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Smiling 02-17-2014 07:34 AM

Oh! I almost forgot....
Tomorrow, too; but for an entirely different reason.

JAGG 02-17-2014 07:38 AM

open windows
flower gardens
Breakfast on the patio
outdoor adventures with my sunshine shadow

RockOn 02-17-2014 08:06 AM

Kind of excited about seeing what this day will bring.

In little ways, I notice I am starting to feel more like myself again. Feels pretty good too! :)

Bèsame* 02-17-2014 08:24 AM

Looking forward to...

My very new smile being completed!! My very LAST dental appointment. This has been in the works for the last nine months. My fear of dental work, has been overcome by my dentist and her team. They have been the best! I have been so lucky to have found them!

Then off to see the tax lady. Keeping my fingers crossed for good results$$

~baby~doll~ 02-17-2014 10:09 AM

i look forward to the coffee now brewing. i will drink it and read looking out the window at the snow falling.

JoSchmooze 02-17-2014 10:21 AM

I am so looking forward to being done with this client.....
Enough already with the passive aggressive shit.....


Jet 02-17-2014 04:03 PM

My dear friend Patty is going to give me a cut and color and trim my beard. (Take all the grey out and about 10 years off me.) She is a licensed barber and stylist and I'm looking forward to spending time with her after months of looking like a long-haired caveman. LOL. She and her husband Mike are good folks and it'll be nice to hear what's up in their world. This is a time of farewells before France and one of the last times I'll visit with her.

JustLovelyJenn 02-17-2014 04:31 PM

Tomorrow morning!!!

DaddyNik12 02-17-2014 05:58 PM

I look forward to being one bill debt free ,

I also am looking forward too march 8th :cigar2:
(wished it was sooner )

also looking forward to spring
( im so over this damn snow ) im about to entertain myself and the neighbors with a bulding a snow butch bahahahah

Leigh 02-17-2014 08:23 PM

My special visit next month :D

WingsOnFire 02-17-2014 08:56 PM

meeting my new poly sister in person.... that and torturing ~KnightsBlade~ with her help... :sunglass:

deb0670 02-17-2014 09:41 PM

Taking Trey to the vet tomorrow to hopefully get his stitches out and the cone of shame removed.
Letting Trey go back to his normal routine and be back in our bedroom and the freedom this will bring everyone.
To not having to sit on the front bathroom floor anymore to keep Trey company.
Looking forward to March so we can get a new bed that will allow us to sleep together instead of the two beds that are side by side.
To continuing with O/our Wedding plans and going dress shopping!
SOOO much more.

Kenna 02-18-2014 11:41 PM

After my son flies back to Colorado tomorrow... I'm looking forward to getting home Friday...and being greeted my all my furbabies and close friends,

Hey You 02-20-2014 04:33 AM

A few things at the moment but the most exciting is:

My first ever mardi gras parade is on in 9 days! Taking the motorbike down to Sydney next week for it.

PinkieLee 02-20-2014 08:30 AM

Just like Jagg...
I am looking forward to :

having the yard beautiful again with lush green grass
hands in the dirt, adding lots of pretty flowers back in the gardens & hanging baskets
lazy weekends spent in the pool with friends
coconut oil on warm suntanned skin

JustLovelyJenn 02-20-2014 09:07 AM

I am looking forward to Friday's date night and Saturday's family outing.

Barb42 02-22-2014 01:53 PM

A much needed night out with my cousin (more like my sister) doing the bingo thing & drinks after.. And hopefully a nice conversation later tonight..

Butterbean 02-22-2014 03:01 PM

I'm looking forward to graduating with my Master's degree on August 20. Woo hoo!

Chad 02-22-2014 03:32 PM

Looking forward to

I am looking forward to a beach vacation with my girlfriend soon!



cinnamongrrl 02-22-2014 05:20 PM

exploring the infinite possibilities that life has to offer......
a nice strong hug....after all these years...

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