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-   -   Crumbs in the butter and other Pet Peeves! (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4681)

girl_dee 02-25-2012 07:32 PM

Crumbs in the butter and other Pet Peeves!
Crumbs in the butter, jam or anything else makes me nuts, what about you?

Syr 02-25-2012 07:33 PM

Things not properly wrapped/stored in the fridge.

girl_dee 02-25-2012 07:35 PM

The cereal not being closed back up!

Cabinets being left open, oh wait........that's me

Syr 02-25-2012 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cajun_dee (Post 535774)
The cereal not being closed back up!

Cabinets being left open, oh wait........that's me

Yes......and the drawers. Usually all open at once during cooking frenzy :fastdraq:

girl_dee 02-25-2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Syr (Post 535777)
Yes......and the drawers. Usually all open at once during cooking frenzy :fastdraq:

oops!!! :eyebat:

the toilet paper roll being empty.. ugh!

justkim 02-25-2012 07:38 PM

Do Not use metal in the non stick pans...
Do Not put the good knifes in the sink to soak...
Please close the shower curtain when you are done with the shower...

girl_dee 02-25-2012 07:39 PM

leaving one bite of anything in the fridge/cupboard

always2late 02-25-2012 07:42 PM

When someone puts empty containers back into the fridge or pantry....Yeah, I know, the milk had ONE drop left..and the cereal had ONE flake. Heaven forbid we throw it out! :eyebrow:

femmennoir 02-25-2012 07:42 PM

Going organic!
Toothpaste culprits, stay away!
Kitchen "assistants" who want to mess with my cooking (and taste my food before it is served), shoo!
......and if you must drown everything in ketchup, you can't come over for dinner!


girl_dee 02-25-2012 07:45 PM

overflowing trash!

oh dang, that's me too :|

girl_dee 02-25-2012 07:47 PM

tasting of the cooking used to drive me nuts but Syr likes to be the test taster..

just to be sure everything is OK. :)

PaPa 02-25-2012 07:49 PM

I am the type of person that everything has a spot and it better be in that spot....especially when I go looking for it....

So my pet peeve someone using something and not putting it back!

smouldering 02-25-2012 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by justkim (Post 535781)

Please close the shower curtain when you are done with the shower...

See when i walk into a bathroom and the shower curtain is closed.. I get the heebie jeebies and have to make sure noone is behind the curtain ready to get me lol :praying:

My daughter has a bad habit of putting glasses of milk into the fridge or putting empty containers/boxes etc back in their places instead of throwing them out.. grrr lol..

I also get a bit huffy if things are moved and I don't know where too!

always2late 02-25-2012 08:00 PM

Someone taking food off of my plate "just to try/taste it" without asking me first.

girl_dee 02-25-2012 08:01 PM

the car being left on empty!

girl_dee 02-25-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by always2late (Post 535810)
Someone taking food off of my plate "just to try/taste it" without asking me first.

YES, THIS.... drives me nuts

or when i'm eating to have someone come get up close and personal going 'ooooh what ya got there???

girl_dee 02-25-2012 08:04 PM

toilet paper goes over, not under

deedarino 02-25-2012 08:20 PM

Drinking out of any jug in the fridge...ugh.

Squeezing the toothpast the wrong way.

Leaving anything behind that has no business in the sink or tub.

Aww crap, I could so go on...

girl_dee 02-25-2012 08:21 PM

a ringing phone, answer it!

Sassy 02-25-2012 08:42 PM

When someone waits until they're on the other side of the house to yell a question at you. I hate being "yelled" at. If I'm in another room it'll keep until I get back. Really. It will. Always. Unless we've been invaded by ninjas. If -- and only if -- we've been invaded by ninjas, pirates or vikings is it then OK to screech at me from another room. Seriously... *deep breath*

girl_dee 02-25-2012 08:46 PM

call waiting, BIG pet peeve!

femmennoir 02-25-2012 08:48 PM

Going organic!
Oh! and at a restaurant, I order my food, you order yours! A lot of thought goes into my culinary decisions, including a perfect balance between my appetizer, my main course and my dessert (leaving wine aside for a minute), and not only do they compliment each other, but together they illustrate my mood of the moment, the savoir-faire of the chef, and the peek of the season. I don't want to taste what you ordered, because if I had wanted it, I would have ordered it. Don't eat mine! I am very articulate about food and can describe in glorious detail what I am eating. In fact, that is part of the pleasure of the meal!


Mr Nice Guy 02-25-2012 09:43 PM

Snapping gum

PaPa 02-25-2012 09:52 PM

Being disturbed when I am trying to nap. If I am napping it means either I am not feeling well or I did not sleep well last night and my body demands rest.

Finding the butter dish is almost empty and there is no more butter softened. UGH!

genghisfawn 02-25-2012 10:02 PM

Reading over my shoulder gets you the frowning of a lifetime. If you want to know, ask me to read it aloud!

SugarFemme 02-25-2012 10:03 PM

Commandeering the TV remote LOL

WomenMoveMe 02-26-2012 02:18 AM

Impolite people

Word things...mispronunciations...improper use of words...improper use of tense

"Dropping by" without asking permission

Being called 'honey' or 'sweetie' by people who do not know me

Chewing with an open mouth

Slow drivers in the left lane

Oh, this list could go on and on. Gosh, I seem rather intolerant!

Words 02-26-2012 02:38 AM

Being read to. If you've come across an interesting piece on the Net/whatever, let me read it myself...I am capable. But if you MUST read it yourself, then at least read slowly so that I can digest what you're saying...if you don't, then you might as well not bother to read it at all.

Major, major peeve.

Miss_J 02-26-2012 04:06 AM

Finishing the last cold drink in the fridge then offering me the money to replace it. uh NO, if I wanted to go back to the store, put a drink in the fridge so I can I have it when it was cold I would.. oh wait.. I DID!
YOU replace it the way it was then stay the hell off.. * sigh * I don't like warm water

willow 02-26-2012 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by always2late (Post 535810)
Someone taking food off of my plate "just to try/taste it" without asking me first.

I will draw blood with my fork if you do this to me. Believe it.

willow 02-26-2012 07:41 AM

Cross contamination of food stuffs. Butter in the jam jar, coffee grains in the sugar bowl, bits of coleslaw in the potato salad.....

Medusa 02-26-2012 08:08 AM

Reading over my shoulder will send me into the red zone in 2 seconds!

We used to have a friend who, when at our home, would blatantly stand behind me and try to read over my shoulder and would even say "Wait, wait, I'm not done" when I was clicking to a next page or scrolling.

*grits teeth*

smouldering 02-26-2012 08:43 AM

2 BIG pet peeves of mine..

"you want to watch this movie with me? No, okay" -- In the middle of watching a movie that someone else didn't want to watch, then decides a half hour later to come in and sit down.. and starts asking me what is happening and who's who... :| really?

Another pet peeve and one that really upsets me is the whole "Actions speak louder than words"..
.The biggest thing I cannot stand is when someone tells me something only because they think it is what i want to hear, or says one thing and does the complete opposite, not because they changed their mind- but because they only said it to "appease" me. the quickest way to get on my shit list is to lead me on lol.
Good or bad, all I ask is you just be honest with me, just be straight with me. I am a big girl and will have more respect for you if you are authentic and honest.

dark_crystal 02-26-2012 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by femmennoir (Post 535790)
Toothpaste culprits, stay away!
Kitchen "assistants" who want to mess with my cooking (and taste my food before it is served), shoo!
......and if you must drown everything in ketchup, you can't come over for dinner!


OMG my ex used to come in the kitchen while i was cooking and turn the fire up or down on the stove

made me want to walk right out to the couch and sit my ass down

"you apparently know better than me how to do what i am doing- so you go right ahead and do it"


Originally Posted by ElusiveButch (Post 535877)
Snapping gum

the EXISTENCE of gum

girl_dee 02-26-2012 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 536033)
Reading over my shoulder will send me into the red zone in 2 seconds!

We used to have a friend who, when at our home, would blatantly stand behind me and try to read over my shoulder and would even say "Wait, wait, I'm not done" when I was clicking to a next page or scrolling.

*grits teeth*

This is a biggie for me too, so how does one tell someone it's annoying as hell without being RUDE?

girl_dee 02-26-2012 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Words (Post 535979)
Being read to. If you've come across an interesting piece on the Net/whatever, let me read it myself...I am capable. But if you MUST read it yourself, then at least read slowly so that I can digest what you're saying...if you don't, then you might as well not bother to read it at all.

Major, major peeve.

THIS. Sure mention something to me then say, "i can read this to ya if you like" other than that DON'T read what you are reading out loud!

girl_dee 02-26-2012 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by PaPa (Post 535881)
Being disturbed when I am trying to nap. If I am napping it means either I am not feeling well or I did not sleep well last night and my body demands rest.

Finding the butter dish is almost empty and there is no more butter softened. UGH!

This part is something we work with here!

girl_dee 02-26-2012 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by ElusiveButch (Post 535877)
Snapping gum

i am SO bad about this, i am a gum smacker. :blink:

WolfyOne 02-26-2012 09:26 AM

Wow, after reading all the posts, I will probably be single a really long time :|

I seem to be as anal as others with their peeves...me thinks I'll keep my pets, thank you

That is all :blink:

girl_dee 02-26-2012 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by WolfyOne (Post 536083)
Wow, after reading all the posts, I will probably be single a really long time :|

I seem to be as anal as others with their peeves...me thinks I'll keep my pets, thank you

That is all :blink:

LOL what about when other people undermine you?

like when i am correcting my dog i don't want to hear *ohhh it's ok" and then continuing on like i just didn't correct my own dog

my dog, my rules!

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