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-   -   Do you visit BFP from work? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2240)

Nat 10-27-2010 10:14 AM

Do you visit BFP from work?
Do you or have you visited BFP from work? Just curious. :)

Lady Pamela 10-27-2010 10:24 AM

Yes to at work and Yes to on work computer..lol

I run my own business at home...lol

The_Lady_Snow 10-27-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Nat (Post 215180)
Do you or have you visited BFP from work? Just curious. :)

I was written up for visiting the dash site at one job.. Due to pornographic content..

My last job where I worked under a Corporation, they did not care, I still did it only on my breaks, or during down time, or lunch. Courtesy they are not paying me to play online.

I can now, my bosses don't care.

I feel fortunate for that.

If I went and applied for a job say at AT&T I wouldn't try it till I got an ok, no fuckery is worth my paycheck.

JustJo 10-27-2010 11:17 AM

Not on the work computer...cuz that would probably get me in big trouble.

I do log on during "work time" - but that's a fuzzy thing for me since I'm salaried, work from home and don't actually have set hours. I'm responsible for seeing my projects through...not for punching a clock.

I'm lucky like that. :)

MrSunshine 10-27-2010 11:20 AM

No, but I enjoy watching and knowing others have to work. I'm a prick like that.

Linus 10-27-2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 215200)
Not on the work computer...cuz that would probably get me in big trouble.

I do log on during "work time" - but that's a fuzzy thing for me since I'm salaried, work from home and don't actually have set hours. I'm responsible for seeing my projects through...not for punching a clock.

I'm lucky like that. :)

Like you, I'm pretty much left to my own devices to do as I see fit for what I need to do. The only this isn't the case is when I'm actually teaching in front of students..

Scorp 10-27-2010 11:58 AM

Yep, I sure do...All day...so for those of you who think I don't have a job...WRONG... :byebye:

I can multi-task like a mofo...

Hopefully big brother isn't watching.

I usually delete my cookies, history, etc. before leaving for the day.

dark_crystal 10-27-2010 12:03 PM

i am at work right now! and on a gov't computer!

but librarians are total freaks about privacy and censorship, so no one is going to pull my logs and no one is going to tell me what sites i can go to- not in a million bazillion years

LipstickLola 10-27-2010 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Nat (Post 215180)
Do you or have you visited BFP from work? Just curious. :)

Yes, on my laptop. I work nights, and since I joined, it has provided me with some really great reading :) some things are blocked by the network and I was however surprised that this site opened for me.

Dreamer 10-27-2010 12:13 PM

The Buggas wont get wifi on the paddle steamers for me so I miss out :( bastids

JustBeingMe 10-27-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Scorp (Post 215215)
Yep, I sure do...All day...so for those of you who think I don't have a job...WRONG... :byebye:

I can multi-task like a mofo...

Hopefully big brother isn't watching.

I usually delete my cookies, history, etc. before leaving for the day.

Hey Linus, I think Scorp needs a virus sent to hym. LOL Just to fuckery up his computer for ONE DAY of fuckery.

JustBeingMe 10-27-2010 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by LipstickLola (Post 215224)

Yes, on my laptop. I work nights, and since I joined, it has provided me with some really great reading :) some things are blocked by the network and I was however surprised that this site opened for me.

Just wait til they find out what this site is.....it won't be up for you anylonger than that. LOL

Apocalipstic 10-27-2010 12:30 PM

Yes, I am at work right now.

I am also quite a multitasker, left to my own devices and travel for work and am on call quite a bit so I have a lot of flexibility.

I prefer to work somewhere I am not watched, tested and micromanaged. I don't do well with that.

Scorp 10-27-2010 12:31 PM

Careful what you wish for there...

Payback is a bitch and I can be one major psychotic fuckery individual...


Originally Posted by JustBeingMe (Post 215243)
Hey Linus, I think Scorp needs a virus sent to hym. LOL Just to fuckery up his computer for ONE DAY of fuckery.

Corkey 10-27-2010 02:05 PM

When I was working I had internet access, one of the few in my department to have it. I could research anything having to do with my job, investigator. However my job had nothing to do with queer studies, so no I would not have been here during working hours.

I was out at work and never had any incidents of harassment for my gender. I worked for a very progressive company that also had partner benefits. So if they were being so very fair and up front with me, I could not be devious and go somewhere I should not have been, using their equipment.

Your mileage may vary.

Ebon 10-27-2010 02:07 PM

Yes because I work from home! The commute and dress code are both awesome.

Gemme 10-27-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nat (Post 215180)
Do you or have you visited BFP from work? Just curious. :)

I have in the past, yes. Here and the - too. When it was inappropriate for me to do so, I didn't. When it was okay and/or no one cared, I did.

The environment and atmosphere for every job is different.

Gayla 10-27-2010 02:35 PM

At the soup factory, I could do pretty much anything and no one cared until a restructuring gave me an idiot boss who threw a fit about LJ of all things. He really was an idiot.

Since I am officially self employed now, even though I still go into the office everyday, etc., I can pretty much do anything I want so my answer is yes. I use my own laptop in the office but am on the company's wifi so I avoid porn sites or anything too offensive. Then again, I don't think there's anyone here who would be able to track our Internet usage since I spend a good chunk of my day reminding people how to do things like cut n paste.

When things are slow, I spend a good chunk of my day on BFP, Facebook or playing WoW. When things are not slow, I can go days without logging in to any of them except maybe in the middle of the night. So not seeing me in the middle of the day is a good thing! :)

lipstixgal 10-27-2010 02:39 PM

No I work for a medical office and not allowed on the computer at all. I don't even have a password I'm just a intern so no computer access for me. But if I do get a job in teh medical field I don't think I will go on even if allowed!!

Blade 10-27-2010 03:36 PM

Voted other

I have used my phone and gotten on the site on break or while in the restroom, it's like reading the paper while ya go..... I would NEVER get on the site from a work computer with my company. To begin with it would block me and not let me have the site to start with. Secondly social websites are not important enough for me to jeopardize my job to begin with. Thirdly, my company can print out all the websites we've been to and not only that, they can tell how many pages have come off of your printer, they are pretty sophisticated with our IT/IS people.

To tell you how anal my company is they wrote up a guy last month for using his phone in the bathroom to post on facebook, at work having a great day. Someone trying to get brownie points for a promotion, who was not at work reported it.....

Apocalipstic 10-27-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 215398)
Voted other

I have used my phone and gotten on the site on break or while in the restroom, it's like reading the paper while ya go..... I would NEVER get on the site from a work computer with my company. To begin with it would block me and not let me have the site to start with. Secondly social websites are not important enough for me to jeopardize my job to begin with. Thirdly, my company can print out all the websites we've been to and not only that, they can tell how many pages have come off of your printer, they are pretty sophisticated with our IT/IS people.

To tell you how anal my company is they wrote up a guy last month for using his phone in the bathroom to post on facebook, at work having a great day. Someone trying to get brownie points for a promotion, who was not at work reported it.....

I would not last a day.

I am really good at what I do, but no way am I playing little corporate tell on people games at this point in my life. Zero.

Blade 10-27-2010 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 215418)
I would not last a day.

I am really good at what I do, but no way am I playing little corporate tell on people games at this point in my life. Zero.

Yeah well guess what the tattletale didn't get his promotion..someone else did...what goes around comes around

Apocalipstic 10-27-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 215423)
Yeah well guess what the tattletale didn't get his promotion..someone else did...what goes around comes around

Excellent, glad to hear that sort of behavior is not rewarded! :)

Rockinonahigh 10-27-2010 05:46 PM

No no never ever..I work for a catholic hospital...they would stroke out if I did get on this site or others like it.

betenoire 10-27-2010 05:54 PM

There are really strict rules about surfing the web at my workplace. No politics, no religion, no facebook, no hate-sites, no porn, no sites that have content that could potentially make any of your coworkers uncomfortable.

I work graveyard shifts and get a lot of downtime - so I pretty much just hang out on youtube and play Bloons Tower Defense. *shrug*

Billy 10-27-2010 06:08 PM

Yes I do :) But I work for Myself and at the warehouse there is wireless set up for the Brokers so , I just bring My laptop :)

dixie 10-27-2010 06:09 PM

My work is a very relaxed atmosphere all together, so our internet rules are very relaxed. We are allowed to surf any site we wish, as long as we don't download porn. I generally stick to bfp and facebook (and the cheezburger kitteh site) cause those are my favs anyway...lol I love my job. :)

Tcountry 10-27-2010 07:11 PM

Yes...best time to stalk when ya'll are sleepin...(except Gemme ~ she's always up) :)

Gaige 10-27-2010 07:38 PM

I access this site from work using my phone. I use the work computer for work only. I can access everything on this site with my phone except the chatroom. Whenever I try to get into the chatroom I get a message saying I need to download Java. I'm pretty sure I already have Java on my phone. Anyone one else have this problem accessing the chat with your phone. I'm using a Droid X btw. Would appreciate any tips you can supply. thanks

Random 10-27-2010 08:11 PM


I'm at work to work, not play...

Oiler41 10-27-2010 08:16 PM

Nope, not ever. There are certainly corporate policies in place that say this site, due to content, would be a no-go. They will overlook sites like CNN, ESPN and even Amazon but a social interaction type website or any site that might have the chance of something that could be viewed as pornographic is, as a general rule, off limits in any major corporation. I can access the site from my iPhone but I just kind of don't think its right to access it at work; it just feels wrong and for me personally, that is kind of a litmus test I use. If it feels wrong, the odds are it generally is. I am a manager in my company and its just best for me that I not deviate from what I know would be unacceptable. The benefit - risk ratio just isn't there. I'll catch up with everything when I get home or want to check in on my phone. It works for me.


TIMBERWOLF 10-27-2010 08:34 PM

Nope , not at work. Only 2 computers have internet and its not the one I use. My Boss and our receptionist are the only ones that have it. But If i need to research sometime im free to use my boss's computer or if he needs something he ask me to go on line and get it for him. I wouldn't screw off while they are paying me to work for them and not having fun for myself. Besides, I am far to busy running from patient to patient giving them Therapy, then to be on line.

Hack 10-27-2010 09:05 PM

No. This would be blocked, I am sure, on our surf filter.

Gemme 10-27-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tcountry (Post 215557)
Yes...best time to stalk when ya'll are sleepin...(except Gemme ~ she's always up) :)

Not always.


Moreso when I have insomnia or Organic's motor is running especially loud some evenings.


Originally Posted by Human Devil (Post 215577)
I access this site from work using my phone. I use the work computer for work only. I can access everything on this site with my phone except the chatroom. Whenever I try to get into the chatroom I get a message saying I need to download Java. I'm pretty sure I already have Java on my phone. Anyone one else have this problem accessing the chat with your phone. I'm using a Droid X btw. Would appreciate any tips you can supply. thanks

Linus would be the best person to ask tech questions about the site. He has an Ask Linus thread or you could pm him.

cara 10-27-2010 09:26 PM

BFP is blocked at my workplace, so I connect to the site through my wireless mobile phone during the day. It makes reading and catching up with people a complete chore. But at least I have a little bit of my BF connection throughout the day. :)



hpychick 10-27-2010 10:58 PM

Not an authorized Website. :( boo freakin' hoo. Howevah...it's probably a good thing. Otherwise, I would spend all day seeing what y'all are up to! :blink:

LipstickLola 10-27-2010 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by JustBeingMe (Post 215245)
Just wait til they find out what this site is.....it won't be up for you anylonger than that. LOL

Yeah, I thought of that already, lol, ESPECIALLY since this Fuckery word keeps getting thrown around :blink: I also feel that I should say, I work very hard, but do have built in down time with my job, just the nature of the beast ;)

MsDemeanor 10-28-2010 02:14 AM

I had to check 'other'. I telecommute, work whatever hours I choose, and have my work and personal computers sitting next to each other on my desk. I don't use the work computer for anything personal, and I don't bill for the time I spend doing personal things, but I can take a break from work at any time, hop on the home PC, and go anywhere I like.

DamonK 10-28-2010 10:19 AM

I very rarely....very....rarely...have time. When I do, it's on a break on my phone.

Then again, I rarely have time to take breaks.

Lynn 10-28-2010 10:56 AM

Right now, I don't have access to a work computer, and I set my own hours, so I go on the site when I feel like it. Or, when I feel like procrastinating, as I usually do.

In my last job, we could use email and go on personal sites when on breaks. I know, though, that they did check on line histories from time to time, and they probably didn't think too highly of my going on the site. It isn't porn, or I would have heard about it. But, they're a bunch of homophobic f-k's. Which is among the reasons I left.

Deleting cookies and history off of a pc does not erase the information which the administrator would have access to. It would be especially important to be sure to log on and off so it's clear that surfing is done on break times, not company time.

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