

1. Getting out the door.

Why? WHY? must it be a battle every time? (answer: because I fear failure.)

2. Combatting the negative dialogue that dominates my thoughts during my run. "I can't, I can't, I can't" syndrome.

When I run my legs hurt, my calves are tight, I might get cramps or aches; and I'm still struggling to get back into a good breathing pattern. But 99% of the time these are minor issues and nothing to keep me from physically running (in fact most of these things get better as I warm up). So, I *know* the only thing that is keeping me from moving forward and succeeding - is me. And the most challenging part is to overcome the voice in my head that says "I can't". When I am able to drown out the "I can't" it is a much more enjoyable experience.

So, anyway, today I ran a run I didn't think I could complete. :) It was hard. And I'm proud that I did it.

o222Good 03-13-2013 07:05 PM

Hour and a half of exercise today.
3 sets of 11 reps 65lbs abs crunches
3 sets of 11 reps 55lbs bench press
3 sets of 12 reps 55lbs rows
3 sets of 20 reps 90lbs legs abduction
3 sets of 20 reps pyramid 90-100-110lbs legs adduction
3 sets of 15 reps 30lbs ez curl
3 sets of 20 reps 80lbs triceps dips
3 sets of 12 reps 30lbs overhead triceps cable extensions
1 set of 12 reps 40lbs triceps cable pushdown

I pretty much do this Mon-Wed-Fri. I added something new today.
The 15 minute workout by Shaun T. It's supposed to be everyday for five weeks with great results! It's low impact on my knees.
I had to quit all cardio months ago due to osteoarthritis in my knees.
It kinda brought me down and I've made no weight loss progress since. When I bend at the knee, there's a lot of crackling sounds, so my knees are pretty shot! Hopefully this new workout will be okay...
Anyway, I feel great at the moment and tell myself "Not bad for someone close to sixty!"

SexyVirgo 03-13-2013 08:19 PM

Yay Support for exercise.

I went to the gym tonight and did 40 minutes on the Stairmaster.
This is my favorite thing because:
It doesn' t hurt my knee
I can't NOT get my heart rate up it because it keeps me working hard, like an ellipitical, but the ellipitical hurts me knee.

I read while I'm on the Stairmaster or obsess about work. It's all good.

MissItalianDiva 03-13-2013 08:28 PM

30 minutes on the Elliptical and 30 min run..love running in the fog

JustBeingMe 03-15-2013 10:27 AM

ok, so my treadmill died....tossed it in the dumpster.
Ok, so these last couple days here have been great. TODAY I did my power walking OUTSIDE!! YAY!! I walked in the neighborhood today and did zig zags up and down the streets throughout all the streets and ended up walking about 2 miles today. I was hurting while walking, but I kept on pushing myself, cause it's a beautiful day. Now I am resting at home, took my gabapentin for my nerve pain and am starting to feel a little better after taking my cymbalta which has a pain killler in it too. I feel good !
I thought you all might enjoy this video and might lift some spirits around here!

Gemme 03-15-2013 07:31 PM

I was in and out of the office all day but still cleaned a few metal boxes. Big ones. Lots of sweeping. The weather's beautiful and was perfect for some manual labor. Lovely breeze and it was in the low 80s. Sunny, happy day makes for sunny, happy exercise.

12,640 steps taken during my 9 hour day!

Hollylane 03-15-2013 09:48 PM

According to my pedometer, I walked 6 miles today around the call center while talking to my customers....That's all I've got. :|

MissItalianDiva 03-15-2013 09:50 PM

Went for a jog this morning and now at the gym feeling the burn on the stairclimber

Kobi 03-16-2013 06:36 AM

Have been working on muscle definition for a couple of months now. Still surprises me when I see it.

Yesterday I was checking out my upper arms and my inital reaction was wtf is that lump.

willow 03-16-2013 07:57 AM

20 minutes on the cross trainer. It may not sound much but it's 20 minutes more than yesterday :) I am making a real effort to walk instead of driving whenever possible. It works out between two and five miles depending on my day. That's power walking, not a gentle stroll and on top of however many steps I do generally. My stamina is improving and I feel soooo much better for it!

nycfem 03-16-2013 02:07 PM

Volunteered at the school I work at today to do sports in the gym with some kids.

- volleyball

- hitting a balloon back and forth with an autistic child. This actually was great exercise. Running to keep a balloon from hitting the ground is surprisingly a lot of work!

- basketball, love basketball- it's great cardio

- ball girl whenever a kid wanted it- chasing balls for someone is great exercise and makes the kid feel like a celeb :)

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