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-   -   SOOOoOOO its another Saturday night ........ now what (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=280)

morningstar55 11-14-2009 04:25 PM

SOOOoOOO its another Saturday night ........ now what
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everyone
guess what .. it is another saturday night....... and i aint got no money .... and i just got paid.. ha
soo here we all are..... its satuday night ... and here we are siting at this damm contraption...

haha........ well anyways...... im bored..
but .. i have a load to pick up in jackson TN.. around noonish tomorrow....and take it to murfreesboro TN.... then monday pic up another thats going near Buffalo ,NY .. wooHOO...
as for tonight now....... im gonna leave this truck stop im at and wonder towards jackson TN i guess

ok i can not post a tube....... but if u click the link..... ;)
its time to get your groove on...... ha

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sthRYIB91P8"]YouTube- The Rolling Stones - Undercover of the Night[/nomedia]

Semantics 11-15-2009 08:07 AM

Good morning, Morningstar. :)

I was up late into the night listening to music and making petits fours glacés for a tea party I'm having today.

Not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday night, but I do have a lot of pretty little cakes this morning. :lol2:

MrSunshine 11-15-2009 08:10 AM

I was trying to show you MY pretty little cakes last night:|

morningstar55 11-15-2009 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Semantics (Post 5702)
Good morning, Morningstar. :)

I was up late into the night listening to music and making petits fours glacés for a tea party I'm having today.

Not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday night, but I do have a lot of pretty little cakes this morning. :lol2:

morning to u Semantics.....
i fell asleep early last night watching desperate housewives. lol
have to go to work here in a lil bit.... glad to see u here.....

Semantics 11-15-2009 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Deadyboy (Post 5705)
I was trying to show you MY pretty little cakes last night:|


I just noticed that the spankee is wearing red shorts. Just like that wrestler. :zombie:


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 5706)
morning to u Semantics.....
i fell asleep early last night watching desperate housewives. lol
have to go to work here in a lil bit.... glad to see u here.....

How is the weather in TN?

Enjoy your trip north. I hope the rain let's up and it's nice drive. :)

morningstar55 11-21-2009 05:08 PM

heyyyyyyyyyyy guess what time it is..........
yep u got it..... another saturday night..... and here we all are.....

im hangin here. in indianaa .. just 15 miles north of Louisville KY.. yeha
here's a thanksgiving tune ... heh

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z27FKwupds"]YouTube- The Thanksgiving Song by Adam Sandler (subscribe if you like this video)[/ame]

NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 05:12 PM

Watching the Texas Kansas game

morningstar55 11-21-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by NotAnAverageGuy (Post 9784)
Watching the Texas Kansas game

aahHHhhh ha...... you guys and your games.......
hey i got pizza and wings.. and some brewski's.. wooHoo



NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 9789)
aahHHhhh ha...... you guys and your games.......
hey i got pizza and wings.. and some brewski's.. wooHoo



WOOOOHOOO Ty much love wings and beer!!!!

morningstar55 11-21-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by NotAnAverageGuy (Post 9793)
WOOOOHOOO Ty much love wings and beer!!!!

LOL ... sorry for not having more variety of beer..... labatts is all i had in the fridge.. lol
its my most favorrrriate flavor..lol

NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 05:49 PM

No problem hun at least it's beer hahahaha

morningstar55 11-21-2009 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by NotAnAverageGuy (Post 9802)
No problem hun at least it's beer hahahaha

umm ok..... lol
ya know........ i can not drink anything bud. bud light.. bud reg.. bud what ever.... just a half of can makes me tummy ill and a headache..... iat dont knwo what it is about it.... all i know it doesnt like me..

NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 06:13 PM

Bud light and Bud Ice, Fat Tire and Bud Light Golden Wheat are the beers I can drink

morningstar55 11-21-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by NotAnAverageGuy (Post 9806)
Bud light and Bud Ice, Fat Tire and Bud Light Golden Wheat are the beers I can drink

aahhh .. cool..... lol fat tire?? lol ......

hottprof 11-21-2009 06:24 PM

Saturday night... and the mood is right.. gunna have some fun, show you have its done TGIF(S) lol....

hanging out with a friend online and cleaning my apt. I love my lazy days off:

Smiles :frog:

NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 9807)
aahhh .. cool..... lol fat tire?? lol ......

yeah Fat Tire, its actually pretty good but its not an american beer I don't think.

morningstar55 11-21-2009 07:09 PM

well.. i think im gonna watch a movie......
i just picked up ... a movie.......

staring ... Mick Jagger...... lol

its called.........

Ned kelly
a true story about a aussie legendary outlaw

ha......... i seen Mick in another movie once. can't remeber what it was called.........but i do remember he played a cop in it... lol and well seemd to do pretty good job

NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 07:54 PM

I am watching the Texas Kansas football game now, waiting to eat some chicken sandwiches

Gemme 11-21-2009 11:07 PM

Saturdays end early for me as I wake early for work. Tonight I am also fighting a bug so it will not be long before I shall slumber.

NotAnAverageGuy 11-21-2009 11:11 PM

I am gonna end my night by postin on here and farming on facebook

morningstar55 11-28-2009 03:41 PM

heyyyyyyyyyy its saturday night here at the Planet............


hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far.
as for me............ ** whimpering here** im still trying to get rid of this chest cold thing.
i been coughing and coughing....... tried hot showers.. hot tea.. honey .. why wont it get rid of this ahhhh stuff in my chest.. its making my throat sore

NotAnAverageGuy 11-28-2009 03:50 PM

headed to friends house for some chips, dip and beers

Gemme 11-28-2009 03:55 PM

I'm going to be crafting, watching TV with the roomies, vegging with my honey and making an early night of it since I'm racing the sun to see who can get to work first. I know I'll win. I do almost every time, but I like the let the sun think it has a shot, yanno?

NotAnAverageGuy 11-29-2009 01:26 AM

Ohh what a night, drank too much beer and had little chips and some dip

ugh now its Sunday

morningstar55 12-12-2009 09:19 PM

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guess what time it is ???????
yep. its
SATURDAY NIGHT..........here at the planet
and here we all are....... Y ????

well for me . as a lot of you know im drive a truck and well live out here on the road... tonight i did a lil christmas shopping and im pooped... didnt get much sleep last nite..... soo for me.......
im heading to bed here pretty darn quick.
nights everyone.

i''ll leave ya with a lil dancing music...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19rG2CHvCQY"]YouTube- Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling[/ame]

morningstar55 12-19-2009 05:29 PM

heyyyyyyy guess what time it is .......... kiddies.............
thats right ........

sooo what is everyone up too tonight???
here we all are on line.......... why???
did ya get all your christmas shopping done???
i know why i am ...... cuz im stuck here in VA .. the roads is a mess, traffic i hear from some other truckers is backed up 23 miles going north on 81 somewhere....
would leave another tube song..... but hell no one seem to participate in the dance tune and thread last week.. oh well..... anyways
i have to deliver a load come monday morning.
and here i be.. hangin in my truck.. and well i have a movie to watch..
hohoho :santa1:

morningstar55 12-19-2009 06:11 PM

wow ...... this is soo cute.......

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpwUFHARyiA"]YouTube- Holiday Nail Design .::.GLITTERY SNOWMEN!.::.[/ame]

bigbutchmistie 12-19-2009 06:37 PM

Ok... Another dateless Saturday night. But in my defense I havent really been lookin too much LOL So I figure I will drive through Taco Cabana and get some dinner and then watch the Cowboys screw another game up for fun :)

morningstar55 12-19-2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by bigbutchmistie (Post 23450)
Ok... Another dateless Saturday night. But in my defense I havent really been lookin too much LOL So I figure I will drive through Taco Cabana and get some dinner and then watch the Cowboys screw another game up for fun :)

woooHOo..... haha....... I love taco cabana..
could ya grab me a cabana bowl while ur there please.... lol


bigbutchmistie 12-19-2009 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 23454)
woooHOo..... haha....... I love taco cabana..
could ya grab me a cabana bowl while ur there please.... lol


Sure what'll it be chicken or beef? :)

morningstar55 12-19-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by bigbutchmistie (Post 23455)
Sure what'll it be chicken or beef? :)

chiicken.. lol

when ever i get a load to texas..... im always hitting that place. for breakfast or lunch.. lol
im gonna watch a movie here..... might bbl.

morningstar55 01-02-2010 06:59 PM

welp its another saturday night.........

and here we all are..... why???

for me...... i did a lot of house work today.. putting away holiday stuff and re organizing rooms.. have 2 more to go .. will save that for tomorrow i guess... trying to get a lot of this much needed house stuff done before i get called out on a load....

now its time to go vegg at the tv..and watch desperate housewives.. lol ..... think its ol reruns.

morningstar55 01-16-2010 04:18 PM

heyyy guess what time it is??????????????
you got it
its SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE......... here at the Planet.
and here we all are.....

im hangin here in the Greensboro NC area.... and going to meet up with a friend here a bit later........... whats on your agenda

Blaze 01-16-2010 04:57 PM

~sigh~ nothing to do, lol. Gonna watch the Saints game, tile, run from the ferrets, nothing special.... Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, ohhh and play on the Planet, now that's something that keeps me going

Gemme 01-16-2010 06:06 PM

I'm going to work on some art projects, tidy up ye old bedroom, play with the pooches, and have some AWESOME crock pot spaghetti sauce and whole wheat rotini pasta (out of penne, unfortunately).

It's gonna be a good Saturday!

Soon 01-16-2010 06:10 PM

Just finished some awesome Indian food (Chicken Tikka Masala and Lentil Soup) and am looking forward to watching The Golden Globes tonight!


ETA: It's on tomorrow! :(

So umm...tonight's big plans must be revised!


Rockinonahigh 01-16-2010 08:25 PM

Being the weather is so nasty out I figured I would go out this afternoon cause the ..cold,foggy,rainy day would get worse by tonight.I went to my local pool hall to play a fue games,work on some shots that I havent been hiting as well as before...think I need new glases.Any ways I did some running around for things for my fur kids..then home.

Andrew, Jr. 01-16-2010 08:38 PM

*Went to Mass
*Went to PetsMart for furkids
*Went to the grocery store for newspaper and some odds & ends
*Watching Ravens & Colts game on TV

morningstar55 01-16-2010 10:15 PM

how about some dance tunes

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyTLuith1Qs"]YouTube- THE ROLLING STONES - Rock And A Hard Place (with lyrics)[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2tMV96xULk"]YouTube- Pitbull - I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) (Available on ULTRA MIX 2 NOW!) OFFICIAL VIDEO[/ame]


LieslKate 01-16-2010 11:48 PM

Sat night...
I made a late dinner, started watching Brit coms on PBS and promptly fell asleep for about 2 hours... came to read threads for a bit before bed !

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