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Gayandgray 03-28-2018 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by JDeere (Post 1203156)
Finding a conclusion to my medical issues when all my doctors collaborate and hopefully finding a job thats more understanding.

I hear ya about a more understanding job! One of my coworkers has a 14 month old baby that was hospitalized with that terrible flu this past winter, and can you believe she was written up for not coming to work?? Her child almost died! If my spouse was in that situation I wouldn’t have been at work either. A lot of jobs nowadays have very little regard for the health of their employees and the employee’s families.

girl_dee 03-28-2018 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by girl_dee (Post 1202527)
when we spend our first night together in the new place. Will be so very special.

THIS! ~~~~~~

girl_dee 03-29-2018 06:09 PM

a solo road trip on Saturday

Gayandgray 03-30-2018 04:47 PM

Getting things straightened out so I can maybe (hopefully) start school sometime soon.:hangloose:

Chad 03-30-2018 09:29 PM

Looking forward
Taking mom out for a fancy lunch tomorrow and a family barbecue next weekend. Fun times!


Bčsame* 03-30-2018 10:35 PM

I received an invite for Easter. She lives out in the country,
So the drive will be just what I need!

Clyde 03-31-2018 12:20 AM

Moving :) Or more precisely, being DONE moving.

girl_dee 03-31-2018 03:28 AM

lunch at the beach today

Ascot 03-31-2018 10:16 AM

Half priced Easter candy :)

Blade 03-31-2018 12:13 PM


MOUNTAINS BEACH LAKE anywhere just Camping and fishing is all I crave!

Kenna 03-31-2018 04:34 PM

Getting over this flu and being well enough to drive the rest of the way home.

JDeere 03-31-2018 07:50 PM

Monday. Im getting a fade again. I cant stand longer hair.

Martina 03-31-2018 09:09 PM

Possible haircut for JDeere


JDeere 03-31-2018 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 1203803)

No maam. Thats tacky.

Breathless 04-01-2018 02:37 AM

Well... today was my daughter's last day at work for a while.. she is officially on maternity leave.. so I am looking forward to the arrival of my second grandbabe.. and extremely happy that I am getting to be a huge part of everything :) also grateful that I am able to keep up with the young ones..

Bčsame* 04-02-2018 06:03 PM

Getting wifi and cable hooked up. I can't do much on my phone. So you have been warned..I'll be leaving comments and back to posting pics!

girl_dee 04-02-2018 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Bčsame* (Post 1204031)
Getting wifi and cable hooked up. I can't do much on my phone. So you have been warned..I'll be leaving comments and back to posting pics!

YAY!!!! i am looking forward to this, and maybe seeing you in chat?? (hint hint)

girl_dee 04-02-2018 06:27 PM

getting my new sassy glasses.... will be nice to see more clearly!


Lyte 04-02-2018 08:17 PM

Let's take up a collection... see if we can get JD to it!! ;)

I'll start... $20.00. :p


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 1203803)

JDeere 04-02-2018 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lyte (Post 1204077)
Let's take up a collection... see if we can get JD to it!! ;)

I'll start... $20.00. :p

Hahaha already got my hair did and its not a HK either.:jester:

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