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oblivia 07-18-2011 11:31 AM

Butches: How do you like to be romanced?
In light of the recent conversations around what kind of treatment Femmes appreciate on a date, I thought it would be fun to get some feedback from Butches on what makes YOU feel romanced (on a date or otherwise).

I'm always up for new ideas to make Sparx feel loved, adored, appreciated and swept off her feet.

So I'm curious... what little (or big) romantic gestures do people you date, or your partners make (no matter their gender/identity) that make YOUR hearts go pitter-pat?


atomiczombie 07-18-2011 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by oblivia (Post 381451)
In light of the recent conversations around what kind of treatment Femmes appreciate on a date, I thought it would be fun to get some feedback from Butches on what makes YOU feel romanced (on a date or otherwise).

I'm always up for new ideas to make Sparx feel loved, adored, appreciated and swept off her feet.

So I'm curious... what little (or big) romantic gestures do people you date, or your partners make (no matter their gender/identity) that make YOUR hearts go pitter-pat?


Would it be ok if transguys posted here too, or would you like to keep this just for butches? It's fine if you do, I would just like to know. :)

msW8ing 07-18-2011 11:41 AM

Can femmes post some ideas and experiences too? Or is this for Butches only? I can respect either way.

oblivia 07-18-2011 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by atomiczombie (Post 381452)
Would it be ok if transguys posted here too, or would you like to keep this just for butches? It's fine if you do, I would just like to know. :)

Totally okay! :) Anyone who feels like the topic speaks to them is welcome to post their thoughts! :bunchflowers:

oblivia 07-18-2011 11:46 AM

Everyone is welcome to post!

Originally Posted by MsW8ing (Post 381457)
Can femmes post some ideas and experiences too? Or is this for Butches only? I can respect either way.

Everyone's welcome to post!

I would just ask that people try not to generalize on what all butches, transguys, etc might like so that everyone feels comfy sharing THEIR personal preferences. :)

Personal experiences or things you've done that you know have made your date or partner feel special are totally encouraged!

Holly.88 07-18-2011 12:03 PM

I love music so it means a lot to me if my girl makes me a mixed CD or something small like that.

I also have a thing for movies, especially old favorites. I had an ex who went out and rented a few of my favorite movies and picked some junk food after I had a bad day. It meant a lot to me that she not only remembered my off the wall favorites, but also took the time to find a few.

All in all, I'm easy to romance. Wear a shirt in my favorite color or a color I like to see on you, watch a football game with me cause you know I'm excited about it, even if you don't like it, let me cook for you (it makes me feel like I'm taking care of you), send me funny or sweet texts/pictures, play Scrabble with me; little things is all it takes for me.

WolfyOne 07-18-2011 12:30 PM

I don't have a prerequisite for romancing me
I don't have a problem with a femme asking me out before I ask her
I'm a pretty simple butch and just about anything works for a first date
Getting to know each other is what's important
Do we share enough in common to want another date

Heck, fishing, a fire, cast iron skillet and whatever else one needs to cook the fish would be great...I don't mind cleaning them and then cleaning up
Or, just a picnic lunch and a blanket/chairs as we talk at gaze out over a lake

Give me conversation, stimulant my mind and walk with me
A first date doesn't have to revolve around food

Only thing I must say, I don't hear well in one ear, so I may ask you to repeat yourself if you don't speak slow and clearly
enough for me to understand the word(s)

BullDog 07-18-2011 01:20 PM

A note in my pocket or sweet email or voice mail or text can have me smiling for days.

I appreciate kindness, thoughtfulness, a good sense of humor, intelligence, a great outlook on life.

I like to ask a woman out, but I am happy to be asked out too or to plan something together. I am very happy to take a walk, have a cup of coffee together, going to a bookstore or something simple. I do also like going to the symphony, theater, museum and things like that and dressing up once in a while can be kind of fun. I really love sports too, but I don't expect or need someone to do things with me that they don't enjoy. Some femmes like sports, some don't. So really I like a wide range of activities.

I do like surprises, but not everyone does. So before you spring one, you might want to make sure the person likes that type of thing.

I do like opening doors and helping with a coat and things like that, so if you don't like it please let me know, but I hope you won't be offended. It is my pleasure and has nothing to do with thinking a woman that I am dating or with can't do it for themselves.

I do like regular contact and good communication. I of course understand there are times when someone is quite busy with their family, friends, job and other things. It's just when someone disappears in and out without knowing why. If you are going to be late try to let me know. If I know you are someone who always runs 15-30 minutes late then that is ok, otherwise I am a worry wart.

AtLast 07-18-2011 01:59 PM

I do appreciate being romanced. I honestly don't get why it wouldn't be OK for butches or transguys to like some reciprocity in the romancing department. The "methods" might not be the same, but, I don't want to be alone in creating (and sustaining) the romance factor.

I am not very role-oriented, so, I guess there are going to be differences with replies here. Whatever works for individuals!

bigbutchmistie 07-18-2011 02:10 PM

First of all I dont mind a femme doing the asking out initially :)

Im so not hard to please. I just dont like getting dressed up and am very uncomfortable in places like the opera, art musuems. Are not for me.

Keep it simple lol It makes it easier for me to be myself.

Be on time when we agree to a time and date. I cant stand it when people are late. To me it shows disrespect and rudeness. :)

Surprise me. I love that. I love surprises. They make me feel special

When you are talking with me on the date look me in my eyes. Talk with me not too me.

I dont care if you buy me flowers or give me little gifts. I enjoy those things. But would love just time with you.

If you are "feeling" me let me know . Im a 2x4 butch and will only think you think of me as a friend if you dont. Small affectionate gestures help too lol

Little things like a sweet text, a phone call, an email things like that and more will make my week.

Good Hygeine. I get mani/pedi on a regular basis. I also get a haircut every other week. You can bet that I am looking good between that and my clothes when I go out on a date. I have one shot to 'IMPRESS" you on the first date. I expect the same. Please please please have good hygeine.

Have good manners

I wanna laugh and just have fun being ourselves with no expectations. Letting things happen naturally. Being able to do anything together :)

atomiczombie 07-18-2011 02:23 PM

I am sure I will think of more things, but here is a few:

I love it when a femme cooks for me. Invite me over for a meal, that means so much. Of course, it makes me want to have sex with her even more, lol, but I am more than capable of taking no for an answer and not pressuring. I also like it if she makes it obvious if she really likes me. I am not the best at picking up signals, unfortunately. If she is really interested, she will have to bang me upside the head with a 2x4 to get that across. If I offer her a back rub, or touch her shoulder or her back, it means I want to kiss her. If she doesn't respond, then I will assume she isn't receptive. Sometimes I just can't tell, so then I ask if it is okay.

Please, femmes, don't get mad if I bring you :rrose: It doesn't mean I expect anything in return, I am just trying to do something nice for you with no strings attached. That goes for anything else I might do; just because I do it that doesn't mean I expect something in return, like a gift, or sex.

I love making out, and I am fine with stopping short of going further. Making out is something I really look forward to on a date, but if that is uncomfortable for someone, I really appreciate if she says so upfront. I love it when a girl shows me she really cares and is interested. I show it by giving greeting cards between dates, or just calling to say 'I am thinking about you'. If she does small gestures such as this, it really means a lot to me. My ex-wife was a really good singer, and when we were first dating she would sing something just for me. I loved that. I love holding hands too. Cuddling is a must! I am, after all, a snuggle bunny :D

That's all I have, I am sure I will be back with more. :)

Rockinonahigh 07-18-2011 02:24 PM

First off I must be shure that she is intrested in dateing me,I know this sounds crazy but ive gotten some mixed signals for some folks over the years..so so for us to be on the same page is the best thing for starters.Realise im hard of hearing so I may not hear you as well as you prolly would like,I know repeating thigs can be a drag but realise its a problem for me as well.
Hear goes,talk to me,look me in the eye dont be checking the cell phone or gazeing over my shoulder at whatever.Know from the start,cause I will tell you if you ask that I dont do one night stands or even a week later..if and when we get serious I want to know you really well and you me..become a friend first cause some of the best ltr's come from friendships that are great.I dont need a fancy resturant,or anyone to spent money on me,im just a simple kind of person that can just be relaxed and laid back.
Drama people need no apply..im not tall enough for that rolocoaster.we all have som drama but keep it in check.If u are not over the X we can be friends..but till u are done with the X..nothing else.If u r a player..same rules apply.
What works is good humor,make me laugh,enjoy out doors,like music,moveis are fun...must get along with my fur kids..I like going to trade days,fleamarkets,danceing when I can..I like to fish but havent gone in a long time.I have a ton of cd,c and vidios..can do movies at home.
Thats a starter any way..more later.

Glenn 07-18-2011 02:56 PM

It's an easy thing to be on a date with me, and then we'll go home. If you want more you have to be a mystery without trying to be. Don't upload all of yourself to me,or I may get bored. And boredom is an eternal enemy of romance. You cannot be put in a slot. Just keep defying the mold, and I'll like this.So if you are a femme in a state of flux, always trying to improve yourself, and rediscovering yourself,I will definately be romanced. There have been femme's here who are athletic and enjoy talking about sports. Then she'll say something wise and I'll think, wow she must be a genius and read alot of books. Then she'll say something sweet and kind and good and then she'll recycle herself again and say/do something naughty and piss me off and I'll think how is this? Then she'll say a speech about something and i'll say look at her go! She must be an orator! She must have her own radio show, or comedy show. And this can go on forever lol. I cannot define her. I can only grow to love her, like my ex wife of 35 years.She was like a mountain with many layers, and I was a miner of gold. I liked to dig through these layers, but I knew there was more.It frustrated me that I could'nt define her..and I loved this about her.She did'nt withhold information, she made me work to get it out in her own wise way. I like mystery and change. I want to dig a layer and find the mountain has pushed up three layers higher, so we'll be closer to the stars.

Hack 07-18-2011 08:31 PM

I've never been asked out. I always do the asking, it seems. I wouldn't be opposed to being asked. If I were dating, that is.

I definitely like being appreciated, and small ways work just fine. I don't like being the center of attention. Ever. So, big, showy things aren't for me. I tend to be a quiet, behind the scenes, kind of guy. I love getting sweet or dirty or flirty text messages throughout the day. Send me a postcard. Tell me you can't wait to talk to me later. That all makes me feel special.

I know I wrote a post somewhere on this site about a year ago about how the big thing for me, especially as I age, is acceptance. That's how I feel loved. Accept me for what I am. And while I try to convince you I'm basic, I'm really not. Sometimes, I am...Daddy, lover, sadistic, quiet, loud, cocky, shy, relentless, lazy, insistent, romantic, cynical, always dominate, never a bottom, funny, serious, a jock, a nerd, a smartass and a sweetheart. Too often, a girl tries to put me in one box, and doesn't accept the other sides as readily. Unfortunately, really.

Oh, and a year or so ago, I spent time with a woman who put a lot of time into planning our day together. I have to say, I really appreciated that. She knew I spend my day at work making a lot of decisions. She just took it upon herself to plan our day we'd spend together. It was nice. Not a requirement, by any means. But I did like it as a change from the way I usually would date.

Just some thoughts.


weatherboi 07-18-2011 08:43 PM

i am always reminded how special i am when my Ms stays up all night long picking my brain and talking to me about things We/we are both interested in. then She takes me to breakfast or We/we go to bed and get intimate. i have always been in relationships that the expectation was that it was my job to do the romancing. this relationship is dictated differently. sometimes Ms will surprise me with an afternoon out and about that is focused on me. She will take me sharks tooth hunting or She will take me to a store that sells Armani mens undies and let me pick out a pair of sexy chonchos that make my ass look fly. She oooohhhs and ahhhhhs while i try them on and makes a big deal to tell me how hot i look. She will offer to cook for me from out of no where and make me my favorite rice dish that only She can cook...delicious!!! when She takes me to San Fran, She always makes an effort to take me somewhere that is special to Her from Her past and tell me about Her experiences that have shaped the person She is. Romance for me is unexpected gestures and spontaneous outings. They don't necessarily have to revolve around me, i just need to know the effort is for Us/us!!!

bigbutchmistie 07-18-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by bigbutchmistie (Post 381508)
First of all I dont mind a femme doing the asking out initially :)

Im so not hard to please. I just dont like getting dressed up and am very uncomfortable in places like the opera, art musuems. Are not for me.

Keep it simple lol It makes it easier for me to be myself.

Be on time when we agree to a time and date. I cant stand it when people are late. To me it shows disrespect and rudeness. :)

Surprise me. I love that. I love surprises. They make me feel special

When you are talking with me on the date look me in my eyes. Talk with me not too me.

I dont care if you buy me flowers or give me little gifts. I enjoy those things. But would love just time with you.

If you are "feeling" me let me know . Im a 2x4 butch and will only think you think of me as a friend if you dont. Small affectionate gestures help too lol

Little things like a sweet text, a phone call, an email things like that and more will make my week.

Good Hygeine. I get mani/pedi on a regular basis. I also get a haircut every other week. You can bet that I am looking good between that and my clothes when I go out on a date. I have one shot to 'IMPRESS" you on the first date. I expect the same. Please please please have good hygeine.

Have good manners

I wanna laugh and just have fun being ourselves with no expectations. Letting things happen naturally. Being able to do anything together :)

Oh and the same respect and little things you do for me when we are dating should be the same if not more when we committ :)

EnderD_503 07-18-2011 09:46 PM

Never been the romantic type...so I really don't like to be romanced, nor am I big on doing the romancing. Honestly, any "romantic gestures" would just make me feel guilty, awkward and desperate to get out of said situation.

Goofy 07-18-2011 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Hack (Post 381648)
Accept me for what I am. And while I try to convince you I'm basic, I'm really not.

This is very true for me as well. The more I feel accepted, the more I feel loved.

Blush did one of the greatest things anyone has ever done for me. I have some issues with PTSD and regularly attend a group for veterans. When we first started dating, she asked me about it and then asked what she could do to help me. I was floored. No one's ever asked me that before and it touched me more deeply than she probably knew or knows even today.

Mostly though, it's little things. Texts, the random candy bar or magnet speak volumes to me. And love my dogs even when one of them is sitting next to you on the couch staring adoringly.

Just don't bring me flowers. I'm allergic to most of them anyway.

Dude 07-18-2011 11:02 PM

being listened to , lusted after



Merlin 07-19-2011 07:07 AM

the way to my heart ?
Third rib down with a cheese knife ..

Joking aside.

Take my hand
Ruffle my hair
Lots of steamy kisses
Cook for me .. I will cook for you.
Some seductive music .. Seducing me would be red hot.
Look after me and I will look after you in so many enjoyable ways.

imperfect_cupcake 07-19-2011 11:11 AM

Inki's idea of romance is a bit barmy so "regular" romantic gestures are a bit lost on her. For example, the way she showed me she liked me the first time we met was to come up behind me with a friend's top hat, stick it on my head and say "oh look, Guns and Roses" then removed it. then very slowly when I'd be talking, creep the hat up my back and stick it on my head and mouth the words "guns and roses" over and over while I was talking to people until I became so irritated I grabbed the hat and beat her into the fire place with it that was by the table. Which was the response she was looking for, I think. Some butches want you to beat them with a hat. It means a lot to them.

EnderD_503 07-19-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by honeybarbara (Post 381861)
Inki's idea of romance is a bit barmy so "regular" romantic gestures are a bit lost on her. For example, the way she showed me she liked me the first time we met was to come up behind me with a friend's top hat, stick it on my head and say "oh look, Guns and Roses" then removed it. then very slowly when I'd be talking, creep the hat up my back and stick it on my head and mouth the words "guns and roses" over and over while I was talking to people until I became so irritated I grabbed the hat and beat her into the fire place with it that was by the table. Which was the response she was looking for, I think. Some butches want you to beat them with a hat. It means a lot to them.

If hat beatings and Guns&Roses were the official definition of "romance" I might actually fancy myself somewhat of a romantic. It sounds far less awkward and much more amusing.

dark_crystal 07-19-2011 02:17 PM

Mr. Jenny turns into a pile of goo for a foot massage

AtLast 07-19-2011 02:41 PM

Oh, yeah... foot massage!

Something that I appreciate is a red rose for me once in awhile. Just one and red. On my pillow is a good place to leave it.

Receiving a card with some "talk" in it is great, too. Just left somewhere I will find it at some point during my day.

Because I usually have some of the "she isn't really flirting with me in THAT way," a hand on a knee might convince me that she is interested in a romantic way. Just a soft touch, not talking a big squeeze...

Have to add that I really do notice how a date dresses and I do think that this can be a way of figuring out if she accepted a date (or asked me for a date) with me because she does have some romantic inclination toward me. I do dress well for dates- my shirt and slackes will be ironed- and clean and go with each other!

OK, a silly one- if after we are dating a few times, she asks me if I want to go to a baseball game (especially if she really doesn't care for baseball very much) together- I can get some romance just in her thinking of doing this. To be honest, I love going to a ball game with someone I am seeing, but if she really would not have any kind of fun doing this, I say thank you (with a kiss) and let her off the hook. Yanno- that thought that counts!

dark_crystal 07-19-2011 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 381955)
a hand on a knee might convince me that she is interested in a romantic way. Just a soft touch, not talking a big squeeze

oh i usually go for the "brushing your upper arm with my boobs" move

too much?

tapu 07-19-2011 05:53 PM

My girlfriend in college used to come up to me on campus, around town, wherever she saw me, and say, "Hi, handsome." :o

Slater 07-19-2011 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by dark_crystal (Post 382029)
oh i usually go for the "brushing your upper arm with my boobs" move

too much?

Too much? That's crazy talk. The "boobs on the upper arm" move is a classic. It's right up there with the "lean forward when we are seated across from each other so you can have a good look at my cleavage" move femmes often do.

Guy 07-20-2011 12:30 AM

For me it would be to cook dinner. Something she put thought and time into with the anticipation of hoping it turned out well.

Merlin 07-20-2011 12:37 AM

Thought put into anything where I am concerned is a huge turn on.

Greyson 07-20-2011 12:41 AM

Like Hack and Goofy, I want acceptance. See me, not who you think I may be based on your previous life experiences before having met me. I like to be romanced with intelligence, spontanaity, your authenticity, femme mystique and a dash of passion about life.

DamonK 07-20-2011 12:43 AM

Take me for a walk and talk with me.
Plan something.
Seduce me.
Challenge me.

little_ms_sunshyne 07-20-2011 12:53 AM

A few things I like to do for my Mister are

~ Cook dinner ever night :) Hy likes it when I wear an apron lol

~ Lustful surprises...some days he gets home from work and I greet him all done up wearing nothing but hys white button up.

~ I show him I pay attention to hys likes and dislikes by doing little things. Hy likes tools so I got him a tool belt and tool box filled with hys favorite things.

~ I also like to plan surprises. I took time to plan our first date. Took hym to one of hys favorite broadway shows in a theater that makes you feel like you are under the stars.

~ Hy told me hy liked sunsets, so I looked for a great sunset view in an unexpected place.

I guess I take initiative to plan special days or moments and I dont just leave it up to him. I make sure hy knows I not only love hym but am completely in lust with hym. Planning special nights for some of hys fantasies as well as some of yours is also appreciated :)

Not sure if this helps...I may have given TMI! If I did sorry friends :)

Tcountry 07-20-2011 01:50 AM

adding to Sunshyne's list
...first agree with everything she said...
-And adding...love when she calls me her "sexy mister"
-When she knows exactly what I want & just does it...
-She trys new things with me & laughs with me when they flop
-just being playful & silly & not super serious

Yep...my honey knows me well ;)

flower77 07-25-2011 03:21 PM

This thread is one of my biggest questions :-)

If I was dating someone and wanted to know the answer to this question, what should I ask, or what should I pay attention to to find out?

Sometimes I am so nervous on dates I miss stuff! ah!

F x

UofMfan 07-25-2011 05:00 PM

Stimulate my mind and the rest usually follows.

clay 07-25-2011 05:07 PM

For myself....
If you stimulate my mind,then it is certain..the rest will follow!!

clay 07-25-2011 05:10 PM

chuckles to self...seems UofM & I thought same at almost same time....lol

oblivia 07-25-2011 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by flower77 (Post 385314)
This thread is one of my biggest questions :-)

If I was dating someone and wanted to know the answer to this question, what should I ask, or what should I pay attention to to find out?

Sometimes I am so nervous on dates I miss stuff! ah!

F x

In my opinion, you should be able to just simply ask your date straight out "what makes you feel special?". I think it'd be safe to say that most people regardless of their identity, really appreciate someone making the effort to reach out and find out what makes them feel appreciated/special!! :) :)

Just this femme's $.02....

Elijah 07-25-2011 10:00 PM

One of the sweetest and most memorable things anyone ever did for Me was take 101 small pieces of paper and wrote 101 reasons she loved Me on them and put them in this lovely box she picked out to hold them.

In general though, being attentive, cooking a nice meal followed by a nice back rub and lying in bed talking, laughing and kissing for hours.

dixie 07-25-2011 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by dark_crystal (Post 382029)
oh i usually go for the "brushing your upper arm with my boobs" move

too much?


Originally Posted by Slater (Post 382293)
Too much? That's crazy talk. The "boobs on the upper arm" move is a classic. It's right up there with the "lean forward when we are seated across from each other so you can have a good look at my cleavage" move femmes often do.

I usually do that "move" without even realizing it! (Somehow I even accomplished it with HD, in the middle of Walmart when we were picking up things we forgot on our trip LOL)

Glad to know I'm not the only one, and that it's not necessarily a bad thing! :giggle:

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