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-   -   Donald Trump: Adult Bully? Adult Baby? or Media Genius? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3119)

Medusa 04-25-2011 11:08 AM

Donald Trump: Adult Bully? Adult Baby? or Media Genius?
So, I saw this article just now about Trump doing one of his ridiculous "keep it swirling in the bowl as long as possible" slapbacks over comments that Robert Deniro made about his presidtential run.


This is only one in a long line of many articles where Donald Trump gives evidence of his complete inability to either let shit go or choose his battles. Remember the mean-spirited attacks on Rosie O'Donnel? What about his most recent racist remarks about how he had a good realtionship with "the blacks"? How about his comments around our President's birth status?

I'm curious what people think of Donald Trump? Do you think he is a media genius for being such an ass that we all keep talking about him or is this man truly an emotional, uncontrolled bully who lashes out at anyone who criticizes him?


Arwen 04-25-2011 11:14 AM

Trump's voting record.

My take on Trump is that he's a rich, bored man who's made a fatal error.

Believing in the spin his own marketing department puts out about him.

Would he be good president? Sure he would. If he ran America like he ran his own business, we'd make money.

Would I vote for him? Not in a New York minute. He's a typical conservative. More concerned about making and keeping money. He has utterly no social conscience that is not dictated to by "what's in it for me."

Typical conservative attitude. It's all about him. He doesn't care about his fellow man at all. He forgets the iconic statement by MLK about pulling oneself up with non-existent bootstraps.

DomnNC 04-25-2011 11:38 AM

Personally, I think he's an egomanical bully. As far as being a President, not in a New York minute, the man tries to cheat everyone he does business with, tries to get out of paying contractors who build buildings for him, he's already declared bankruptcy once so as far as being in control of the nations money, nope, not for me.

Daywalker 04-25-2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 326755)
So, I saw this article just now about Trump doing one of his ridiculous "keep it swirling in the bowl as long as possible" slapbacks over comments that Robert Deniro made about his presidtential run.


This is only one in a long line of many articles where Donald Trump gives evidence of his complete inability to either let shit go or choose his battles. Remember the mean-spirited attacks on Rosie O'Donnel? What about his most recent racist remarks about how he had a good realtionship with "the blacks"? How about his comments around our President's birth status?

I'm curious what people think of Donald Trump? Do you think he is a media genius for being such an ass that we all keep talking about him or is this man truly an emotional, uncontrolled bully who lashes out at anyone who criticizes him?


~ For Me ~

Very little of what he has uttered in the last month in the Media made
sense as far as Policy is concerned. Other than that, he is a loose cannon.


Kind of like Perot, only ten fold.
Although Perot looks quite somber next to the Donald.

He's the worse kind of Asshat ~ The ones with wayyyyyy to much money.

ETA ~ What would Michael Moore Do?
He would peel back the layers of Trump until all the Ugly is revealed.
Biogtry n Racism included. Where is Michael?



Ms. Tabitha 04-25-2011 11:42 AM

A guy who built an empire on narcissism, bullying, debt and ego.
I'm not too sure about his agenda. Is he trying to get ratings on his show?
He has been divorced 3 times has been bankrupt 4 times.
He is a Republican who became a Democrat(2000) who became a Republican(2009).

Trump, in my opinion, is a joke on so many levels.


Daywalker 04-25-2011 11:43 AM

Oh, and I posted a Quote of mine today that seems to fit right in:

An arrogant heart knows no humility...nor nobility.

~ DW ~



Diva 04-25-2011 12:18 PM

Also the comment he made on Sunday evening's Celebrity Apprentice...........

When one of the women said that a couple of her team~mates were 'all up Star's ass', The Donald commented, "..which is probably a lot easier now, right Star, now that you've lost all that weight?". :|

I went....did he just SAY that?????? Of course, they all want to win so they giggled "appropriately" and the men couldn't believe he said it either.....

It was just one more reason not to vote for him......he is a scary, scary man.

1PlayfulFemme 04-25-2011 12:24 PM

I agree with everything stated here.

Do I think the man is brilliant? Yes.

Do I think he knows how to run a business (even if it's not so ethical at all times?) Yes.

Do I think the man has a heart? The jury is out.

Do I think he would get this country at least closer to out of debt? Yes.

Do I want him as my president? Not in a million years.

I don't want a dictator as President. And that's what I believe him to be. He's so used to people bowing down to him (Because we are soooo impressed with money in this country) that he believes everyone should. I don't want that kind of thinking running this country (And yes, I know it has before).

He changes his stance on important issues depending on the day & the group he is talking to. (2002 - supports gays having rights...i.e. insurance, etc..not necessarily marriage tho. 2011 - absolutely does not support gays having any of those rights.) So nine years with him takes us BACK a step..not moving FORWARD.

But! I digress! To answer the question of the thread..which is NOT about his run for President...I think he's a combination of an adult bully/adult baby. I also think back to the Rosie O situation. I think it speaks volumes about his character that whenever he is attacking someone in the media, he almost always resorts to name-calling. He is incapable of having a reasonable adult conversation with the people he has issues with. (Back to the too used to people bowing down to him - he isn't used to dealing with real people who aren't afraid of him).

I used to respect the fact that he worked his way to the top. Nowadays, I'm finding very, very little to respect about him at all.

Corkey 04-25-2011 01:59 PM

He is an ego the size of Texas wrapped in a mouth the size of Europe with the values of a pedophile and a sexist racist jackass.
I don't watch his shows and I think he is a complete fool.
He would bankrupt this country and make a mint doing so for ratings.

Apocalipstic 04-25-2011 02:28 PM

He is a media whore.

sierragirrl 04-25-2011 02:34 PM

Donald Trump is an ASSHAT :annoyed:

Andrew, Jr. 04-25-2011 04:24 PM

No way, no how would I vote for The Donald. He is a bully on many levels. And the remark he made to Star about her weight about made me fall off my chair.

AtLast 04-25-2011 04:31 PM

I have always felt Trump was a bully. He obviously is an opportunist and a media whore. His narcissistic personality is off the charts- and like many narcissists, he is intelligent. That is what makes them so disturbing- and an adult baby. There is also some alcoholism history with him (lost a brother to it). So, maybe some variables there concerning his personality development. His defensive postures and temper flares make me wonder.

He is riding his TV show's success right to the bank and to fan his ego. My guess is that if he really does try to run for the GOP nomination, he will end up in a big pile of his own shit just like Rudy did.

Right now, he is having the time of his life with all of the attention.

Apocalipstic 04-25-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 326894)
I have always felt Trump was a bully. He obviously is an opportunist and a media whore. His narcissistic personality is off the charts- and like many narcissists, he is intelligent. That is what makes them so disturbing- and an adult baby. There is also some alcoholism history with him (lost a brother to it). So, maybe some variables there concerning his personality development. His defensive postures and temper flares make me wonder.

He is riding his TV show's success right to the bank and to fan his ego. My guess is that if he really does try to run for the GOP nomination, he will end up in a big pile of his own shit just like Rudy did.

Right now, he is having the time of his life with all of the attention.

A Machiavelian Narcisist pehaps? :hamactor:

moxie 04-25-2011 04:36 PM

I just think Trump is one of those people who is opinionated even about minutia and not only thinks that EVERYONE wants to know it, but tries to force it on them (which is bullying in a way). I don't care for people like that because I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, whether I agree with them or not.

I don't even bother with finding out what he has to say anymore.

Mr. Moon 04-25-2011 04:40 PM

I didn't read all the responses because of time so if I am repeating someone else, so sorry....

I remember....5 - 10 years ago he was near bankruptcy. No? I swear there was this big bunch of stuff about how he ran his businesses mostly in the red and had no "real" money.

I am using the wrong words and am short on time, but, I remember that and it was from a real news source.

Other than that he's an egotistical asshat.

AtLast 04-25-2011 08:14 PM

And today...... he says his "detectives" found no birth certificate in Hawaii for Obama!! It is either "not there" or "missing." But won't reveal who in Hawaii his "people" talked with.

I am so sick of this!! The system in Hawaii has been explained and explained- the damn certificate is an official copy.

Frankly, I think Birthers don't think Hawaii is a state!!

Arwen 04-25-2011 10:21 PM

I have a question for those who watch any of The Apprentice shows.


Do you know that you are supporting him by doing that?

:( Even peripherally you are telling the network moguls that he's interesting enough to tape or watch.

That's money in the political bank, y'all.

apretty 04-25-2011 11:01 PM

adult ...diaper

Daywalker 04-25-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Arwen (Post 327133)
I have a question for those who watch any of The Apprentice shows.


Do you know that you are supporting him by doing that?

:( Even peripherally you are telling the network moguls that he's interesting enough to tape or watch.

That's money in the political bank, y'all.

I get that.

For me, I've tried to keep the 2 things separate.

I enjoy watching MeatLoaf and Gary Busey integrate.
:grindevil: :bicycle: :harley:

Seriously though ~ it's for Charity, the Celebrity one is.


My opinion is that Trump easily influences ('trumps', if U will)
the Network with enough Monetary weight that
if the ratings fell...the show would not.

I canot take Trump serious as a Political Candidate.

I picture him and Howerd Stern running together.
That's how serious I take it.



Arwen 04-26-2011 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Daywalker (Post 327167)
I get that.

For me, I've tried to keep the 2 things separate.

I enjoy watching MeatLoaf and Gary Busey integrate.

Oh I love that it's for charity, but it's still, in the long run, for Trump since he's the toupee spokesmodel. :( Sad. I've actually never watched the show other than trailers/commercials. I'm not much for reality (although SOMEONE got me hooked on RuPaul's Drag Race and I'm a huge AI person now. LOL)

Daywalker 04-26-2011 12:25 AM

I shoulda put RuPaul in the Poll

"Bush and Bush, its time to LipSync...for yer life...and don't fuck it up"



Gayla 04-26-2011 01:05 AM

I watched the first few seasons. It was something completely different in the reality TV genre and I enjoyed it. I can't say that I knew much about him before the show so it was interesting to see him interact with contestants, the justifications he used for various things, etc. Back then, he didn't come across to me as the out of control, egomaniac, whack job that he has since become. I think I stopped watching shortly after the first Celebrity season.

I honestly can't see him running as the Republican candidate. I really doubt they would let that happen. I think if he does run, it will be as an independent, ala Perot, and I honestly think that could only be a blessing to the Dems.

I also think that people (in general) and the Donald (specifically) are pretty clueless when it comes to the ability of the POTUS to actually do things. If it was as easy as "When I'm President, I'll fix things because I'll be the President and the President can make stuff like that happen" then all the stuff that should have been fixed all along wouldn't still be broken.

AtLast 04-26-2011 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Arwen (Post 327133)
I have a question for those who watch any of The Apprentice shows.


Do you know that you are supporting him by doing that?

:( Even peripherally you are telling the network moguls that he's interesting enough to tape or watch.

That's money in the political bank, y'all.

The ratings for the show have gone way up since he began this garbage. And reports are that his only real income is from the show.

I can proudly state I have never watched it. I don't watch "reality TV" shows. I guess some, like DWTS might be good, but, I just don't watch them.

Can you imagine what the rest of the world would think about Trump actually being the GOP candidate for president? Although, he does represent the type of US personality that many countries dislike about us.

Arwen 04-26-2011 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 327381)
Can you imagine what the rest of the world would think about Trump actually being the GOP candidate for president? Although, he does represent the type of US personality that many countries dislike about us.

Well I do love some food reality and Project Runway mesmerized me.

:Tongue firmly in cheek: It might be entertaining to have:

U.N. Apprentice

Can the Emperor of Japan outwit Ghaddafi in order to win a place at Trump's U.N. Table? Watch the nuclear fireworks to see!

Daywalker 04-26-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 327381)
The ratings for the show have gone way up since he began this garbage. And reports are that his only real income is from the show.

I can proudly state I have never watched it. I don't watch "reality TV" shows. I guess some, like DWTS might be good, but, I just don't watch them.

Can you imagine what the rest of the world would think about Trump actually being the GOP candidate for president? Although, he does represent the type of US personality that many countries dislike about us.

That statement is untrue.
Reports are propaganda.

Because he is extremely vague about it, for one.

BUT, he will have to open his closet of secrets soon.


Then we will all know,
and we'll pretend we cared in the first place.


AtLast 04-26-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Daywalker (Post 327389)

That statement is untrue.
Reports are propaganda.

Because he is extremely vague about it, for one.

BUT, he will have to open his closet of secrets soon.


Then we will all know,
and we'll pretend we cared in the first place.


Oh, you have a point- lots of "reports" floating around- didn't say I believed this- just that it is being reported. I think Trump has some dough, but not as "trumped-up" as he would like us to believe.

Yes, if he actually rund for the GOP nomination- there will be disclosures. To be honest, I don't believe he will end up in the primaries.

And now, he has Franklin Graham for support! GeeZuuuuussssss!!!

nikebutch110 04-26-2011 01:36 PM

just my thoughts...
1st. of al he's a gemini...under the sign of the twins u can see both sides all the time...secondly...once on his show...concerning homosexuality...he said the best line i ever heard...'Thats why they have menus..." meaning every1 has different 'tastes'
i felt bad for rosie...but i dont think it wuz a gay thing...more of a personality clash...dunno all the facts...

AtLast 04-26-2011 02:24 PM

I think my main problem with all of the press Trump is getting is the "Birther" garbage. I just cannot come up with anything other than racism as why and how this entire "movement" got started.

FerGoddessesSake, John Mc Cain could have had more of an issue with his birthplace (Panama Canal Zone)! Few remember this when he got the GOP nomination for the '08 race. White vs. Black??? I think so.

Also, ALL presidential candidates have as part of their "war chest," line items for legal representation. Mc Cain and Obama spent money via this election part of their "budgets" on birthplace facts. Interesting how Obama's birthplace has stuck in this insanity.

A link for an 2008 article about McCain's birthplace-


Sometimes I do wonder if a person like Trump could actually get into a presidential race as a true threat, a viable candidate. I wonder because of the kind of stuff happening with the tea Party factor and birthers, etc. Also because of just how frustrated people are with things and what the "common" person has been going through economically on top of all of the swindling on Wall Street and in the housing sector.

Jesse 04-26-2011 02:27 PM

Trump is an ass regardless of how you dress him!

Medusa 04-26-2011 02:29 PM

Well, Trump apparently just called President Obama "not Ivy league material" in a recent interview. I guess he missed the part where President Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law.

Someone needs to plug that foghorn up.

Corkey 04-26-2011 02:44 PM

More distraction from the facts, still no jobs, still paying the price for BP, still in economic slump, and all the while LGBT rights being held back if not overturned. There is more to keep one occupied than the rants of a mad man.

AtLast 04-26-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 327478)
More distraction from the facts, still no jobs, still paying the price for BP, still in economic slump, and all the while LGBT rights being held back if not overturned. There is more to keep one occupied than the rants of a mad man.

And gas prices! My closest friend that lives in WA was going to visit me during the Summer, but she may not because of this. Hell, she even has a car that gets good mpg, but is a teacher and very budget-minded (raised 2 kids alone, too). Maybe I will go see her. Been too long since we sat and yakked in person.

I agree, Corkey, many problems in the US that need serious attention. The budget discussions and the assault on MediCare is very serious.

Sachita 04-26-2011 02:58 PM

He has a very long entrepreneurial history dating well beyond 20 years during booms and recessions. Back then he knew how to play that game but the rules of those games have changed. No one does business the way they use to and marketing has drastically changed with the economy and technology. During his mega era most men like him act like that, Now he's old, his game plan changed and although his ego still in tact he replies on minions to market him. Of course its about the ratings. Thats his pay check right now.

kannon 04-26-2011 03:07 PM

When I think of Donald Trump...
I can't get past this...

A step-by-step guide to the gravity-defying Donald Trump combover
Last updated at 1:00 AM on 11th June 2008
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The Donald: What's the difference between an astronaut and Donald Trump's hairdo? One defies the law of gravity, the other's a spaceman
Over the years we've had our share of great British combovers - Arthur Scargill and Bobby Charlton to name but two.
But both men would have to doff their cap to the astonishing coiffure of American billionaire Donald Trump.
Rather than invest any of his considerable fortune in a transplant or wig, the 61-year-old property magnate insists on using a series of elaborate measures to plaster strands of hair across his balding pate.

Hair-raising moment as billionaire Donald Trump drops in to visit his Scottish relatives
Occasionally, however, it comes unstuck - notably this week when faced with the insistent breeze on the Isle of Lewis, where he was visiting his mother's former home.
Here, the Daily Mail shows how to achieve the Trump look ... in the unlikely event that anyone would want to emulate it.
As for the man himself, he was at a public inquiry in Aberdeen yesterday to be questioned yesterday by environmental campaigners and local councillors over his plans to build 'the world's greatest golf course'.
After spending more than three hours giving evidence he said: 'I am shocked to be here. I thought I would be building the course by now.'
The flamboyant tycoon wants to create two golf courses, a clubhouse, a massive hotel, a conference centre, a golf academy and 950 holiday homes on the Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire, which is currently used for shooting.
Warning that turning down his plans 'would be a terrible, terrible loss to Scotland' he said the proposed site was currently littered with the carcases of animals.
He said: 'It's a total mess. When you walk on the site right now it's sort of disgusting. There are bird carcasses lying all over the site.
'There are dead animals all over the site that have been shot. There may be some people that are into that. I am not.
'When I build the course we won't be killing birds. We will be trying for birdies and eagles, but we won't be killing them.'
The billionaire tycoon sported a somewhat flyaway version of the combover after he landed in Stornoway on his private Boeing 727, which is emblazoned with TRUMP in large gold letters on the side.
Accompanied by his older sister Maryanne, it is the first time he has been on the island since his mother took him there as a child.
And he admitted that he would probably have walked away from his plans to build a £1billion golf resort if his mother had not been from Scotland.
When asked if he would have given up on his plans for the Aberdeenshire resort after they were initially rejected by the council had his mother not been from Scotland.
He said: 'I think probably I would have, yes.
'It is really easy to find a nice piece of land to do something nice on. But Scotland is special and I wanted to do something special for my mother.'
Scroll down for more

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz...#ixzz1KfJDArUQ

Medusa 04-26-2011 03:22 PM


This lying sack of shit has actually stated to Anderson Cooper that he "has people on the ground investigating in Hawaii and that he's been told that the President's birth certificate is missing". (paraphrase)

Even though Anderson Cooper busted him out and was like "Uh, we ALSO have people on the ground in Hawaii and they've all talked to everyone who would have been associated with Obama's birth from people in the hospital at the same time as he was born to people who worked there and none of those people say that any of your people have contacted them." He then went on to ask the DumpTruck to name ONE person they had spoken to in regard to Obama's birth and the Dump refused.

Couple that with another statement that he wont/cant back up with facts like, "I heard he was a bad student" when talking about Obama's Harvard days, and it appears that Donald Trump is willing to bald-faced LIE his ass off on television for ratings.

He's a phony. A liar. And most of all, an embarrassment.

Martina 04-26-2011 03:44 PM

He's not seriously running. The publicity is good for his business. And he likes the attention.

Mr. Moon 04-26-2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 327478)
More distraction from the facts, still no jobs, still paying the price for BP, still in economic slump, and all the while LGBT rights being held back if not overturned. There is more to keep one occupied than the rants of a mad man.

I hope you're not saying that the current administration is at fault for all this.

It took 8 years of BUSHISM to make it this way, it will take YEARS to get out, but, changing regimes...meaning changing total focus on what you were doing, will send us back in to it. (thus the problem recently with shifting from this to that (a to z practically). I used to be every 4 years, a shift, now 8 but that's not enough for ANYONE to get us out of a mess dug by previous 8 years.....

Like a therapist (yes, I had on ya boobs! LOL), said to me years ago, "it took years to get you here, don't think it will take days or weeks to get you out"...
nuff said

AtLast 04-26-2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 327493)

This lying sack of shit has actually stated to Anderson Cooper that he "has people on the ground investigating in Hawaii and that he's been told that the President's birth certificate is missing". (paraphrase)

Even though Anderson Cooper busted him out and was like "Uh, we ALSO have people on the ground in Hawaii and they've all talked to everyone who would have been associated with Obama's birth from people in the hospital at the same time as he was born to people who worked there and none of those people say that any of your people have contacted them." He then went on to ask the DumpTruck to name ONE person they had spoken to in regard to Obama's birth and the Dump refused.

Couple that with another statement that he wont/cant back up with facts like, "I heard he was a bad student" when talking about Obama's Harvard days, and it appears that Donald Trump is willing to bald-faced LIE his ass off on television for ratings.

He's a phony. A liar. And most of all, an embarrassment.

I watched this- loved it when Cooper played the unedited video of Obama's grandmother right after Trump said there was a 51 second lapse in her comments.

There is another portion of this interview on AC-360 tonight, I believe. And I think Trump is on Hardball tonight. That ought to be good- Chris Mathews does not mince words.

Oh yeah, an African American student at Harvard (and president of Law Review material) is going to be a poor student. I don't think so! The pressure for him to succeed had to be huge. He comes from humble beginnings and as far as I'm concerned has earned everything he has and has accomplished. No, I don't agree with every presidential position he holds, but he is a very bright person and frankly, a good human being. One of the only presidents in my lifetime that I honestly do think loses sleep at night over what he deals with.

I am also getting tired of all the focus on just his paternal background, too. On his mother’s side, there is quite an honorable military service history in his family.

And now we have Franklin Graham backing Trump and making statements about Obama's faith again.

What I really hope is that Obama will continue to not give this BS any personal attention- not dignify it. People that believe this are never going to believe he is a US citizen.

I just want to slap Trumps little whiney mouth!!

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