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-   -   GAME: Would You Rather? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3618)

Medusa 08-05-2011 09:02 PM

GAME: Would You Rather?
I know we had a thread for this somewhere and I can't find it anywhere!

It's the ever-fun "Would you rather?"!

The only rule is that you must choose one or the other, don't cop out and say "Neither" or "I'd just run away" because that's no fun. Tell us which one you'd rather have to do!

Would you rather have to lick a public bus seat or a public telephone receiver?

Sassy 08-05-2011 09:11 PM

Public telephone receiver -- (no one uses those anymore, right?) ;)


Would you rather:
Die by being eaten by a great white shark.
OR ...
Die trapped in the trunk of a classic 57 chevy being crushed in a junkyard.

Gemme 08-06-2011 11:08 PM

The shark would be faster.

Would you rather live the rest of your life missing your dominant arm or your dominant leg?

Bard 08-06-2011 11:21 PM

WEll I can't shoot with out my right arm lol

would you rather have true love with limited sex
or mindless sex with many but no true love

Tcountry 08-07-2011 12:59 AM

True love for sure...

WYR.......take a mud bath in the mud puddle of a pig pen...or
eat pickled pigs feet?

puddin' 08-16-2011 02:16 PM

i'll take da mud bath i reckon.

wyr have a black eye or a busted lip?

Apocalipstic 08-16-2011 04:11 PM

Black eye, I guess.

Endure the wrath of a huge tornado or a huge earquake?

princessbelle 08-16-2011 04:23 PM

EEks. I've lived through a tornado so i'll pick that one.

WYR Go over a waterfall ....

in a barrel


in a canoe

Scorp 08-16-2011 04:29 PM

Would an earquake be like vertigo??? :pointing:

Ok, ok...I'd go with the earthquake...

Would U Rather: Eat squirrel intestine alfreddo or a bull testicle parmigiana sandwich?


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 399883)
Endure the wrath of a huge tornado or a huge earquake?

jelli 08-22-2011 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Scorp (Post 399894)
Would an earquake be like vertigo??? :pointing:

Ok, ok...I'd go with the earthquake...

Would U Rather: Eat squirrel intestine alfreddo or a bull testicle parmigiana sandwich?

Eat Squirrel Intestine Alfredo. Just for the record... ewwww!

WYR spend your whole life in a 3mile radius or never sleep in the same bed twice?

J. Mason 08-27-2011 05:30 AM

live life in a 3 mile radius

wyr eat rabbit stew or a veggie plate?

puddin' 09-11-2011 06:31 PM

veggie plate.

wyr hafta give a presentation dressed in bubble wrap or in aluminum foil?

LeftWriteFemme 09-11-2011 06:47 PM

Bubble wrap for sure!

Would you rather your lover be fed to a tiger or given to a beautiful woman? by the way.....I stole this as I'm sure you know!

SugarLips 09-12-2011 01:54 PM

A beautiful woman...

Would you rather be homeless with the love of your life for life or life a life of luxury married to someone you can't stand?

Amber2010 09-12-2011 02:05 PM

I would rather be homeless ....

Would you rather make everyone happy by agreeing or
form your own opnion and let the chips fall where they may?

Write14u 09-12-2011 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 399889)
EEks. I've lived through a tornado so i'll pick that one.

WYR Go over a waterfall ....

in a barrel


in a canoe

This one got overlooked, so I'll step in.
I'd rather go over in a canoe. More control.


Originally Posted by Amber2010 (Post 416611)
I would rather be homeless ....

Would you rather make everyone happy by agreeing or
form your own opnion and let the chips fall where they may?

Always...form an opinion and let it go from there.

WYR ... sky dive or bungee jump off a bridge?

Ebon 09-12-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Write14u (Post 416620)
This one got overlooked, so I'll step in.
I'd rather go over in a canoe. More control.

Always...form an opinion and let it go from there.

WYR ... sky dive or bungee jump off a bridge?

Sky dive

WYR - Go and see Justin Bieber in concert or Taylor Swift?

sarahwho 09-16-2011 08:42 PM

Taylor Swift

WYR Eat lizard meat or snake?

Abigail Crabby 09-16-2011 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by sarahwho (Post 419220)
Taylor Swift

WYR Eat lizard meat or snake?

snake - tastes just like chicke

WYR walk on a bed of nails or be fed your own liver?

sarahwho 09-17-2011 11:10 AM

WYR walk on a bed of nails or be fed your own liver?

Personally ewwww.....but fed my own liver.

WYR eat a fried scorpion or a fried cricket?

stargazingboi 09-17-2011 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by sarahwho (Post 419461)
WYR walk on a bed of nails or be fed your own liver?

Personally ewwww.....but fed my own liver.

WYR eat a fried scorpion or a fried cricket?[/QUOTE]

Fried Cricket

WYR look like a a laughing horse or a toothless hungry cow?

ONLY 09-17-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by stargazingboi (Post 419473)
Personally ewwww.....but fed my own liver.

WYR eat a fried scorpion or a fried cricket?

Fried Cricket

WYR look like a a laughing horse or a toothless hungry cow?[/QUOTE]

[B]gimme the laughing horse look :hangloose: lol

WYR have gatorade saliva OR glow-in-the-dark mucus?[/B]

Starbuck 09-18-2011 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by ONLY (Post 419512)
Fried Cricket

WYR look like a a laughing horse or a toothless hungry cow?

[B]gimme the laughing horse look :hangloose: lol

WYR have gatorade saliva OR glow-in-the-dark mucus?[/B]

Gag me with a dirty diaper! I guess the glow in the dark mucus if it's my own.

WYR drink dog urine or eat glass shards?

ONLY 09-18-2011 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Starbuck (Post 419848)
[B]gimme the laughing horse look :hangloose: lol

WYR have gatorade saliva OR glow-in-the-dark mucus?[/B]

Gag me with a dirty diaper! I guess the glow in the dark mucus if it's my own.

WYR drink dog urine or eat glass shards?

YUCK!!!!!!! but going with dog urine. Just the thought makes my stomach turn. But I don't need to have my mouth and stomach cut up and bleeding while eating shards of glass
Will gargle FOREVER with mouthwash.

WYR have someone else buy your food for a week (you get NO say in what is bought) OR they buy you your clothes for your job?

SoulShineFemme 09-18-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by ONLY (Post 420610)
Gag me with a dirty diaper! I guess the glow in the dark mucus if it's my own.

WYR drink dog urine or eat glass shards?

YUCK!!!!!!! but going with dog urine. Just the thought makes my stomach turn. But I don't need to have my mouth and stomach cut up and bleeding while eating shards of glass
Will gargle FOREVER with mouthwash.

WYR have someone else buy your food for a week (you get NO say in what is bought) OR they buy you your clothes for your job?

They can buy my food. I don't hafta eat it if I don't like it. :P

WYR drive 100 miles each way for work but love your low paying job OR Have a job that's within walking distance that pays well but you hate it?

Starbuck 09-18-2011 09:05 PM

WYR drive 100 miles each way for work but love your low paying job OR Have a job that's within walking distance that pays well but you hate it?

. I've had the high paying job that I hated, it made me physically sick. I guess I'll take the long distance driving.

WYR work outdoors in 112* heat everyday or work in an office cubicle with no windows and it's so cold your nose runs as soon as you sit down in your chair?

SoulShineFemme 09-19-2011 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Starbuck (Post 420651)
WYR drive 100 miles each way for work but love your low paying job OR Have a job that's within walking distance that pays well but you hate it?

. I've had the high paying job that I hated, it made me physically sick. I guess I'll take the long distance driving.

WYR work outdoors in 112* heat everyday or work in an office cubicle with no windows and it's so cold your nose runs as soon as you sit down in your chair?

I'll take the outdorrs and the heat. I hate the cold.

WYR have your voice cut out on every third word OR wink uncontrollably at random times?

Starbuck 09-19-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by SoulShineFemme (Post 421213)

WYR have your voice cut out on every third word OR wink uncontrollably at random times?

Both would be disturbing, but I guess I'd go with the blinking.

WYR live with a sloppy person or a neat freak?

JAGG 09-21-2011 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Starbuck (Post 421295)
Both would be disturbing, but I guess I'd go with the blinking.

WYR live with a sloppy person or a neat freak?

A neat freak! I adore neat freaks. I am a neat freak lover!
WYR own and run a cafe or own and run a small amusement park.

Gráinne 09-21-2011 10:08 PM

An amusement park! I don't even drink coffee, and have been in a Starbuck's exactly once (didn't like it). But give me "fair food" and a roller coaster, and I'm a happy camper.

WYR: listen only to rock music for the rest of your life, or classical?

stargazingboi 09-21-2011 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by guihong (Post 422528)
An amusement park! I don't even drink coffee, and have been in a Starbuck's exactly once (didn't like it). But give me "fair food" and a roller coaster, and I'm a happy camper.

WYR: listen only to rock music for the rest of your life, or classical?

listen to rock music

WYR: be stuck with someone you hate or an annoying grandmother?

hottprof 09-22-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by stargazingboi (Post 422546)
listen to rock music

WYR: be stuck with someone you hate or an annoying grandmother?

any annoying grandmother ( though my grandmom rocks... it would have to be someone elses)

WYR: Change the world for the better one person at a time OR all at once?

JAGG 09-23-2011 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by hottprof (Post 422855)
any annoying grandmother ( though my grandmom rocks... it would have to be someone elses)

WYR: Change the world for the better one person at a time OR all at once?

All at once of course.
WYR never have to sleep again. Or never have to use the toilet again, for any reason.

Starbuck 09-23-2011 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by JAGG (Post 423579)
All at once of course.
WYR never have to sleep again. Or never have to use the toilet again, for any reason.

I'd go with never have to sleep again, I'd get so much more done!

WYR never have to pay taxes again or never have to work again?

JAGG 09-23-2011 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Starbuck (Post 423595)
I'd go with never have to sleep again, I'd get so much more done!

WYR never have to pay taxes again or never have to work again?

Never have to work again.
WYR be able to read peoples minds or sense their feelings .

Gráinne 09-24-2011 12:26 AM

Sense feelings. I don't wanna know what someone's really thinking-it might be about me.

WYR be the head of an organization dedicated to a cause you uphold, running the whole show, or behind the scenes with no recognition?

Starbuck 09-24-2011 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by guihong (Post 423714)
Sense feelings. I don't wanna know what someone's really thinking-it might be about me.

WYR be the head of an organization dedicated to a cause you uphold, running the whole show, or behind the scenes with no recognition?

I'd rather be behind the scenes without recognition; I'm not much for being in the middle of it all.

WYR have poison ivy or diarrhea?

SoulShineFemme 09-25-2011 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Starbuck (Post 424121)
I'd rather be behind the scenes without recognition; I'm not much for being in the middle of it all.

WYR have poison ivy or diarrhea?

Diarrhea. I'd still be expected to work with poison ivy. Oy.

WYR be a window washer, specializing in high rise buildings OR work at a wastewater treatment plant?

Starbuck 09-25-2011 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by SoulShineFemme (Post 424868)
Diarrhea. I'd still be expected to work with poison ivy. Oy.

WYR be a window washer, specializing in high rise buildings OR work at a wastewater treatment plant?

I'd rather be a window washer, I don't handle poop very well.

WYR have to wear shoes that were a size too small for a day or wear underwear too small for a day?

little_ms_sunshyne 09-25-2011 08:53 PM

WYR eat a fried scorpion or a fried cricket?[/QUOTE] Fried Cricket...I actually had a chocolate covered one when I was little...My dad is an interesting character lol Would you rather eat the Shed Skin from a Madagascar Cockroach or Sit in a tub full of worms? (I think I just gagged a little lol)

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