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Nat 05-02-2010 11:16 AM

How Seriously Do You Take Yourself?
My goodness, I take myself so damn seriously sometimes it's funny. Then sometme I look back, and I just gotta laugh at my sh#t. Laugh to keep from crying (says the serious side).

How seriously do you take yourself? How seriously would you ideally do so? Where do you draw the line? Is this topic asking you to take yourself too seriously? Can you take yourself not seriously enough? Do you manage your attitudes in this regard?

Mister Bent 05-02-2010 11:35 AM

I replied "pretty balanced," but...

I find myself entirely ridiculous.

Especially when I take myself seriously.

Or, when naked.

Hack 05-02-2010 11:50 AM

I find that as I age, I can't take myself very seriously. Life is too short to be stressed out all the time. About the only thing I take seriously is my career, and my relationship, if I were in one.

freyja 05-02-2010 12:13 PM

There is a time and a place for everything; including serioiusness.

The older i get, the less i want to grow up.

i like little girl things, teddy bears, and sparkles, pretty colours, and crayons, playing on the swings and having water gun fights at the beach.

But then, when i put on my corporate wear, i also try to remember the matching hat of seriousness ;)

Massive 05-02-2010 12:23 PM

I only really take myself seriously when I'm having a serious sit-down discussion, or someone's really boiled ma piss!
The rest of the time I prefer walking through life with a smile and more often than not laughing at myself because I've managed to, yet again, make a complete tit of myself/dropped a major bollock!
Life's too damn short to be serious 24/7!!!

(Btw I'm British, hence the odd sayings nobody's ever heard/seen before!)

UofMfan 05-02-2010 12:31 PM

I think I am pretty balanced. I take myself seriously when the situation warrants it. I also try to remind myself not to when I see that I am doing it too often.

I try to balance it while wearing a Mickey Watch or randomly singing Disney tunes or commercial jingles when least expected.

One perfect example was the day when I was exchanging World Cup album stickers with the President of Lufthansa Cargo while sitting in the boardroom.

One thing I do often is laugh at myself, especially while in the company of my friends :)

Kobi 05-02-2010 12:35 PM

Hm. I like Mr. Bent's answer.

I tend to take aspects of my life very seriously i.e. responsibilities, values, beliefs, family. When stressed, I can make Orrin Hatch look like a radical.

On the other hand, I am looking at my bag of beach toys complete with flippers, mask, snorkel, boogie board, remote control boat. I have 1 and a half tattoos of a duck on my arm/shoulder.....its a long story. I have wind up toys for bath time.

I hope I am good at being serious when I need to be, and irreverent when the mood strikes.

Regardless, I'm not as attached to things and outcomes as I used to be. What will be, will be is a good motto and a lot less stressful. And, I no longer have illusions about life, fairness, politics, employers, etc. So, it is easier to see the folly of human existence, the futility at times, and the just plain funny things people do and say.

Jett 05-02-2010 12:35 PM

Not especially, when I have, it's given myself some of my best laughs. I don't take people who take themselves too seriously, too seriously either... though they don't think it's quite as funny... :l

Corkey 05-02-2010 12:52 PM

If I don't, who will?
There is a time and place for everything.
I do enjoy being silly, but in the grand scheme of things balance in all things.

BullDog 05-02-2010 01:29 PM

There are times when I need to take myself seriously to give myself a kick in the ass. Overall, I do find the more I can just laugh at myself (which I do do quite often) the easier it is to get through life.

Unndunn 05-02-2010 01:35 PM

Not at all
I try not to take myself too seriously. It has nothing to do with not feeling proud of my accomplishments or having self-confidence; it's about being able to keep perspective and realize that I'm just one of about 6 billion people on this planet. The sun doesn't rise and set just for me. I don't ever want to get to a point in my life where I can't laugh at myself or revel in the absurdity of many aspects of my life.

Heart 05-02-2010 02:56 PM

Am I the only one who takes themselves damn seriously? Doesn't mean I'm not balanced. Well maybe... at times... just a bit unhinged.

Andrew, Jr. 05-02-2010 03:06 PM

I take myself seriously. I have had others interferre with my life, and livelyhood, and that is when I learned about life & living. It is each man for himself in today's world.

Good thread Nat. I enjoy reading what others have to say. Thanks!


Enchantress 05-02-2010 03:55 PM

Today, much too seriously.

But most of the time I find that humour (regarding life and myself) is my friend and life coach.

Jet 05-02-2010 04:09 PM

when I pay taxes and fines
during scuffles
working with marketing directors
and creative directors

Duchess 05-02-2010 04:16 PM

Serious enough to not take words for granted, relaxed enough to be able to laugh at myself. :)


Lynn 05-02-2010 07:22 PM

There have been times that I took myself so seriously, I couldn't enjoy anything. That was a long time ago. Then, I had a few years, not that long ago, when I felt much more balanced and healthy. Lately, I'm noticing signs of seriousness and I don't like it at all. It's one thing to have a functional philosophy of life, but it's another thing entirely to be able to live it out in real life. My opinion: far too many of us struggle with finding that balance, no matter how philosophical we want to be about it.

Gemme 05-03-2010 01:54 AM

Overall, my view of myself is fairly balanced. I do have those 'my world is ending' moments and I'm entirely egocentric and very serious in regard to whatever it is that I am dealing with but I also have those moments where I can choose to laugh at myself and/or the situation or sit and cry. Most of the time, I choose to find the humor in the situation.

I'm very serious when it comes to my livelihood and money, my friends and family (in a protective, mafia love kind of way), and my intimate relationships. The rest I have to learn to laugh at or go mad. :blink:

Apocalipstic 05-03-2010 09:50 AM

I take myself and my needs very seriously, while at the same time being pretty fun.

cinderella 05-03-2010 10:15 AM

Myself? Not at all...
I think life is both a cruel joke, and a gift - depends on the day and my mood...

Melissa 05-03-2010 10:30 AM

Oh hell no...not seriously. :rolleyes:

Rockinonahigh 05-03-2010 10:42 AM

At times way to serious and sometimes not serious enough,me thinks I should visit Austin soon as I can to find out the balance of life.

Dean Thoreau 05-03-2010 03:58 PM

I take myself as seriously as I take this poll having a deep philosophical meaning for the universe :fishswim:

like an old lover always said............in the greater scheme of things will it really matter?....................nope

where r all the chatties?

Apocalipstic 05-03-2010 04:26 PM

I think usually I don't take myself as seriously as I do today, today, things are BADDDDDD and I am taking everything really seriously.

Write14u 05-03-2010 10:01 PM

I'm pretty balanced for the most part, but I imagine I slide toward that "not taking myself seriously" side. But like several have said: the things that are important, I give due respect. And at the rest, I laugh.
I'm lucky enough to work a job that has historically been called the "toy department" of newspapers. LOL Sometimes, we take our toys seriously, but not often. *grin*

NJFemmie 05-04-2010 11:58 AM

I even it out. I'm serious when the situation warrants - but for the most part, I take as much as I can lightly and in stride. I love laughter. It lightens the soul.

BornBronson 05-08-2010 08:48 PM

Depends,on what we're discussing.Family is serious to me,so is my spirituality and belief in my God.So is my country.I take protecting our borders very,very,seriously.I take my life seriously and other people's lives seriously.I take my freedom of speech seriously and the right to express my opinion.
I don't take politicians promises very seriously,or church evangelists.I do take kim jong il,mahmoud ahmadinejad,and other 'mad men/women' world leaders seriously..they have the power to destroy our lives,so do some stupid people.

I don't laugh when innocent people are dying.If I have to admit I was wrong on certain issues to save lives,believe me I will.But I am not very wrong too often.

GoofyLuvr 05-08-2010 08:57 PM

I find myself taking myself so seriously at times that it's like when you were a kid on the swings, pumping your legs and body so hard so you could fly all the way up and over the top bar. Remember those days? And then I find myself all the way on the other side. Is there such a thing as Bi-Polar of Taking One's Self Too Seriously? Humor is, indeed, the best medicine. Although there are certainly times and places it just isn't called for. (I usually find that out the hard way.) :boink:

blush 05-08-2010 09:31 PM

Not as seriously as I used to. I let a lot more happiness in now.:rainsing:

Gemme 05-09-2010 11:17 AM

There are days when I realize that I am seriously funny.

Dude 05-09-2010 04:23 PM


who else will?

DoubleXL 02-24-2011 08:34 PM

I think I don't take myself as serious as others think I do...does that make sense. I think I'm a go with the flow kinda person, but others see me as stuffy and full of myself. I'm a work in progress and probably always will be!:hangloose::hangloose:

Tuff Stuff 08-15-2015 06:46 PM

These days
I take everything serious but myself...I joke a lot of times,laugh at myself many times.No,I don't take myself too seriously.If I did that I would be dead or in prison..for sure.

Shystonefem 08-15-2015 06:59 PM

I take myself very seriously. That does not mean that I stress out alot. I am learning to not get so upset about everything and to have faith that everything will be fine.

I only laugh around people I trust. I have a wall that stays up when I am with people I don't trust. People that don't know me well think that I am a completely serious person. People that know me well see the real me and they know that I do laugh and have fun.

Kätzchen 05-14-2017 05:45 PM

I value myself and the relationships I have with family and friends and people I work with. I try to keep in mind that I'm only human; that with lots of work and dedication to maintaining my own life, that I will treat myself and others with care and compassion that we feel we deserve. Lightheartedness is always welcome in my life because sometimes life can be very serious at times. So I strive for some form of balance, as much as I can.

akiza 06-02-2017 04:15 PM

i've answered pretty balanced because i'm not always serious at times but i know that at other moments i'll have to

homoe 06-02-2017 06:38 PM

Not very.......life is short, I try to focus on and enjoy the positive

gotoseagrl 06-02-2017 07:40 PM

It depends on the moment. I think everything is mostly just moments.

JDeere 06-02-2017 07:53 PM

I voted pretty balanced, I have my moments where I take myself too seriously and at times not at all!

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