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betenoire 05-27-2010 12:43 PM

Breaking it down - describe the Femme that you are
First, a RULE. Oh yes, a Rule. If you break it I will snatch you bald-headed.

You are to only speak about yourself and what you are. You are not permitted to frame your Femmeness in what you are not. If the Femme that someone else is is different from the Femme that you are is - good. That's how it's supposed to be. That's how individuality works. Your Femme and my Femme being different does not de-femme either of us.

Let's roll.

(I would go first, but I have to pee like you wouldn't believe. And I want more coffee.)

betenoire 05-27-2010 01:14 PM

I am rough and tumble. I can walk up to my 3rd floor apartment (no elevators!) with a pack on my back, a dufflebag over each shoulder, and a suitcase in each hand without breaking a sweat. If there's only one of something left and we both want it, I will offer to arm wrestle you for it. And I'll probably win.

I am clear lipgloss, black liquid eyeliner, and chipped nailpolish. I'm busy, okay? 5 days a week I am ponytails and no makeup at all. I don't look "better" with cosmetics on, I only look "different". I love flipflops, polkadots, OPI, vintage, short short bangs, knee-length skirts, cardigans, and chunky glasses. I will gleefully flip you off with one hand while fixing my lipgloss with the other.

I am self-sufficient. If I let you open the door for me or carry my books between classes - it's because I LET you. I'm doing you a much bigger favour than you are doing for me....believe me. I like my control. It's mine. If I give any of it up to you - you should probably feel pretty fucking special.

I am my father's daughter. Stubborn, opinionated, pottymouthed. If I hate you, I hate you for life. I remember what you did to me in the 4th grade and I do not want to add you on facebook.

I am a Gemini. I want to talk to you for hours provided we can change the topic of conversation every 3.5 minutes. I want you to like me, to really really like me. OOOOOOH glittery object! What was your name, again?

I am a whirlwind of contradictions. Totally badass but easily injured. Strong, fast, easily bored....but lazy. It is very important to me that there is always filtered water in the apartment, but not at all important to me that I remember to refill the Brita.

I am rock and roll. I know that David Bowie is god, and that early Johnny Cash is some of the most important music ever made. I love Morrissey when he's mean, not so much when he's sad. If the dj is playing music I like I'll be the first person on the dancefloor and the last person off it. I don't care that my hair is wet with sweat - I have some very important energy to burn. I think dancing is a solitary sport - I do not want to dance -with- you. I only want to dance -near- you.

My carbon footprint is tiny. My actual footprint, too.

SuperFemme 05-27-2010 01:48 PM

I'm a versatile and fluid kind of a Femme. I have strong opinions, and am not afraid to learn something or say that I am wrong.

I am all over the place willy nilly when it comes to what I choose to clothe myself in. I may get resentful when expectations are made regarding this.

I love my energy yet protect it all in one breathe. I love to love. I am fiercely loyal. The Femmes in my life are far more important to me than the butches in my life. I value those connections too, but have a tendency to hoard my Femme confidantes in a way that is just for us.

I drive a hybrid, recycle and take in strays (of both the human and animal variety). My carbon footprint in shrinking and my cankles are growing thanks to cancer. I'm cool with that. I am ready to die and plan to make sure those that love me have a great big party when that day comes.

I am all kinds of supporting roles: Mom, Sister, Daughter, Wife, Ally...the list is long. I am none of these things because I am Femme yet I am Femme when doing these things. One does not make the other for me.

I am raising a son and I love the males in my life. A lot. I protect that love as fiercely as I go after a pair of patent leather boots at a Barneys sale.

I am an original and there is no mold to break. I just am a Femme.

Chancie 05-27-2010 01:59 PM

Who the hell knows what kind of femme I am, but I was miserable when I thought I lost my hot pink graphing calculator, and I am generally happier when my nails are done. I have several goals to reach before I turn 50, and one of them is starting a robotics program at the high school where I teach math, and another is growing my well cared for hair to my waist.


diamondrose 05-27-2010 02:08 PM

I am a product of my mother- independent, particular about my kitchen,self sufficent, simple kind of woman, cherishing the simple pleasure in life.

I am a collector of many things colorful and flat goofie. I am a good time, a sure laugh, a ray of light on a gloomy day. I can strike a conversation with anyone easily and am that personality they can take to

I am that friend my femme friends can always count on to be there.

I am fiercly loyal, considerate, and highly intune to people
I am opionated , strong, and sure in what I believe in and passionate about things I hold closest to my heart like fairness in the world and animal rights.

I am that old fashion type house wife with a job. I am a cooker, nurturer, care giver in my palace called home.

I am not perfect and am okay with that. I face my battles and accept my outcomes with my chin held high

I am that dolled up woman on a friday night evening dinner and that barbuecing, fishing, camping, shorts and tee girl on a saturday summer afternoon

I am me

Heart 05-27-2010 02:10 PM

I am femme in an energistic, individual, idiosyncratic, inconsistent, natural, performative, deeply personal way.

I am also femme in a historical, social, political, cultural, community context.

Gemme 05-27-2010 02:22 PM

I am a Gemini femme in every way.

I bore easily.

I love the shinies and sparklies.

I give 100% when I dive into something. Of course, when I lose interest and embark on another venture, I give that one 100% too.

One of the most hurtful comments someone ever made to me was that I bored them. I take great pride in bringing excitement and variety to someone's life, even if things aren't always hunky dory, so that really hit me hard and deep.

I go from 0 to 60 in .2 seconds. I am Italian and have that temperament. Little stuff blows over quickly and without damage. Big stuff simmers like a pot of sauce for a long time and when I'm done, prepare for the big kaboom.

One minute, I am demure and soft and sweet and the next, I am crass and mean and sassy. Contradictions, yes. I have them. Embody them.

Terms used to describe me (by myself and others) include: finicky, selfish, giving, funny, bright, loud, quiet, vulnerable, defensive, annoying, pleasant, driven, lazy, chunky, tiny, private, open, fearless, scared shitless, bold, shy, talented, dramatic, wallflower, spirited, an emotional void, as well as umpteen others. I'm sure this has cleared up any questions one might have about who I am. :blink:

There are always multiple streams of thought in my head. I see every situation from multiple angles and, while I attempt to wade through the variables, people often assume I am wishy washy. I'm not...usually. I just want to make the very best decision and/or choice possible. Some times that takes time.

I have control issues. When I feel control is being taken from me, without my consent and without negotiation, I throw up walls.

I firmly believe in the mantra *my body, my choice*. I determine who and what touch my body and in what capacity. If someone doesn't respect that and my body, then it will be my choice to knock them on their ass. Despite my short stature, I am perfectly capable of doing just that.

While I am perfectly capable of many things, I derive pleasure from people doing things for me. Not because they think they should, but because they want to, and I want to do things for them. It's a cycle that, once in motion, is mutually symbiotic. I am his Princess; he is my Prince.

Music is life. I, literally and absolutely, would not be here...typing this...breathing air...without it. I don't care what anyone thinks, but I know for a fact that Madonna saved my life and, in return, she gets at least 15 songs on my MP3, always and forever. Even with over 1300 songs on it, that is devotion, man.

I have eclectic tastes. Musically, I love Madonna, Kelly Clarkson, Aretha, Marvin Gaye, Christina Aguilera, Nickelback, Daughtry, Disturbed, Rob Thomas, TSO, Tina Arena, Chaka Khan, Adam Lambert, 3 Doors Down, *Nsync, Timbaland, Missy Elliott, Annie Lennox/Eurythmics, Bianca Ryan, Black Eyed Peas, Carrie Underwood, Britney, Deborah Gibson, DJ Laz, Faith Hill, God-des and She, Hilary Duff, Leona Lewis, Maroon 5, Prince, Rick Spingfield, Rick James, James Brown, Three Days Grace, Vanessa Hudgens, Ciara, Everlife and about 5000 other singers, musicians, bands and groups.

I rarely have one favorite of anything. Mostly, it's my top 3 faves. I do have a favorite movie though. I decided, as a child watching it, that that was going to be my favorite and it was done.

I compartmentalize things very well.

I am a referential artist and crafter, though my skill level is minimal.

I never know what to say to someone when they suffer a great loss. I feel helpless in situations in which I don't know what the 'right' thing to do or say is.

I often end my sentences with prepositions and I don't care, even though I fancy myself a writer on occasion and am kind of a grammar snob (but only about certain things).

I am Wonderland and sometimes, I feel like Alice, lost deep within myself.

femmedyke 05-27-2010 02:27 PM

I am a total sweetheart with a bit of an edge; I hold doors, carry packages for old folks and smile at absolute strangers. I will also key your car if you look at me like that again, fucking creep.

When we watch the show “What would you do?” I can say that I would speak up on all scenarios about 99.75% of the time.

I’m wicked mouthy and have a sharp tongue but I’ll take it back if I make you cry.

I dig humanity, but its people I don’t really care for much; still, I never give up on them.

I do my best everyday to be mindful of our planet; be it recycling, buying local and organic or not shopping at big chain stores – I would like to think I can make a difference.

I cuss too much, laugh even more and cry more than that.

I can’t cook… I actually loathe it but will marathon bake at weird times during the year. (Maybe just so I can wear my red apron.)

I am short, busty and when I turned thirty I grew hips; these days I rather like them but I didn't so much when they showed up.

I rock short hair, dark lips and most recently, I fell in love with my eyelash curler. I prefer a rounded toe in heels but fucking love a chunky boot. I don’t wear a lot of jewelry, just sentimental pieces.

I have a flair for the dramatics and often live with my head in the clouds.

[read: flaky]

The_Lady_Snow 05-27-2010 04:30 PM

I am strong and gentle, I am fire and ice, I am kind and firm, I am Master, Daddy and a Mother. I am loyal and at times sensitive. I am a proud Leather Femme that protects her pack fiercely.

I am sister, mother, daughter and friend, I am loyal to each of these people of my life. I am dirty, mean, sadistic, and nasty when in my leather space, I am masculine and feminine as I swing.

I am a cock yielding, fuck you raw, make you cry kind of femme. I am Owner,
lover, confidant and oh yes I am curvy.

I am sexy, confident, unapologetic, non conforming in your face kinda bitch. I am twisted and sweet.

I am Sephora, NASCAR, football, laying in bed during a thunderstorm alone and enjoying life till the fullest because I am complete and need no one to validate my femme.

I am soft music, slow grinding on the dance floor, pin you on your back as a fuck you slowly and beg for more.

I am proud and honored to have the femme friends I have and would give my right arm for them.

I am soft laughter, talking all night, slap you in the face, and hold you tight when a storm comes in.

I am Alpha and for some Omega.

I am


Queer, Kinky, Raw


Nat 05-27-2010 05:05 PM

I wear makeup a few times a week and sometimes I shave my legs. My clothes are XXL and generally soft and eccentric and I'm growing my hair out. On the inside, I'm kinda gothy bohemian kittenish mermaidish person, but I'm not sure how much of that translates. My eccentricity comes across, from what I understand. I'm switchy, witchy, activist, feminist, lesbian, always growing or at least trying to.

I'm physically strong and wouldn't mind being stronger. I have a strong mother-bear side and then there's a part of me that's still a kid too. I do have a somewhat logical brain, but I am more intuitive/emotional/creative in general. I'm sensitive - which is good and bad. But then there are times when I'm insensitive, and those times are the ones I generally regret most.

I'm in a place lately where I'm just not so concerned at the moment with my place/niche in the world or in the community. I just seem to be seeking and maintaining peace inside myself. I just kinda feel like: take me or leave me as I am. I just want to be myself.

TickledPink 05-27-2010 06:37 PM

Always thinking. Maybe too much. Perhaps not enough.
I am a femme with no OFF switch.
Curious and not afraid to ask a question. Maybe afraid of the answers....
Sweet, polite and refined, unless you fuck with me or someone I love.
Totally un-refined and laid back with those I trust.
Girlie, whether in a dress or a ballcap.
I crave fear but I'm afraid.
I love music; reading, writing, playing, listening.
If you sing to me and feel it? You've captured my soul.
I love makeup or I can go without it. I'm still me.
I love heels as much as I love my flip-flops.
I'm addicted to CHERRY chapstick. No other flavor will do.
I am bubbly. Kinky. Shy. Not shy. Rough. Soft. Gentle. Strong.
Always dreaming of a better moment, but always happy in the one I'm in.

Spirit Dancer 05-27-2010 07:22 PM

I am femme from sun up to sun down
Someone's Mother, Partner, Daughter, Sister
and Friend.
Fierce and Loyal, Proud of who I am
I Cherish those close to me and protect
them as I do my own.
I'm a femme warrior, a medicine woman
some say two spirited, I am
fire and water.
I am me therefore I am femme.

ravfem 05-27-2010 08:55 PM

i am shy & outgoing, mellow & hyped up, love my alone time & always look forward to socializing.

i am a feminist. i am a 50's housewife. i am outspoken. i am submissive. i decide to whom i will defer and to whom i will not.

i love music. Barry Manilow, Limp Bizkit, Prince, The Carpenters, Paula Cole, Earth, Wind & Fire, Lil Wayne, Erykah Badu, Lucy Kaplansky, Seal, Queen, Frankie Valli, Cypress Hill, Sarah Mclachlan.... the list is endless. Music soothes my soul, makes me smile, makes me cry. i am connected to music.

i love people watching, listening to conversations, trying to figure people out.

i'll answer just about any question asked of me, unless i don't want to. Then i'll smile and say it's none of your business.

i am a bleeding heart liberal who believes in the death penalty.

i am honest, open, and easy to get along with...usually.

i am a mama. a babygirl. a gemini. i will listen to your problems and issues, try to sympathize with you and then try to solve all of your issues.

i am low key, calm and some say too mellow about life. i've been called lackadaisical. i try not to focus on tomorrow or yesterday. Today is a good day to focus on. i rarely get overly excited about things, on the outside anyway.

i have a little girl inside my soul who craves to come out & play and sit with Daddy & read stories and be spoiled rotten.

i am uncomfortable with too much attention focused on me, and i love attention from people i admire & respect. i worry about Daddy spending too much money and over-using Hys hands making me gifts....and i so look forward to every package. i love that Hy spoils me, even as i fuss at Hym for doing so.

i believe it's more important to be content than it is to be happy. i believe in love, but not happily ever after.

i hate getting my hands dirty. i love unique, quirky purses and i never wear matching socks. i don't like spending money on myself (clothes, shoes, make-up), but if i won the lottery, i'd have a small house remodeled into my closet.

i am a follower, not a leader. i'm comfortable in the background. And i love going to county council meetings and speaking my mind.

i believe for the most part, people are good. Everyone has someone they love and that loves them.

i try to never judge people or decide i know what's right better than they do. i don't like being rude, online or face-to-face.

And i love smilies.


Medusa 05-27-2010 09:17 PM

Im a Femme!

I'm a fierce hurricane (HERicane?) and a billowy cloud, a force of nature clearing paths and gentle breeze when I'm not. I'm all at once an angel and a ghost, a rock and a chameleon, glitter and smoke, sweat and blood, anger, tears, and violently beautiful.

I am a woman, a female, the infinite wisdom of myself and all of the women before me. I am a witch, a bitch, a feverish pitch. I am heartfelt apologies and knives of "You'll never take that from me." I am a survivor, a fist jammed in the air, a take-no-prisoners "give it ALL to me" explorer of this world.

I am fat and gorgeous and sexy. I am fingernails that are sometimes dirty and sometimes blood red. I am feet that need a pedicure and feet that are hammed into amazing pointy-toed heels. I am a gray hair and red hair and freckles and moles. I am stretch marks and scars and bad knees. I am a curvy fucking V-8 body and a mouth that you want to die in.

I am perfumed and glittered. I am sweaty and grimy. I am a closet full of clothes and "nothing to wear". I am a 3-time-College-dropout but got my fucking degree after 12 years. I am a member of Mensa who sometimes can't spell the word "knowledge".

I am nightmares and dreams, poetry and songs, 'B' movies and homemade cookies. I am an artist, a lover, an over-processor and an amazing friend. I am honest and sincere and intense and silly.

I am unladylike jokes and farting on the couch when I feel like it. I am drinking from the milk jug when you aren't looking. I am "would rather die than clean up dog vomit". I am irritated but compassionate, kind but no fool, hard as fuck but a soft place to land. I am nobody's Mother, somebody's sister, your friend, Father Time, Mother Earth, AND Baby New Year.

I'm gang-raped, cancer-ridden, busted jaw, black eyes, broke down, broken, rebuilt, damaged, and came back better than you even know. I am unafraid. I am fearless. I am brave. I am never ever ever willing to lay down and let someone beat me into a box. I am jumping up to fight back. I am jumping up to demand my space. I am jumping up to beat you off of my Sisters. I am standing up when I'm told to sit. I'm always here, and always gone. I'm orbiting and static.

I am a Motherfucking Femme and my world is my own because I built it with my own blood, sweat, and tears so wipe your feet before coming into my house or I'll have to put you outside.

I am ME and I'm just fine.

Gemme 05-27-2010 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 115853)
Im a Femme!

I'm a fierce hurricane (HERicane?) and a billowy cloud, a force of nature clearing paths and gentle breeze when I'm not. I'm all at once an angel and a ghost, a rock and a chameleon, glitter and smoke, sweat and blood, anger, tears, and violently beautiful.

I am a woman, a female, the infinite wisdom of myself and all of the women before me. I am a witch, a bitch, a feverish pitch. I am heartfelt apologies and knives of "You'll never take that from me." I am a survivor, a fist jammed in the air, a take-no-prisoners "give it ALL to me" explorer of this world.

I am fat and gorgeous and sexy. I am fingernails that are sometimes dirty and sometimes blood red. I am feet that need a pedicure and feet that are hammed into amazing pointy-toed heels. I am a gray hair and red hair and freckles and moles. I am stretch marks and scars and bad knees. I am a curvy fucking V-8 body and a mouth that you want to die in.

I am perfumed and glittered. I am sweaty and grimy. I am a closet full of clothes and "nothing to wear". I am a 3-time-College-dropout but got my fucking degree after 12 years. I am a member of Mensa who sometimes can't spell the word "knowledge".

I am nightmares and dreams, poetry and songs, 'B' movies and homemade cookies. I am an artist, a lover, an over-processor and an amazing friend. I am honest and sincere and intense and silly.

I am unladylike jokes and farting on the couch when I feel like it. I am drinking from the milk jug when you aren't looking. I am "would rather die than clean up dog vomit". I am irritated but compassionate, kind but no fool, hard as fuck but a soft place to land. I am nobody's Mother, somebody's sister, your friend, Father Time, Mother Earth, AND Baby New Year.

I'm gang-raped, cancer-ridden, busted jaw, black eyes, broke down, broken, rebuilt, damaged, and came back better than you even know. I am unafraid. I am fearless. I am brave. I am never ever ever willing to lay down and let someone beat me into a box. I am jumping up to fight back. I am jumping up to demand my space. I am jumping up to beat you off of my Sisters. I am standing up when I'm told to sit. I'm always here, and always gone. I'm orbiting and static.

I am a Motherfucking Femme and my world is my own because I built it with my own blood, sweat, and tears so wipe your feet before coming into my house or I'll have to put you outside.

I am ME and I'm just fine.

I read this as if it were spoken at a Def Jams poetry reading and it is fucking beautifully powerful.

MrSunshine 05-27-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 115853)
Im a Femme!

I'm a fierce hurricane (HERicane?) and a billowy cloud, a force of nature clearing paths and gentle breeze when I'm not. I'm all at once an angel and a ghost, a rock and a chameleon, glitter and smoke, sweat and blood, anger, tears, and violently beautiful.

I am a woman, a female, the infinite wisdom of myself and all of the women before me. I am a witch, a bitch, a feverish pitch. I am heartfelt apologies and knives of "You'll never take that from me." I am a survivor, a fist jammed in the air, a take-no-prisoners "give it ALL to me" explorer of this world.

I am fat and gorgeous and sexy. I am fingernails that are sometimes dirty and sometimes blood red. I am feet that need a pedicure and feet that are hammed into amazing pointy-toed heels. I am a gray hair and red hair and freckles and moles. I am stretch marks and scars and bad knees. I am a curvy fucking V-8 body and a mouth that you want to die in.

I am perfumed and glittered. I am sweaty and grimy. I am a closet full of clothes and "nothing to wear". I am a 3-time-College-dropout but got my fucking degree after 12 years. I am a member of Mensa who sometimes can't spell the word "knowledge".

I am nightmares and dreams, poetry and songs, 'B' movies and homemade cookies. I am an artist, a lover, an over-processor and an amazing friend. I am honest and sincere and intense and silly.

I am unladylike jokes and farting on the couch when I feel like it. I am drinking from the milk jug when you aren't looking. I am "would rather die than clean up dog vomit". I am irritated but compassionate, kind but no fool, hard as fuck but a soft place to land. I am nobody's Mother, somebody's sister, your friend, Father Time, Mother Earth, AND Baby New Year.

I'm gang-raped, cancer-ridden, busted jaw, black eyes, broke down, broken, rebuilt, damaged, and came back better than you even know. I am unafraid. I am fearless. I am brave. I am never ever ever willing to lay down and let someone beat me into a box. I am jumping up to fight back. I am jumping up to demand my space. I am jumping up to beat you off of my Sisters. I am standing up when I'm told to sit. I'm always here, and always gone. I'm orbiting and static.

I am a Motherfucking Femme and my world is my own because I built it with my own blood, sweat, and tears so wipe your feet before coming into my house or I'll have to put you outside.

I am ME and I'm just fine.

I am awestruck. Fuckin wow. Fucking beautiful!

gotoseagrl 05-27-2010 09:38 PM

good thread.

hmm. i am an old spirit and always have been. there is a sensitive place in my soul for things of the past. i am attracted to people older than myself. i consider myself very femme and am fiercely attracted to butches. i am very shy (writing this is a bit difficult, but i love the topic), reserved and introverted, though i will always find a way to be direct when i feel so compelled (see quote below). i am always very polite. i warm up easily to those with whom i effortlessly connect. i am usually "the quiet one." it is easier for me to express myself through writing or touching. in a bad situation i tend to draw into my shell at first. not a chatty type, but with the right people can spend endless hours going on and on. i am a homebody, but do love traveling. i am an over-thinker. i do believe in that space between self and thought. i am extremely passionate, but am generally not an extremist. i tend to admire passions of others whether i agree with them or not. i'm deeply moved when people are simply or unexpectedly kind and thoughtful. i am open to truth and exploration. i cannot do without honesty. i love learning. i embrace diversity. i think individuality is hot and blind conformity is not. i don't believe propriety is always necessary. i find it gratifying aligning to grids, but more aesthetically pleasing when they are broken (think David Carson & April Greiman). i am a hopeless romantic who has tried fighting it as a curse (lol). i am a marshmallow. i am very submissive and i like a clearly defined dynamic in a relationship. i love intimacy. i love partnership. i love exchanging "that glance" no matter the place. subtlety can be hot. so can raw straightforwardness. music and nature are my solace. beaches (any place with water), libraries and museums are my sanctuaries. i'm a nerd. i am hypersensitive to my environment. generally don't like big crowds or loud noises for an extreme amount of time. i love minimalism over extravagance. i love simple pleasures. i love laughing to tears. i tend to find extraordinary joy or peace in the smallest or most overlooked aspects of life. sometimes i just love darkness, silence and stillness. i am not a clothing label type of person. i'd rather shop for books or art over clothes. i don't wear fake nails, mine grow naturally. i stopped wearing makeup a few years ago but shaping eyebrows and keeping lips soft are a routine. i dress casually most of the time, but do enjoy dressing up whenever i have to. love boho style clothing and jewelry, though the only particular fashion i tend to adhere to is comfort. i love wearing long, comfy skirts, especially while treading on the shore or relaxing somewhere. i love dressing for fall & winter. i don't think i'll ever let my hair grow past my shoulders again. i prefer alternatives to fancy purses. i can be ready in less than an hour. i generally despise materialistic fluff. i don't like facades. i am a realist who loves to escape. i feel as though there are uncharted parts of my soul and can strongly sense things & places i've never truly experienced before. i am sincere.

dixie 05-27-2010 10:15 PM

I am a true Leo femme... I am definitely one of the most fiery, loud-mouthed, outspoken femmes you will ever meet...eventhough I tend to keep quiet and hide in the shadows until I feel it is my moment to shine. Had to learn the hard way not to overpower and try to take center stage...

I truly am fire and ice. I will heat to the boiling point and within mere seconds freeze solid as a stone. I can be the angriest I've ever been and in the blink of an eye be the happiest...

One day I'm rough neck, hardcore, trash-talking, foul-mouthed badass in leather and chains...next day I'm a shy, quiet wallflower in a breezy cotton jumper...day after that I'm an alluring, provocative, purring sex kitten-vixen-seductress in silk and 7-inch heels...

I am comfy: pony-tail, glasses and sweats with my nose stuck in a book...and yet I am glamourous: liquid black eyeliner, red lips, flowing almost-waist length black hair in an evening gown twirling the stem of a champagne glass between my manicured fingertips...

I am Sunday drives, picnics by the lake and hikes thru the woods...yet I am dinner parties, fund-raising galas/soirees, theatre and opera...

I'm big city woman yet oh so much small town girl...

I'm vicious and risk taking, yet compassionate and loyal...

I'm used, abused, forgotten and forsaken... I am loved, cared for, befriended and admired...

I will be your best friend or your worst enemy... your fantasy or your nightmare...

I am passion and impulse...yet I am stoic and control...

I am extremely intelligent with no common sense...yet i am common sense with not an intelligent thought floating in my head...

I will be the first to get the joke or I will laugh tomorrow at something you said yesterday...

I am so strong and so fearless...yet I am so fragile and so terrified...

I am granddaughter, daughter and mother...

I am acquaintance, friend, lover...

I am no one, yet someone...

I am so much more than this...yet sometimes nowhere near...

I am ME...nothing more...nothing less...

I am FEMME...

AtLast 05-27-2010 10:59 PM

WOW!!! This thread and the responses just RAWK!!! Thanks to all and all the new posts to come!!!

gotoseagrl 05-27-2010 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by dixielady (Post 115890)

I'm big city woman yet oh so much small town girl...

i am both as well.


Originally Posted by dixielady (Post 115890)

I am so strong and so fearless...yet I am so fragile and so terrified...

i find it to be quite an experience feeling so fragile while watching my breaking point stare me in the face and yet ... im still here.

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