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-   -   For those that believe in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7766)

princessbelle 04-04-2015 12:55 PM

For those that believe in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
I looked in the religious spaces trying to find a place for those of us who believe in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and could not find the thread. There are discussions of Christianity vs. this or that related to a topic or news. I found many other belief threads, but not this one.

I realize this way of believing is not exactly popular these days.
I, myself, do not claim to be religious per say. I do pray each night and love God. We are each on our own journey in this life and we choose to believe in what we feel is right. My right is not yours necessarily and vise versa and that's ok. I would NEVER try and force my belief on anyone. EVER.

Being brought up Baptist, i now do not claim this religion. I only know and feel in my heart that God is real. God is who i pray too. He sent his Son Jesus to this earth to save mankind. I believe the only way to heaven is to believe. It's that simple. I believe in parts of the Bible and i believe it is relevant and purposeful. I don't believe that every word in it applies to us today or even means near what we deal with in this day and time. I believe it to be real though and i do protect it and keep it holy. Words have been changed over the years to suit the scribes, the Kings, and so on...that's how i see it.

I believe in a God of love and hope and healing. In my nursing career i have seen some amazing things. Things that could not be from this earth. I focus on the positive. That is how i choose to live.

This is NOT a place for debate. There are many places for that. It seems that is all we really do is debate how we believe. WE ALL have the right to believe what we want to. I am sharing that right today.

If anyone would like to post praises something inspirational about how you feel or your journey. Please do so. But, please don't pick on me for loving the Lord, or make fun of me, at least to my face. If i am alone in this belief, and in this thread...i can live with that.

But, for today for this weekend, I am happy that He is risen. Happy Easter for those who believe...

I realize the following is old and outdated, but i feel the spirit when i hear this. I wanted to share....

MsTinkerbelly 04-04-2015 01:05 PM

Praise be to God our Father!

Thank you Belle for this loving place to express our joy that He is Risen!

princessbelle 04-05-2015 09:00 AM


cricket26 04-05-2015 09:22 AM

thank you for this thread!

sorry could not decide which to post so i posted all :)

Teddybear 04-05-2015 09:36 AM

I have to say i dont go to church on a regular basis but i worship daily for i believe what the bible tells us about we are the church.

i am not afraid to claim being a child of God. I dont judge people of other faiths for that isnt my job. From everything i have ever been taught that Our Father is their father also. Just like every one we all dont call our parents the sames as another how do i know they are not talking to whom i call Father.

Faith is defined as believing in something or someone we have never met or have seen. i would say i have that faith

durrrrrrrr 04-05-2015 02:10 PM

on the third day, he rose again....
Happy Easter Everyone

I went to church today with my neighbors. At their church they have a new pastor who is 28 years old. He was very good I did enjoy the service / mass.

I myself don't attend church every weekend, but I do go as much as I can.

Blade 04-05-2015 07:06 PM

I don't attend church every time the door opens, and I'm far from a "holy roller". I do believe in the Holy Trinity and the Bible. I believe that Jesus died for my transgressions and I believe on the third day He rose.

I believe in prayer and miracles. God works in my like every day and I put my trust in Him. There have been numerous times in my life, where I said here God you take it, I can't do it anymore or don't know what to do. It may not be immediate but He takes care of it. I tell people just give it to God and forget about it. I believe that, I believe He'll take care of it.

Short story: Last week I had all but $1100 of the money together for my new toy. I got off at 2 Monday and went by the insurance office to pick up a check cuz my freezer went out. I went by the bank to get the amount of my interest so I could have my taxes filled out. I was afraid to have them filled out, afraid I'd have to pay this year. As I came home I noticed the driveway of they lady who does my taxes was empty. I stopped in she filled out my taxes. She goes well you're getting back. I'm really happy with that! Then she tells me the amount. I said how much was that again.....she said $1197.

I've prayed for this new toy for years off and on and knew in time it would come to pass. I've had this and that, but never exactly what I wanted. Then I found it came up with the money except $1100. When I prayed Sunday night I spoke to God and ask Him for one thing, though I rarely pray for myself specifically, I ask for him to help me make a way for it to happen. AND BOOM next day everything including the dollar amount fell right into place.

Yeah there's a God not just because of this little story. But buy faith I believe

Great Thread Belle! Also a great post Belle!

not2shygrrl 04-06-2015 06:02 PM

I admit I don't go to church as much as I want to. I get in this rut, as a Catholic, when I get pissed at my life I blame God and stop going to church! It is because of my love, faith and trust that I always go back. When I get over myself! I am able to be the humble woman that I truly am and I go back to services, confession, in spite of my sins I ask for forgiveness and partake in the body and blood of Jesus.....as I believe in. I am not perfect, but I love the Holy Trinity!

I also believe that we who believe, do pray and honor the same ultimate energy, we all just call him by different names. One in the same for me :) My faith is positive, (with the exception of my stupid stubbornness) and ingrained in me from childhood. I remember goofing off in church with my siblings with looks and hand gestures and such! I remember looking around and contemplating such things as who will go to communion and who won't! Or looking around and wondering what peoples lives were like at home, and getting a little more serious in thoughts as to the life of Jesus and hearing about it when I listened to the readings! And as I got older, I could not wait to go to mass and pray, the solitude, one on one with the big guy! Arrive a little early and your choice of parking and seating were a bonus, the opportunity to pray in his house, with very little interruptions....was and still is uplifting to me. Confession......face to face is the only way I can do this, not shy in most any aspect of my life.

As long as I can remember liking females, is also as long as I can remember that I never felt that I was going to hell for being a lesbian! I didn't know that word at an early age, but I have never been ashamed of these feelings. :) My foundations in church were set in early with my parents and siblings. I pray to be a better person, I pray for peace, and I find it hard to pray for things that I want, feeling as if a roof, food and a means for working should be enough. Little by little that is changing! One of my favorite songs is about peace and I use it for my signature in my email......Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. :)

God bless you.

princessbelle 04-07-2015 02:45 PM

I have always so enjoyed the story of Ruth and Naomi.

Naomi being Ruth's mother in law and having become a widow, vowed to be with her until the end. Ruth had married Naomi's son but only because Naomi had pushed her to do so. After Naomi's son's death (Ruth's husband) Ruth promised to never leave Naomi's side again.

It has always amazed me that these two women made vows to each other and to God about each other. Their vows are often said in marriage ceremonies. It is a vow of love and companionship and family. I feel it could have even been more than that actually, but who knows.

Again, i don't really want to get into a heated debate about it. Let's continue to keep it a positive space.

Please feel free to share anything that touches you and thanks to those who have posted and those who sent reps and glad this thread is here. I really appreciate all of the positive energy in this thread!!!!

I wanted to share the famous vows that these two women made today....

Ruth 1:16-17

But Ruth said,
“Do not press me to leave you
or to turn back from following you!
Where you go, I will go;
Where you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people and your God my God.
Where you die, I will die
There I will be buried.
May the Lord do thus and so to me
And more as well
If even death parts me from you!”’

MsTinkerbelly 04-07-2015 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 982551)
I have always so enjoyed the story of Ruth and Naomi.

Naomi being Ruth's mother in law and having become a widow, vowed to be with her until the end. Ruth had married Naomi's son but only because Naomi had pushed her to do so. After Naomi's son's death (Ruth's husband) Ruth promised to never leave Naomi's side again.

It has always amazed me that these two women made vows to each other and to God about each other. Their vows are often said in marriage ceremonies. It is a vow of love and companionship and family. I feel it could have even been more than that actually, but who knows.

Again, i don't really want to get into a heated debate about it. Let's continue to keep it a positive space.

Please feel free to share anything that touches you and thanks to those who have posted and those who sent reps and glad this thread is here. I really appreciate all of the positive energy in this thread!!!!

I wanted to share the famous vows that these two women made today....

Ruth 1:16-17

But Ruth said,
“Do not press me to leave you
or to turn back from following you!
Where you go, I will go;
Where you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people and your God my God.
Where you die, I will die
There I will be buried.
May the Lord do thus and so to me
And more as well
If even death parts me from you!”’

When going through confirmation class i had to read that passage aloud...it took several tries as i could not stop sobbing. When read in context (and as posted here), it is one of the most beautiful in the Bible!

I begin all of my prayers with "thank you Lord for these my many blessings", and try to remember to be ever grateful in my daily life. There have been so many times over the last few years that i have " given it up to God", and although sometimes i don't like the answer, He always answers my prayers.

Canela 04-07-2015 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 982551)

Ruth 1:16-17

But Ruth said,
“Do not press me to leave you
or to turn back from following you!
Where you go, I will go;
Where you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people and your God my God.
Where you die, I will die
There I will be buried.
May the Lord do thus and so to me
And more as well
If even death parts me from you!”’

I have a band by James Avery that I wear and have worn since 2007 with this scripture engraved in Hebrew. It is a beautiful vow I took when I decided to serve the Lord. It has been an exercise in patience, that's for sure, but my heart remains the same, definitely....
And in my heart, Jesus is Ruth and I, Naomi...

Great thread. Thanks for starting it :)

Canela 04-21-2015 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Canela (Post 982574)
I have a band by James Avery that I wear and have worn since 2007 with this scripture engraved in Hebrew. It is a beautiful vow I took when I decided to serve the Lord. It has been an exercise in patience, that's for sure, but my heart remains the same, definitely....
And in my heart, Jesus is Ruth and I, Naomi...

Great thread. Thanks for starting it :)

What a maroon! Jesus is Naomi, I am Ruth....oops

princessbelle 04-21-2015 06:48 PM

One of my favorite prayers.....
Prayer for Peace

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


--St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)


CowboyJ 04-21-2015 10:31 PM

Give Thanks
Belle thank you for putting this thread up. I too, believe in the Trinity and am not afraid to be an out and proud Christian. I grew up Missionary Baptist and listened to the condemning words each and every Sunday and Wednesday evening. I was not drawn into that drama and that is where my faith grew stronger. I knew God would not have such hatred for God's children and nothing that preacher could say shook that firm belief. I have attended seminary and was fortunate enough to be able to be who I am, believe what I believe and as long as I could back it up in scripture, my professors were willing to listen. I do wish more of the LGBT community could realize just what a loving God we have and I know many have been tested by so called Christians. I am in constant prayer that we can all feel he love that God has to offer us.

Thank you again for starting this thread. It was a very warming feeling to see the post when I signed on tonight. I hope to have more interaction here.

Peace and Blessings........

Electrocell 04-22-2015 10:21 AM

Haven't been to church in years, but I believe in all three. Worship God in my own way.

MsTinkerbelly 04-22-2015 10:37 AM

Thank you God for this beautiful day, and help me to be ever grateful for the bounty You provide.


MsTinkerbelly 05-05-2015 09:44 AM

This is the day that the Lord has made,
we will give thanks and be glad in it!

It is so beautiful here today...it's cool and cloudy, and perfect weather for being outside and working.

Thanks be to God!:praying:

Blade 05-27-2015 08:31 AM

Chronicles 1 16:34
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

His love endures forever. WOW who else does that? Forever is a long long time.

TruTexan 05-27-2015 08:42 AM

As I sit here and type in despair, I turn to you Father God, I turn to you in a time of desperation and need for emotional and mental relief for the steps I must take to ensure my sanity for my own sake. Father forgive me for having to make the toughest decision of my life, walking away from an abusive, toxic mother that I have spent 5 1/2 yrs helping to care for. I have reached my last straw and I cannot take anymore. Father God, please provide guidance for me to make sound decisions for my future. Please allow the Andrews Center to find a way to keep providing counseling services for support during my path of walking away so I have emotional and mental support here where I live , alone. Thank you God, for the blessings you have bestowed upon me in my life and the lessons I've learned from the mistakes I've made. Thank you God for allowing me to grow and mature in the face of adversity in my lifetime. Thank you God for giving me a caring heart when I would have developed a heartless one if not for YOU.
Thank you God for always being there for me when I need you. Amen

princessbelle 06-14-2015 07:39 AM

Happy Birthday to my Brother

He would have been 61 years old today. I miss him more than i could ever express in words. He was a fantastic big brother and was always there for me. He had a kind heart and a gentle spirit. He helped those in need and always saw the positive in life. He believed in God and it showed. I know he is in heaven.


If there are Harley Motorcycles there, i hope you are riding on one with a big smile on your face.

I love you. I miss you. I will see you again.

Happy Birthday.
Love, your little sis.

not2shygrrl 06-20-2015 12:00 PM

a man who farts in church sits in his own pew!
It has still been some time since I have gone to church service, mass. As a Catholic this bothers me, yet I have not " fixed it or myself". My beliefs and love for my faith have not changed, I think this started with me being angry with God some time ago. I don't even remember why now.

Now I have no idea where to start.... and when I think about ~fixing~ going back to mass I slight it off as having no time or energy to face my sins. They are not of the mortal kind, but they are my sins and I need for my inner soul, to get this right in my life. I think I will plan a trip back where I was raised, and go to church there. I have always loved that church......just sitting in the pews there is calming, and like home. Yeah, this is what I need. Thanks for the space to make my words visual, it sure is different than having them spin in my head. Yes, a trip home is I need!

MsTinkerbelly 06-20-2015 01:59 PM

Dear Lord...

Thank you for the life i live and the love in it.

I am so grateful for my blessings, and i raise all of my worries to you, and let go of them for you to do as you see fit.

Help me to lead a life doing your work, so that others may see your love shine through me.


Luv 08-03-2015 12:06 AM

Prayer request for my mom..she is having some serious health problems.

princessbelle 12-30-2015 08:03 PM

At some of the hardest times in my life, i've leaned on God and prayer. Recently, i found myself lost. I didn't know where to turn. Again i turned to prayer. But, something amazing happened that i want to share.

I not only prayed, i hit my knees in my bedroom, in the quiet, by myself, in earnest need for help. God swiftly came to my rescue. He eased my pain, He dried my tears, He comforted me like no other. Suddenly i was ok, suddenly everything was clear and when i stood up i was whole and a smile came on my face that had not been there in awhile. He gave me what i needed the most...He gave me grace and peace.

I have lost a lot on my life....my father, brother and recently my uncle who was my God Father. Sometimes this world is too much to even comprehend. Loss feels that it comes at every turn. But, He is always there, just waiting to comfort and put His arms around us. Through the good times and the bad.

I am blessed to remember that. I am blessed to reach to Him for strength and guidance and direction. Those here on this thread, you know what i'm talking about. We are all blessed. Let's not forget (especially me) that prayer will get us through.

I hope your families are well and healthy and good things for all this coming year. I have a very good feeling about 2016!!

Happy New Year.

MsTinkerbelly 12-30-2015 08:15 PM

I received a lovely new cross this Christmas from my wife...it is sterling silver on a "chain" made from lepidolite. The mineral brings comfort and healing peace; which I have had such a hard time finding this year.

With God the center of our lives and marriage, there is nothing we cannot get through together.

Gods love and peace to you all, now and in the coming year.

P.s. It is wonderful to see you princessbelle. :rrose:

princessbelle 12-30-2015 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1035603)
I received a lovely new cross this Christmas from my wife...it is sterling silver on a "chain" made from lepidolite. The mineral brings comfort and healing peace; which I have had such a hard time finding this year.

With God the center of our lives and marriage, there is nothing we cannot get through together.

Gods love and peace to you all, now and in the coming year.

P.s. It is wonderful to see you princessbelle. :rrose:

Oh congrats on your gift it sounds beautiful. I've been wanting a cross. I have a necklace i wear that my youngest bought me long ago. That reminds me that i need a cross for it. Now is the perfect time. I agree with what you wrote.

It's good to see you too. It's good to be back. God Bless.

not2shygrrl 04-01-2016 11:10 PM

God bless Mother Angelica. RIP. This deeply affects me having known her love, strength and kindness that she freely gave throughout the world. I pray for her gentle soul.

Greyson 04-02-2016 12:02 PM

I believe in a God. My understanding and experience of God is not static. Gratefully it has changed from what I was taught at a very young age. Many of you know that I am now in seminary. Still my ideas of what I believe are examined and shift a bit, or not.

I am certain of this, being human is a gift and what I do with my life matters. I think all of us, no matter our gender, color, class, nationality, religion or non-believer status, we all have the desire to be loved and to love. To be loved could also be translated to mean accepted, to be heard.

I don't believe you must be a Christian to be of God. I do believe it is time to seriously consider what all of us can bring to the table of humanity, to all living entities, and nature.

dark_crystal 08-06-2017 09:47 AM

We have an ongoing church attendance stalemate, as the only church she is interested in is the only church i DON'T like

It's Lakewood, church, not gonna lie.

Anyway, we don't go anywhere because i can't get on board with the Osteen doctrine, and this morning she had the service on TV and i just had to go in there with this whole counter-sermon right at the end...

Joel was exhorting the congregation not to give up if their dreams were delayed, if "the promises they were standing on, the things they were believing for" did not happen right away

What? No. Unless the promise you mean is your redemption.

I used to attend Lakewood! With my other ex who was also susceptible. I put my foot down that time too when Vistoria told a story about a lady whose faith was wavering because she was "believing for a family" but she hadn't found a man yet.

Victoria explained that she told the lady to believe harder and she got a man and a baby, too, and if she could you can, too!


You're not making a deal with God! You are gratefully accepting mercy that you will never deserve, is what I learned.

Anyway, Second Baptist came on next and THEIR whole sermon was on Job. :superfunny:

I see what you did there, God.

(ETA: channel has been changed)

MsTinkerbelly 11-09-2017 08:43 AM

Thanks be to God for blessings received, and for foolish wants unanswered.

I sit here at the rise of the Sun, so grateful for a warm home and a loving heart to share it with.

For the person who repped a prior post, thank you for bringing this thread back to my attention. (f)

Gayandgray 08-09-2020 04:57 PM

BUMP BUMP!!!!!!!!!

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